function widget($args, $instance) { if (empty($instance['style'])) { $instance['style'] = RPX_BUTTONS_STYLE_SMALL; } $user_data = rpx_user_data(); if ($instance['hide'] != 'true' || ($user_data == false || empty($user_data->rpx_provider))) { extract($args); $title = apply_filters('widget_title', empty($instance['title']) ? '' : $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base); echo $before_widget; if (!empty($title)) { echo $before_title . $title . $after_title; } if ($user_data != false && !empty($user_data->rpx_provider)) { global $rpx_http_vars; $rpx_user_icon = rpx_user_provider_icon(); $avatar = ''; if (!empty($user_data->rpx_photo)) { $avatar = '<img class="rpx_sidebar_avatar" src="' . $user_data->rpx_photo . '">'; } else { $avatar = '<div class="rpx_sidebar_avatar"> </div>'; } ?> <div class="rpx_user_icon"> <?php echo $avatar; echo $rpx_user_icon; ?> </div> <a href="<?php echo wp_logout_url($rpx_http_vars['redirect_to']); ?> " title="Logout">Log out</a> <?php } elseif ($user_data != false && empty($user_data->rpx_provider)) { $instance['prompt'] = RPX_CONNECT_PROMPT; echo rpx_buttons($instance['style'], $instance['prompt']); } else { $instance['prompt'] = RPX_LOGIN_PROMPT; echo rpx_buttons($instance['style'], $instance['prompt']); } echo $after_widget; } }
function rpx_user_profile() { if (function_exists('rpx_init')) { $user_data = rpx_user_data(); if (!empty($user_data->rpx_provider)) { $provider = htmlentities($user_data->rpx_provider); $text .= "<h3>Currently connected to {$provider}</h3>"; $removable = get_option(RPX_REMOVABLE_OPTION); if ($removable == 'true') { $text .= "<p>You can remove all {$provider} data and disconnect your account from {$provider} by clicking <a href=\"?action=" . RPX_REMOVE_ACTION . "\">remove</a>.\n <br><strong>Be certain before you click \"remove\" and set a password for this account so you can use it without social sign in.</strong></p>"; } } else { $text = rpx_buttons(RPX_BUTTONS_STYLE_LARGE, RPX_CONNECT_PROMPT); } $ret = $text; return $ret; } }