function checkETag($withDB = true, $keyPrefix = "", $cacheValidity = 0) { $key = $keyPrefix . '$Revision$' . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; if ($withDB) { list($dt) = rss_fetch_row(rss_query('select timestamp from ' . getTable('cache') . " where cachekey='data_ts'")); $key .= $dt; } if (array_key_exists(RSS_USER_COOKIE, $_REQUEST)) { $key .= $_REQUEST[RSS_USER_COOKIE]; } $key = md5($key); if (array_key_exists('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH', $_SERVER) && $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] == $key) { header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified"); header("X-RSS-CACHE-STATUS: HIT"); header("ETag: {$key}"); flush(); exit; } else { header("ETag: {$key}"); header("X-RSS-CACHE-STATUS: MISS"); if ($cacheValidity) { header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $cacheValidity * 3600) . 'GMT'); } } }
function rss_toolkit_channels_combo($id, $all_channels_id = ALL_CHANNELS_ID, $selected = 0, $showDeprecated = false) { $ret = "\t\t<select name=\"{$id}\" id=\"{$id}\">\n" . "\t\t\t<option value=\"" . $all_channels_id . "\"" . (0 == $selected ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") . ">" . __('All') . "</option>\n"; $sql = "select " . ", c.title,, " . " from " . getTable("channels") . " c " . " inner join " . getTable("folders") . " f " . " on = c.parent "; if (hidePrivate()) { $sql .= " and not(c.mode & " . RSS_MODE_PRIVATE_STATE . ") "; } if (false == $showDeprecated) { $sql .= " and not(c.mode & " . RSS_MODE_DELETED_STATE . ") "; } $sql .= " order by " . (getConfig('rss.config.absoluteordering') ? "f.position asc, c.position asc" : " asc, c.title asc"); $res = rss_query($sql); $prev_parent = -1; while (list($id_, $title_, $parent_, $parent_id_) = rss_fetch_row($res)) { if ($prev_parent != $parent_id_) { if ($prev_parent > -1) { $ret .= "\t\t\t</optgroup>\n"; } if ($parent_ == "") { $parent_ = __('Root'); } $ret .= "\t\t\t<optgroup label=\"{$parent_} /\">\n"; $prev_parent = $parent_id_; } if (strlen($title_) > 25) { $title_ = substr($title_, 0, 22) . "..."; } $ret .= "\t\t\t\t<option value=\"{$id_}\"" . ($selected == $id_ ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") . ">{$title_}</option>\n"; } if ($prev_parent != 0) { $ret .= "\t\t\t</optgroup>\n"; } $ret .= "\t\t</select>\n"; return $ret; }
function relatedTags($tags) { /* related tags */ $twhere = ""; foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag = rss_real_escape_string($tag); $twhere .= "t.tag='{$tag}' or "; } $twhere .= "1=0"; $sql = "select fid,tid,m.tdate from " . getTable('metatag') . " m " . "inner join " . getTable('tag') . " t on = m.tid where m.ttype = 'item'" . " and ({$twhere})"; //echo $sql; $res = rss_query($sql); $fids = array(); $ctid = -1; while (list($fid, $tid) = rss_fetch_row($res)) { $fids[] = $fid; $tids[] = $tid; } $fids = array_unique($fids); $tids = array_unique($tids); $rtags = array(); if (count($fids)) { $sql = "select t.tag, count(*) as cnt from " . getTable('metatag') . " m left join " . getTable('item') . " i on ( " . " inner join " . getTable('tag') . " t on ( = m.tid) " . " where m.fid in (" . implode(",", $fids) . ")" . " and not in (" . implode(",", $tids) . ")"; if (hidePrivate()) { $sql .= " and not(i.unread & " . RSS_MODE_PRIVATE_STATE . ") "; } $sql .= " group by t.tag order by cnt desc"; //echo $sql; $res = rss_query($sql); while (list($rtag, $cnt) = rss_fetch_row($res)) { $rtags[$rtag] = $cnt; } } return $rtags; }
function render() { $res = rss_query("select url from " . getTable("channels") . " where id = " . $this->fid); if (!defined('MAGPIE_DEBUG') || !MAGPIE_DEBUG) { define('MAGPIE_DEBUG', true); } list($url) = rss_fetch_row($res); define('MAGPIE_CACHE_ON', false); $rss = fetch_rss($url); echo "<pre>\n"; echo htmlentities(print_r($rss, 1)); echo "</pre>\n"; }
function __exp__getFromDelicious($id) { list($url) = rss_fetch_row(rss_query('select url from ' . getTable('item') . " where id={$id}")); $ret = array(); $durl = "" . md5($url) . "?settagview=list"; $bfr = getUrl($durl, 3000); if ($bfr) { define('DLSRX', '|<a href="/tag/([^"]+)".*>\\1</a>|U'); if ($bfr && preg_match_all(DLSRX, $bfr, $hits, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { $hits = array_slice($hits, 0, MAX_TAGS_PER_ITEM); foreach ($hits as $hit) { $ret[] = $hit[1]; } } } return "{$id}," . implode(" ", $ret); }
function set_admin_pass($uname = null, $pass = null) { $sql = "select count(*) from " . getTable('users') . " where password != '' and ulevel >=99"; list($adminexists) = rss_fetch_row(rss_query($sql)); if ($adminexists) { die('Oops. Admin already exists!'); } if ($uname && $pass) { rss_query("update " . getTable('users') . " set uname='{$uname}', " . "password='******' where ulevel=99"); rss_invalidate_cache(); rss_redirect('admin/'); exit; } admin_header(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function on_submit_password_match() { pass=document.getElementById('password').value; pass2=document.getElementById('password2').value; if(pass !== pass2){ msg = '<?php echo __('Passwords do not match!'); ?> '; document.getElementById('admin_match_result').innerHTML = msg; document.getElementById('password').value = ''; document.getElementById('password2').value = ''; return false; }else{ document.getElementById('password2').value = ''; return loginHandler(); } } --> </script> <?php echo "\n<div id=\"channel_admin\" class=\"frame\">"; echo "<h2></h2>\n" . __('<p>No Administrator has been specified yet!</p><p>Please provide an Administrator username and password now!</p>'); echo "<form action=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\" onsubmit=\"return on_submit_password_match();\" method=\"post\">\n" . "<fieldset style=\"width:400px;\">" . "<p><label style=\"display:block\" for=\"username\">" . __('Username') . ":</label>\n" . "<input type=\"text\" id=\"username\" name=\"username\" /></p>\n" . "<p><label style=\"display:block\" for=\"password\">" . __('Password') . ":</label>\n" . "<input type=\"password\" id=\"password\" name=\"password\" /></p>\n" . "<p><label style=\"display:block\" for=\"password2\">" . __('Password (again)') . ":</label>\n" . "<input type=\"password\" id=\"password2\" name=\"password2\" /></p>\n" . "<p><input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . __('OK') . "\" /></p>\n" . "<div style=\"display:inline;\" id=\"admin_match_result\"></div>\n" . "</fieldset>\n" . "</form>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; admin_footer(); exit; }
function dashboard() { $idtoken = _VERSION_ . "-" . md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); $magpieCacheAge = 60 * 60 * 24; if (function_exists('apache_request_headers')) { $hdrs = apache_request_headers(); if (isset($hdrs['Pragma']) && $hdrs['Pragma'] == 'no-cache' || isset($hdrs['Cache-Control']) && $hdrs['Cache-Control'] == 'no-cache') { $magpieCacheAge = 0; } } define('MAGPIE_FETCH_TIME_OUT', 2); define('MAGPIE_CACHE_AGE', $magpieCacheAge); $rs = rss_query("select id, title, position, url, obj, unix_timestamp(daterefreshed), itemcount " . " from " . getTable('dashboard') . " order by position asc"); $rss = array(); while (list($id, $title, $pos, $url, $obj, $ts, $cnt) = rss_fetch_row($rs)) { if ($obj && time() - $ts < $magpieCacheAge) { $rss[$title] = unserialize($obj); } else { $old_level = error_reporting(E_ERROR); $rss[$title] = fetch_rss($url . $idtoken); error_reporting($old_level); if ($rss[$title] && is_object($rss[$title])) { $rss[$title]->items = array_slice($rss[$title]->items, 0, $cnt); rss_query('update ' . getTable('dashboard') . " set obj='" . rss_real_escape_string(serialize($rss[$title])) . "', " . " daterefreshed=now()\twhere id={$id}"); } } if ($rss[$title] && is_object($rss[$title])) { if ($pos == 0) { echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<h2 style=\"margin-bottom: 0.5em\">{$title}</h2>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id=\"db_main\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<ul>"; foreach ($rss[$title]->items as $item) { echo "<li class=\"item unread\">\n" . "<h4><a href=\"" . $item['link'] . "\">" . $item['title'] . "</a></h4>\n" . "<h5>Posted: " . time_since(strtotime($item['pubdate'])) . " ago </h5>\n" . "<div class=\"content\">" . $item['content']['encoded'] . "</div>\n</li>\n"; } echo "</ul></div>\n"; } else { echo "<div class=\"frame db_side\">\n"; db_side($title, $rss[$title]); echo "</div>"; } } } }
function channel_edit_form($cid) { $sql = "select id, title, url, siteurl, parent, descr, icon, mode, daterefreshed, dateadded from " . getTable("channels") . " where id={$cid}"; $res = rss_query($sql); list($id, $title, $url, $siteurl, $parent, $descr, $icon, $mode, $daterefreshed, $dateadded) = rss_fetch_row($res); $title = htmlentities($title, ENT_QUOTES); // get tags $sql = "select t.tag from " . getTable('tag') . " t " . " inner join " . getTable('metatag') . " m " . " on m.tid = " . "where m.ttype = 'channel' and m.fid = {$cid}"; $res = rss_query($sql); $tags = ""; while ($r = rss_fetch_assoc($res)) { $tags .= $r['tag'] . " "; } echo "<div>\n"; echo "\n\n<h2>" . __('Edit the feed ') . " '{$title}'</h2>\n"; echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "#fa{$cid}\" id=\"channeledit\">\n"; echo "<fieldset id=\"channeleditfs\">"; // Timestamps if (!empty($daterefreshed)) { echo "<p><label>" . __('Added') . ": " . date("M-d-Y H:i", strtotime($dateadded)) . "</label></p>" . "<p><label>" . __('Last Update') . ": " . date("M-d-Y H:i", strtotime($daterefreshed)) . " (Age: " . round((time() - strtotime($daterefreshed)) / 60) . " minutes)</label></p>\n"; } else { echo "<p><label>" . __('Added') . ": " . date("M-d-Y H:i", strtotime($dateadded)) . "</label></p>" . "<p><label>" . __('Last Update') . ": " . __('Never') . "</label></p>\n"; } // Item name echo "<p><label for=\"c_name\">" . __('Title:') . "</label>\n" . "<input type=\"text\" id=\"c_name\" name=\"c_name\" value=\"{$title}\" />" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN . "\" value=\"" . CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN_CHANNEL . "\" />\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"" . CST_ADMIN_SUBMIT_EDIT . "\" />\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cid\" value=\"{$cid}\" /></p>\n" . "<p><label for=\"c_url\">" . __('RSS URL:') . "</label>\n" . "<a href=\"{$url}\">" . __('(visit)') . "</a>\n" . "<input type=\"text\" id=\"c_url\" name=\"c_url\" value=\"{$url}\" /></p>" . "<p><label for=\"c_siteurl\">" . __('Site URL:') . "</label>\n" . "<a href=\"{$siteurl}\">" . __('(visit)') . "</a>\n" . "<input type=\"text\" id=\"c_siteurl\" name=\"c_siteurl\" value=\"{$siteurl}\" /></p>" . "<p><label for=\"c_parent\">" . __('In folder:') . "</label>\n" . rss_toolkit_folders_combo('c_parent', $parent) . "</p>\n"; // Tags echo "<p><label for=\"c_tags\">" . __('Categories') . ":</label>\n" . "<input type=\"text\" id=\"c_tags\" name=\"c_tags\" value=\"{$tags}\" /></p>"; // Items state if ($mode & RSS_MODE_PRIVATE_STATE) { $pchk = " checked=\"checked\" "; $old_priv = "1"; } else { $pchk = ""; $old_priv = "0"; } if ($mode & RSS_MODE_DELETED_STATE) { $dchk = " checked=\"checked\" "; $old_del = "1"; } else { $dchk = ""; $old_del = "0"; } echo "<p>\n" . "<input style=\"display:inline\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"c_private\" " . " name=\"c_private\" value=\"1\"{$pchk} />\n" . "<label for=\"c_private\">" . __('This feed is <strong>private</strong>, only admins see it.') . "</label>\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"old_priv\" value=\"{$old_priv}\" />\n" . "</p>\n"; echo "<p>\n" . "<input style=\"display:inline\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"c_deleted\" " . " name=\"c_deleted\" value=\"1\"{$dchk} />\n" . "<label for=\"c_deleted\">" . __("This feed is <strong>deprecated</strong>, it won't be updated anymore and won't be visible in the feeds column.") . "</label>\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"old_del\" value=\"{$old_del}\" />\n" . "</p>\n"; // Description $descr = trim(htmlentities(strip_tags($descr), ENT_QUOTES)); echo "<p><label for=\"c_descr\">" . __('Description:') . "</label>\n" . "<input type=\"text\" id=\"c_descr\" name=\"c_descr\" value=\"{$descr}\" /></p>\n"; // Icon if (getConfig('rss.output.showfavicons')) { echo "<p><label for=\"c_icon\">" . __('Shown favicon:') . "</label>\n"; if (trim($icon) != "") { if (substr($icon, 0, 5) == 'blob:') { $icon = substr($icon, 5); } echo "<img src=\"{$icon}\" alt=\"{$title}\" class=\"favicon\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" />\n"; echo "<span>" . __('(Leave blank for no icon)') . "</span>"; } echo "<input type=\"text\" id=\"c_icon\" name=\"c_icon\" value=\"{$icon}\" /></p>\n"; } else { echo "<p><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"c_icon\" id=\"c_icon\" value=\"{$icon}\" /></p>\n"; } rss_plugin_hook('', $cid); echo "</fieldset>\n"; // Feed properties echo "<fieldset id=\"channeleditpropfs\">"; echo "<p>" . "<span style=\"float:left;\">Allow Gregarius to look for updates in existing items for this feed?</span>" . "<span style=\"float:right;\">[<a href=\"index.php?domain=config&action=edit&key=rss.input.allowupdates&view=config\">Edit the global option</a>]</span>\n" . " " . "</p>"; $rss_input_allowupdates_default_current = getProperty($cid, 'rss.input.allowupdates'); $rss_input_allowupdates_default_value = $rss_input_allowupdates_default = "Use global option (" . (getConfig('rss.input.allowupdates') ? "Yes" : "No") . ")"; echo "<p id=\"rss_input_allowupdates_options\">" . "<input type=\"radio\" " . "id=\"rss_input_allowupdates_yes\" " . "name=\"prop_rss_input_allowupdates\" value=\"1\" " . ($rss_input_allowupdates_default_current === true ? " checked=\"checked\" " : "") . "/>\n" . "<label for=\"rss_input_allowupdates_yes\">Yes</label>\n" . "<input type=\"radio\" " . "id=\"rss_input_allowupdates_no\" " . "name=\"prop_rss_input_allowupdates\" value=\"0\" " . ($rss_input_allowupdates_default_current === false ? " checked=\"checked\" " : "") . "/>\n" . "<label for=\"rss_input_allowupdates_no\">No</label>" . "<input type=\"radio\" " . "id=\"rss_input_allowupdates_default\" " . "name=\"prop_rss_input_allowupdates\" value=\"default\" " . ($rss_input_allowupdates_default_current === null ? " checked=\"checked\" " : "") . "/>\n" . "<label for=\"rss_input_allowupdates_default\">{$rss_input_allowupdates_default}</label>" . "</p>\n"; echo "<p>" . "<span style=\"float:left;\">Refresh Interval (minutes): </span>" . " " . "</p>"; $rss_config_refreshinterval_default_current = getProperty($cid, 'rss.config.refreshinterval'); echo "<p id=\"rss_config_refreshinterval_options\">" . "<input type=\"text\" id=\"rss_config_refreshinterval\" name=\"rss_config_refreshinterval\" value=\"" . (true == empty($rss_config_refreshinterval_default_current) ? 60 : $rss_config_refreshinterval_default_current) . "\">" . "</p>"; echo "</fieldset>\n"; echo "<p style=\"clear:both; padding: 1em 0\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"action_\" value=\"" . __('Submit Changes') . "\" />" . "<input type=\"button\" name=\"_cancel\" value=\"" . __('Cancel') . "\" onclick=\"history.back(-1);\"></p>"; echo "</form></div>\n"; }
function rss_plugins_set_item_state($itemId, $bit_mask, $set, $sqlwhere = "", $entire_db = false) { $retvalue = false; if ($itemId || $entire_db) { // Check to see if itemId is set or if we are allowed to fsck up the entire db // the bitmask has a one in the spot (field(s)) we want to change. if ($set) { // Set the value to the field to 1 $sql = "update " . getTable("item") . " set unread = unread | " . $bit_mask; } else { // set the value of the field to 0 $sql = "update " . getTable("item") . " set unread = unread & " . ~$bit_mask; } if ($itemId) { if (is_array($itemId)) { $sql .= " where id in (" . implode(',', $itemId) . ")"; } else { // assume it is a number or a string $sql .= " where id=" . $itemId; } } else { $sql .= " where 1"; } if ($sqlwhere) { $sql .= " and " . $sqlwhere; } $retvalue = rss_query($sql); rss_invalidate_cache(); } else { $retvalue = false; } return $retvalue; }
function theme_options_fill_override_array($theme, $media, $array_input, $key = null) { $ret = array(); if (!is_array($array_input)) { $array_input = explode(",", $array_input); } foreach ($array_input as $inp) { if (!is_array($inp) && isset($inp)) { $inp = array('key_' => $inp); } if (isset($inp['key_'])) { $thisret = array(); if ($key === null || $key === $inp['key_']) { $thisret = $inp; if ($inp['key_'] == 'rss.output.theme.scheme') { $schemes = loadSchemeList(true, $theme, $media); if (!isset($inp['default_'])) { $thisret['default_'] = implode(',', $schemes) . ",0"; } $thisret['type_'] = 'enum'; if (!isset($inp['desc_'])) { $thisret['desc_'] = 'The color scheme to use.'; } if (!isset($inp['export_'])) { $thisret['export_'] = ''; } $value = rss_theme_config_override_option($thisret['key_'], $thisret['default_'], $theme, $media); $value = array_pop(explode(',', $value)); $thisret['value_'] = implode(',', $schemes) . "," . $value; } else { $sql = "select * from " . getTable("config") . " where key_ like\n '" . $inp['key_'] . "'"; $res = rss_query($sql); if ($row = rss_fetch_assoc($res)) { foreach ($row as $rowkey => $rowval) { if ($rowkey !== 'value_') { if (!isset($inp[$rowkey])) { $thisret[$rowkey] = $rowval; } else { $thisret[$rowkey] = $inp[$rowkey]; } } } } $thisret['value_'] = rss_theme_config_override_option($thisret['key_'], $thisret['default_'], $theme, $media); } if ($key === null) { $ret[] = $thisret; } else { $ret = $thisret; } } } else { rss_error('rss_theme_options_configure_overrides was passed an item with no key_', RSS_ERROR_ERROR, true); } } return $ret; }
function config_admin() { $ret__ = CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN_CONFIG; if (isset($_REQUEST[CST_ADMIN_METAACTION])) { $action = $_REQUEST[CST_ADMIN_METAACTION]; } else { $action = $_REQUEST['action']; } switch ($action) { case CST_ADMIN_DEFAULT_ACTION: case 'CST_ADMIN_DEFAULT_ACTION': if (!array_key_exists('key', $_REQUEST)) { rss_error(__('Invalid config key specified.'), RSS_ERROR_ERROR, true); break; } $key = sanitize($_REQUEST['key'], RSS_SANITIZER_NO_SPACES | RSS_SANITIZER_SIMPLE_SQL); $res = rss_query("select value_,default_,type_ from " . getTable('config') . " where key_='{$key}'"); list($value, $default, $type) = rss_fetch_row($res); $value = real_strip_slashes($value); $default = real_strip_slashes($default); if ($value == $default) { rss_error(__("The value for '{$key}' is the same as its default value!"), RSS_ERROR_ERROR, true); break; } if (array_key_exists(CST_ADMIN_CONFIRMED, $_POST) && $_POST[CST_ADMIN_CONFIRMED] == __('Yes')) { rss_query("update " . getTable('config') . " set value_=default_ where key_='{$key}'"); rss_invalidate_cache(); } elseif (array_key_exists(CST_ADMIN_CONFIRMED, $_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST[CST_ADMIN_CONFIRMED] == __('No')) { //nop } else { echo "<form class=\"box\" method=\"post\" action=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\">\n"; config_default_form($key, $type, $default, CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN_CONFIG); echo "</form>\n"; $ret = CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN_NONE; } break; case CST_ADMIN_EDIT_ACTION: case 'CST_ADMIN_EDIT_ACTION': $key_ = sanitize($_REQUEST['key'], RSS_SANITIZER_NO_SPACES | RSS_SANITIZER_SIMPLE_SQL); $res = rss_query("select * from " . getTable('config') . " where key_ ='{$key_}'"); list($key, $value, $default, $type, $desc, $export) = rss_fetch_row($res); echo "<div>\n"; echo "\n\n<h2>Edit '{$key}'</h2>\n"; echo "<form style=\"display:inline\" id=\"cfg\" method=\"post\" action=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\">\n"; $onclickaction = null; config_edit_form($key, $value, $default, $type, $desc, $export, $onclickaction); echo "<p style=\"display:inline\">\n"; echo isset($preview) ? "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" value=\"" . __('Preview') . "\"" . ($onclickaction ? " onclick=\"{$onclickaction}\"" : "") . " />\n" : ""; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . CST_ADMIN_METAACTION . "\" value=\"ACT_ADMIN_SUBMIT_CHANGES\" />"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" value=\"" . __('Submit Changes') . "\"" . ($onclickaction ? " onclick=\"{$onclickaction}\"" : "") . " /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN . "\" value=\"" . CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN_CONFIG . "\"/>\n</p></form>\n"; echo "<form style=\"display:inline\" method=\"post\" action=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\">\n" . "<p style=\"display:inline\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN . "\" value=\"" . CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN_CONFIG . "\"/>\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . CST_ADMIN_METAACTION . "\" value=\"ACT_ADMIN_SUBMIT_CANCEL\" />" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" value=\"" . __('Cancel') . "\"/></p></form>\n" . "\n\n</div>\n"; $ret__ = CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN_NONE; break; case __('Preview'): case 'ACT_ADMIN_PREVIEW_CHANGES': rss_error('fixme: preview not yet implemented', RSS_ERROR_ERROR, true); break; case __('Submit Changes'): case 'ACT_ADMIN_SUBMIT_CHANGES': $key = sanitize($_POST['key'], RSS_SANITIZER_NO_SPACES | RSS_SANITIZER_SIMPLE_SQL); $type = sanitize($_POST['type'], RSS_SANITIZER_CHARACTERS); $value = sanitize($_POST['value'], RSS_SANITIZER_SIMPLE_SQL); // sanitizine routines for values switch ($key) { case 'rss.output.title': $value = strip_tags($value); break; case 'rss.config.robotsmeta': $value = preg_replace('#[^a-zA-Z,\\s]#', '', $value); break; } switch ($key) { case 'rss.input.allowed': $ret = array(); $tmp = explode(' ', $value); foreach ($tmp as $key__) { if (preg_match('|^[a-zA-Z]+$|', $key__)) { $ret[$key__] = array(); } else { $tmp2 = array(); $attrs = explode(',', $key__); $key__ = array_shift($attrs); foreach ($attrs as $attr) { $tmp2[$attr] = 1; } $ret[$key__] = $tmp2; } } $sql = "update " . getTable('config') . " set value_='" . serialize($ret) . "' where key_='{$key}'"; break; case 'rss.output.lang': $langs = getLanguages(); $codes = array_keys($langs); $out_val = implode(',', $codes); $cntr = 0; $idx = "0"; foreach ($codes as $code) { if ($code == $value) { $idx = $cntr; } $cntr++; } $out_val .= ",{$idx}"; $sql = "update " . getTable('config') . " set value_='{$out_val}' where key_='{$key}'"; break; default: switch ($type) { case 'string': $sql = "update " . getTable('config') . " set value_='{$value}' where key_='{$key}'"; break; case 'num': if (!is_numeric($value)) { rss_error(__("Oops, I was expecting a numeric value, got '{$value}' instead!"), RSS_ERROR_ERROR, true); break; } $sql = "update " . getTable('config') . " set value_='{$value}' where key_='{$key}'"; break; case 'boolean': if ($value != __('True') && $value != __('False')) { rss_error(__("Oops, invalid value for {$key} : {$value}"), RSS_ERROR_ERROR, true); break; } $sql = "update " . getTable('config') . " set value_='" . ($value == __('True') ? 'true' : 'false') . "'" . " where key_='{$key}'"; break; case 'enum': $res = rss_query("select value_ from " . getTable('config') . " where key_='{$key}'"); list($oldvalue) = rss_fetch_row($res); if (strstr($oldvalue, $value) === FALSE) { rss_error(__("Oops, invalid value '{$value}' for this config key"), RSS_ERROR_ERROR, true); break; } $arr = explode(',', $oldvalue); $idx = array_pop($arr); $newkey = -1; foreach ($arr as $i => $val) { if ($val == $value) { $newkey = $i; } } reset($arr); if ($newkey > -1) { array_push($arr, $newkey); $sql = "update " . getTable('config') . " set value_='" . implode(',', $arr) . "'" . " where key_='{$key}'"; } else { rss_error(__("Oops, invalid value '{$value}' for this config key"), RSS_ERROR_ERROR, true); } break; default: rss_error(__('Ooops, unknown config type: ') . $type, RSS_ERROR_ERROR, true); //var_dump($_REQUEST); break; } } if (isset($sql)) { rss_query($sql); rss_invalidate_cache(); } break; default: break; } return $ret__; }
/** * performs pruning action */ function item_admin() { $ret__ = CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN_NONE; switch ($_REQUEST['action']) { case __('Delete'): $req = rss_query('select count(*) as cnt from ' . getTable('item') . " where not(unread & " . RSS_MODE_DELETED_STATE . ")"); list($cnt) = rss_fetch_row($req); $prune_older = sanitize($_REQUEST['prune_older'], RSS_SANITIZER_NUMERIC); if (array_key_exists('prune_older', $_REQUEST) && strlen($_REQUEST['prune_older']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['prune_older'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['prune_period']) { case __('days'): $period = 'day'; break; case __('months'): $period = 'month'; break; case __('years'): $period = 'year'; break; default: rss_error(__('Invalid pruning period'), RSS_ERROR_ERROR, true); return CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN_ITEM; break; } $sql = " from " . getTable('item') . " i inner join " . getTable('channels') . " c on " . " where 1=1 "; if (array_key_exists('prune_channel', $_REQUEST)) { if (ALL_CHANNELS_ID != $_REQUEST['prune_channel']) { $sql .= " and = " . $_REQUEST['prune_channel'] . ""; } } if ($prune_older > 0) { $prune_older_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-{$prune_older} {$period}")); $sql .= " and ifnull(i.pubdate, i.added) < '{$prune_older_date}'"; } if (!array_key_exists('prune_include_sticky', $_REQUEST) || $_REQUEST['prune_include_sticky'] != '1') { $sql .= " and not(unread & " . RSS_MODE_STICKY_STATE . ") "; } if (!array_key_exists('prune_include_flag', $_REQUEST) || $_REQUEST['prune_include_flag'] != '1') { $sql .= " and not(unread & " . RSS_MODE_FLAG_STATE . ") "; } if (!array_key_exists('prune_include_unread', $_REQUEST) || $_REQUEST['prune_include_unread'] != '1') { $sql .= " and not(unread & " . RSS_MODE_UNREAD_STATE . ") "; } if (array_key_exists('prune_exclude_tags', $_REQUEST) && trim($_REQUEST['prune_exclude_tags'])) { if (trim($_REQUEST['prune_exclude_tags']) == '*') { $tsql = " select distinct fid from " . getTable('metatag'); } else { $exclude_tags = explode(" ", $_REQUEST['prune_exclude_tags']); $trimmed_exclude_tags = array(); foreach ($exclude_tags as $etag) { if ($tetag = rss_real_escape_string(trim($etag))) { $trimmed_exclude_tags[] = $tetag; } } $tsql = " select distinct fid from " . getTable('metatag') . " m " . " inner join " . getTable('tag') . " t" . " on = m.tid " . " where t.tag in ('" . implode("', '", $trimmed_exclude_tags) . "')"; } $tres = rss_query($tsql); $fids = array(); while (list($fid) = rss_fetch_row($tres)) { $fids[] = $fid; } if (count($fids)) { $sql .= " and not in (" . implode(",", $fids) . ") "; } } if (array_key_exists(CST_ADMIN_CONFIRMED, $_REQUEST)) { // Possible fix for #207: max out execution time // to avoid timeouts @set_time_limit(0); @ini_set('max_execution_time', 60 * 10); //echo "<pre>\n"; //delete the tags for these items $sqlids = "select distinct,i.cid " . $sql . " order by i.cid, desc"; $rs = rss_query($sqlids); $ids = array(); $cids = array(); //echo "to be deleted\n"; while (list($id, $cid) = rss_fetch_row($rs)) { $cids[$cid][] = $id; //echo "cid=$cid, $id\n"; } //echo "\n\n"; if (count($cids)) { // Righto. Lets check which of these ids still is in cache: $cacheIds = array(); // now, sort the ids to be deleted into two lists: in cache / to trash $in_cache = array(); $to_trash = array(); foreach ($cids as $cid => $ids) { $rsCache = rss_query("select itemsincache from " . getTable('channels') . " where id={$cid}"); list($idString) = rss_fetch_row($rsCache); if ($idString) { $cacheIds = unserialize($idString); } else { $cacheIds = array(); } foreach ($ids as $iid) { //echo "examining: $iid (cid $cid) ->"; if (array_search($iid, $cacheIds) !== FALSE) { $in_cache[] = $iid; //echo " in cache!\n"; } else { $to_trash[] = $iid; //echo " not in cache!\n"; } } } // cheers, we're set. Now delete the metatag links for *all* // items to be deleted if (count($ids)) { $sqldel = "delete from " . getTable('metatag') . " where fid in (" . implode(",", array_merge($in_cache, $to_trash)) . ")"; rss_query($sqldel); } // finally, delete the actual items if (count($to_trash)) { rss_query("delete from " . getTable('item') . " where id in (" . implode(", ", $to_trash) . ")"); } if (count($in_cache)) { rss_query("update " . getTable('item') . " set unread = unread | " . RSS_MODE_DELETED_STATE . ", description='' " . " where id in (" . implode(", ", $in_cache) . ")"); } rss_invalidate_cache(); } $ret__ = CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN_ITEM; } else { list($cnt_d) = rss_fetch_row(rss_query("select count(distinct( as cnt " . $sql . " and not(i.unread & " . RSS_MODE_DELETED_STATE . ")")); rss_error(sprintf(__('Warning: you are about to delete %s items (of %s)'), $cnt_d, $cnt), RSS_ERROR_ERROR, true); echo "<form action=\"\" method=\"post\">\n" . "<p><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN . "\" value=\"" . CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN_ITEM . "\" />\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"prune_older\" value=\"" . $_REQUEST['prune_older'] . "\" />\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"prune_period\" value=\"" . $_REQUEST['prune_period'] . "\" />\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . CST_ADMIN_CONFIRMED . "\" value=\"1\" />\n" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" value=\"" . __('Delete') . "\" />\n" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" value=\"" . __('Cancel') . "\"/>\n" . "</p>\n" . "</form>\n"; } } else { rss_error(__('oops, no period specified'), RSS_ERROR_ERROR, true); $ret__ = CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN_ITEM; } break; default: $ret__ = CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN_ITEM; break; } return $ret__; }
function cleanUp($newIds, $ignorePrivate = false) { if (!hidePrivate() || $ignorePrivate) { if (count($newIds) > 0 && getConfig('rss.config.markreadonupdate')) { rss_query("update " . getTable("item") . " set unread = unread & " . SET_MODE_READ_STATE . " where unread & " . RSS_MODE_UNREAD_STATE . " and id not in (" . implode(",", $newIds) . ")"); } } setProperty('__meta__', 'meta.lastupdate', 'misc', time()); if (count($newIds) > 0) { rss_invalidate_cache(); } rss_plugin_hook('rss.plugins.updates.after', null); }
/** * Logs the user out. * - deletes the cookie * - removes the user's IP subnet from the list of valid subnets this * user is allowed to log in with a cookie. */ function logout() { if (array_key_exists(RSS_USER_COOKIE, $_COOKIE) || isset($_SESSION['mobile'])) { $subnet = preg_replace('#^([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)\\.[0-9]+$#', '\\1', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); if (($idx = array_search($subnet, $this->_validIPs)) !== FALSE) { $cnt = count($this->_validIPs); unset($this->_validIPs[$idx]); $uname = trim($this->_uname); if ($uname && $cnt > count($this->_validIPs)) { $sql = "update " . getTable('users') . " set userips = '" . implode(' ', $this->_validIPs) . "'" . " where uname = '{$uname}' "; rss_query($sql); } } // get rid of the cookie unset($_COOKIE[RSS_USER_COOKIE]); setcookie(RSS_USER_COOKIE, "", -1, getPath()); if (isset($_SESSION['mobile'])) { unset($_SESSION['mobile']); } rss_invalidate_cache(); } }
$cats[$cid] = array(); } $cats[$cid][] = $tag; } $sql = "select " . ", c.title, c.url, c.siteurl,, c.parent, c.descr " . " from " . getTable("channels") . " c " . " inner join " . getTable("folders") . " d on = c.parent " . " where not (c.mode & " . RSS_MODE_DELETED_STATE . ") "; if (hidePrivate()) { $sql .= " and not(c.mode & " . RSS_MODE_PRIVATE_STATE . ") "; } // note: should we export deprecated feeds? if (getConfig('rss.config.absoluteordering')) { $sql .= " order by d.position asc, c.position asc"; } else { $sql .= " order by asc, c.title asc"; } $res = rss_query($sql); $dateRes = rss_query("select max(dateadded) from " . getTable("channels")); list($dateModif) = rss_fetch_row($dateRes); $dateLabel = date("r", strtotime($dateModif)); header("Content-Type: text/xml"); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" . getConfig('rss.output.encoding') . "\"?>\n" . "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"" . getPath() . "css/opml.xsl\"?>\n" . "<!-- Generated by " . _TITLE_ . " " . _VERSION_ . " -->\n" . "<opml version=\"2.0\">\n"; echo "\t<head>\n" . "\t\t<title>" . _TITLE_ . " OPML Feed</title>\n" . "\t\t<dateModified>{$dateLabel}</dateModified>\n" . "\t</head>\n" . "\t<body>\n"; $prev_parent = 0; while (list($id, $title, $url, $siteurl, $name, $parent, $descr) = rss_fetch_row($res)) { $descr_ = htmlspecialchars($descr); $descr_ = trim(preg_replace('/(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)/', ' ', $descr_)); $title_ = htmlspecialchars($title); $url_ = preg_replace('|(https?://)([^:]+:[^@]+@)(.+)$|', '\\1\\3', $url); $url_ = htmlspecialchars($url_); $siteurl_ = preg_replace('|(https?://)([^:]+:[^@]+@)(.+)$|', '\\1\\3', $siteurl); $siteurl_ = htmlspecialchars($siteurl_); $name_ = htmlspecialchars($name);
function blGetItems($cid, $date, $markread) { if (hidePrivate()) { header('HTTP/1.x 401 Not Authorized'); exit; } if (!$cid) { header('HTTP/1.x 403 Forbidden'); exit; } $sql = "select i.title as ititle, i.description as idescr, c.title as ctitle, " . " c.descr as cdescr, c.url as curl, as iauth, i.url as iurl, " . " unix_timestamp(ifnull(i.pubdate, i.added)) as idate , as iid" . " from " . getTable('item') . " i " . " inner join " . getTable('channels') . " c " . " on = i.cid " . " where i.unread & " . RSS_MODE_UNREAD_STATE . " and{$cid}"; if ($date) { $sql .= " and ifnull(i.pubdate, i.added) > {$date} "; } $rs = rss_query($sql); if (rss_num_rows($rs) == 0) { header('HTTP/1.x 304 Not Modified'); exit; } $ids = array(); header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8'); $hdr = false; while ($row = rss_fetch_assoc($rs)) { if (!$hdr) { $hdr = true; echo "<" . "?xml version=\"1.0\"?" . ">\n" . "<rss version=\"2.0\"\n" . "xmlns:dc=\"\"\n" . "xmlns:bloglines=\"\"\n" . "xmlns:rdf=\"\">\n" . "<channel>\n" . "\t<title>" . htmlspecialchars($row['ctitle']) . "</title>\n" . "\t<link>" . htmlspecialchars($row['curl']) . "</link>\n" . "\t<description>" . htmlspecialchars($row['cdescr']) . "</description>\n" . "\t<language>en-us</language>\n" . "\t<webMaster></webMaster>\n"; } $ids[] = $row['iid']; echo "\t<item>\n" . "\t\t<title>" . htmlspecialchars($row['ititle']) . "</title>\n" . "\t\t<dc:creator>" . htmlspecialchars($row['iauth']) . "</dc:creator>\n" . "\t\t<guid isPermaLink=\"true\">" . htmlspecialchars($row['iurl']) . "</guid>\n" . "\t\t<link>" . htmlspecialchars($row['iurl']) . "</link>\n" . "\t\t<description><![CDATA[" . $row['idescr'] . "]]></description>\n" . "\t\t<pubDate>" . date('D, j M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', $row['idate']) . "</pubDate>\n" . "\t\t<bloglines:itemid>" . $row['iid'] . "</bloglines:itemid>\n" . "\t</item>\n"; } echo "</channel>\n</rss>\n"; if ($markread) { $sql = "update " . getTable('item') . " set unread = unread & " . SET_MODE_READ_STATE . " where id in (" . implode(',', $ids) . ")"; rss_query($sql); rss_invalidate_cache(); } }
/** * this function handles specific schema updates that occurred * during version updates. * * @return the number of updated tables */ function checkSchemaColumns($column) { $updated = 0; switch ($column) { case 'c.mode': case 'mode': // default feed mode, added in 0.4.1 rss_query('alter table ' . getTable('channels') . ' add column mode int(16) not null default 1'); if (rss_is_sql_error(RSS_SQL_ERROR_NO_ERROR)) { $updated++; rss_error("updated schema for table " . getTable('channels'), RSS_ERROR_NOTICE); } else { rss_error("Failed updating schema for table " . getTable('channels') . ": " . rss_sql_error_message(), RSS_ERROR_ERROR); } break; case 'c.itemsincache': case 'itemsincache': // date feed was last refreshed, added in 0.5.3 rss_query('alter table ' . getTable('channels') . ' add column itemsincache text null'); if (rss_is_sql_error(RSS_SQL_ERROR_NO_ERROR)) { $updated++; rss_error("updated schema for table " . getTable('channels'), RSS_ERROR_NOTICE); } else { rss_error("Failed updating schema for table " . getTable('channels') . ": " . rss_sql_error_message(), RSS_ERROR_ERROR); } break; case 'c.daterefreshed': case 'daterefreshed': // date feed was last refreshed, added in 0.5.3 rss_query('alter table ' . getTable('channels') . ' add column daterefreshed datetime null default 1'); if (rss_is_sql_error(RSS_SQL_ERROR_NO_ERROR)) { $updated++; rss_error("updated schema for table " . getTable('channels'), RSS_ERROR_NOTICE); } else { rss_error("Failed updating schema for table " . getTable('channels') . ": " . rss_sql_error_message(), RSS_ERROR_ERROR); } // break; - fallthrough allowed on purpose because these are added at the same time // break; - fallthrough allowed on purpose because these are added at the same time case 'c.etag': case 'etag': // etag of the feed, (from HTTP header) added in 0.5.3 rss_query('alter table ' . getTable('channels') . ' add column etag varchar(255) default null'); if (rss_is_sql_error(RSS_SQL_ERROR_NO_ERROR)) { $updated++; rss_error("updated schema for table " . getTable('channels'), RSS_ERROR_NOTICE); } else { rss_error("Failed updating schema for table " . getTable('channels') . ": " . rss_sql_error_message(), RSS_ERROR_ERROR); } // break; - fallthrough allowed on purpose because these are added at the same time // break; - fallthrough allowed on purpose because these are added at the same time case 'c.lastmodified': case 'lastmodified': // last modified code returned by the feed (from HTTP header), added in 0.5.3 rss_query('alter table ' . getTable('channels') . ' add column lastmodified varchar(255) default null'); if (rss_is_sql_error(RSS_SQL_ERROR_NO_ERROR)) { $updated++; rss_error("updated schema for table " . getTable('channels'), RSS_ERROR_NOTICE); } else { rss_error("Failed updating schema for table " . getTable('channels') . ": " . rss_sql_error_message(), RSS_ERROR_ERROR); } break; case '': case 'author': // item's author rss_query('alter table ' . getTable('item') . ' add column author varchar(255) null'); if (rss_is_sql_error(RSS_SQL_ERROR_NO_ERROR)) { $updated++; rss_error('updated schema for table ' . getTable('item'), RSS_ERROR_NOTICE); } else { rss_error('Failed updating schema for table ' . getTable('item') . ': ' . rss_sql_error_message(), RSS_ERROR_ERROR); } break; case 'm.tdate': case 'tdate': // tag date rss_query('alter table ' . getTable('metatag') . ' add column tdate datetime null'); if (rss_is_sql_error(RSS_SQL_ERROR_NO_ERROR)) { rss_query('update ' . getTable('metatag') . ' set tdate=now()'); $updated++; rss_error('updated schema for table ' . getTable('metatag'), RSS_ERROR_NOTICE); } else { rss_error('Failed updating schema for table ' . getTable('metatag') . ': ' . rss_sql_error_message(), RSS_ERROR_ERROR); } break; case 'i.enclosure': case 'enclosure': // enclosure for an item rss_query('alter table ' . getTable('item') . ' add column enclosure varchar(255) null'); if (rss_is_sql_error(RSS_SQL_ERROR_NO_ERROR)) { $updated++; rss_error('updated schema for table ' . getTable('item'), RSS_ERROR_NOTICE); } else { rss_error('Failed updating schema for table ' . getTable('item') . ': ' . rss_sql_error_message(), RSS_ERROR_ERROR); } break; case 'userips': case 'i.userips': // users.userips: list of valid IP subnets the user has logged in from rss_query('alter table ' . getTable('users') . ' add column userips text default \'\''); if (rss_is_sql_error(RSS_SQL_ERROR_NO_ERROR)) { $updated++; rss_error('updated schema for table ' . getTable('users'), RSS_ERROR_NOTICE); } else { rss_error('Failed updating schema for table ' . getTable('users') . ': ' . rss_sql_error_message(), RSS_ERROR_ERROR); } break; case 'i.md5sum': case 'md5sum': // md5check on an item - added in 0.5.3 rss_query('alter table ' . getTable('item') . ' add column md5sum varchar(32) null'); if (rss_is_sql_error(RSS_SQL_ERROR_NO_ERROR)) { $updated++; rss_error('updated schema for table ' . getTable('item'), RSS_ERROR_NOTICE); } else { rss_error('Failed updating schema for table ' . getTable('item') . ': ' . rss_sql_error_message(), RSS_ERROR_ERROR); } // break; - fallthrough allowed on purpose because these are added at the same time // break; - fallthrough allowed on purpose because these are added at the same time case 'i.guid': case 'guid': // guid of an item - added in 0.5.3 rss_query('alter table ' . getTable('item') . ' add column guid text null'); rss_query('alter table ' . getTable('item') . ' add index `guid` (`guid`(10))'); if (rss_is_sql_error(RSS_SQL_ERROR_NO_ERROR)) { $updated++; rss_error('updated schema for table ' . getTable('item'), RSS_ERROR_NOTICE); } else { rss_error('Failed updating schema for table ' . getTable('item') . ': ' . rss_sql_error_message(), RSS_ERROR_ERROR); } break; } return $updated; }
function populate($sqlWhere, $sqlOrder = "", $startItem = 0, $itemCount = -1, $hint = ITEM_SORT_HINT_MIXED, $includeDeprecated = false) { $si = $this->page * $this->itemsPerPage; parent::populate($sqlWhere, $sqlOrder, $si, $itemCount > 0 ? $this->itemsPerPage : $itemCount, $hint, $includeDeprecated); $sql = "select count(*) as cnt " . " from " . $this->_sqlActualFrom . " where " . $this->_sqlActualWhere; list($this->numItems) = rss_fetch_row(rss_query($sql)); if ($this->itemsPerPage && $this->numItems > $this->itemsPerPage) { $this->navigation = new ItemListNavigation($this); } }
function cacheFavicon($icon) { // Make sure only real favicons get fetched into the DB if (!preg_match('#^https?://.+$#', $icon)) { return false; } $icon_ = rss_real_escape_string($icon); $binIcon = getUrl($icon); if ($binIcon) { $sql = "delete from " . getTable('cache') . " where cachetype='icon' and cachekey='{$icon_}'"; rss_query($sql); $sql = "insert into " . getTable('cache') . "(cachekey,timestamp,cachetype,data) values " . "('{$icon_}',now(),'icon','" . rss_real_escape_string($binIcon) . "')"; rss_query($sql); return rss_is_sql_error(RSS_SQL_ERROR_NO_ERROR); } return false; }
function setProperty($ref_obj, $prop, $type, $value) { $val = @serialize($value); if (!$val) { return false; } $val = rss_real_escape_string($val); $res = rss_query('SELECT count(fk_ref_object_id) FROM ' . getTable('properties') . " WHERE fk_ref_object_id = '{$ref_obj}' AND proptype = '{$type}'" . " AND property = '{$prop}'"); list($cnt_rows) = rss_fetch_row($res); if ($cnt_rows) { rss_query('UPDATE ' . getTable('properties') . " SET value = '{$val}' WHERE fk_ref_object_id = '{$ref_obj}' AND proptype = '{$type}'" . " AND property = '{$prop}'"); } else { rss_query('insert into ' . getTable('properties') . '(fk_ref_object_id, proptype, property, value) values (' . "'{$ref_obj}','{$type}','{$prop}','{$val}'" . ')'); } $this->_populateProperties(); rss_invalidate_cache(); return true; }
/** * This function will return an array for the previous, next and up * navigation elements, based on the current location * * @return: array ( ('prev'|'next'|'up')* => array ( 'y' => year of the prev,next,up item 'm' => month of the prev,next,up item 'd' => day of the prev,next,up item 'cnt' => count of the prev,next,up items for this date 'ts' => unix timestamp of the above 'url' => precomputed uri for the link 'lbl' => precomupted label to be used in the links ) ) */ function makeNav($cid, $iid, $y, $m, $d, $fid, $vfid, $cids) { //echo "X-info: $cid,$iid,$y,$m,$d,$fid,$vfid,$cids"; $currentView = null; $prev = $succ = $up = null; if (isset($_REQUEST['channel'])) { $escaped_title = rss_uri($_REQUEST['channel']); //preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9\.]/","_",$_REQUEST['channel']); } else { $escaped_title = null; } // where are we anyway? if ($y > 0 && $m > 0 && $d > 0) { if ($iid != "") { $currentView = 'item'; } else { $currentView = 'day'; } } elseif ($y > 0 && $m > 0 && $d == 0) { $currentView = 'month'; } elseif ($cids) { if ($fid) { $currentView = "folder"; } elseif ($vfid) { $currentView = "cat"; } } elseif ($cid) { $currentView = "feed"; } if ($currentView) { switch ($currentView) { case 'month': case 'day': if ($currentView == 'day') { $ts_p = mktime(23, 59, 59, $m, $d - 1, $y); $ts_s = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y); } elseif ($currentView == 'month') { $ts_p = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m + 1, 0, $y); $ts_s = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 1, $y); } $sql_succ = " select " . " UNIX_TIMESTAMP( ifnull(i.pubdate, i.added)) as ts_, " . " year( ifnull(i.pubdate, i.added)) as y_, " . " month( ifnull(i.pubdate, i.added)) as m_, " . ($currentView == 'day' ? " dayofmonth( ifnull(i.pubdate, i.added)) as d_, " : "") . " count(*) as cnt_ " . " from " . getTable("item") . "i where " . " UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ifnull(i.pubdate, i.added)) > {$ts_s} "; if ($cid) { $sql_succ .= " and cid={$cid} "; } if (hidePrivate()) { $sql_succ .= " and not(i.unread & " . RSS_MODE_PRIVATE_STATE . ") "; } $sql_succ .= " group by y_,m_" . ($currentView == 'day' ? ",d_ " : "") . " order by ts_ asc limit 4"; $sql_prev = " select " . " UNIX_TIMESTAMP( ifnull(i.pubdate, i.added)) as ts_, " . " year( ifnull(i.pubdate, i.added)) as y_, " . " month( ifnull(i.pubdate, i.added)) as m_, " . ($currentView == 'day' ? " dayofmonth( ifnull(i.pubdate, i.added)) as d_, " : "") . " count(*) as cnt_ " . " from " . getTable("item") . " i where " . " UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ifnull(i.pubdate, i.added)) < {$ts_p} "; if ($cid) { $sql_prev .= " and cid={$cid} "; } if (hidePrivate()) { $sql_prev .= " and not(i.unread & " . RSS_MODE_PRIVATE_STATE . ") "; } $sql_prev .= " group by y_,m_" . ($currentView == 'day' ? ",d_ " : "") . " order by ts_ desc limit 4"; //echo "<!-- $sql_prev -->\n"; $res_prev = rss_query($sql_prev); $res_succ = rss_query($sql_succ); $mCount = 12 * $y + $m; // next while ($succ == null && ($row = rss_fetch_assoc($res_succ))) { if ($currentView == 'day') { if (mktime(0, 0, 0, $row['m_'], $row['d_'], $row['y_']) > $ts_s) { $succ = array('y' => $row['y_'], 'm' => $row['m_'], 'd' => $row['d_'], 'cnt' => $row['cnt_'], 'ts' => $row['ts_'], 'url' => makeArchiveUrl($row['ts_'], $escaped_title, $cid, $currentView == 'day'), 'lbl' => rss_locale_date('%B %e', $row['ts_']) . " (" . $row['cnt_'] . " " . ($row['cnt_'] > 1 ? __('items') : __('item')) . ")"); } } elseif ($currentView == 'month') { if ($row['m_'] + 12 * $row['y_'] > $mCount) { $succ = array('y' => $row['y_'], 'm' => $row['m_'], 'cnt' => $row['cnt_'], 'ts' => $row['ts_'], 'url' => makeArchiveUrl($row['ts_'], $escaped_title, $cid, $currentView == 'day'), 'lbl' => rss_locale_date('%B %Y', $row['ts_']) . " (" . $row['cnt_'] . " " . ($row['cnt_'] > 1 ? __('items') : ITEM) . ")"); } } } // prev while ($prev == null && ($row = rss_fetch_assoc($res_prev))) { if ($currentView == 'day') { if (mktime(0, 0, 0, $row['m_'], $row['d_'], $row['y_']) < $ts_p) { $prev = array('y' => $row['y_'], 'm' => $row['m_'], 'd' => $row['d_'], 'cnt' => $row['cnt_'], 'ts' => $row['ts_'], 'url' => makeArchiveUrl($row['ts_'], $escaped_title, $cid, $currentView == 'day'), 'lbl' => rss_locale_date('%B %e', $row['ts_']) . " (" . $row['cnt_'] . " " . ($row['cnt_'] > 1 ? __('items') : __('item')) . ")"); } } elseif ($currentView == 'month') { if ($row['m_'] + 12 * $row['y_'] < $mCount) { $prev = array('y' => $row['y_'], 'm' => $row['m_'], 'cnt' => $row['cnt_'], 'ts' => $row['ts_'], 'url' => makeArchiveUrl($row['ts_'], $escaped_title, $cid, $currentView == 'day'), 'lbl' => rss_locale_date('%B %Y', $row['ts_']) . " (" . $row['cnt_'] . " " . ($row['cnt_'] > 1 ? __('items') : __('item')) . ")"); } } } // up if ($currentView == 'day') { $ts = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 10, $y); $up = array('y' => $y, 'm' => $m, 'url' => makeArchiveUrl($ts, $escaped_title, $cid, false), 'lbl' => rss_locale_date('%B %Y', $ts)); } elseif ($currentView == 'month') { $up = array('url' => getPath() . (getConfig('rss.output.usemodrewrite') ? $escaped_title : "feed.php?channel={$cid}"), 'lbl' => $escaped_title, 'lbl' => ''); } break; case 'item': $sql = " select i.title,, " . " UNIX_TIMESTAMP( ifnull(i.pubdate, i.added)) as ts_, " . " year( ifnull(i.pubdate, i.added)) as y_, " . " month( ifnull(i.pubdate, i.added)) as m_, " . " dayofmonth( ifnull(i.pubdate, i.added)) as d_ " . " from " . getTable("item") . " i " . " where i.cid = {$cid} "; if (hidePrivate()) { $sql .= " and not(i.unread & " . RSS_MODE_PRIVATE_STATE . ") "; } if (getConfig('rss.config.datedesc.unread')) { $sql .= " order by ts_ desc, asc"; } else { $sql .= " order by ts_ asc, asc"; } $rs = rss_query($sql); $found = false; $stop = false; $prev__ = null; $fCounter = 0; while (!$stop && (list($title_, $iid_, $ts_, $y_, $m_, $d_) = rss_fetch_row($rs))) { if ($iid_ == $iid) { //this is the "current" item, get a hold on the previous one $found = true; if ($prev__) { list($ptitle_, $piid_, $pts_, $py_, $pm_, $pd_) = $prev__; $succ = array('y' => $py_, 'm' => $pm_, 'cnt' => 0, 'ts' => $pts_, 'url' => makeArchiveUrl($pts_, $escaped_title, $cid, true) . (getConfig('rss.output.usemodrewrite') ? rss_uri($ptitle_) : "&iid={$piid_}"), 'lbl' => htmlentities($ptitle_, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8")); } } if ($found) { // okay, this is the next item, then. $fCounter++; if ($fCounter == 2) { $prev = array('y' => $y_, 'm' => $m_, 'cnt' => 0, 'ts' => $ts_, 'url' => makeArchiveUrl($ts_, $escaped_title, $cid, true) . (getConfig('rss.output.usemodrewrite') ? rss_uri($title_) : "&iid={$iid_}"), 'lbl' => htmlentities($title_, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8")); $stop = true; } } $prev__ = array($title_, $iid_, $ts_, $y_, $m_, $d_); } // up $ts = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y); $up = array('y' => $y, 'm' => $m, 'd' => $d, 'url' => makeArchiveUrl($ts, $escaped_title, $cid, true), 'lbl' => rss_locale_date('%B %e', $ts)); break; case 'feed': $sql = "select " . ", c.title " . " from " . getTable("channels") . " c " . " inner join " . getTable("folders") . " d " . " on = c.parent "; $sql .= " where not(c.mode & " . RSS_MODE_DELETED_STATE . ") "; if (hidePrivate()) { $sql .= " and not(c.mode & " . RSS_MODE_PRIVATE_STATE . ") "; } if (getConfig('rss.config.absoluteordering')) { $sql .= " order by d.position asc, c.position asc"; } else { $sql .= " order by asc, c.title asc"; } $res = rss_query($sql); $pcid = $ptitile = null; $cidname = array(); $cids = array(); while (list($cid_, $title_) = rss_fetch_row($res)) { $cids[] = $cid_; $cidname[] = array($cid_, $title_); } $key = array_search($cid, $cids); if ($key !== NULL && $key !== FALSE) { //echo "$key " .count($cidname); if ($key + 1 < count($cidname)) { list($cid_, $title_) = $cidname[$key + 1]; $succ = array('url' => getPath() . (getConfig('rss.output.usemodrewrite') ? rss_uri($title_) . "/" : "feed.php?channel={$cid_}"), 'lbl' => htmlentities($title_, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8")); } if ($key > 0) { list($cid_, $title_) = $cidname[$key - 1]; $prev = array('url' => getPath() . (getConfig('rss.output.usemodrewrite') ? rss_uri($title_) . "/" : "feed.php?channel={$cid_}"), 'lbl' => htmlentities($title_, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8")); } } break; case 'cat': $res = rss_query(" select t.tag, from " . getTable('metatag') . " m " . "inner join " . getTable('tag') . "t on = m.tid " . " where m.ttype = 'channel' " . " order by t.tag asc"); $pp = null; $nn = null; $found = false; $stop = false; while (!$stop && (list($tt_, $tid_) = rss_fetch_row($res))) { if ($vfid == $tid_) { $found = true; } if (!$found) { $pp = array('id' => $tid_, 'title' => $tt_); } elseif ($vfid != $tid_) { $nn = array('id' => $tid_, 'title' => $tt_); $stop = true; } } if ($pp) { $vftitle_ = $pp['title']; $vfid_ = $pp['id']; $prev = array('url' => getPath() . (getConfig('rss.output.usemodrewrite') ? rss_uri($vftitle_) . "/" : "feed.php?vfolder={$vfid_}"), 'lbl' => htmlentities($vftitle_, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8")); } if ($nn) { $vftitle_ = $nn['title']; $vfid_ = $nn['id']; $succ = array('url' => getPath() . (getConfig('rss.output.usemodrewrite') ? rss_uri($vftitle_) . "/" : "feed.php?vfolder={$vfid_}"), 'lbl' => htmlentities($vftitle_, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8")); } break; case 'folder': $sql = "select,, count(*) from " . getTable('channels') . " c " . "inner join " . getTable('folders') . " f on = c.parent " . " where != '' "; if (hidePrivate()) { $sql .= " and not (c.mode & " . RSS_MODE_PRIVATE_STATE . ")"; } $sql .= " group by "; if (getConfig('rss.config.absoluteordering')) { $sql .= " order by f.position asc, c.position asc"; } else { $sql .= " order by, c.title asc"; } $res = rss_query($sql); $pp = null; $nn = null; $found = false; $stop = false; while (!$stop && (list($fid_, $fn_, $fc_) = rss_fetch_row($res))) { if ($fc_ == 0) { continue; } if ($fid == $fid_) { $found = true; } if (!$found) { $pp = array('id' => $fid_, 'title' => $fn_); } elseif ($fid != $fid_) { $nn = array('id' => $fid_, 'title' => $fn_); $stop = true; } } if ($pp) { $ftitle__ = $pp['title']; $fid__ = $pp['id']; $prev = array('url' => getPath() . (getConfig('rss.output.usemodrewrite') ? rss_uri($ftitle__) . "/" : "feed.php?folder={$fid__}"), 'lbl' => htmlentities($ftitle__, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8")); } if ($nn) { $ftitle__ = $nn['title']; $fid__ = $nn['id']; $succ = array('url' => getPath() . (getConfig('rss.output.usemodrewrite') ? rss_uri($ftitle__) . "/" : "feed.php?folder={$fid__}"), 'lbl' => htmlentities($ftitle__, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8")); } break; default: //echo "current view: $currentView"; break; } return array($prev, $succ, $up); } return null; }
/** * Fills the instance data for this object: gets a hold * of all tags defined in the system. */ function populate() { // the all tags weighted list $sql = "select, tag, count(*) as cnt from " . getTable('metatag'); if ($this->type == 'channel') { $sql .= " left join " . getTable('channels') . " c on ( " . "inner join " . getTable('tag') . " t " . " on " . " where ttype = 'channel'"; } else { $sql .= " left join " . getTable('item') . " i on ( " . "inner join " . getTable('tag') . " t " . " on " . " where ttype = 'item'"; } // Don't count tags of private items if (hidePrivate()) { $sql .= " and not(i.unread & " . RSS_MODE_PRIVATE_STATE . ") "; } $sql .= " and not (i.unread & " . RSS_MODE_DELETED_STATE . ") "; $sql .= " group by tid order by tag"; $res = rss_query($sql); $max = 0; $min = 100000; $cntr = 0; while (list($tid, $tag, $cnt) = rss_fetch_row($res)) { $this->allTags[$tag] = $cnt; // list of unread items $cntUnread = 0; $sql = "select fid from " . getTable('metatag') . " where tid = {$tid}"; $res2 = rss_query($sql); while (list($fid) = rss_fetch_row($res2)) { if ($this->type == 'channel') { $cntUnread += getUnreadCount($fid, null); } else { $sql = "select unread from " . getTable('item') . " where id = {$fid}" . " and (unread & " . RSS_MODE_UNREAD_STATE . ") "; if (hidePrivate()) { $sql .= " and not(unread & " . RSS_MODE_PRIVATE_STATE . ") "; } if (rss_num_rows(rss_query($sql))) { $cntUnread++; } } } $this->unreadItems[$tag] = $cntUnread; $cntr++; } }
function populate() { _pf('FeedList->populate() ...'); $sql = "select " . ", c.title, c.url, c.siteurl,, c.parent, c.icon, c.descr, c.mode " . " from " . getTable("channels") . " c " . "inner join " . getTable("folders") . " f on = c.parent"; if (hidePrivate()) { $sql .= " and not(c.mode & " . RSS_MODE_PRIVATE_STATE . ") "; } $sql .= " and not(c.mode & " . RSS_MODE_DELETED_STATE . ") "; if (getConfig('rss.config.absoluteordering')) { $sql .= " order by f.position asc, c.position asc"; } else { $sql .= " order by, c.title asc"; } $res = rss_query($sql); $this->feedCount = rss_num_rows($res); $ucres = rss_query("select cid, count(*) from " . getTable("item") . " where unread & " . RSS_MODE_UNREAD_STATE . " and not(unread & " . RSS_MODE_DELETED_STATE . ") group by cid"); $uc = array(); while (list($uccid, $ucuc) = rss_fetch_row($ucres)) { $uc[$uccid] = $ucuc; } while (list($cid, $ctitle, $curl, $csiteurl, $fname, $cparent, $cico, $cdescr, $cmode) = rss_fetch_row($res)) { $ucc = 0; if (array_key_exists($cid, $uc)) { $ucc = $uc[$cid]; } $f = new FeedListItem($cid, $ctitle, $curl, $csiteurl, $fname, $cparent, $cico, $cdescr, $cmode, $ucc); $f->isActiveFeed = $this->activeId && $cid == $this->activeId; if (!array_key_exists($cparent, $this->folders)) { $this->folders[$cparent] = new FeedFolder($fname, $cparent, $this); } //$this->folders[$cparent]->feeds[] = $f; if ($ucc != 0 || !getConfig('rss.output.minimalchannellist')) { $this->folders[$cparent]->feeds[] = $f; } $this->folders[$cparent]->isCollapsed = in_array($cparent, $this->collapsed_ids) && $cparent > 0; } _pf('done'); }
function readItems($limit) { _pf('read items'); /* $hiddenIds = getHiddenChannelIds(); if (count($hiddenIds)) { $sqlWhereHidden = " and not in (" . implode(',',$hiddenIds) . ") "; } else { $sqlWhereHidden = ""; } */ $readItems = new PaginatedItemList(); $readItems->setRenderOptions(IL_TITLE_NO_ESCAPE); if (getConfig('rss.config.feedgrouping')) { if ($limit <= 0) { return; } $sql = "select " . "" . " from " . getTable("channels") . " c " . " inner join " . getTable("folders") . " f on = c.parent "; // $sql .= $sqlWhereHidden; $sql .= " where not(c.mode & " . RSS_MODE_DELETED_STATE . ") "; if (getConfig('rss.config.absoluteordering')) { $sql .= " order by f.position asc, c.position asc"; } else { $sql .= " order by asc, c.title asc"; } $res1 = rss_query($sql); while ($readItems->itemCount < $limit && (list($cid) = rss_fetch_row($res1))) { $sqlWhere = " not(i.unread & " . RSS_MODE_UNREAD_STATE . ") and i.cid= {$cid}"; $sqlWhere .= " and i.pubdate <= now() "; $readItems->populate($sqlWhere, "", 0, 2, ITEM_SORT_HINT_READ); //what if we have less than 2 items. } } else { if ($limit <= 0) { return; } $sqlWhere = " not(i.unread & " . RSS_MODE_UNREAD_STATE . ") "; $sqlWhere .= " and i.pubdate <= now() "; // $sqlWhere .= $sqlWhereHidden; $readItems->populate($sqlWhere, "", 0, $limit, ITEM_SORT_HINT_READ); $readItems->setRenderOptions(IL_NO_COLLAPSE | IL_TITLE_NO_ESCAPE); } $readItems->setTitle(__('Recent items')); $GLOBALS['rss']->appendContentObject($readItems); _pf('end read items'); }
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, # or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA or visit # # ############################################################################### # E-mail: mbonetti at gmail dot com # Web page: ############################################################################### require_once '../core.php'; // Cache expires after 24 hours rss_bootstrap(true, '', 24); if (!isset($_GET['url'])) { exit; } $sql = "select data from " . getTable('cache') . " where cachetype='icon' and cachekey='" . rss_real_escape_string($_GET['url']) . "'"; list($blob) = rss_fetch_row(rss_query($sql)); if (!$blob) { exit; } else { header('Content-Type: image/x-icon'); echo $blob; }
function __exp__rateItem($iid, $rt) { $iid = sanitize($iid, RSS_SANITIZER_NUMERIC); $rt = sanitize($rt, RSS_SANITIZER_NUMERIC); list($rrt) = rss_fetch_row(rss_query("select rating from " . getTable('rating') . " where iid = {$iid}")); rss_query('delete from ' . getTable('rating') . ' where iid = ' . $iid); if ($rt == $rrt) { return "{$iid}|0"; } rss_query('insert into ' . getTable('rating') . "(iid,rating) values ({$iid},{$rt})"); if (rss_is_sql_error(RSS_SQL_ERROR_NO_ERROR)) { return "{$iid}|{$rt}"; } }
# more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA or visit # # ############################################################################### # E-mail: mbonetti at gmail dot com # Web page: # ############################################################################### require_once 'init.php'; $a = trim(sanitize($_REQUEST['author'], RSS_SANITIZER_WORDS)); $sql = "select distinct(author) from " . getTable('item') . " where author like '%{$a}'"; list($ra) = rss_fetch_row(rss_query($sql)); if (!$ra) { rss_404(); exit; } $t = ucfirst(__('items')) . " " . __(' by ') . " " . $ra; $GLOBALS['rss']->header = new Header($t); $GLOBALS['rss']->feedList = new FeedList(false); $authorItems = new ItemList(); $sqlWhere = " like '%{$a}' "; $numItems = getConfig('rss.output.frontpage.numitems'); $authorItems->populate($sqlWhere, "", 0, $numItems); $authorItems->setTitle($t); $authorItems->setRenderOptions(IL_NO_COLLAPSE | IL_TITLE_NO_ESCAPE); $GLOBALS['rss']->appendContentObject($authorItems); $GLOBALS['rss']->renderWithTemplate('index.php', 'items');
define('CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN_CONFIG', 'config'); define('CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN_OPML', 'opml'); define('CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN_PLUGINS', 'plugins'); define('CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN_PLUGIN_OPTIONS', 'plugin_options'); define('CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN_THEMES', 'themes'); define('CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN_THEME_OPTIONS', 'theme_options'); define('CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN_TAGS', 'tags'); // OPML import target define('CST_ADMIN_OPML_IMPORT_WIPE', 1); define('CST_ADMIN_OPML_IMPORT_FOLDER', 2); define('CST_ADMIN_OPML_IMPORT_MERGE', 3); $auth = rss_user_check_user_level(RSS_USER_LEVEL_ADMIN); if (!$auth) { // check whether the admin password has been set. $sql = "select uname,password from " . getTable('users') . " where ulevel=99"; list($dummy, $__pw__) = rss_fetch_row(rss_query($sql)); if ($__pw__ == '') { $admin_uname = null; $admin_pass = null; if (isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password'])) { $admin_uname = $_POST['username']; $admin_pass = $_POST['password']; } set_admin_pass($admin_uname, $admin_pass); } else { rss_login_form(); exit; } } admin_header(); admin_main($auth);
function tag_edit($tid) { $sql = "select id, tag from " . getTable("tag") . " where id={$tid}"; $res = rss_query($sql); list($id, $tag) = rss_fetch_row($res); echo "<div>\n" . "<h2>" . ucfirst(__('edit')) . " '{$tag}'</h2>\n" . "<form method=\"post\" action=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\" id=\"tagedit\">\n" . "<div style=\"inline\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN . "\" value=\"" . CST_ADMIN_DOMAIN_TAGS . "\"/>\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"" . CST_ADMIN_SUBMIT_EDIT . "\"/>\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"{$tid}\"/>\n" . "<label for=\"t_name\">" . __('Rename to...') . "</label>\n" . "<input type=\"text\" id=\"t_name\" name=\"t_name\" value=\"{$tag}\"/>\n" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"action_\" value=\"" . __('Submit Changes') . "\"/></div>" . "</form></div>\n"; }
# # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA or visit # # ############################################################################### # E-mail: mbonetti at gmail dot com # Web page: # ############################################################################### require_once "init.php"; rss_require('cls/search.php'); rss_require('cls/wrappers/searchform.php'); rss_require('cls/wrappers/toolkit.php'); $GLOBALS['rss']->feedList = new FeedList(false); $items = new SearchItemList(); $items->setRenderOptions(IL_NONE | IL_NO_COLLAPSE); if (array_key_exists(QUERY_PRM, $_REQUEST) && strlen($_REQUEST[QUERY_PRM]) > 1) { $GLOBALS['rss']->header = new Header("Search", LOCATION_SEARCH, null); $cnt = $items->itemCount; $humanReadableQuery = $items->humanReadableQuery; $title = sprintf($cnt > 1 || $cnt == 0 ? __('%d matches for %s') : __('%d match for %s'), $cnt, "'" . $humanReadableQuery . "'"); $items->setTitle($title); } else { list($cnt) = rss_fetch_row(rss_query('select count(*) from ' . getTable("item") . " where " . " not(unread & " . RSS_MODE_DELETED_STATE . ") ")); $items->setTitle(sprintf(__('Search %d items'), $cnt)); $GLOBALS['rss']->header = new Header(__('Search'), LOCATION_SEARCH, null, "document.getElementById('" . QUERY_PRM . "').focus()"); } $GLOBALS['rss']->appendContentObject($items); $GLOBALS['rss']->renderWithTemplate('index.php');