Beispiel #1
  * Sets up and stores any pre upgrade information
  * that will be used for notifications.
  * @access  public
  * @since   1.0.0
 public function handle_pre_upgrade_information()
     global $wp_version;
     // Get current filter
     $current_filter = preg_replace('/^admin\\_action\\_/i', '', current_filter());
     // Going to store pre-upgrade plugin/theme/core info for
     // notification that gets sent out after update
     $pre_upgrade_info = array();
     // Will hold type info for processing
     $plugins = array();
     $themes = array();
     switch ($current_filter) {
         case 'upgrade-plugin':
             $plugins[] = isset($_REQUEST['plugin']) ? trim($_REQUEST['plugin']) : null;
         case 'do-plugin-upgrade':
             $plugins = isset($_GET['plugins']) ? explode(',', $_GET['plugins']) : (isset($_POST['checked']) ? (array) $_POST['checked'] : false);
         case 'update-selected':
             $plugins = isset($_GET['plugins']) ? explode(',', stripslashes($_GET['plugins'])) : (isset($_POST['checked']) ? (array) $_POST['checked'] : false);
         case 'upgrade-theme':
             $themes[] = isset($_REQUEST['theme']) ? urldecode($_REQUEST['theme']) : null;
         case 'do-theme-upgrade':
             $themes = isset($_GET['themes']) ? explode(',', $_GET['themes']) : (isset($_POST['checked']) ? (array) $_POST['checked'] : false);
         case 'update-selected-themes':
             $themes = isset($_GET['themes']) ? explode(',', stripslashes($_GET['themes'])) : (isset($_POST['checked']) ? (array) $_POST['checked'] : false);
         case 'upgrade-core':
         case 'do-core-upgrade':
         case 'do-core-reinstall':
             $pre_upgrade_info['core'] = array('version' => $wp_version);
     // Process plugins
     if ($plugins) {
         foreach ($plugins as $plugin_file) {
             if ($plugin = get_plugin_data(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins/' . $plugin_file)) {
                 $pre_upgrade_info[$plugin_file] = $plugin;
     // Process themes
     if ($themes) {
         foreach ($themes as $theme_name) {
             if ($theme = wp_get_theme($theme_name)) {
                 $pre_upgrade_info[$theme_name] = $theme;
     // Store the info
     if ($pre_upgrade_info) {
         if (rock_the_slackbot()->is_network_active) {
             set_site_transient('rock_the_slackbot_pre_upgrade_information', $pre_upgrade_info, 60);
         } else {
             set_transient('rock_the_slackbot_pre_upgrade_information', $pre_upgrade_info, 60);
  * Sends a notification to Slack when
  * core, plugins, or themes are updated.
  * Fires when the bulk upgrader process is complete.
  * In $upgrade_info:
  * 'action' is always 'update'
  * 'type': 'plugin', 'theme' or 'core'
  * 'bulk': will be boolean true if true, might not always exist
  * 'plugins': will hold array of plugins being updated
  * 'themes': will hold array of themes being updated
  * @access  public
  * @since   1.0.0
  * @param   Plugin_Upgrader - $upgrader
  * 		upgrader instance: Plugin_Upgrader, Theme_Upgrader or Core_Upgrade
  * @param   array - $upgrade_info - Array of bulk item update data.
  *     @type string $action   Type of action. Default 'update'.
  *     @type string $type     Type of update process. Accepts 'plugin', 'theme', or 'core'.
  *     @type bool   $bulk     Whether the update process is a bulk update. Default true.
  *     @type array  $packages Array of plugin, theme, or core packages to update.
  * @return  bool - returns false if nothing happened
 public function upgrade_notification($upgrader, $upgrade_info)
     global $wp_version;
     // Make sure the action is update.
     if (!(!empty($upgrade_info['action']) && 'update' == strtolower($upgrade_info['action']))) {
         return false;
     // Make sure we have a valid type.
     $upgrade_type = !empty($upgrade_info['type']) ? strtolower($upgrade_info['type']) : false;
     if (!in_array($upgrade_type, array('core', 'plugin', 'theme'))) {
         return false;
     // Which event are we processing?
     $notification_event = "{$upgrade_type}_updated";
     // Get the outgoing webhooks.
     $outgoing_webhooks = $this->get_outgoing_webhooks($notification_event);
     // If we have no webhooks, then there's no point.
     if (!$outgoing_webhooks) {
         return false;
     // Is this a bulk upgrade?
     $is_bulk = !empty($upgrade_info['bulk']) && $upgrade_info['bulk'] > 0 ? true : false;
     // Get upgrade items (if applicable).
     $upgrade_item_index = $is_bulk ? "{$upgrade_type}s" : $upgrade_type;
     $upgrade_items = 'core' == $upgrade_type ? false : (!empty($upgrade_info[$upgrade_item_index]) ? $upgrade_info[$upgrade_item_index] : false);
     // Convert to array.
     if (!is_array($upgrade_items)) {
         $upgrade_items = explode(',', $upgrade_items);
     // Get the pre upgrade info.
     if (rock_the_slackbot()->is_network_active) {
         $pre_upgrade_info = get_site_transient('rock_the_slackbot_pre_upgrade_information');
     } else {
         $pre_upgrade_info = get_transient('rock_the_slackbot_pre_upgrade_information');
     // Get current user.
     $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
     // Get site URL and name.
     $site_url = get_bloginfo('url');
     $site_name = get_bloginfo('name');
     // Create general message for the notification.
     $general_message = null;
     // Set the message for the different updates.
     if ('core' == $upgrade_type) {
         $general_message = "WordPress {$upgrade_type} has";
     } else {
         // Start the message.
         $general_message = "The following WordPress {$upgrade_type}";
         // Depending on how many are being updated.
         if (count($upgrade_items) == 1) {
             $general_message .= ' has';
         } else {
             $general_message .= 's have';
     // Add on to the message.
     $general_message .= ' been updated';
     // Include the core version.
     if ('core' == $upgrade_type) {
         if (!empty($pre_upgrade_info['core']['version'])) {
             $general_message .= ' from version ' . $pre_upgrade_info['core']['version'];
         $general_message .= ' to ' . $wp_version;
     // Add the use who updated.
     if (false !== $current_user && !empty($current_user->display_name)) {
         $general_message .= ' by ' . $current_user->display_name;
     // Finish the message.
     $general_message .= ' on the ' . $site_name . ' website at <' . $site_url . '>.';
     // Loop through each webhook and send the notification.
     foreach ($outgoing_webhooks as $hook) {
         // We must have a webhook URL.
         if (empty($hook['webhook_url'])) {
         // Start creating the payload.
         $payload = array('text' => $general_message);
         // Create attachments.
         $attachments = array();
         // Will hold the event info we want to pass to the filters.
         $event_args = array();
          * Get event info for core upgrade type.
          * Add some more info for plugins and themes.
         if ('core' != $upgrade_type) {
             // Store version numbers for the filters.
             $event_args['current_version'] = $wp_version;
             $event_args['old_version'] = $pre_upgrade_info['core']['version'];
         } elseif ('core' != $upgrade_type) {
             // Store the upgrade item(s) for themes and plugins.
             $event_args[$upgrade_type] = $upgrade_items;
             // Add upgrade items to the fields.
             if ($upgrade_items) {
                 foreach ($upgrade_items as $item) {
                     // Get pre upgrade info.
                     $item_pre_upgrade_info = isset($pre_upgrade_info) && !empty($pre_upgrade_info[$item]) ? $pre_upgrade_info[$item] : false;
                      * Get item data.
                      * @TODO:
                      *  For some reason wp_get_theme() is picking up the old version instead of new one.
                     $item_data = 'plugin' == $upgrade_type ? get_plugin_data(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins/' . $item) : wp_get_theme($item);
                     // Set item title.
                     $item_title = 'plugin' == $upgrade_type ? !empty($item_data['Name']) ? $item_data['Name'] : false : $item_data->get('Name');
                     // Set item URI.
                     $item_uri = 'plugin' == $upgrade_type ? !empty($item_data['PluginURI']) ? $item_data['PluginURI'] : false : $item_data->get('ThemeURI');
                     // Set item description.
                     $item_desc = 'plugin' == $upgrade_type ? !empty($item_data['Description']) ? strip_tags(html_entity_decode($item_data['Description'])) : false : $item_data->get('Description');
                     // Set item author name.
                     $author_name = 'plugin' == $upgrade_type ? !empty($item_data['AuthorName']) ? $item_data['AuthorName'] : false : $item_data->get('Author');
                     // Set item author URI.
                     $author_uri = 'plugin' == $upgrade_type ? !empty($item_data['AuthorURI']) ? $item_data['AuthorURI'] : false : $item_data->get('AuthorURI');
                     // Set item version.
                     $item_version = 'plugin' == $upgrade_type ? !empty($item_data['Version']) ? $item_data['Version'] : false : $item_data->get('Version');
                     // Get previous version.
                     $previous_version = 'plugin' == $upgrade_type ? !empty($item_pre_upgrade_info['Version']) ? $item_pre_upgrade_info['Version'] : false : $item_pre_upgrade_info->get('Version');
                     // Start creating the fields.
                     $fields = array();
                     // Add version.
                     $fields[] = array('title' => __('Current Version', 'rock-the-slackbot'), 'value' => $item_version, 'short' => true);
                     // Add previous version.
                     if ($previous_version) {
                         $fields[] = array('title' => __('Previous Version', 'rock-the-slackbot'), 'value' => $previous_version, 'short' => true);
                     // Add plugin URI.
                     $fields[] = array('title' => sprintf(__('Manage %s', 'rock-the-slackbot'), ucwords($upgrade_type) . 's'), 'value' => is_multisite() ? network_admin_url("{$upgrade_type}s.php") : admin_url("{$upgrade_type}s.php"), 'short' => true);
                     // Add to attachments.
                     $attachments[] = array('fallback' => $general_message, 'text' => wp_trim_words(strip_tags($item_desc), 30, '...'), 'title' => $item_title, 'title_link' => $item_uri, 'author_name' => $author_name, 'author_link' => $author_uri, 'fields' => $fields);
         // Send each webhook.
         $this->send_outgoing_webhooks($notification_event, $outgoing_webhooks, $payload, $attachments);
Beispiel #3
  * Handles when someone wants to delete an outgoing webhook.
  * @access  public
  * @since   1.0.0
 public function delete_outgoing_webhook()
     // Check for our page
     if (!(isset($_REQUEST['page']) && 'rock-the-slackbot' == $_REQUEST['page'])) {
         return false;
     // Make sure we have a webhook ID to delete
     if (!($hook_id = isset($_REQUEST['delete']) ? $_REQUEST['delete'] : false)) {
         return false;
     // Check for our nonce name
     if (!($nonce = isset($_REQUEST['_wpnonce']) ? $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'] : false)) {
         return false;
     // Check the nonce itself
     if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'rts_delete_outgoing_webhook')) {
         $die_message = __('Oops. Looks like something went wrong.', 'rock-the-slackbot');
         wp_die($die_message, $die_message, array('back_link' => true));
     // Get all of the outgoing webhooks
     if ($outgoing_webhooks = rock_the_slackbot()->get_all_outgoing_webhooks()) {
         // Will be true if we deleted a hook
         $deleted_hook = false;
         foreach ($outgoing_webhooks as $webhook_index => $webhook) {
             // Delete this specific webhook
             if (isset($webhook['ID']) && $hook_id == $webhook['ID']) {
                 $deleted_hook = true;
         // If we deleted, update the option
         if ($deleted_hook) {
             // If an empty array, then make null
             if (empty($outgoing_webhooks)) {
                 $outgoing_webhooks = null;
             } else {
                 $outgoing_webhooks = array_values($outgoing_webhooks);
             // Update the option
             update_option('rock_the_slackbot_outgoing_webhooks', $outgoing_webhooks);
             // Webhook deleted
             // Redirect to the main page and prompt message
             wp_redirect(add_query_arg(array('page' => 'rock-the-slackbot', 'webhook_deleted' => 1), admin_url('tools.php')));
     // This means there was no webhook with this ID
     // Redirect to the main page and prompt message
     wp_redirect(add_query_arg(array('page' => 'rock-the-slackbot', 'error_deleting_webhook' => 1), admin_url('tools.php')));
  * Sends a payload notification to Slack.
  * @access  public
  * @since   1.0.0
  * @param   string - $webhook_url - send the payload to this URL
  * @param   array - $payload - the notification information
  * @return  boolean - whether or not it was sent without error
 function send_notification($webhook_url, $payload = array())
     // Set defaults
     $payload_defaults = array('channel' => null, 'username' => get_bloginfo('name'), 'text' => __('This is a WordPress to Slack notification', 'rock-the-slackbot'), 'icon_emoji' => null, 'icon_url' => trailingslashit(plugin_dir_url(dirname(__FILE__))) . 'images/wordpress-icon-emoji.png', 'attachments' => array());
     // Mix payload with defaults
     $payload = wp_parse_args($payload, $payload_defaults);
     // Set attachment defaults
     $attachment_defaults = array('fallback' => null, 'color' => '#21759b', 'pretext' => null, 'text' => null, 'title' => null, 'title_link' => null, 'author_name' => null, 'author_link' => null, 'author_icon' => null, 'image_url' => null, 'thumb_url' => null, 'fields' => array());
     // Set field defaults
     $field_defaults = array('title' => null, 'value' => null, 'short' => false);
     // Go through each attachment and mix with defaults
     if (!empty($payload['attachments']) && is_array($payload['attachments'])) {
         // Setup each attachment
         foreach ($payload['attachments'] as &$attachment) {
             // Mix attachment with defaults
             $attachment = wp_parse_args($attachment, $attachment_defaults);
             // Go through each attachment and mix with defaults
             if (!empty($attachment['fields']) && is_array($attachment['fields'])) {
                 // Setup each field
                 foreach ($attachment['fields'] as &$field) {
                     // Mix field with defaults
                     $field = wp_parse_args($field, $field_defaults);
     // Allows you to filter notifications
     $notification_pieces = (array) apply_filters_ref_array('rock_the_slackbot_notification', array(compact(array('webhook_url', 'payload'))));
     // Extract the filtered notification pieces
     // No point if we don't have a channel
     if (!$payload['channel']) {
         return false;
     // Send to Slack
     $slack_response = wp_remote_post($webhook_url, array('body' => json_encode($payload), 'headers' => array('Content-Type' => 'application/json')));
     // If there's an error, send an email
     if (is_wp_error($slack_response)) {
         // @TODO add settings to disable this or change who the email goes to
         // @TODO be able to filter this email
         // Set email to be HTML
         add_filter('wp_mail_content_type', array($this, 'set_html_content_type'));
         // Build email message
         $message = __('There was an error when trying to post to Slack from WordPress.', 'rock-the-slackbot');
         // Add payload URL and channel
         $message .= "\n\n<br /><br /><strong>" . __('Payload URL', 'rock-the-slackbot') . ":</strong> {$webhook_url}";
         $message .= "\n<br /><strong>" . __('Channel', 'rock-the-slackbot') . ":</strong> " . $payload['channel'];
         // Fix any links in the general text message
         if (!empty($payload['text'])) {
             // Replace Slack links
             $payload['text'] = rock_the_slackbot()->unformat_slack_links($payload['text']);
         // Add general message
         $message .= "\n\n<br /><br /><strong>" . __('Message', 'rock-the-slackbot') . ":</strong> " . $payload['text'];
         // Add attachment info
         if (isset($payload['attachments'])) {
             $message .= "\n\n<br /><br /><strong>" . __('Attachments', 'rock-the-slackbot') . ":</strong>";
             foreach ($payload['attachments'] as $attachment) {
                 $message .= "\n<br />";
                 // Add fields
                 if (isset($attachment['fields'])) {
                     foreach ($attachment['fields'] as $field) {
                         $message .= "\n\t<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>" . $field['title'] . ":</strong> " . $field['value'];
         // Send email notification to the admin
         wp_mail(get_bloginfo('admin_email'), __('WordPress to Slack error', 'rock-the-slackbot'), $message);
         // Reset content-type to avoid conflicts
         remove_filter('wp_mail_content_type', array($this, 'set_html_content_type'));
         // Return an error
         return new WP_Error('slack_notification_error', $slack_response->get_error_message());
     return true;
Beispiel #5
  * Retrieves saved outgoing webhooks.
  * If event names are passed, then only
  * retrieves webhooks tied to the event(s).
  * @access  private
  * @since   1.0.0
  * @param   string|array - $events - when you want webhooks tied to specific events
  * @param   array - $event_data - allows hooks to pass event specific data to test with webhooks
  * @return  array|false - the webhooks or false if none
 private function get_outgoing_webhooks($events = null, $event_data = array())
     return rock_the_slackbot()->get_outgoing_webhooks($events, $event_data);
        // Get all outgoing webhooks
        if (!($outgoing_webhooks = $this->get_all_outgoing_webhooks())) {
            return false;
        // Go through and find one with ID
        foreach ($outgoing_webhooks as $hook) {
            if (isset($hook['ID']) && $hook['ID'] == $hook_id) {
                return $hook;
        return false;
 * Returns the instance of our main Rock_The_Slackbot class.
 * Will come in handy when we need to access the
 * class to retrieve data throughout the plugin.
 * @since	1.0.0
 * @access	public
 * @return	Rock_The_Slackbot
function rock_the_slackbot()
    return Rock_The_Slackbot::instance();
// Let's get this show on the road
  * Is used on the settings page to run an
  * AJAX call to test the provided webhook URL.
  * @access  public
  * @since   1.1.1
 public function ajax_test_webhook_url()
     // Set the passed webhook URL.
     $webhook_url = !empty($_POST['webhook_url']) ? $_POST['webhook_url'] : null;
     // We must have a URL and message.
     if ($webhook_url) {
         // Set the passed channel.
         $channel = !empty($_POST['channel']) ? $_POST['channel'] : array();
         // Make sure its an array.
         if (!is_array($channel)) {
             $channel = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $channel));
         // Make sure we only pass one channel.
         if (!empty($channel) && count($channel) > 1) {
             $channel = array_shift($channel);
         // Get site URL and name for message.
         $site_url = get_bloginfo('url');
         $site_name = get_bloginfo('name');
         // Set the test message.
         $message = sprintf(__('This is a Rock The Slackbot test message from the %1$s website at <%2$s>.', 'rock-the-slackbot'), $site_name, $site_url);
         // Try sending the message.
         $send_message = rock_the_slackbot()->send_webhook_message($webhook_url, $message, $channel);
         // Return a message to the JS.
         if (is_wp_error($send_message)) {
             echo json_encode(array('error' => $send_message));
         } else {
             echo json_encode(array('sent' => $send_message));
  * Send the "error" email when sending a payload fails.
  * @since   1.2.0
  * @param   string - the email address.
  * @param   array - the email arguments.
 public function send_error_email($email, $args = array())
     // Define the defaults.
     $defaults = array('webhook_url' => '', 'payload' => '');
     // Merge incoming arguments.
     $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
     // Build email message.
     $message = __('There was an error when trying to post to Slack from WordPress.', 'rock-the-slackbot');
     // Add payload URL.
     if (!empty($args['webhook_url'])) {
         $message .= "\n\n<br /><br /><strong>" . __('Payload URL', 'rock-the-slackbot') . ':</strong> ' . $args['webhook_url'];
     // Add payload channel.
     if (!empty($args['payload']['channel'])) {
         $message .= "\n<br /><strong>" . __('Channel', 'rock-the-slackbot') . ':</strong> ' . $args['payload']['channel'];
     // Fix any links in the general text message.
     if (!empty($args['payload']['text'])) {
         // Replace Slack links.
         $args['payload']['text'] = rock_the_slackbot()->unformat_slack_links($args['payload']['text']);
         // Add general message.
         $message .= "\n\n<br /><br /><strong>" . __('Message', 'rock-the-slackbot') . ':</strong> ' . $args['payload']['text'];
     // Add attachment info.
     if (!empty($args['payload']['attachments'])) {
         $message .= "\n\n<br /><br /><strong>" . __('Attachments', 'rock-the-slackbot') . ':</strong>';
         foreach ($args['payload']['attachments'] as $attachment) {
             $message .= "\n<br />";
             // Add fields.
             if (!empty($attachment['fields'])) {
                 foreach ($attachment['fields'] as $field) {
                     $message .= "\n\t<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>" . $field['title'] . ':</strong> ' . $field['value'];
     // Filter the email pieces.
     $email_pieces = apply_filters('rock_the_slackbot_error_email', array('to' => $email, 'subject' => __('WordPress to Slack error', 'rock-the-slackbot'), 'message' => $message), $args);
     // Make sure we still have email pieces.
     if (!empty($email_pieces['to']) && !empty($email_pieces['subject'])) {
         // Set email to be HTML.
         add_filter('wp_mail_content_type', 'rock_the_slackbot_set_html_content_type');
         // Send email notification to the admin.
         $send_email = wp_mail($email_pieces['to'], $email_pieces['subject'], isset($email_pieces['message']) ? $email_pieces['message'] : '');
         // Reset content-type to avoid conflicts.
         remove_filter('wp_mail_content_type', 'rock_the_slackbot_set_html_content_type');
     return $send_email;