Beispiel #1
function render_template($locals, $fileName)
    include root() . 'views/' . $fileName . '.php';
    return ob_get_clean();
Beispiel #2
function pad_write($p, $o, $res)
    $pad = 'pad' . ses('USE') . date('ymd');
    $f = 'plug/_data/' . $pad . '.txt';
    write_file($f, ajxg($res));
    return lkt('popbt', root() . $f, $pad);
Beispiel #3
 public static function combine($type, $files, $compress = false)
     $root = root('panel.assets') . DS . $type;
     $cache = new Media($root . DS . 'panel.' . $type);
     $media = new Collection(array_map(function ($file) use($root) {
         return new Media($root . DS . str_replace('/', DS, $file));
     }, $files));
     // get the max modification date
     $modified = max($media->pluck('modified'));
     if (is_writable($root) and (!$cache->exists() or $cache->modified() < $modified)) {
         $content = '';
         foreach ($media as $asset) {
             $content .= $asset->read() . PHP_EOL;
         if ($compress) {
             $content = static::compress($content);
         f::write($root . DS . 'panel.' . $type, $content);
     if ($cache->exists()) {
         return $type('panel/assets/' . $type . '/panel.' . $type);
     return $type(array_map(function ($item) use($type) {
         return 'panel/assets/' . $type . '/' . $item;
     }, $files));
     * Simple Debug info
     * @version 1.0
     * @since   1.0.0
     * @author  Dan Aldridge
     * @return  void
    public function systeminfo()
        $objSQL = Core_Classes_coreObj::getDBO();
        $objTPL = Core_Classes_coreObj::getTPL();
        $objTime = Core_Classes_coreObj::getTime();
        $objForm = Core_Classes_coreObj::getForm();
        $objTPL->set_filenames(array('body' => cmsROOT . Core_Classes_Page::$THEME_ROOT . 'block.tpl'));
        // checkers
        // grab some info about GD
        if (function_exists('gd_info')) {
            $a = gd_info();
            $gdVer = preg_replace('/[[:alpha:][:space:]()]+/', '', $a['GD Version']);
        } else {
            $gdVer = 'Not Installed.';
        $info = '<div class="alert alert-info"><strong>Important!</strong> This panel needs more updating to output more useful data that has been made avaliable during the last overhaul</div>';
        $content = 'This panel gives the CMS dev team some information about your setup.

;--System Setup
    CMS Version: ' . CMS_VERSION . '
    PHP Version: ' . PHP_VERSION . ' (' . (@ini_get('safe_mode') == '1' || strtolower(@ini_get('safe_mode')) == 'on' ? 'Safe Mode Enabled' : 'Safe Mode Disabled') . ')
    MySQL Version: ' . mysql_get_server_info() . '

    GD Version: ' . $gdVer . '

;--CMS Setup
    Install Path: /' . root() . '

' . json_encode($objSQL->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM `#__config`')) . '';
        Core_Classes_coreObj::getAdminCP()->setupBlock('body', array('cols' => 3, 'vars' => array('TITLE' => 'System Info', 'CONTENT' => $info . $objForm->textarea('sysInfo', $content, array('style' => 'width: 99%', 'rows' => 20)), 'ICON' => 'fa-icon-user')));
Beispiel #5
  * Bind paths
  * @return void
 public function bindPaths()
     $root = root();
     $source = $root . '/' . Conf::get('source', 'source');
     $paths = ['root' => $root, 'source' => $source, 'posts' => $source . '/posts', 'pages' => $source . '/pages', 'themes' => $source . '/themes', 'theme' => $source . '/themes/' . Conf::get('theme'), 'plugins' => $root . '/' . Conf::get('plugins', 'plugins')];
     foreach ($paths as $key => $value) {
         App::instance("path.{$key}", $value);
Beispiel #6
function plug_imtx($p, $o)
    $rid = 'plg' . randid();
    ses('out', '/plug/_data/imtx.png');
    $j = $rid . '_plug__2_imtx_imt*j_' . $w . '_' . $h . '_txtarec';
    $sj = 'SaveJ(\'' . $j . '\')';
    $ret .= txarea('txtarec', $p, 44, 14, atc('console') . atb('onkeyup', $sj) . atb('onclick', $sj));
    $ret .= lj('', $j, picto('reload')) . ' ';
    return $ret . divd($rid, image(root() . ses('out')));
Beispiel #7
function chatdata($p)
    $dr = root() . 'msql/users/';
    $dfb['_menus_'] = array('time', 'name', 'msg');
    $r = read_vars($dr, ses('qb') . '_chat_' . $p, $dfb);
    if ($r) {
    return $r;
Beispiel #8
 public function login_process()
     $objUser = Core_Classes_coreObj::getUser();
     $objLogin = Core_Classes_coreObj::getLogin();
     $objPage = Core_Classes_coreObj::getPage();
     if ($objLogin->process() !== true) {
     $objPage->redirect(doArgs('referer', '/' . root(), $_SESSION['login']), 0);
Beispiel #9
 function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "{}")
     $this->interactive = true;
     $this->game = 0;
     $this->round = 0;
     parent::__construct($parent, $params_json);
     $this->name = "game";
     $db_dices = root($this)->db->load("Dice");
     if (count($db_dices)) {
         $this->interactive = false;
Beispiel #10
 public function __construct()
     $root = root();
     $config_path = $this->app('config_path') ?: 'config.yml';
     $this->path = $root . '/' . $config_path;
     if (!is_readable($this->path)) {
         // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
         throw new \LogicException('cannot read config file: ' . $this->path);
         // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
     $this->data = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($this->path));
Beispiel #11
  * Fetch template HTML and parse vars.
  * @param array $vars Vars to pass to template.
  * @return string
 private function fetchTemplate($vars = array())
     $html = rfile_get_contents(appdir('template/mail/' . $this->template . '.html'));
     foreach ($this->vars as $key => $var) {
         $html = str_replace('{{ ' . $key . ' }}', $var, $html);
     $css = array();
     preg_match_all('/\\{\\%css\\:\\ (.*?)\\ \\%\\}/', $html, $css);
     if (!empty($css[1][0])) {
         $style = rfile_get_contents(root('www/asset/css/' . $css[1][0]));
         $html = str_replace($css[0][0], '<style>' . $style . '</style>', $html);
     return $html;
 * Pretty wrapper to print_r()
 * @version     3.0
 * @since       1.0.0
 * @author      Dan Aldridge
 * @param       variable    $var
 * @param       string      $info
 * @param       string      $color          Changes the debug header color
 * @param       bool        $specialFX
 * @return      string
function dump(&$var, $info = false, $color = '', $specialFX = true)
    if (file_exists('debug')) {
    $objPage = Core_Classes_coreObj::getPage();
    $scope = false;
    $prefix = 'unique';
    $suffix = 'value';
    $return = null;
    $specialFX = $specialFX !== false ? true : false;
    if (is_object($objPage)) {
        if ($specialFX) {
                  'src'      => '/'.root().'assets/javascript/tree.js',
                  'priority' => LOW,
    } else {
        static $run;
        if (!isset($run) || $run != true) {
            echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/' . root() . 'assets/styles/debug.css" />' . "\n";
        $run = true;
    $vals = $scope ? $scope : $GLOBALS;
    $old = $var;
    $var = $new = $prefix . rand() . $suffix;
    $vname = false;
    foreach ($vals as $key => $val) {
        if ($val === $new) {
            $vname = $key;
    $var = $old;
    $debug = debug_backtrace();
    $call_info = array_shift($debug);
    $code_line = $call_info['line'];
    $file = explode(stristr(PHP_OS, 'WIN') ? '\\' : '/', $call_info['file']);
    $file = array_pop($file);
    $id = substr(md5(microtime()), 0, 6);
    $return .= sprintf('<div class="debug"><div><div class="header" style="background-color: ' . $color . ';"></div>DEBUG! (<strong>%s : %s</strong>)', $file, $code_line);
    if ($info != false) {
        $return .= ' | <strong style="color: red;">' . $info . ':</strong>';
    $return .= '</div><ul id="debug_' . $id . '"' . ($specialFX ? ' data-switch="true"' : '') . '>' . doDump($var, '$' . $vname) . '</ul>';
    $return .= '</div>';
    return $return;
Beispiel #13
 protected function form($user = null)
     $mode = $user ? 'edit' : 'add';
     $fields = data::read(root('') . DS . 'forms' . DS . 'user.' . $mode . '.php', 'yaml');
     $content = $user ? $user->data() : array();
     // add all languages
     $fields['language']['options'] = array();
     $fields['language']['default'] = c::get('panel.language', 'en');
     foreach (app::languages() as $code => $lang) {
         $fields['language']['options'][$code] = $lang->title();
     // make sure the password is never shown in the form
     return new Form($fields, $content);
 function _codemirrorHighlight($content, $language = '')
     $objPage = Core_Classes_coreObj::getPage();
     if (is_empty($content)) {
         return false;
     $objPage->addCSSFile(array('href' => '/' . root() . 'assets/styles/codemirror-min.css', 'priority' => LOW));
     $objPage->addJSFile(array('src' => '/' . root() . 'assets/javascript/codemirror-min.js', 'priority' => LOW), 'footer');
     $objPage->addJSFile(array('src' => '/' . root() . 'assets/javascript/codemirror-langs-min.js', 'priority' => LOW), 'footer');
     $objPage->addJSFile(array('src' => '/' . root() . 'assets/javascript/codemirror/highlighter.js', 'priority' => LOW), 'footer');
     $language = grabLangInfo($language, 'mime');
     $content = trim($content);
     $content = html_entity_decode($content, ENT_NOQUOTES);
     $content = str_replace('<?php', '&lt;?php', $content);
     //return $content;
     return dump($content) . "\n<pre><span data-lang=\"" . $language . "\" data-codemir3ror=\"true\">" . $content . "</span></pre>\n";
Beispiel #15
 function call($params)
     $houses = findall(root($this), "House");
     $this->numhouses = count($houses);
     //return json_encode( $houses );
     //return $this->numhouses;
     if (count($houses) > 0) {
         $this->dice1 = rand(1, 6);
         $this->dice2 = rand(1, 6);
         //save to db
         //root( $this )->db->save( $house );
         return json_encode(clean($this));
     } else {
         return false;
 * Shows a message and then exit the current page with a footer.
 * @version 2.0
 * @since   0.6.0
function msgDie($msg_type, $message, $line = null, $file = null, $query = null, $footer = true)
    $objTPL = Core_Classes_coreObj::getTPL();
    $objPage = Core_Classes_coreObj::getPage();
    //if(!is_object($objTPL) || !is_object($objPage)){ echo $message; exit; }
    $objTPL->set_filenames(array('__msgBody' => cmsROOT . 'modules/core/views/module/message/default.tpl'));
    $query = !is_empty($query) ? $query : null;
    $line = !is_empty($line) ? $line : null;
    $file = !is_empty($file) ? $file : null;
    switch (strtolower($msg_type)) {
        case 'fail':
            $img = '/' . root() . 'images/fail.png';
            $type = 'error';
        case 'ok':
            $img = '/' . root() . 'images/ok.png';
            $type = 'status';
        case 'info':
            $img = '/' . root() . 'images/info.png';
            $type = 'warning';
            $img = null;
    $objTPL->assign_vars(array('L_MSG_TYPE' => langVar('MSG_' . strtoupper($msg_type)), 'L_MSG' => $message, 'QUERY' => $query, 'LINE' => 'Line: ' . $line, 'FILE' => 'File: ' . $file, 'IMG' => isset($img) && !is_empty($img) ? '<img src="' . $img . '" style="height: 48px; width: 48px;">' : '', 'ALIGN' => 'center', 'TYPE' => $type));
    $gen_time = '0';
    if ($footer) {
Beispiel #17
 public function __construct($file, $data = array())
     parent::__construct($file, $data);
     $this->root = root('');
Beispiel #18
 function call($params)
     $num = count($this->houses);
     $bank = find(root($this), "Bank");
     if ($this->cost and $num < 4 and $bank->amount > $this->cost) {
         $bank->amount -= $this->cost;
         $house = $this->add(new House($this, '{}'));
         return json_encode(clean($house));
     } else {
         return false;
  * Makes the menu into a multidimensional array for processing
  * @version 1.0
  * @since   1.0.0
  * @author  Dan Aldridge
  * @return  void
 public function getNav()
     $objSQL = Core_Classes_coreObj::getDBO();
     $objTPL = Core_Classes_coreObj::getTPL();
     $acpROOT = '/' . root() . 'admin/';
     $query = $objSQL->queryBuilder()->select('id', 'link_url', 'link_title', 'parent_id')->from('#__menus')->orderBy('`menu_name`, `order`')->where('menu_name', '=', 'admin_menu')->build();
     $results = $objSQL->fetchAll($query, 'id');
     if (count($results) <= 0) {
         trigger_error('No results could be found for the admin menu');
         return false;
     foreach ($results as $id => $result) {
         $results[$id]['link_url'] = $result['link_url'] = str_replace('{ADMIN_ROOT}', $acpROOT, $result['link_url']);
         if ($result['parent_id'] !== '0') {
             if (!isset($results[$result['parent_id']]['subs'])) {
                 $results[$result['parent_id']]['subs'] = array();
             $results[$result['parent_id']]['subs'][$id] = $result;
    public function contactInfoCSS()
        header('Content-type: text/css');
        $css = <<<CSS
.ico{ height: 21px; margin: 0 12px 0 14px; background-position: 0 center !important; padding: 0 0 0 20px; }
.label{ padding-left: 25px; width: 30%; margin: 12px; line-height: 22px; cursor: n-resize; }
.formTbl{ width: 100%; border: 0; }
#close{ width: 23px; }
        $settings = $this->contactInfoSettings();
        $cssTPL = '.%s { background: url("/' . root() . 'images/social/%s") no-repeat scroll 5px center transparent; }' . "\n";
        foreach ($settings as $s) {
            if (!is_array($s)) {
            $css .= sprintf($cssTPL, $s['code'], $s['ico']);
Beispiel #21
function getAllVisibleNews()
    $allNews = getVisibleNews();
    $return = "";
    foreach ($allNews as $news) {
        $return .= '<div class="article"><div class="article-header">' . ' <h1>' . $news["title"] . '</h1>' . '</div>' . $news["description"] . '<a href="' . root() . '/' . $news["link"] . '">Lire la suite</a>' . '<div class="social-media-end">' . '</div>' . '</div>';
    return $return;
Beispiel #22
 public static function form($id, $data = array())
     $fields = data::read(root('') . DS . 'forms' . DS . $id . '.php', 'yaml');
     return new Form($fields, $data);
Beispiel #23
function goodroot($f, $h = '')
    if ($h == 1) {
        $h = host() . '/';
    } elseif ($h) {
        $h = http($h) . '/';
    if (substr($f, 0, 4) == 'http') {
        return $f;
    } elseif (substr($f, 0, 3) == '../') {
        return $f;
    } elseif (strpos($f, '/') === false) {
        return $h . 'img/' . $f;
    } elseif (strpos($f, 'users/') === false) {
        return $h . 'users/' . $f;
    } else {
        return root($f);
  * Gets the comment count on the specified id
  * @version 1.0.0
  * @since   1.0.0
  * @author  Richard Clifford, Dan Aldridge
  * @return  bool
 function makeSubmitForm()
     $rand = rand(1, 99);
     $objTPL = coreObj::getTPL();
     $objPage = coreObj::getPage();
     $objSession = coreObj::getSession();
     $objForm = coreObj::getForm();
     $objTPL->set_filenames(array('submitCommentsForm_' . $rand => 'modules/core/template/comments/submitComment.tpl'));
     $objPage->addJSFile('/' . root() . 'scripts/comments.js');
     $sess_id = $_SESSION[$this->module]['comment_' . $this->module_id] = md5(time() . $rand);
     $objTPL->assign_vars(array('FORM_START' => $objForm->start('comments', array('method' => 'POST', 'action' => $this->aURL[0] . '?mode=postComment')), 'FORM_END' => $objForm->finish(), 'SUBMIT' => $objForm->button('submit', 'Submit'), 'L_SUBMIT_COMMENT' => 'Submit a comment:', 'TEXTAREA' => $objForm->textarea('comment', ''), 'HIDDEN' => $objForm->inputbox('sessid', 'hidden', $sess_id) . $objForm->inputbox('module', 'hidden', $this->module)));
     //and then output the comments to the parent template
     $objTPL->assign_var_from_handle('_NEW_COMMENT', 'submitCommentsForm_' . $rand);
     return true;
Beispiel #25
function script($name)
    return root() . '/scripts/' . $name;
Beispiel #26
  * Panel Constructor
  * @version 1.0
  * @since   1.0.0
  * @author  Dan Aldridge
  * @return  void
 public function __construct()
     Core_Classes_coreObj::getPage()->addBreadcrumbs(array(array('url' => '/' . root() . 'admin/core/themes/', 'name' => 'Themes')));
Beispiel #27
  * Outputs the debug onto the page
  * @version     1.0
  * @since       1.0.0
  * @author      Daniel Noel-Davies
  * @return      string
 public function output()
     $tabs = '';
     $content = '';
     $output = '';
     $debugTabs = array();
     $objPlugin = Core_Classes_coreObj::getPlugins();
     $objPage = Core_Classes_coreObj::getPage();
     $objPage->addJSFile(array('src' => '/' . root() . 'assets/javascript/tabs.js'), 'footer');
     $objPage->addJSFile(array('src' => '/' . root() . 'assets/javascript/debug.js'), 'footer');
     // Setup the tabs
     $tab = $this->getGlobals(true);
     $debugTabs['globals'] = array('title' => 'Globals', 'content' => $tab['content']);
     // Setup the tabs
     $tab = $this->getDumpOutput(true);
     $debugTabs['debuglog'] = array('title' => 'Dev Debug', 'content' => $tab['content']);
     // Setup the tabs
     $tab = $this->getConfig(true);
     $debugTabs['config'] = array('title' => 'Config', 'content' => $tab['content']);
     $tab = $this->getPHPErrors(true);
     $debugTabs['errors'] = array('title' => sprintf('PHP / CMS Errors <div class="label label-info">%s</div>', $tab['count']), 'content' => $tab['content']);
     $tab = $this->getMemoryUse(true);
     $debugTabs['memory'] = array('title' => sprintf('Memory Usage <div class="label label-info">%s</div>', $tab['count']), 'content' => $tab['content']);
     $tab = $this->getSQLQueries(true);
     $debugTabs['queries'] = array('title' => sprintf('SQL Queries <div class="label label-info">%s</div>', $tab['count']), 'content' => $tab['content']);
     $tab = $this->getIncludedFiles(true);
     $debugTabs['included'] = array('title' => sprintf('Included Files <div class="label label-info">%s</div>', $tab['count']), 'content' => $tab['content']);
     $tab = $this->getTemplateInfo(true);
     $debugTabs['templateFiles'] = array('title' => sprintf('Template Info'), 'content' => $tab['content']);
     $tab = $this->getOtherTab(true);
     $debugTabs['other'] = array('title' => sprintf('Others', $tab['count']), 'content' => $tab['content']);
     // Allow developers to hook into the debug bar
     $extraTabs = $objPlugin->hook('CMS_DEBUGBAR_TABS');
     if (is_array($extraTabs) && count($extraTabs) > 1) {
         foreach ($extraTabs as $tab) {
             $debugTabs = array_merge($debugTabs, $tab);
     $counter = 0;
     foreach ($debugTabs as $k => $tab) {
         $tabs .= sprintf('<li class="tab"><a href="javascript:;" data-toggle="tab" data-target="#%1$s">%2$s</a></li>' . "\n", $k, $tab['title']);
         $content .= sprintf('<div class="tab-pane content fade" id="%1$s">%2$s</div>' . "\n", $k, $tab['content']);
     return sprintf('<div id="debug-tabs" data-tabs="true"><ul class="nav nav-tabs">%s</ul><div class="tab-content well">%s</div></div>' . "\n", $tabs, $content);
Beispiel #28

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: Thomas
 * Date: 26/12/2015
 * Time: 14:44
require_once 'vue_page-builder.php';
require_once root() . '/controleurs/controleur_display_profile.php';
require_once root() . '/controleurs/objetsphp/rss/controleur_rssfeed.php';
$script = array("", "javascript/scroll_to_back_to_top.js", "javascript/operations_posts.js");
head($_GET[id], 'Page de profile', 'profile, compte, utilisateur', '', $script);
if (!(isset($_GET[id]) || '' !== $_GET[id])) {
    header('Location: ../index.php');
$liens[] = '../index.php';
$noms[] = 'accueil';
$images[] = 'static/images/favicon.svg';
createMenu($liens, $noms, $images);
$fluxArray = array();
$rssurls = getRss($_GET['id']);
foreach ($rssurls as $url) {
    try {
        $feed = new RssFeed($url);
        $fluxArray[] = $feed;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
Beispiel #29

//second door
$prg = root() . 'prog';
if ($_SESSION['dev'] == 'dev' or $_SESSION['dev'] == 'lab') {
    $prg .= 'b';
require_once root() . 'params/_connectx.php';
require_once $prg . '/boot.php';
require_once $prg . '/spe.php';
$_SESSION["dayx"] = time();
$_SESSION['daya'] = $_SESSION["dayx"];
function parse_msg_xml($msg)
    $ar1 = array("&", "<", ">");
    $ar2 = array('&amp;', "&lt;", "&gt;");
    $msg = str_replace($ar1, $ar2, $msg);
    if ($_GET["flash"]) {
        $msg = utf8_encode($msg);
    return $msg;
# Boot
Beispiel #30
  * Returns an fully parsed avatar
  * @version 1.0
  * @since   1.0.0
  * @author  xLink
  * @param   int     $uid
  * @param   int     $size
  * @return  string  HTML of the parsed avatar.
 public function parseAvatar($uid, $size = 100)
     $defaultAvatar = '/' . root() . 'images/no_avatar.png';
     $avatar = $this->getUserInfo($uid, 'avatar');
     if (is_empty($avatar)) {
         $avatar = $defaultAvatar;
         $_avatar = '<img src="%1$s" height="%2$s" width="%3$s" class="avatar corners" />';
         return sprintf($_avatar, $avatar, $size, $size);
     $avatar = secureMe(preg_replace('_^/images/_', '/' . root() . 'images/', $avatar));
     $username = $this->getUserInfo($uid, 'username');
     $username_avatar = $username . '_avatar';
     $user = strtolower($username);
     $_avatar = '<a href="%1$s" class="lightwindow" title="%4$s\'s Avatar" data-avatar="%5$s">' . '<img src="%1$s" height="%2$s" width="%2$s" name="%3$s" id="%3$s" title="%4$s\'s Avatar" class="avatar corners" data-avatar="%4$s" /></a>';
     return sprintf($_avatar, $avatar, $size, $username_avatar, $username, $user);