function post($slug) { $article = get_article_by_slug($slug); if (isset($_POST['name']) && isset($_POST['body']) && strlen(trim($_POST['name'])) > 0 && strlen(trim($_POST['body'])) > 0) { save_comment($article['id'], trim($_POST['name']), trim($_POST['body'])); } header("Location: /article/{$slug}"); }
$error_message = "Cache cleared"; } else { $error_message = "Nicht authentifiziert. Fool."; } } elseif ($_POST[action] == "save") { $headtpl->SetVariable("titel", "Eintrag Speichern: {$entry['title']}"); if ($_SESSION[password] == $PASSWORD) { save_article($_POST[entry_id]); kill_cache($_POST[entry_id]); $error_message = "Geänderter Artikel gespeichert"; } else { $error_message = "Nicht authentifiziert. Fool."; } } elseif ($_POST[action] == "comment") { if ($_POST['id'] != "") { save_comment($_POST['id']); header("Location: index.php?action=entry&id={$_POST['id']}"); } else { $error_message = "Fehlende Angaben!."; } } else { $error_message = "Wrong POST action"; } } else { if ($_GET[action] != "") { if ($_GET[action] == "list") { $headtpl->SetVariable("titel", "Liste"); $tpl->loadTemplatefile("list.tpl.html", true, true); for ($s = ord('a'); $s <= ord('z'); $s++) { $c = chr($s); if ($entries = return_query("SELECT entry_id,title,date FROM enz_entries WHERE idx='{$c}' ORDER BY title")) {
die; } } else { header('Location: http://' . get_server_name() . $globals['base_url']); die; } $link = new Link(); $link->id = $comment->link; if (!$link->read()) { header('Location: http://' . get_server_name() . $globals['base_url']); die; } //$globals['link']=$link; //$globals['link_id']=$link->id; if ($_POST['process'] == 'editcomment') { save_comment(); } else { print_edit_form(); } function print_edit_form() { global $link, $comment, $current_user, $site_key, $globals; if ($current_user->user_level != 'god' && time() - $comment->date > $globals['comment_edit_time'] || $current_user->user_level == 'god' && time() - $comment->date > 10800) { // Allow the admin die; } $rows = min(40, max(substr_count($comment->content, "\n") * 2, 8)); echo '<div id="commentform" align="left">' . "\n"; echo '<form action="' . htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '" method="post" id="thisform" style="display:inline;">' . "\n"; echo '<fieldset><legend><span class="sign">' . _('editar comentario') . '</span></legend>' . "\n"; echo '<div style="float: right;">';
session_start(); require "../../../php_functions/connect.php"; require "../../../php_functions/function.php"; require "../../../php_functions/library.php"; require "../../../php_functions/source.php"; require "../../../php_functions/myclass.php"; $mc = new myclass(); $date_time = $mc->date_difference(); $comment = str_replace('\'', "\"", $_GET["comment"]); // $plno=$_GET["plno"]; $dtime = $date_time['date_time']; $mno = $_SESSION['mno']; $plno = $_SESSION['plno']; // echo "comment was $comment "; save_comment($plno, $mno, $comment, $dtime); function save_comment($plno, $mno, $comment, $dtime) { if (strlen($comment) > 0) { insert('posted_looks_comments', array('plno', 'mno', 'date_', 'msg'), array($plno, $mno, $dtime, tcleaner($comment)), 'plcno'); // echo "<span style='color:green'> succesfully post comment </span>"; } else { // echo " <span style='color:red' > failled to post comment </span>" ; } } $posted_comment = true; require 'commentDesign.php'; // echo " <li> comment design <li> "; ?>
function handle_response() { global $Conf, $Me, $prow, $crow; $rname = @trim($_REQUEST["response"]); $rnum = $Conf->resp_round_number($rname); if ($rnum === false && $rname) { return Conf::msg_error("No such response round “" . htmlspecialchars($rname) . "”."); } $rnum = (int) $rnum; if ($crow && @(int) $crow->commentRound !== $rnum) { $Conf->warnMsg("Attempt to change response round ignored."); $rnum = @+$crow->commentRound; } if (!($xcrow = $crow)) { $xcrow = (object) array("commentType" => COMMENTTYPE_RESPONSE, "commentRound" => $rnum); } if ($whyNot = $Me->perm_respond($prow, $xcrow, true)) { return Conf::msg_error(whyNotText($whyNot, "respond to reviews for")); } $text = @rtrim($_REQUEST["comment"]); if ($text === "" && !$crow) { return Conf::msg_error("Enter a response."); } save_comment($text, true, $rnum); }
if (empty($json->{'ShopRequesterId'}) || empty($json->{'ShopPartnerId'}) || empty($json->{'Name'}) || empty($json->{'Detail'})) { echo_invalid_param($json); } save_co_promotion($json); break; case OPCODE::SERVICE_SAVE_ACCEPT_COPROMOTION_REQUEST: if (empty($json->{'CoPromotionId'})) { echo_invalid_param($json); } save_accept_co_promotion($json); break; case OPCODE::SERVICE_SAVE_COMMENT_REQUEST: if (empty($json->{'ShopId'}) || empty($json->{'CommentText'})) { echo_invalid_param($json); } save_comment($json); break; case OPCODE::SERVICE_SAVE_PICTURE_REQUEST: if (empty($json->{'Name'}) || empty($json->{'ShopId'}) || empty($_FILES['file']['name'])) { echo_invalid_param($json); } save_picture($json); break; } function register_owner($json) { $database = new Database(); $userTbl = $database->getUserTbl(); $ownerTbl = $database->getOwnerTbl(); $exist = $userTbl->isExisted($json->{'Email'}); if ($exist) {
} elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['id']) && ($id = intval($_REQUEST['id'])) > 0) { $comment = Comment::from_db($id); if (!$comment) { die; } $link_id = $comment->link; } $link = Link::from_db($link_id); if (!$link) { die; } if (!$current_user->authenticated || $current_user->user_karma < $globals['min_karma_for_comments'] || $current_user->user_date > $globals['now'] - $globals['min_time_for_comments'] && $current_user->user_id != $link->author) { die; } if ($_POST['process'] == 'editcomment') { save_comment($comment, $link); } else { print_edit_form($comment, $link); } function print_edit_form($comment, $link) { global $current_user, $site_key, $globals, $reply_to; $data = array(); $html = ''; if ($comment->id == 0) { $comment->randkey = rand(1000000, 100000000); } $html .= '<div class="commentform">'; $html .= '<form action="' . $globals['base_url'] . "comment_ajax?reply_to={$reply_to}&link={$link->id}&id={$comment->id}&user={$current_user->user_id}" . '" class="comment" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="c_edit_form">'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="randkey" value="' . $comment->randkey . '" />'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="process" value="editcomment" />';
// gatekeeper $question_id = get_input('question_id'); $endpoint = '' . $question_id . '?type=jsontext&body=true&answers=true&comments=true'; $response = json_decode(http_inflate(file_get_contents($endpoint))); $questions = $response->questions[0]; $question_title = $questions->title; $question_body = add_link_to_original($questions->body, $question_id); $answers = $questions->answers; $elgg_question = save_question($question_title, $question_body); foreach ($answers as $answer) { $answer_body = $answer->body; $elgg_answer = save_answer($elgg_question, $answer_body); $comments = $answer->comments; foreach ($comments as $comment) { $comment = $comment->body; save_comment($elgg_answer, $comment); } } echo json_encode(array('success' => true)); die; function add_link_to_original($body, $question_id) { $url = '' . $question_id; $message = "<div style='border:2px solid green;'>See the original question at <a href='{$url}'>Stackoverflow</a></div>"; return "{$message}{$body}"; } function save_answer($elgg_question, $answer_body) { $answer = new ElggObject(); $answer->subtype = "answer"; $answer->description = $answer_body;
</tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Comments </td> <td><textarea name="comments" cols="40" rows="5"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($defaults['comments']); ?> </textarea> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Submit Comments" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php } if ($_POST) { $errors = validate_form($_POST); if ($errors) { echo "<p>Sorry, we are unable to process your submission because:</p><ul><li>", implode('</li><li>', $errors), "</li></ul>", "<p>Please correct your form below and re-submit it</p>"; display_form($_POST); } else { save_comment($_POST) or die("Sorry, our guestbook is out of order. Please try again later"); display_comments() or die("Sorry, our guestbook is out of order. Please try again later"); display_form($defaults); } } else { display_comments() or die("Sorry, our guestbook is out of order. Please try again later"); display_form($defaults); }