$value = trim($value); } $value = stripslashes_deep($value); $s4w_settings[$option] = $value; } // if we are in single server mode set the server types to master // and configure the master server to the values of the single server if ($s4w_settings['s4w_connect_type'] == 'solr_single') { $s4w_settings['s4w_server']['info']['master'] = $s4w_settings['s4w_server']['info']['single']; $s4w_settings['s4w_server']['type']['search'] = 'master'; $s4w_settings['s4w_server']['type']['update'] = 'master'; } else { $s4w_settings['s4w_server']['info']['single'] = $s4w_settings['s4w_server']['info']['master']; } //lets save our options array s4w_update_option($s4w_settings); //we need to make call for the options again //as we need them to come out in an a sanitised format //otherwise fields that need to run s4w_filter_list2str will come up with nothin $s4w_settings = s4w_get_option('plugin_s4w_settings'); ?> <div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong><?php _e('Success!', 'solr4wp'); ?> </strong></p></div> <?php } # checks if we need to check the checkbox function s4w_checkCheckbox($fieldValue, $option = array(), $field = false) { $option_value = is_array($option) && $field ? $option[$field] : $option;
function s4w_apply_config_to_blog($blogid) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "applying config to blog with id {$blogid}"); if (!is_multisite()) { return; } wp_cache_flush(); $plugin_s4w_settings = s4w_get_option(); switch_to_blog($blogid); wp_cache_flush(); s4w_update_option($plugin_s4w_settings); restore_current_blog(); wp_cache_flush(); }