function load_datasets(array $array)
    static $cache = [];
    echo "+ ";
    $_mem = memory_get_peak_usage();
    $_time = microtime(true);
    foreach ($array as $ds) {
        echo "{$ds} ";
        $cache[$ds] = ryzom_extra_load_dataset(RYZOM_EXTRA_SHEETS_CACHE . '/' . $ds . '.serial');
    echo "\n";
    printf("% 15s bytes\n", number_format(memory_get_peak_usage() - $_mem, 2, '.', ','));
 * Return unformatted skilltree list
 * @return unknown_type
function ryzom_skilltree()
    static $cache = array();
    if (empty($cache)) {
        $file = sprintf('%s/data/skilltree.serial', RYZOM_EXTRA_PATH);
        $cache = ryzom_extra_load_dataset($file);
    return $cache;
 * Load visual_slot.serial file
 * @return array
function ryzom_extra_load_vs()
    static $cache = array();
    if (empty($cache)) {
        $file = sprintf('%s/visual_slot.serial', RYZOM_EXTRA_SHEETS_CACHE);
        $cache = ryzom_extra_load_dataset($file);
    return $cache;
$title_room_other = "item in the bazaar room";
$title_room_material = "material";
$title_room_armory = "weapon";
$title_room_ampli = "magic amplifier";
$title_room_range = "range weapon";
$title_room_jewel = "jewel";
$title_room_dressing = "cloth";
$str_language_fr = "a French Label";
$str_language_en = "an English Label";
$str_language_de = "a German Label";
foreach ($all_lang as $lang) {
    // include translation file if needed
    if (!isset($cache[$_ext][$lang])) {
        // use serialize/unserialize saves lot of memory
        $file = sprintf('%s/data/words_%s_%s.serial', RYZOM_EXTRA_PATH, $lang, $_ext);
        $cache[$_ext][$lang] = ryzom_extra_load_dataset($file);
    foreach ($all_room as $room) {
        $title_room = "title_room_" . $room;
        $str_language = "str_language_" . $lang;
        $file = FLUKER_LOCAL_PATH . $lang . ".code_" . $room . ".php";
        if (!file_exists($file) || is_writable($file)) {
            $fp = fopen($file, "wb");
            if (isset($fp)) {
                if (fwrite($fp, "<?php\n") === FALSE) {
                    throw new Exception(__("Can not write in the file") . " " . $file . ".");
                if (fwrite($fp, "/** \file\n") === FALSE) {
                    throw new Exception(__("Can not write in the file") . " " . $file . ".");
                if (fwrite($fp, " * \\brief Translate ryzom code of {${$title_room}} to {${$str_language}}.\n") === FALSE) {

require_once __DIR__ . '/../ryzom_extra.php';
if (!isset($argv[1])) {
    echo "{$argv[0]} <dataset>\n";
$dataset = $argv[1];
if (substr($dataset, -7) !== '.serial') {
    $dataset .= '.serial';
$file = RYZOM_EXTRA_SHEETS_CACHE . '/' . $dataset;
$data = ryzom_extra_load_dataset($file);