Beispiel #1
$useFCK = file_exists(PGV_ROOT . 'modules/FCKeditor/fckeditor.php');
if ($useFCK) {
    require PGV_ROOT . 'modules/FCKeditor/fckeditor.php';
if (!PGV_USER_ID) {
    print $pgv_lang["access_denied"];
$action = safe_GET('action', array('compose', 'save', 'delete'), 'compose');
$news_id = safe_GET('news_id');
$username = safe_REQUEST($_REQUEST, 'username');
$date = safe_POST('date', PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE);
$title = safe_POST('title', PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE);
$text = safe_POST('text', PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE);
if (empty($username)) {
    $username = $GEDCOM;
if ($action == "compose") {
    print '<span class="subheaders">' . $pgv_lang["edit_news"] . '</span>';
	<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
		function checkForm(frm) {
			if (frm.title.value=="") {
    print $pgv_lang["enter_title"];
Beispiel #2
 if ($error == "" && empty($_FILES["mediafile"]["name"]) && !empty($_FILES["thumbnail"]["name"])) {
     // Copy user-supplied thumbnail file into the main destination directory
     $whichFile1 = $realThumbFolderName . $mediaFile;
     $whichFile2 = $realFolderName . $mediaFile;
     if (!copy(filename_decode($whichFile1), filename_decode($whichFile2))) {
         // the file cannot be copied
         $error .= $pgv_lang["upload_error"] . "<br />" . print_text('copy_error', 0, 1) . "<br />";
     } else {
         @chmod(filename_decode($whichFile2), PGV_PERM_FILE);
         AddToLog("Media file {$folderName}{$mediaFile} copied from {$thumbFolderName}{$mediaFile}");
 if ($error == "" && !empty($_FILES["mediafile"]["name"]) && empty($_FILES["thumbnail"]["name"])) {
     if (safe_POST('genthumb', 'yes', 'no') == 'yes') {
         // Generate thumbnail from main image
         $parts = pathinfo_utf($mediaFile);
         if (!empty($parts["extension"])) {
             $ext = strtolower($parts["extension"]);
             if (isImageTypeSupported($ext)) {
                 $thumbnail = $thumbFolderName . $mediaFile;
                 $okThumb = generate_thumbnail($folderName . $mediaFile, $thumbnail, "OVERWRITE");
                 if (!$okThumb) {
                     $error .= print_text("thumbgen_error", 0, 1);
                 } else {
                     print "<br />";
                     AddToLog("Media thumbnail {$thumbnail} generated");
function addNewFact($fact)
    global $tagSOUR, $ADVANCED_PLAC_FACTS;
    $FACT = safe_POST($fact, PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE);
    $DATE = safe_POST("{$fact}_DATE", PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE);
    $PLAC = safe_POST("{$fact}_PLAC", PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE);
    if ($DATE || $PLAC || $FACT && $FACT != 'Y') {
        if ($FACT && $FACT != 'Y') {
            $gedrec = "1 {$fact} {$FACT}\n";
        } else {
            $gedrec = "1 {$fact}\n";
        if ($DATE) {
            $DATE = check_input_date($DATE);
            $gedrec .= "2 DATE {$DATE}\n";
        if ($PLAC) {
            $gedrec .= "2 PLAC {$PLAC}\n";
            if (preg_match_all('/(' . PGV_REGEX_TAG . ')/', $ADVANCED_PLAC_FACTS, $match)) {
                foreach ($match[1] as $tag) {
                    $TAG = safe_POST("{$fact}_{$tag}", PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE);
                    if ($TAG) {
                        $gedrec .= "3 {$tag} {$TAG}\n";
            $LATI = safe_POST("{$fact}_LATI", PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE);
            $LONG = safe_POST("{$fact}_LONG", PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE);
            if ($LATI || $LONG) {
                $gedrec .= "3 MAP\n4 LATI {$LATI}\n4 LONG {$LONG}\n";
        if (safe_POST_bool("SOUR_{$fact}")) {
            return updateSOUR($gedrec, 2);
        } else {
            return $gedrec;
    } elseif ($FACT == 'Y') {
        if (safe_POST_bool("SOUR_{$fact}")) {
            return updateSOUR("1 {$fact} Y\n", 2);
        } else {
            return "1 {$fact} Y\n";
    } else {
        return '';
Beispiel #4
// Default values
if (isset($GEDCOM) && array_key_exists($GEDCOM, $all_geds)) {
    $default_ged = $GEDCOM;
} else {
    $tmp = array_keys($all_geds);
    $default_ged = $tmp[0];
    // First gedcom in directory
$ged = safe_POST('ged', array_keys($all_geds), $default_ged);
$err_level = safe_POST('err_level', '[0-3]', $critical);
// Higher numbers are more picky.
$openinnew = safe_POST('openinnew', '[01]', '0');
// Open links in same/new tab/window
$context_lines = safe_POST('context_lines', '[0-5]', '2');
// Lines of context to display
$showall = safe_POST('showall', '[01]', '0');
// Show details of records with no problems
echo '<form method="post" name="gedcheck" action="gedcheck.php">';
echo '<table class="list_table ', $TEXT_DIRECTION, '">';
echo '<tr><td class="list_label">', $pgv_lang['gedcom_file'], '</td>';
echo '<td class="optionbox"><select name="ged">';
foreach ($all_geds as $key => $value) {
    echo '<option value="', htmlspecialchars($key), '"', $key == $ged ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', htmlspecialchars($key), '</option>';
echo '</select></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td class="list_label">', $pgv_lang['level'], '</td>';
echo '<td class="optionbox"><select name="err_level">';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($levels); $i++) {
    echo '<option value="', $i, '"', $i == $err_level ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $levels[$i], '</option>';
echo '</select></td></tr>';
Beispiel #5
include_once PHPGEDVIEW_PKG_PATH . 'BitGEDCOM.php';
$gGedcom = new BitGEDCOM();
// leave manual config until we can move it to bitweaver table
require "config.php";
require_once './includes/functions/functions_edit.php';
require_once './includes/functions/functions_import.php';
if (file_exists($factsfile[$LANGUAGE])) {
    require $factsfile[$LANGUAGE];
$ged = $GEDCOM;
$gid1 = safe_POST_xref('gid1');
$gid2 = safe_POST_xref('gid2');
$action = safe_POST('action', PGV_REGEX_ALPHA, 'choose');
$ged2 = safe_POST('ged2', PGV_REGEX_NOSCRIPT, $GEDCOM);
$keep1 = safe_POST('keep1', PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE);
$keep2 = safe_POST('keep2', PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE);
if (empty($keep1)) {
    $keep1 = array();
if (empty($keep2)) {
    $keep2 = array();
    require './js/autocomplete.js.htm';
//-- make sure they have accept access privileges
    print "<span class=\"error\">" . $pgv_lang["access_denied"] . "</span>";
Beispiel #6
function safe_POST_xref($var, $default = null)
    return safe_POST($var, PGV_REGEX_XREF, $default);
Beispiel #7
    $ALL_THEME_DIRS[] = $themedir;
// Extract form variables
$form_action = safe_POST('form_action');
$form_username = safe_POST('form_username', PGV_REGEX_USERNAME);
$form_firstname = safe_POST('form_firstname');
$form_lastname = safe_POST('form_lastname');
$form_pass1 = safe_POST('form_pass1', PGV_REGEX_PASSWORD);
$form_pass2 = safe_POST('form_pass2', PGV_REGEX_PASSWORD);
$form_email = safe_POST('form_email', PGV_REGEX_EMAIL, '*****@*****.**');
$form_rootid = safe_POST('form_rootid', PGV_REGEX_XREF, PGV_USER_ROOT_ID);
$form_theme = safe_POST('form_theme', $ALL_THEME_DIRS, $THEME_DIR);
$form_language = safe_POST('form_language', array_keys($pgv_language), $LANGUAGE);
$form_contact_method = safe_POST('form_contact_method', $ALL_CONTACT_METHODS, $CONTACT_METHOD);
$form_default_tab = safe_POST('form_default_tab', array_keys($ALL_DEFAULT_TABS), $GEDCOM_DEFAULT_TAB);
$form_visible_online = safe_POST('form_visible_online', 'Y', 'N');
// Respond to form action
if ($form_action == 'update') {
    if ($form_username != PGV_USER_NAME && get_user_id($form_username)) {
        echo '<span class="error">', $pgv_lang['duplicate_username'], '</span><br />';
    } else {
        $alphabet = getAlphabet() . '_-. ';
        $i = 1;
        $pass = true;
        while (strlen($form_username) > $i) {
            if (stristr($alphabet, $form_username[$i]) === false) {
                $pass = false;
 function init()
     // Cannot edit with a "remember me" login.
     if ($_SESSION["cookie_login"]) {
         header('Location: ' . encode_url("login.php?type=simple&url=" . urlencode("edit_interface.php?" . decode_url($QUERY_STRING)), false));
     // Coming soon ???
     $this->has_familysearch = file_exists('modules/FamilySearch/familySearchWrapper.php');
     if ($this->has_familysearch) {
         require_once 'modules/FamilySearch/familySearchWrapper.php';
     // The PID can come from a URL or a form
     $this->pid = safe_REQUEST($_REQUEST, 'pid', PGV_REGEX_XREF);
     $this->person = Person::getInstance($this->pid);
     $this->server_list = get_server_list();
     $this->gedcom_list = get_all_gedcoms();
     // Other input values come from the form
     $this->form_txtPID = safe_POST('txtPID', PGV_REGEX_XREF);
     $this->form_cbRelationship = safe_POST('cbRelationship');
     $this->form_location = safe_POST('location');
     $this->form_txtURL = safe_POST('txtURL', PGV_REGEX_URL);
     $this->form_txtTitle = safe_POST('txtTitle', '[^<>"%{};]+');
     $this->form_txtGID = safe_POST('txtGID', $this->gedcom_list);
     $this->form_txtUsername = safe_POST('txtUsername', PGV_REGEX_USERNAME);
     $this->form_txtPassword = safe_POST('txtPassword', PGV_REGEX_PASSWORD);
     $this->form_cbExistingServers = safe_POST('cbExistingServers', array_keys($this->server_list));
     $this->form_txtCB_Title = safe_POST('txtCB_Title', '[^<>"%{};]+');
     $this->form_txtCB_GID = safe_POST('txtCB_GID', $this->gedcom_list);
     $this->form_txtFS_URL = safe_POST('txtFS_URL', PGV_REGEX_URL);
     $this->form_txtFS_Title = safe_POST('txtFS_Title', '[^<>"%{};]+');
     $this->form_txtFS_GID = safe_POST('txtFS_GID', $this->gedcom_list);
     $this->form_txtFS_Username = safe_POST('txtFS_Username', PGV_REGEX_USERNAME);
     $this->form_txtFS_Password = safe_POST('txtFS_Password', PGV_REGEX_PASSWORD);
     if (is_null($this->form_location)) {
         if ($this->server_list) {
             $this->form_location = 'existing';
         } else {
             $this->form_location = 'remote';
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
* @package PhpGedView
* @subpackage Charts
* @version $Id: addremotelink.php 6879 2010-01-30 11:35:46Z fisharebest $
define('PGV_SCRIPT_NAME', 'addremotelink.php');
require './config.php';
require PGV_ROOT . 'includes/controllers/remotelink_ctrl.php';
$controller = new RemoteLinkController();
$pid = safe_REQUEST($_REQUEST, 'pid', PGV_REGEX_XREF);
$action = safe_POST('action', array('addlink'));
//-- only allow gedcom admins to create remote links
if (!$controller->canAccess()) {
    echo '<span class="error">', $pgv_lang['access_denied'], '<br />';
        echo $pgv_lang['user_cannot_edit'];
    } else {
        if (!$ALLOW_EDIT_GEDCOM) {
            echo $pgv_lang['gedcom_editing_disabled'];
        } else {
            echo $pgv_lang['privacy_prevented_editing'];
            if ($pid) {
                echo '<br />', $pgv_lang['privacy_not_granted'], ' ', $pid;
Beispiel #10
$v_new_user_privacy_username = safe_POST('v_new_user_privacy_username', get_all_users());
$v_new_user_privacy_access_ID = safe_POST('v_new_user_privacy_access_ID', PGV_REGEX_XREF);
$v_new_user_privacy_access_option = safe_POST('v_new_user_privacy_access_option', $PRIVACY_CONSTANTS);
$v_user_privacy_del = safe_POST('v_user_privacy_del', '1');
$v_user_privacy = safe_POST('v_user_privacy');
$v_new_global_facts_abbr = safe_POST('v_new_global_facts_abbr', array_keys($factarray));
$v_new_global_facts_choice = safe_POST('v_new_global_facts_choice', array('show', 'details'));
$v_new_global_facts_access_option = safe_POST('v_new_global_facts_access_option', $PRIVACY_CONSTANTS);
$v_global_facts_del = safe_POST('v_global_facts_del', '1');
$v_global_facts = safe_POST('v_global_facts');
$v_new_person_facts_access_ID = safe_POST('v_new_person_facts_access_ID', PGV_REGEX_XREF);
$v_new_person_facts_abbr = safe_POST('v_new_person_facts_abbr', array_keys($factarray));
$v_new_person_facts_choice = safe_POST('v_new_person_facts_choice', array('show', 'details'));
$v_new_person_facts_access_option = safe_POST('v_new_person_facts_access_option', $PRIVACY_CONSTANTS);
$v_person_facts_del = safe_POST('v_person_facts_del', '1');
$v_person_facts = safe_POST('v_person_facts');
// These values may not be present in privacy files created by old versions of PGV
if (!isset($PRIVACY_BY_YEAR)) {
    $PRIVACY_BY_YEAR = false;
if (!isset($MAX_ALIVE_AGE)) {
    $MAX_ALIVE_AGE = 120;
 * print yes/no select option
 * @param string $checkVar
function write_yes_no($checkVar)
    global $pgv_lang;
 if (PGV_DEBUG) {
     echo "<pre>{$gedrec}</pre>";
 $xref = append_gedrec($gedrec, $update_CHAN);
 $link = "individual.php?pid={$xref}&show_changes=yes";
 if ($xref) {
     echo "<br /><br />", $pgv_lang["update_successful"];
 } else {
 $spouserec = $gedrec;
 $success = true;
 if ($famid == "new") {
     $famrec = "0 @new@ FAM\n";
     $SEX = safe_POST('SEX', '[MF]', 'U');
     if ($SEX == "M") {
         $famtag = "HUSB";
     if ($SEX == "F") {
         $famtag = "WIFE";
     if ($famtag == "HUSB") {
         $famrec .= "1 HUSB @{$xref}@\n";
         $famrec .= "1 WIFE @{$pid}@\n";
     } else {
         $famrec .= "1 WIFE @{$xref}@\n";
         $famrec .= "1 HUSB @{$pid}@\n";
     if (preg_match_all('/([A-Z0-9_]+)/', $QUICK_REQUIRED_FAMFACTS, $matches)) {
         foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {