function gforms_autologin($user_id, $config, $entry, $password)
    $form = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta($entry['form_id']);
    $user_login = apply_filters("gform_username_{$form['id']}", apply_filters('gform_username', GFUser::get_meta_value('username', $config, $form, $entry), $config, $form, $entry), $config, $form, $entry);
    $redirect_url = rgars($form, 'confirmation/url') ? rgars($form, 'confirmation/url') : get_bloginfo('home');
    //pass the above to the wp_signon function
    $result = wp_signon(array('user_login' => $user_login, 'user_password' => $password, 'remember' => false));
    if (!is_wp_error($result)) {
 public function filter_menu_items($menu_items, $form_id, $compact)
     $form_meta = GFFormsModel::get_form_meta($form_id);
     $results_fields = $this->get_fields($form_meta);
     if (false === empty($results_fields)) {
         $form_id = $form_meta["id"];
         $link_class = "";
         if (rgget("page") == "gf_new_form") {
             $link_class = "gf_toolbar_disabled";
         } else {
             if (rgget("page") == "gf_entries" && rgget("view") == "gf_results_" . $this->_slug) {
                 $link_class = "gf_toolbar_active";
         $sub_menu_items = array();
         $sub_menu_items[] = array('label' => $this->_title, 'title' => __("View results generated by this form", "gravityforms"), 'link_class' => $link_class, 'url' => admin_url("admin.php?page=gf_entries&view=gf_results_{$this->_slug}&id={$form_id}"), 'capabilities' => $this->_capabilities);
         $duplicate_submenus = wp_filter_object_list(rgars($menu_items, "results/sub_menu_items"), array("label" => $sub_menu_items[0]["label"]));
         if (count($duplicate_submenus) > 0) {
             return $menu_items;
         // If there's already a menu item with the key "results" then merge the two.
         if (isset($menu_items["results"])) {
             $existing_link_class = $menu_items["results"]["link_class"];
             $link_class == empty($existing_link_class) ? $link_class : $existing_link_class;
             $existing_capabilities = $menu_items["results"]["capabilities"];
             $merged_capabilities = array_merge($existing_capabilities, $this->_capabilities);
             $existing_sub_menu_items = $menu_items["results"]["sub_menu_items"];
             $merged_sub_menu_items = array_merge($existing_sub_menu_items, $sub_menu_items);
             $menu_items["results"]["link_class"] = $link_class;
             $menu_items["results"]["capabilities"] = $merged_capabilities;
             $menu_items["results"]["sub_menu_items"] = $merged_sub_menu_items;
             $menu_items["results"]["label"] = __("Results", "gravityforms");
         } else {
             // so far during the page cycle this is the only menu item for this key
             $menu_items["results"] = array('label' => $compact ? __("Results", "gravityforms") : $this->_title, 'title' => __("View results generated by this form", "gravityforms"), 'url' => "", 'onclick' => "return false;", 'menu_class' => 'gf_form_toolbar_results', 'link_class' => $link_class, 'capabilities' => $this->_capabilities, 'sub_menu_items' => $sub_menu_items, 'priority' => 750);
     return $menu_items;
  * Make API request.
  * @access public
  * @param string $action
  * @param array $options (default: array())
  * @param string $method (default: 'GET')
  * @param int $expected_code (default: 200)
  * @return array or int
 function make_request($action, $options = array(), $method = 'GET', $expected_code = 200)
     $request_options = $method == 'GET' ? '?' . http_build_query($options) : null;
     /* Build request URL. */
     $request_url = 'https://' . $this->account_url . '' . $action . $request_options;
     /* Setup request arguments. */
     $args = array('headers' => array('Accept' => 'application/json', 'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode($this->api_token . ':x'), 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'), 'method' => $method, 'sslverify' => $this->verify_ssl);
     /* Add request options to body of POST and PUT requests. */
     if ($method == 'POST' || $method == 'PUT') {
         $args['body'] = $options;
     /* Execute request. */
     $result = wp_remote_request($request_url, $args);
     $decoded_result = json_decode($result['body'], true);
     /* If WP_Error, throw exception */
     if (is_wp_error($result)) {
         throw new Exception('Request failed. ' . $result->get_error_messages());
     /* If API credentials failed, throw exception. */
     if (strpos(rgars($result, 'response/content-type'), 'application/json') == FALSE && $result['response']['code'] !== $expected_code) {
         throw new Exception('API credentials invalid.');
     /* If return HTTP code does not match expected code, throw exception. */
     if ($result['response']['code'] !== $expected_code) {
         throw new CapsuleCRM_Exception($decoded_result['message'], $result['response']['code'], null, rgar($decoded_result, 'errors'));
     /* If the decoded result isn't empty, return it. */
     if (!empty($decoded_result)) {
         return $decoded_result;
     /* If the body is empty, retrieve the ID from the location header. */
     if (rgars($result, 'headers/location')) {
         $new_id = explode('/', $result['headers']['location']);
         return end($new_id);
 public static function get_form_confirmations($form_id)
     global $wpdb;
     if (isset($_confirmations[$form_id])) {
         return $_confirmations[$form_id];
     $tablename = GFFormsModel::get_meta_table_name();
     $sql = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT confirmations FROM {$tablename} WHERE form_id = %d", $form_id);
     $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
     $confirmations = rgars($results, '0/confirmations');
     self::$_confirmations[$form_id] = $confirmations ? self::unserialize($confirmations) : array();
     return self::$_confirmations[$form_id];
  * Updates feeds to use Zoho CRM module field label instead of field name.
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function run_foreign_language_fix()
     /* Get the Zoho CRM feeds. */
     $feeds = $this->get_feeds();
     foreach ($feeds as &$feed) {
         if (rgars($feed, 'meta/action') === 'contact') {
             $contact_fields = $this->get_module_fields('Contacts');
             foreach ($contact_fields as $contact_field) {
                 $search_for = 'contactStandardFields_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $contact_field['name']);
                 $replace_with = 'contactStandardFields_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $contact_field['label']);
                 if (rgars($feed, 'meta/' . $search_for)) {
                     $value = rgars($feed, 'meta/' . $search_for);
                     $feed['meta'][$replace_with] = $value;
             if (rgars($feed, 'meta/contactCustomFields')) {
                 foreach ($contact_fields as $contact_field) {
                     foreach ($feed['meta']['contactCustomFields'] as &$feed_custom_field) {
                         if ($feed_custom_field['key'] === $contact_field['name']) {
                             $feed_custom_field['key'] = $contact_field['label'];
         if (rgars($feed, 'meta/action') === 'lead') {
             $lead_fields = $this->get_module_fields('Leads');
             foreach ($lead_fields as $lead_field) {
                 $search_for = 'leadStandardFields_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $lead_field['name']);
                 $replace_with = 'leadStandardFields_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $lead_field['label']);
                 if (rgars($feed, 'meta/' . $search_for)) {
                     $value = rgars($feed, 'meta/' . $search_for);
                     $feed['meta'][$replace_with] = $value;
             if (rgars($feed, 'meta/leadCustomFields')) {
                 foreach ($lead_fields as $lead_field) {
                     foreach ($feed['meta']['leadCustomFields'] as &$feed_custom_field) {
                         if ($feed_custom_field['key'] === $lead_field['name']) {
                             $feed_custom_field['key'] = $lead_field['label'];
         $this->update_feed_meta($feed['id'], $feed['meta']);
 public static function get_field_map_choices($form_id)
     $form = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta($form_id);
     $fields = array();
     // Adding default fields
     $fields[] = array("value" => "", "label" => "");
     $fields[] = array("value" => "date_created", "label" => __("Entry Date", "gravityforms"));
     $fields[] = array("value" => "ip", "label" => __("User IP", "gravityforms"));
     $fields[] = array("value" => "source_url", "label" => __("Source Url", "gravityforms"));
     $fields[] = array("value" => "form_title", "label" => __("Form Title", "gravityforms"));
     // Populate entry meta
     $entry_meta = GFFormsModel::get_entry_meta($form["id"]);
     foreach ($entry_meta as $meta_key => $meta) {
         $fields[] = array('value' => $meta_key, 'label' => rgars($entry_meta, "{$meta_key}/label"));
     // Populate form fields
     if (is_array($form["fields"])) {
         foreach ($form["fields"] as $field) {
             if (is_array(rgar($field, "inputs"))) {
                 //If this is an address field, add full name to the list
                 if (RGFormsModel::get_input_type($field) == "address") {
                     $fields[] = array('value' => $field["id"], 'label' => GFCommon::get_label($field) . " (" . __("Full", "gravityforms") . ")");
                 //If this is a name field, add full name to the list
                 if (RGFormsModel::get_input_type($field) == "name") {
                     $fields[] = array('value' => $field["id"], 'label' => GFCommon::get_label($field) . " (" . __("Full", "gravityforms") . ")");
                 //If this is a checkbox field, add to the list
                 if (RGFormsModel::get_input_type($field) == "checkbox") {
                     $fields[] = array('value' => $field["id"], 'label' => GFCommon::get_label($field) . " (" . __("Selected", "gravityforms") . ")");
                 foreach ($field['inputs'] as $input) {
                     if (RGFormsModel::get_input_type($field) == 'creditcard') {
                         //only include the credit card type (field_id.4) and number (field_id.1)
                         if ($input['id'] == $field['id'] . '.1' || $input['id'] == $field['id'] . '.4') {
                             $fields[] = array('value' => $input["id"], 'label' => GFCommon::get_label($field, $input['id']));
                     } else {
                         $fields[] = array('value' => $input["id"], 'label' => GFCommon::get_label($field, $input["id"]));
             } else {
                 if (!rgar($field, "displayOnly")) {
                     $fields[] = array('value' => $field["id"], 'label' => GFCommon::get_label($field));
     return $fields;
Beispiel #7

 * Display Gravity Forms Quiz output
 * @package GravityView
 * @subpackage GravityView/templates/fields
$gravityview_view = GravityView_View::getInstance();
$field = $gravityview_view->getCurrentField();
// If there's no grade, don't continue
if (gv_empty($field['value'])) {
if (!class_exists('GFQuiz')) {
    do_action('gravityview_log_error', __FILE__ . ': GFQuiz class does not exist.');
// Get the setting for show/hide explanation
$show_answer = rgars($field, 'field_settings/quiz_show_explanation');
// Update the quiz field so GF generates the output properly
$field['field']->gquizShowAnswerExplanation = !empty($show_answer);
// Generate the output
echo GFQuiz::get_instance()->display_quiz_on_entry_detail($field['value'], $field['field'], $field['entry'], $field['form']);
 public function has_paypal_payment($feed, $form, $entry)
     $products = GFCommon::get_product_fields($form, $entry);
     $payment_field = $feed['meta']['transactionType'] == 'product' ? $feed['meta']['paymentAmount'] : $feed['meta']['recurringAmount'];
     $setup_fee_field = rgar($feed['meta'], 'setupFee_enabled') ? $feed['meta']['setupFee_product'] : false;
     $trial_field = rgar($feed['meta'], 'trial_enabled') ? rgars($feed, 'meta/trial_product') : false;
     $amount = 0;
     $line_items = array();
     $discounts = array();
     $fee_amount = 0;
     $trial_amount = 0;
     foreach ($products['products'] as $field_id => $product) {
         $quantity = $product['quantity'] ? $product['quantity'] : 1;
         $product_price = GFCommon::to_number($product['price']);
         $options = array();
         if (is_array(rgar($product, 'options'))) {
             foreach ($product['options'] as $option) {
                 $options[] = $option['option_name'];
                 $product_price += $option['price'];
         $is_trial_or_setup_fee = false;
         if (!empty($trial_field) && $trial_field == $field_id) {
             $trial_amount = $product_price * $quantity;
             $is_trial_or_setup_fee = true;
         } else {
             if (!empty($setup_fee_field) && $setup_fee_field == $field_id) {
                 $fee_amount = $product_price * $quantity;
                 $is_trial_or_setup_fee = true;
         //Do not add to line items if the payment field selected in the feed is not the current field.
         if (is_numeric($payment_field) && $payment_field != $field_id) {
         //Do not add to line items if the payment field is set to "Form Total" and the current field was used for trial or setup fee.
         if ($is_trial_or_setup_fee && !is_numeric($payment_field)) {
         $amount += $product_price * $quantity;
     if (!empty($products['shipping']['name']) && !is_numeric($payment_field)) {
         $line_items[] = array('id' => '', 'name' => $products['shipping']['name'], 'description' => '', 'quantity' => 1, 'unit_price' => GFCommon::to_number($products['shipping']['price']), 'is_shipping' => 1);
         $amount += $products['shipping']['price'];
     return $amount > 0;
 public function prepare_settings_checkbox_and_select($field)
     // prepare checkbox
     $checkbox_input = rgars($field, 'checkbox');
     $checkbox_field = array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => $field['name'] . 'Enable', 'label' => esc_html__('Enable', 'gravityforms'), 'horizontal' => true, 'value' => '1', 'choices' => false, 'tooltip' => false);
     $checkbox_field = wp_parse_args($checkbox_input, $checkbox_field);
     // prepare select
     $select_input = rgars($field, 'select');
     $select_field = array('name' => $field['name'] . 'Value', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => '', 'tooltip' => false);
     $select_field['class'] .= ' ' . $select_field['name'];
     $select_field = wp_parse_args($select_input, $select_field);
     // a little more with the checkbox
     if (empty($checkbox_field['choices'])) {
         $checkbox_field['choices'] = array(array('name' => $checkbox_field['name'], 'label' => $checkbox_field['label'], 'onchange' => sprintf("( function( \$, elem ) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\$( elem ).parents( 'td' ).css( 'position', 'relative' );\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif( \$( elem ).prop( 'checked' ) ) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$( '%1\$s' ).fadeIn();\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$( '%1\$s' ).fadeOut();\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t} )( jQuery, this );", "#{$select_field['name']}Span")));
     $field['select'] = $select_field;
     $field['checkbox'] = $checkbox_field;
     return $field;
 public function get_column_value_amount($feed)
     $form = $this->get_current_form();
     $field_id = $feed["meta"]["transactionType"] == "subscription" ? rgars($feed, "meta/recurringAmount") : rgars($feed, "meta/paymentAmount");
     if ($field_id == "form_total") {
         $label = __("Form Total", "gravityforms");
     } else {
         $field = GFFormsModel::get_field($form, $field_id);
         $label = GFCommon::get_label($field);
     return $label;
 public function fulfill_order(&$entry, $transaction_id, $amount, $feed = null)
     if (!$feed) {
         $feed = $this->get_payment_feed($entry);
     $form = GFFormsModel::get_form_meta($entry['form_id']);
     if (rgars($feed, 'meta/delayPost')) {
         $this->log_debug(__METHOD__ . '(): Creating post.');
         $entry['post_id'] = GFFormsModel::create_post($form, $entry);
         $this->log_debug(__METHOD__ . '(): Post created.');
     if (rgars($feed, 'meta/delayNotification')) {
         //sending delayed notifications
         $notifications = rgars($feed, 'meta/selectedNotifications');
         GFCommon::send_notifications($notifications, $form, $entry, true, 'form_submission');
     do_action('gform_paypal_fulfillment', $entry, $feed, $transaction_id, $amount);
     if (has_filter('gform_paypal_fulfillment')) {
         $this->log_debug(__METHOD__ . '(): Executing functions hooked to gform_paypal_fulfillment.');
  * Returns the value of the specified List field.
  * @param array $entry
  * @param string $field_id
  * @param object $field
  * @return string
 protected function get_list_field_value($entry, $field_id, $field)
     if (!ctype_digit($field_id)) {
         $field_id_array = explode('.', $field_id);
         $field_id = rgar($field_id_array, 0);
         $column_num = rgar($field_id_array, 1);
     $value = rgar($entry, $field_id);
     if (empty($value)) {
         return '';
     $list_values = $column_values = unserialize($value);
     if (!empty($column_num) && $field->enableColumns) {
         $column = rgars($field->choices, "{$column_num}/text");
         $column_values = array();
         foreach ($list_values as $value) {
             $column_values[] = rgar($value, $column);
     } elseif ($field->enableColumns) {
         return $value;
     return GFCommon::implode_non_blank(', ', $column_values);
Beispiel #13
 public static function select_mailchimp_form()
     check_ajax_referer("gf_select_mailchimp_form", "gf_select_mailchimp_form");
     $form_id = intval(rgpost("form_id"));
     list($list_id, $list_name) = explode("|:|", rgpost("list_id"));
     $setting_id = intval(rgpost("setting_id"));
     $api = self::get_api();
     if (!$api) {
     //getting list of all MailChimp merge variables for the selected contact list
     self::log("Retrieving Merge_Vars for list {$list_id}", "debug");
     $merge_vars = $api->listMergeVars($list_id);
     self::log("Merge_Vars retrieved: " . print_r($merge_vars, true), "debug");
     //getting configuration
     $config = GFMailChimpData::get_feed($setting_id);
     //getting field map UI
     $str = self::get_field_mapping($config, $form_id, $merge_vars);
     //getting list of selection fields to be used by the optin
     $form_meta = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta($form_id);
     $selection_fields = GFCommon::get_selection_fields($form_meta, rgars($config, "meta/optin_field_id"));
     $group_condition = array();
     $group_names = array();
     $grouping = self::get_groupings($config, $list_id, $selection_fields, $group_condition, $group_names);
     //fields meta
     $form = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta($form_id);
     die("EndSelectForm('" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $str) . "', " . GFCommon::json_encode($form) . ", '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $grouping) . "', " . json_encode($group_names) . " );");
Beispiel #14
 public function get_subscription_line_item($response)
     $lines = rgars($response, 'data/object/lines/data');
     foreach ($lines as $line) {
         if ($line['type'] == 'subscription') {
             return $line;
     return false;
 public static function get_version_info($cache = true)
     $raw_response = get_transient('gform_update_info');
     if (!$cache) {
         $raw_response = null;
     if (!$raw_response) {
         //Getting version number
         $options = array('method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 20);
         $options['headers'] = array('Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset'), 'User-Agent' => 'WordPress/' . get_bloginfo('version'), 'Referer' => get_bloginfo('url'));
         $options['body'] = self::get_remote_post_params();
         $options['timeout'] = 15;
         $nocache = $cache ? '' : 'nocache=1';
         //disabling server side caching
         $raw_response = self::post_to_manager('version.php', $nocache, $options);
         //caching responses.
         set_transient('gform_update_info', $raw_response, 86400);
         //caching for 24 hours
     if (is_wp_error($raw_response) || rgars($raw_response, 'response/code') != 200) {
         return array('is_valid_key' => '1', 'version' => '', 'url' => '', 'is_error' => '1');
     $version_info = json_decode($raw_response['body'], true);
     if (empty($version_info)) {
         return array('is_valid_key' => '1', 'version' => '', 'url' => '', 'is_error' => '1');
     return $version_info;
Beispiel #16
    private static function edit_page()
            .paypal_col_heading{padding-bottom:2px; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; font-weight:bold; width:120px;}
            .paypal_field_cell {padding: 6px 17px 0 0; margin-right:15px;}

            .paypal_validation_error{ background-color:#FFDFDF; margin-top:4px; margin-bottom:6px; padding-top:6px; padding-bottom:6px; border:1px dotted #C89797;}
            .paypal_validation_error span {color: red;}
            .left_header{float:left; width:200px;}
            .margin_vertical_10{margin: 10px 0; padding-left:5px;}
            .margin_vertical_30{margin: 30px 0; padding-left:5px;}
            .gf_paypal_invalid_form{margin-top:30px; background-color:#FFEBE8;border:1px solid #CC0000; padding:10px; width:600px;}
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var form = Array();
        <div class="wrap">
            <img alt="<?php 
        _e("PayPal", "gravityformspaypal");
" style="margin: 15px 7px 0pt 0pt; float: left;" src="<?php 
        echo self::get_base_url();
        _e("PayPal Transaction Settings", "gravityformspaypal");

        //getting setting id (0 when creating a new one)
        $id = !empty($_POST["paypal_setting_id"]) ? $_POST["paypal_setting_id"] : absint($_GET["id"]);
        $config = empty($id) ? array("meta" => array(), "is_active" => true) : GFPayPalData::get_feed($id);
        $is_validation_error = false;
        //updating meta information
        if (rgpost("gf_paypal_submit")) {
            $config["form_id"] = absint(rgpost("gf_paypal_form"));
            $config["meta"]["email"] = trim(rgpost("gf_paypal_email"));
            $config["meta"]["mode"] = rgpost("gf_paypal_mode");
            $config["meta"]["type"] = rgpost("gf_paypal_type");
            $config["meta"]["style"] = rgpost("gf_paypal_page_style");
            $config["meta"]["continue_text"] = rgpost("gf_paypal_continue_text");
            $config["meta"]["cancel_url"] = rgpost("gf_paypal_cancel_url");
            $config["meta"]["disable_note"] = rgpost("gf_paypal_disable_note");
            $config["meta"]["disable_shipping"] = rgpost('gf_paypal_disable_shipping');
            $config["meta"]["delay_autoresponder"] = rgpost('gf_paypal_delay_autoresponder');
            $config["meta"]["delay_notification"] = rgpost('gf_paypal_delay_notification');
            $config["meta"]["delay_post"] = rgpost('gf_paypal_delay_post');
            $config["meta"]["update_post_action"] = rgpost('gf_paypal_update_action');
            // paypal conditional
            $config["meta"]["paypal_conditional_enabled"] = rgpost('gf_paypal_conditional_enabled');
            $config["meta"]["paypal_conditional_field_id"] = rgpost('gf_paypal_conditional_field_id');
            $config["meta"]["paypal_conditional_operator"] = rgpost('gf_paypal_conditional_operator');
            $config["meta"]["paypal_conditional_value"] = rgpost('gf_paypal_conditional_value');
            //recurring fields
            $config["meta"]["recurring_amount_field"] = rgpost("gf_paypal_recurring_amount");
            $config["meta"]["billing_cycle_number"] = rgpost("gf_paypal_billing_cycle_number");
            $config["meta"]["billing_cycle_type"] = rgpost("gf_paypal_billing_cycle_type");
            $config["meta"]["recurring_times"] = rgpost("gf_paypal_recurring_times");
            $config["meta"]["trial_period_enabled"] = rgpost('gf_paypal_trial_period');
            $config["meta"]["trial_amount"] = rgpost('gf_paypal_trial_amount');
            $config["meta"]["trial_period_number"] = rgpost('gf_paypal_trial_period_number');
            $config["meta"]["trial_period_type"] = rgpost('gf_paypal_trial_period_type');
            $config["meta"]["recurring_retry"] = rgpost('gf_paypal_recurring_retry');
            $customer_fields = self::get_customer_fields();
            $config["meta"]["customer_fields"] = array();
            foreach ($customer_fields as $field) {
                $config["meta"]["customer_fields"][$field["name"]] = $_POST["paypal_customer_field_{$field["name"]}"];
            $config = apply_filters('gform_paypal_save_config', $config);
            $is_validation_error = apply_filters("gform_paypal_config_validation", false, $config);
            if (GFCommon::is_valid_email($config["meta"]["email"]) && !$is_validation_error) {
                $id = GFPayPalData::update_feed($id, $config["form_id"], $config["is_active"], $config["meta"]);
                <div class="updated fade" style="padding:6px"><?php 
                echo sprintf(__("Feed Updated. %sback to list%s", "gravityformspaypal"), "<a href='?page=gf_paypal'>", "</a>");
            } else {
                $is_validation_error = true;
        $form = isset($config["form_id"]) && $config["form_id"] ? $form = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta($config["form_id"]) : array();
        <form method="post" action="">
            <input type="hidden" name="paypal_setting_id" value="<?php 
        echo $id;
" />

            <div class="margin_vertical_10 <?php 
        echo $is_validation_error ? "paypal_validation_error" : "";
        if ($is_validation_error) {
            _e('There was an issue saving your feed. Please address the errors below and try again.');
            </div> <!-- / validation message -->

            <div class="margin_vertical_10<?php 
        echo $is_validation_error && !GFCommon::is_valid_email($config["meta"]["email"]) ? " paypal_validation_error" : "";
                <label class="left_header" for="gf_paypal_email"><?php 
        _e("PayPal Email Address", "gravityformspaypal");
                <input type="text" name="gf_paypal_email" id="gf_paypal_email" value="<?php 
        echo rgar($config['meta'], 'email');
" class="width-1"/>
        if ($is_validation_error && !GFCommon::is_valid_email($config["meta"]["email"])) {
                    <span>Please enter a valid email address.</span>
            <div class="margin_vertical_10">
                <label class="left_header"><?php 
        _e("Mode", "gravityformspaypal");

                <input type="radio" name="gf_paypal_mode" id="gf_paypal_mode_production" value="production" <?php 
        echo rgar($config['meta'], 'mode') != "test" ? "checked='checked'" : "";
                <label class="inline" for="gf_paypal_mode_production"><?php 
        _e("Production", "gravityformspaypal");
                <input type="radio" name="gf_paypal_mode" id="gf_paypal_mode_test" value="test" <?php 
        echo rgar($config['meta'], 'mode') == "test" ? "checked='checked'" : "";
                <label class="inline" for="gf_paypal_mode_test"><?php 
        _e("Test", "gravityformspaypal");
            <div class="margin_vertical_10">
                <label class="left_header" for="gf_paypal_type"><?php 
        _e("Transaction Type", "gravityformspaypal");

                <select id="gf_paypal_type" name="gf_paypal_type" onchange="SelectType(jQuery(this).val());">
                    <option value=""><?php 
        _e("Select a transaction type", "gravityformspaypal");
                    <option value="product" <?php 
        echo rgar($config['meta'], 'type') == "product" ? "selected='selected'" : "";
        _e("Products and Services", "gravityformspaypal");
                    <option value="donation" <?php 
        echo rgar($config['meta'], 'type') == "donation" ? "selected='selected'" : "";
        _e("Donations", "gravityformspaypal");
                    <option value="subscription" <?php 
        echo rgar($config['meta'], 'type') == "subscription" ? "selected='selected'" : "";
        _e("Subscriptions", "gravityformspaypal");
            <div id="paypal_form_container" valign="top" class="margin_vertical_10" <?php 
        echo empty($config["meta"]["type"]) ? "style='display:none;'" : "";
                <label for="gf_paypal_form" class="left_header"><?php 
        _e("Gravity Form", "gravityformspaypal");

                <select id="gf_paypal_form" name="gf_paypal_form" onchange="SelectForm(jQuery('#gf_paypal_type').val(), jQuery(this).val(), '<?php 
        echo rgar($config, 'id');
                    <option value=""><?php 
        _e("Select a form", "gravityformspaypal");
        $active_form = rgar($config, 'form_id');
        $available_forms = GFPayPalData::get_available_forms($active_form);
        foreach ($available_forms as $current_form) {
            $selected = absint($current_form->id) == rgar($config, 'form_id') ? 'selected="selected"' : '';

                            <option value="<?php 
            echo absint($current_form->id);
" <?php 
            echo $selected;
            echo esc_html($current_form->title);

                <img src="<?php 
        echo GFPayPal::get_base_url();
/images/loading.gif" id="paypal_wait" style="display: none;"/>

                <div id="gf_paypal_invalid_product_form" class="gf_paypal_invalid_form"  style="display:none;">
        _e("The form selected does not have any Product fields. Please add a Product field to the form and try again.", "gravityformspaypal");
                <div id="gf_paypal_invalid_donation_form" class="gf_paypal_invalid_form" style="display:none;">
        _e("The form selected does not have any Donation fields. Please add a Donation field to the form and try again.", "gravityformspaypal");
            <div id="paypal_field_group" valign="top" <?php 
        echo empty($config["meta"]["type"]) || empty($config["form_id"]) ? "style='display:none;'" : "";

                <div id="paypal_field_container_subscription" class="paypal_field_container" valign="top" <?php 
        echo rgars($config, "meta/type") != "subscription" ? "style='display:none;'" : "";
                    <div class="margin_vertical_10">
                        <label class="left_header" for="gf_paypal_recurring_amount"><?php 
        _e("Recurring Amount", "gravityformspaypal");
                        <select id="gf_paypal_recurring_amount" name="gf_paypal_recurring_amount">
        echo self::get_product_options($form, $config["meta"]["recurring_amount_field"]);

                    <div class="margin_vertical_10">
                        <label class="left_header" for="gf_paypal_billing_cycle_number"><?php 
        _e("Billing Cycle", "gravityformspaypal");
                        <select id="gf_paypal_billing_cycle_number" name="gf_paypal_billing_cycle_number">
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++) {
                                <option value="<?php 
            echo $i;
" <?php 
            echo $config["meta"]["billing_cycle_number"] == $i ? "selected='selected'" : "";
            echo $i;
                        <select id="gf_paypal_billing_cycle_type" name="gf_paypal_billing_cycle_type" onchange="SetPeriodNumber('#gf_paypal_billing_cycle_number', jQuery(this).val());">
                            <option value="D" <?php 
        echo rgars($config, "meta/billing_cycle_type") == "D" ? "selected='selected'" : "";
        _e("day(s)", "gravityformspaypal");
                            <option value="W" <?php 
        echo rgars($config, "meta/billing_cycle_type") == "W" ? "selected='selected'" : "";
        _e("week(s)", "gravityformspaypal");
                            <option value="M" <?php 
        echo rgars($config, "meta/billing_cycle_type") == "M" || strlen(rgars($config, "meta/billing_cycle_type")) == 0 ? "selected='selected'" : "";
        _e("month(s)", "gravityformspaypal");
                            <option value="Y" <?php 
        echo rgars($config, "meta/billing_cycle_type") == "Y" ? "selected='selected'" : "";
        _e("year(s)", "gravityformspaypal");

                    <div class="margin_vertical_10">
                        <label class="left_header" for="gf_paypal_recurring_times"><?php 
        _e("Recurring Times", "gravityformspaypal");
                        <select id="gf_paypal_recurring_times" name="gf_paypal_recurring_times">
                            <option value=""><?php 
        _e("Infinite", "gravityformspaypal");
        for ($i = 2; $i <= 30; $i++) {
            $selected = $i == $config["meta"]["recurring_times"] ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
                                <option value="<?php 
            echo $i;
" <?php 
            echo $selected;
            echo $i;
                        <input type="checkbox" name="gf_paypal_recurring_retry" id="gf_paypal_recurring_retry" value="1" <?php 
        echo rgars($config, "meta/recurring_retry") ? "checked='checked'" : "";
                        <label class="inline" for="gf_paypal_recurring_retry"><?php 
        _e("Try to bill again after failed attempt.", "gravityformspaypal");

                    <div class="margin_vertical_10">
                        <label class="left_header" for="gf_paypal_trial_period"><?php 
        _e("Trial Period", "gravityformspaypal");
                        <input type="checkbox" name="gf_paypal_trial_period" id="gf_paypal_trial_period" value="1" onclick="if(jQuery(this).is(':checked')) jQuery('#paypal_trial_period_container').show('slow'); else jQuery('#paypal_trial_period_container').hide('slow');" <?php 
        echo rgars($config, "meta/trial_period_enabled") ? "checked='checked'" : "";
                        <label class="inline" for="gf_paypal_trial_period"><?php 
        _e("Enable", "gravityformspaypal");

                    <div id="paypal_trial_period_container" <?php 
        echo rgars($config, "meta/trial_period_enabled") ? "" : "style='display:none;'";
                        <div class="margin_vertical_10">
                            <label class="left_header" for="gf_paypal_trial_amount"><?php 
        _e("Trial Amount", "gravityformspaypal");
                            <input type="text" name="gf_paypal_trial_amount" id="gf_paypal_trial_amount" value="<?php 
        echo rgars($config, "meta/trial_amount");
                        <div class="margin_vertical_10">
                            <label class="left_header" for="gf_paypal_trial_period_number"><?php 
        _e("Trial Period", "gravityformspaypal");
                            <select id="gf_paypal_trial_period_number" name="gf_paypal_trial_period_number">
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++) {
                                    <option value="<?php 
            echo $i;
" <?php 
            echo rgars($config, "meta/trial_period_number") == $i ? "selected='selected'" : "";
            echo $i;
                            <select id="gf_paypal_trial_period_type" name="gf_paypal_trial_period_type" onchange="SetPeriodNumber('#gf_paypal_trial_period_number', jQuery(this).val());">
                                <option value="D" <?php 
        echo rgars($config, "meta/trial_period_type") == "D" ? "selected='selected'" : "";
        _e("day(s)", "gravityformspaypal");
                                <option value="W" <?php 
        echo rgars($config, "meta/trial_period_type") == "W" ? "selected='selected'" : "";
        _e("week(s)", "gravityformspaypal");
                                <option value="M" <?php 
        echo rgars($config, "meta/trial_period_type") == "M" || empty($config["meta"]["trial_period_type"]) ? "selected='selected'" : "";
        _e("month(s)", "gravityformspaypal");
                                <option value="Y" <?php 
        echo rgars($config, "meta/trial_period_type") == "Y" ? "selected='selected'" : "";
        _e("year(s)", "gravityformspaypal");


                <div class="margin_vertical_10">
                    <label class="left_header"><?php 
        _e("Customer", "gravityformspaypal");

                    <div id="paypal_customer_fields">
        if (!empty($form)) {
            echo self::get_customer_information($form, $config);

                <div class="margin_vertical_10">
                    <label class="left_header" for="gf_paypal_page_style"><?php 
        _e("Page Style", "gravityformspaypal");
                    <input type="text" name="gf_paypal_page_style" id="gf_paypal_page_style" class="width-1" value="<?php 
        echo rgars($config, "meta/style");
                <div class="margin_vertical_10">
                    <label class="left_header" for="gf_paypal_continue_text"><?php 
        _e("Continue Button Label", "gravityformspaypal");
                    <input type="text" name="gf_paypal_continue_text" id="gf_paypal_continue_text" class="width-1" value="<?php 
        echo rgars($config, "meta/continue_text");
                <div class="margin_vertical_10">
                    <label class="left_header" for="gf_paypal_cancel_url"><?php 
        _e("Cancel URL", "gravityformspaypal");
                    <input type="text" name="gf_paypal_cancel_url" id="gf_paypal_cancel_url" class="width-1" value="<?php 
        echo rgars($config, "meta/cancel_url");

                <div class="margin_vertical_10">
                    <label class="left_header"><?php 
        _e("Options", "gravityformspaypal");

                    <ul style="overflow:hidden;">
                            <input type="checkbox" name="gf_paypal_disable_shipping" id="gf_paypal_disable_shipping" value="1" <?php 
        echo rgar($config['meta'], 'disable_shipping') ? "checked='checked'" : "";
                            <label class="inline" for="gf_paypal_disable_shipping"><?php 
        _e("Do not prompt buyer to include a shipping address.", "gravityformspaypal");
                            <input type="checkbox" name="gf_paypal_disable_note" id="gf_paypal_disable_note" value="1" <?php 
        echo rgar($config['meta'], 'disable_note') ? "checked='checked'" : "";
                            <label class="inline" for="gf_paypal_disable_note"><?php 
        _e("Do not prompt buyer to include a note with payment.", "gravityformspaypal");
                        <li id="paypal_delay_notification">
                            <input type="checkbox" name="gf_paypal_delay_notification" id="gf_paypal_delay_notification" value="1" <?php 
        echo rgar($config["meta"], 'delay_notification') ? "checked='checked'" : "";
                            <label class="inline" for="gf_paypal_delay_notification"><?php 
        _e("Send admin notification only when payment is received.", "gravityformspaypal");
                        <li id="paypal_delay_autoresponder">
                            <input type="checkbox" name="gf_paypal_delay_autoresponder" id="gf_paypal_delay_autoresponder" value="1" <?php 
        echo rgar($config["meta"], 'delay_autoresponder') ? "checked='checked'" : "";
                            <label class="inline" for="gf_paypal_delay_autoresponder"><?php 
        _e("Send user notification only when payment is received.", "gravityformspaypal");
        $display_post_fields = !empty($form) ? GFCommon::has_post_field($form["fields"]) : false;
                        <li id="paypal_post_action" <?php 
        echo $display_post_fields ? "" : "style='display:none;'";
                            <input type="checkbox" name="gf_paypal_delay_post" id="gf_paypal_delay_post" value="1" <?php 
        echo rgar($config["meta"], "delay_post") ? "checked='checked'" : "";
                            <label class="inline" for="gf_paypal_delay_post"><?php 
        _e("Create post only when payment is received.", "gravityformspaypal");

                        <li id="paypal_post_update_action" <?php 
        echo $display_post_fields && $config["meta"]["type"] == "subscription" ? "" : "style='display:none;'";
                            <input type="checkbox" name="gf_paypal_update_post" id="gf_paypal_update_post" value="1" <?php 
        echo $config["meta"]["update_post_action"] ? "checked='checked'" : "";
 onclick="var action = this.checked ? 'draft' : ''; jQuery('#gf_paypal_update_action').val(action);" />
                            <label class="inline" for="gf_paypal_update_post"><?php 
        _e("Update Post when subscription is cancelled.", "gravityformspaypal");
                            <select id="gf_paypal_update_action" name="gf_paypal_update_action" onchange="var checked = jQuery(this).val() ? 'checked' : false; jQuery('#gf_paypal_update_post').attr('checked', checked);">
                                <option value=""></option>
                                <option value="draft" <?php 
        echo $config["meta"]["update_post_action"] == "draft" ? "selected='selected'" : "";
        _e("Mark Post as Draft", "gravityformspaypal");
                                <option value="delete" <?php 
        echo $config["meta"]["update_post_action"] == "delete" ? "selected='selected'" : "";
        _e("Delete Post", "gravityformspaypal");

        do_action("gform_paypal_action_fields", $config, $form);

        do_action("gform_paypal_add_option_group", $config, $form);

                <div id="gf_paypal_conditional_section" valign="top" class="margin_vertical_10">
                    <label for="gf_paypal_conditional_optin" class="left_header"><?php 
        _e("PayPal Condition", "gravityformspaypal");

                    <div id="gf_paypal_conditional_option">
                        <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                                    <input type="checkbox" id="gf_paypal_conditional_enabled" name="gf_paypal_conditional_enabled" value="1" onclick="if(this.checked){jQuery('#gf_paypal_conditional_container').fadeIn('fast');} else{ jQuery('#gf_paypal_conditional_container').fadeOut('fast'); }" <?php 
        echo rgar($config['meta'], 'paypal_conditional_enabled') ? "checked='checked'" : "";
                                    <label for="gf_paypal_conditional_enable"><?php 
        _e("Enable", "gravityformspaypal");
                                    <div id="gf_paypal_conditional_container" <?php 
        echo !rgar($config['meta'], 'paypal_conditional_enabled') ? "style='display:none'" : "";

                                        <div id="gf_paypal_conditional_fields" <?php 
        echo empty($selection_fields) ? "style='display:none'" : "";
        _e("Send to PayPal if ", "gravityformspaypal");

                                            <select id="gf_paypal_conditional_field_id" name="gf_paypal_conditional_field_id" class="optin_select" onchange='jQuery("#gf_paypal_conditional_value").html(GetFieldValues(jQuery(this).val(), "", 20));'>
        echo empty($selection_fields) ? "" : $selection_fields;
                                            <select id="gf_paypal_conditional_operator" name="gf_paypal_conditional_operator">
                                                <option value="is" <?php 
        echo rgar($config['meta'], 'paypal_conditional_operator') == "is" ? "selected='selected'" : "";
        _e("is", "gravityformspaypal");
                                                <option value="isnot" <?php 
        echo rgar($config['meta'], 'paypal_conditional_operator') == "isnot" ? "selected='selected'" : "";
        _e("is not", "gravityformspaypal");
                                            <select id="gf_paypal_conditional_value" name="gf_paypal_conditional_value" class='optin_select'></select>


                                        <div id="gf_paypal_conditional_message" <?php 
        echo !empty($selection_fields) ? "style='display:none'" : "";
        _e("To create a registration condition, your form must have a drop down, checkbox or multiple choice field", "gravityform");


                </div> <!-- / paypal conditional -->

                <div id="paypal_submit_container" class="margin_vertical_30">
                    <input type="submit" name="gf_paypal_submit" value="<?php 
        echo empty($id) ? __("  Save  ", "gravityformspaypal") : __("Update", "gravityformspaypal");
" class="button-primary"/>
                    <input type="button" value="<?php 
        _e("Cancel", "gravityformspaypal");
" class="button" onclick="javascript:document.location='admin.php?page=gf_paypal'" />

        <script type="text/javascript">
                SetPeriodNumber('#gf_paypal_billing_cycle_number', jQuery("#gf_paypal_billing_cycle_type").val());
                SetPeriodNumber('#gf_paypal_trial_period_number', jQuery("#gf_paypal_trial_period_type").val());

            function SelectType(type){

                jQuery("#paypal_field_group input[type=\"text\"], #paypal_field_group select").val("");
                jQuery("#gf_paypal_trial_period_type, #gf_paypal_billing_cycle_type").val("M");

                jQuery("#paypal_field_group input:checked").attr("checked", false);


            function SelectForm(type, formId, settingId){


                var mysack = new sack("<?php 
/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php" );
                mysack.execute = 1;
                mysack.method = 'POST';
                mysack.setVar( "action", "gf_select_paypal_form" );
                mysack.setVar( "gf_select_paypal_form", "<?php 
        echo wp_create_nonce("gf_select_paypal_form");
" );
                mysack.setVar( "type", type);
                mysack.setVar( "form_id", formId);
                mysack.setVar( "setting_id", settingId);
                mysack.encVar( "cookie", document.cookie, false );
                mysack.onError = function() {jQuery("#paypal_wait").hide(); alert('<?php 
        _e("Ajax error while selecting a form", "gravityformspaypal");
' )};

                return true;

            function EndSelectForm(form_meta, customer_fields, recurring_amount_options){
                //setting global form object
                form = form_meta;

                var type = jQuery("#gf_paypal_type").val();

                if( (type == "product" || type =="subscription") && GetFieldsByType(["product"]).length == 0){
                else if(type == "donation" && GetFieldsByType(["product", "donation"]).length == 0){


                //displaying delayed post creation setting if current form has a post field
                var post_fields = GetFieldsByType(["post_title", "post_content", "post_excerpt", "post_category", "post_custom_field", "post_image", "post_tag"]);
                if(post_fields.length > 0){
                    jQuery("#gf_paypal_delay_post").attr("checked", false);

                if(type == "subscription" && post_fields.length > 0){
                    jQuery("#gf_paypal_update_post").attr("checked", false);

                SetPeriodNumber('#gf_paypal_billing_cycle_number', jQuery("#gf_paypal_billing_cycle_type").val());
                SetPeriodNumber('#gf_paypal_trial_period_number', jQuery("#gf_paypal_trial_period_type").val());

                //Calling callback functions
                jQuery(document).trigger('paypalFormSelected', [form]);

                jQuery("#gf_paypal_conditional_enabled").attr('checked', false);

                jQuery("#paypal_field_container_" + type).show();

            function SetPeriodNumber(element, type){
                var prev = jQuery(element).val();

                var min = 1;
                var max = 0;
                    case "D" :
                        max = 100;
                    case "W" :
                        max = 52;
                    case "M" :
                        max = 12;
                    case "Y" :
                        max = 5;
                var str="";
                for(var i=min; i<=max; i++){
                    var selected = prev == i ? "selected='selected'" : "";
                    str += "<option value='" + i + "' " + selected + ">" + i + "</option>";

            function GetFieldsByType(types){
                var fields = new Array();
                for(var i=0; i<form["fields"].length; i++){
                    if(IndexOf(types, form["fields"][i]["type"]) >= 0)
                return fields;

            function IndexOf(ary, item){
                for(var i=0; i<ary.length; i++)
                    if(ary[i] == item)
                        return i;

                return -1;


        <script type="text/javascript">

            // Paypal Conditional Functions

        if (!empty($config["form_id"])) {

                // initilize form object
                form = <?php 
            echo GFCommon::json_encode($form);

                // initializing registration condition drop downs
                    var selectedField = "<?php 
            echo str_replace('"', '\\"', $config["meta"]["paypal_conditional_field_id"]);
                    var selectedValue = "<?php 
            echo str_replace('"', '\\"', $config["meta"]["paypal_conditional_value"]);
                    SetPayPalCondition(selectedField, selectedValue);


            function SetPayPalCondition(selectedField, selectedValue){

                // load form fields
                jQuery("#gf_paypal_conditional_field_id").html(GetSelectableFields(selectedField, 20));
                var optinConditionField = jQuery("#gf_paypal_conditional_field_id").val();
                var checked = jQuery("#gf_paypal_conditional_enabled").attr('checked');

                    jQuery("#gf_paypal_conditional_value").html(GetFieldValues(optinConditionField, selectedValue, 20));

                if(!checked) jQuery("#gf_paypal_conditional_container").hide();


            function GetFieldValues(fieldId, selectedValue, labelMaxCharacters){
                    return "";

                var str = "";
                var field = GetFieldById(fieldId);
                if(!field || !field.choices)
                    return "";

                var isAnySelected = false;

                for(var i=0; i<field.choices.length; i++){
                    var fieldValue = field.choices[i].value ? field.choices[i].value : field.choices[i].text;
                    var isSelected = fieldValue == selectedValue;
                    var selected = isSelected ? "selected='selected'" : "";
                        isAnySelected = true;

                    str += "<option value='" + fieldValue.replace(/'/g, "&#039;") + "' " + selected + ">" + TruncateMiddle(field.choices[i].text, labelMaxCharacters) + "</option>";

                if(!isAnySelected && selectedValue){
                    str += "<option value='" + selectedValue.replace(/'/g, "&#039;") + "' selected='selected'>" + TruncateMiddle(selectedValue, labelMaxCharacters) + "</option>";

                return str;

            function GetFieldById(fieldId){
                for(var i=0; i<form.fields.length; i++){
                    if(form.fields[i].id == fieldId)
                        return form.fields[i];
                return null;

            function TruncateMiddle(text, maxCharacters){
                    return "";

                if(text.length <= maxCharacters)
                    return text;
                var middle = parseInt(maxCharacters / 2);
                return text.substr(0, middle) + "..." + text.substr(text.length - middle, middle);

            function GetSelectableFields(selectedFieldId, labelMaxCharacters){
                var str = "";
                var inputType;
                for(var i=0; i<form.fields.length; i++){
                    fieldLabel = form.fields[i].adminLabel ? form.fields[i].adminLabel : form.fields[i].label;
                    inputType = form.fields[i].inputType ? form.fields[i].inputType : form.fields[i].type;
                    if(inputType == "checkbox" || inputType == "radio" || inputType == "select"){
                        var selected = form.fields[i].id == selectedFieldId ? "selected='selected'" : "";
                        str += "<option value='" + form.fields[i].id + "' " + selected + ">" + TruncateMiddle(fieldLabel, labelMaxCharacters) + "</option>";
                return str;


 public function get_column_value_amount($feed)
     $form = $this->get_current_form();
     $field_id = $feed['meta']['transactionType'] == 'subscription' ? rgars($feed, 'meta/recurringAmount') : rgars($feed, 'meta/paymentAmount');
     if ($field_id == 'form_total') {
         $label = esc_html__('Form Total', 'gravityforms');
     } else {
         $field = GFFormsModel::get_field($form, $field_id);
         $label = GFCommon::get_label($field);
     return $label;
 public function cancel_subscription($entry, $feed, $note = null)
     if (!$note) {
         $note = sprintf(__('Subscription has been cancelled. Subscription Id: %s.', 'gravityforms'), $entry['transaction_id']);
     if (strtolower($entry['payment_status']) == 'cancelled') {
         $this->log('Subscription is already canceled.');
         return false;
     GFAPI::update_entry_property($entry['id'], 'payment_status', "Cancelled");
     $this->modify_post(rgar($entry, 'post_id'), rgars($feed, 'meta/update_post_action'));
     $this->add_note($entry['id'], $note);
     // include $subscriber_id as 3rd parameter for backwards compatability
     do_action('gform_subscription_canceled', $entry, $feed, $entry['transaction_id']);
     return true;
Beispiel #19
 public static function is_update_feed($feed)
     return rgars($feed, 'meta/feed_type') == 'update';
Beispiel #20
    public static function insert_calculation_variables($fields, $element_id, $onchange = '', $callback = '', $max_label_size = 40)
        if ($fields == null) {
            $fields = array();
        $onchange = empty($onchange) ? "InsertVariable('{$element_id}', '{$callback}');" : $onchange;
        $class = 'gform_merge_tags';

        <select id="<?php 
        echo $element_id;
_variable_select" onchange="<?php 
        echo $onchange;
" class="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($class);
            <option value=''><?php 
        _e("Insert Merge Tag", "gravityforms");
            <optgroup label="<?php 
        _e("Allowable form fields", "gravityforms");

        foreach ($fields as $field) {
            if (!self::is_valid_for_calcuation($field)) {
            if (RGFormsModel::get_input_type($field) == 'checkbox') {
                foreach ($field["inputs"] as $input) {
                            <option value='<?php 
                    echo "{" . esc_html(GFCommon::get_label($field, $input["id"])) . ":" . $input["id"] . "}";
                    echo esc_html(GFCommon::get_label($field, $input["id"]));
            } else {
                self::insert_field_variable($field, $max_label_size);


        $custom_merge_tags = apply_filters('gform_custom_merge_tags', array(), rgars($fields, '0/formId'), $fields, $element_id);
        if (is_array($custom_merge_tags) && !empty($custom_merge_tags)) {

                <optgroup label="<?php 
            _e("Custom", "gravityforms");

            foreach ($custom_merge_tags as $custom_merge_tag) {

                    <option value='<?php 
                echo rgar($custom_merge_tag, 'tag');
                echo rgar($custom_merge_tag, 'label');





Beispiel #21
 public static function admin_edit_payment_status($payment_status, $form_id, $lead)
     //allow the payment status to be edited when for paypal, not set to Approved, and not a subscription
     $payment_gateway = gform_get_meta($lead["id"], "payment_gateway");
     require_once self::get_base_path() . "/data.php";
     //get the transaction type out of the feed configuration, do not allow status to be changed when subscription
     $paypal_feed_id = gform_get_meta($lead["id"], "paypal_feed_id");
     $feed_config = GFPayPalData::get_feed($paypal_feed_id);
     $transaction_type = rgars($feed_config, "meta/type");
     if ($payment_gateway != "paypal" || strtolower(rgpost("save")) != "edit" || $payment_status == "Approved" || $transaction_type == "subscription") {
         return $payment_status;
     //create drop down for payment status
     $payment_string = gform_tooltip("paypal_edit_payment_status", "", true);
     $payment_string .= '<select id="payment_status" name="payment_status">';
     $payment_string .= '<option value="' . $payment_status . '" selected>' . $payment_status . '</option>';
     $payment_string .= '<option value="Approved">Approved</option>';
     $payment_string .= '</select>';
     return $payment_string;
    private static function get_notification_ui_settings($notification)
         * These variables are used to convenient "wrap" child form settings in the appropriate HTML.
        $subsetting_open = '
            <td colspan="2" class="gf_sub_settings_cell">
                <div class="gf_animate_sub_settings">
        $subsetting_close = '
        $ui_settings = array();
        $form_id = rgget('id');
        $form = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta($form_id);
        $form = apply_filters('gform_admin_pre_render_' . $form_id, apply_filters('gform_admin_pre_render', $form));
        $is_valid = empty(GFCommon::$errors);

		<tr valign="top" <?php 
        echo rgar($notification, 'isDefault') ? "style='display:none'" : '';
			<th scope="row">
				<label for="gform_notification_name">
        esc_html_e('Name', 'gravityforms');
				<input type="text" class="fieldwidth-2" name="gform_notification_name" id="gform_notification_name" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr(rgget('name', $notification));
" />
		</tr> <!-- / name -->
        $ui_settings['notification_name'] = ob_get_contents();

        $notification_events = array('form_submission' => esc_html__('Form is submitted', 'gravityforms'));
        if (rgars($form, 'save/enabled')) {
            $notification_events['form_saved'] = esc_html__('Form is saved', 'gravityforms');
            $notification_events['form_save_email_requested'] = esc_html__('Save and continue email is requested', 'gravityforms');
        $notification_events = apply_filters('gform_notification_events', $notification_events, $form);
        $event_style = count($notification_events) == 1 || rgar($notification, 'isDefault') ? "style='display:none'" : '';
		<tr valign="top" <?php 
        echo $event_style;
			<th scope="row">
				<label for="gform_notification_event">
        esc_html_e('Event', 'gravityforms');

				<select name="gform_notification_event" id="gform_notification_event">
        foreach ($notification_events as $code => $label) {
						<option value="<?php 
            echo esc_attr($code);
" <?php 
            selected(rgar($notification, 'event'), $code);
            echo esc_html($label);
		</tr> <!-- / event -->
        $ui_settings['notification_event'] = ob_get_contents();

        $notification_to_type = !rgempty('gform_notification_to_type') ? rgpost('gform_notification_to_type') : rgar($notification, 'toType');
        if (empty($notification_to_type)) {
            $notification_to_type = 'email';
        $is_invalid_email_to = !$is_valid && !self::is_valid_notification_to();
        $send_to_class = $is_invalid_email_to ? 'gfield_error' : '';
		<tr valign="top" class='<?php 
        echo esc_attr($send_to_class);
' <?php 
        echo $notification_to_type == 'hidden' ? 'style="display:none;"' : '';
			<th scope="row">
				<label for="gform_notification_to_email">
        esc_html_e('Send To', 'gravityforms');
<span class="gfield_required">*</span>

				<input type="radio" id="gform_notification_to_type_email" name="gform_notification_to_type" <?php 
        checked('email', $notification_to_type);
 value="email" onclick="jQuery('.notification_to_container').hide(); jQuery('#gform_notification_to_email_container').show('slow');" />
				<label for="gform_notification_to_type_email" class="inline">
        esc_html_e('Enter Email', 'gravityforms');
				<input type="radio" id="gform_notification_to_type_field" name="gform_notification_to_type" <?php 
        checked('field', $notification_to_type);
 value="field" onclick="jQuery('.notification_to_container').hide(); jQuery('#gform_notification_to_field_container').show('slow');" />
				<label for="gform_notification_to_type_field" class="inline">
        esc_html_e('Select a Field', 'gravityforms');
				<input type="radio" id="gform_notification_to_type_routing" name="gform_notification_to_type" <?php 
        checked('routing', $notification_to_type);
 value="routing" onclick="jQuery('.notification_to_container').hide(); jQuery('#gform_notification_to_routing_container').show('slow');" />
				<label for="gform_notification_to_type_routing" class="inline">
        esc_html_e('Configure Routing', 'gravityforms');
		</tr> <!-- / to email type -->
        $ui_settings['notification_to_email_type'] = ob_get_contents();
        if ($notification_to_type == 'hidden') {
            $ui_settings['notification_to_email_type'] = '<input type="hidden" name="gform_notification_to_type" value="hidden" />';

		<tr id="gform_notification_to_email_container" class="notification_to_container <?php 
        echo esc_attr($send_to_class);
" <?php 
        echo $notification_to_type != 'email' ? "style='display:none';" : '';
        echo $subsetting_open;
			<th scope="row"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Send to Email', 'gravityforms');
        $to_email = rgget('toType', $notification) == 'email' ? rgget('to', $notification) : '';
				<input type="text" name="gform_notification_to_email" id="gform_notification_to_email" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($to_email);
" class="fieldwidth-1" />

        if (rgpost('gform_notification_to_type') == 'email' && $is_invalid_email_to) {
					<span class="validation_message"><?php 
            esc_html_e('Please enter a valid email address', 'gravityforms');
        echo $subsetting_close;
		</tr> <!-- / to email -->
        $ui_settings['notification_to_email'] = ob_get_contents();

        $email_fields = apply_filters("gform_email_fields_notification_admin_{$form['id']}", apply_filters('gform_email_fields_notification_admin', GFCommon::get_email_fields($form), $form), $form);
		<tr id="gform_notification_to_field_container" class="notification_to_container <?php 
        echo esc_attr($send_to_class);
" <?php 
        echo $notification_to_type != 'field' ? "style='display:none';" : '';
        echo $subsetting_open;
			<th scope="row"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Send to Field', 'gravityforms');
        if (!empty($email_fields)) {
					<select name="gform_notification_to_field" id="gform_notification_to_field">
						<option value=""><?php 
            esc_html_e('Select an email field', 'gravityforms');
            $to_field = rgget('toType', $notification) == 'field' ? rgget('to', $notification) : '';
            foreach ($email_fields as $field) {
							<option value="<?php 
                echo esc_attr($field->id);
" <?php 
                echo selected($field->id, $to_field);
                echo GFCommon::get_label($field);
        } else {
					<div class="error_base">
            esc_html_e('Your form does not have an email field. Add an email field to your form and try again.', 'gravityforms');
        echo $subsetting_close;
		</tr> <!-- / to email field -->
        $ui_settings['notification_to_email_field'] = ob_get_contents();

		<tr id="gform_notification_to_routing_container" class="notification_to_container <?php 
        echo esc_attr($send_to_class);
" <?php 
        echo $notification_to_type != 'routing' ? "style='display:none';" : '';
        echo $subsetting_open;
			<td colspan="2">
				<div id="gform_notification_to_routing_rules">
        $routing_fields = self::get_routing_fields($form, '0');
        if (empty($routing_fields)) {
						<div class="gold_notice">
            esc_html_e('To use notification routing, your form must have a field supported by conditional logic.', 'gravityforms');
        } else {
            if (empty($notification['routing'])) {
                $notification['routing'] = array(array());
            $count = sizeof($notification['routing']);
            $routing_list = ',';
            for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                $routing_list .= $i . ',';
                $routing = $notification['routing'][$i];
                $is_invalid_rule = !$is_valid && $_POST['gform_notification_to_type'] == 'routing' && !self::is_valid_notification_email(rgar($routing, 'email'));
                $class = $is_invalid_rule ? "class='grouting_rule_error'" : '';
							<div style='width:99%' <?php 
                echo $class;
                esc_html_e('Send to', 'gravityforms');
								<input type="text" id="routing_email_<?php 
                echo $i;
" value="<?php 
                echo esc_attr(rgar($routing, 'email'));
" onkeyup="SetRouting(<?php 
                echo $i;
);" />
                esc_html_e('if', 'gravityforms');
								<select id="routing_field_id_<?php 
                echo $i;
" class='gfield_routing_select' onchange='jQuery("#routing_value_<?php 
                echo $i;
                echo $i;
, jQuery(this).val())); SetRouting(<?php 
                echo $i;
); '><?php 
                echo self::get_routing_fields($form, rgar($routing, 'fieldId'));
								<select id="routing_operator_<?php 
                echo $i;
" onchange="SetRouting(<?php 
                echo $i;
)" class="gform_routing_operator">
									<option value="is" <?php 
                echo rgar($routing, 'operator') == 'is' ? "selected='selected'" : '';
                esc_html_e('is', 'gravityforms');
									<option value="isnot" <?php 
                echo rgar($routing, 'operator') == 'isnot' ? "selected='selected'" : '';
                esc_html_e('is not', 'gravityforms');
									<option value=">" <?php 
                echo rgar($routing, 'operator') == '>' ? "selected='selected'" : '';
                esc_html_e('greater than', 'gravityforms');
									<option value="<" <?php 
                echo rgar($routing, 'operator') == '<' ? "selected='selected'" : '';
                esc_html_e('less than', 'gravityforms');
									<option value="contains" <?php 
                echo rgar($routing, 'operator') == 'contains' ? "selected='selected'" : '';
                esc_html_e('contains', 'gravityforms');
									<option value="starts_with" <?php 
                echo rgar($routing, 'operator') == 'starts_with' ? "selected='selected'" : '';
                esc_html_e('starts with', 'gravityforms');
									<option value="ends_with" <?php 
                echo rgar($routing, 'operator') == 'ends_with' ? "selected='selected'" : '';
                esc_html_e('ends with', 'gravityforms');
                echo self::get_field_values($i, $form, rgar($routing, 'fieldId'), rgar($routing, 'value'));

								<a class='gf_insert_field_choice' title='add another rule' onclick='SetRouting(<?php 
                echo $i;
); InsertRouting(<?php 
                echo $i + 1;
);'><i class='gficon-add'></i></a>

                if ($count > 1) {
									<img src='<?php 
                    echo GFCommon::get_base_url();
/images/remove.png' id='routing_delete_<?php 
                    echo $i;
' title='remove this email routing' alt='remove this email routing' class='delete_field_choice' style='cursor:pointer;' onclick='DeleteRouting(<?php 
                    echo $i;
);' />
            if ($is_invalid_rule) {
							<span class="validation_message"><?php 
                esc_html_e('Please enter a valid email address for all highlighted routing rules above.', 'gravityforms');
						<input type="hidden" name="routing_count" id="routing_count" value="<?php 
            echo $routing_list;
" />
        echo $subsetting_close;
		</tr> <!-- / to routing -->
        $ui_settings['notification_to_routing'] = ob_get_contents();

		<tr valign="top">
			<th scope="row">
				<label for="gform_notification_from_name">
        esc_html_e('From Name', 'gravityforms');
				<input type="text" class="fieldwidth-2 merge-tag-support mt-position-right mt-hide_all_fields" name="gform_notification_from_name" id="gform_notification_from_name" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr(rgget('fromName', $notification));
" />
		</tr> <!-- / from name -->
        $ui_settings['notification_from_name'] = ob_get_contents();

		<tr valign="top">
			<th scope="row">
				<label for="gform_notification_from">
        esc_html_e('From Email', 'gravityforms');
				<input type="text" class="fieldwidth-2 merge-tag-support mt-position-right mt-hide_all_fields" name="gform_notification_from" id="gform_notification_from" value="<?php 
        echo rgempty('from', $notification) ? '{admin_email}' : esc_attr(rgget('from', $notification));
" />
		</tr> <!-- / to from email -->
        $ui_settings['notification_from'] = ob_get_contents();

		<tr valign="top">
			<th scope="row">
				<label for="gform_notification_reply_to">
        $is_invalid_reply_to = !$is_valid && !self::is_valid_notification_email(rgar($notification, 'replyTo'));
        $class = $is_invalid_reply_to ? ' gfield_error' : '';
        esc_html_e('Reply To', 'gravityforms');
				<input type="text" name="gform_notification_reply_to" id="gform_notification_reply_to" class="merge-tag-support mt-hide_all_fields fieldwidth-2<?php 
        echo $class;
" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr(rgget('replyTo', $notification));
" />
		</tr> <!-- / reply to -->
        $ui_settings['notification_reply_to'] = ob_get_contents();

		<tr valign="top">
			<th scope="row">
				<label for="gform_notification_bcc">
        esc_html_e('BCC', 'gravityforms');
        $is_invalid_bcc = !$is_valid && !self::is_valid_notification_email(rgar($notification, 'bcc'));
        $class = $is_invalid_bcc ? ' gfield_error' : '';
				<input type="text" name="gform_notification_bcc" id="gform_notification_bcc" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr(rgget('bcc', $notification));
" class="merge-tag-support mt-hide_all_fields fieldwidth-2<?php 
        echo $class;
" />
		</tr> <!-- / bcc -->
        $ui_settings['notification_bcc'] = ob_get_contents();

        $is_invalid_subject = !$is_valid && empty($_POST['gform_notification_subject']);
        $subject_class = $is_invalid_subject ? "class='gfield_error'" : '';
		<tr valign="top" <?php 
        echo $subject_class;
			<th scope="row">
				<label for="gform_notification_subject">
        esc_html_e('Subject', 'gravityforms');
<span class="gfield_required">*</span>
				<input type="text" name="gform_notification_subject" id="gform_notification_subject" class="fieldwidth-1 merge-tag-support mt-hide_all_fields mt-position-right" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr(rgar($notification, 'subject'));
" />
        if ($is_invalid_subject) {
					<span class="validation_message"><?php 
            esc_html_e('Please enter a subject for the notification email', 'gravityforms');
		</tr> <!-- / subject -->
        $ui_settings['notification_subject'] = ob_get_contents();

        $is_invalid_message = !$is_valid && empty($_POST['gform_notification_message']);
        $message_class = $is_invalid_message ? "class='gfield_error'" : '';
		<tr valign="top" <?php 
        echo $message_class;
			<th scope="row">
				<label for="gform_notification_message">
        esc_html_e('Message', 'gravityforms');
<span class="gfield_required">*</span>

				<span class="mt-gform_notification_message"></span>

        if (GFCommon::is_wp_version('3.3')) {
            wp_editor(rgar($notification, 'message'), 'gform_notification_message', array('autop' => false, 'editor_class' => 'merge-tag-support mt-wp_editor mt-manual_position mt-position-right'));
        } else {
					<textarea name="gform_notification_message" id="gform_notification_message" class="fieldwidth-1 fieldheight-1"><?php 
            echo esc_html($notification['message']);
        if ($is_invalid_message) {
					<span class="validation_message"><?php 
            esc_html_e('Please enter a message for the notification email', 'gravityforms');
		</tr> <!-- / message -->
        $ui_settings['notification_message'] = ob_get_contents();

		<tr valign="top">
			<th scope="row">
				<label for="gform_notification_disable_autoformat">
        esc_html_e('Auto-formatting', 'gravityforms');
				<input type="checkbox" name="gform_notification_disable_autoformat" id="gform_notification_disable_autoformat" value="1" <?php 
        echo empty($notification['disableAutoformat']) ? '' : "checked='checked'";
				<label for="form_notification_disable_autoformat" class="inline">
        esc_html_e('Disable auto-formatting', 'gravityforms');
		</tr> <!-- / disable autoformat -->
        $ui_settings['notification_disable_autoformat'] = ob_get_contents();

		<tr valign="top" <?php 
        echo rgar($notification, 'isDefault') ? 'style=display:none;' : '';
			<th scope="row">
				<label for="gform_notification_conditional_logic">
        esc_html_e('Conditional Logic', 'gravityforms');
				<input type="checkbox" id="notification_conditional_logic" onclick="SetConditionalLogic(this.checked); ToggleConditionalLogic(false, 'notification');" <?php 
        checked(is_array(rgar($notification, 'conditionalLogic')), true);
				<label for="notification_conditional_logic" class="inline"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Enable conditional logic', 'gravityforms');
				<br />
		</tr> <!-- / conditional logic -->
			<td colspan="2">
				<div id="notification_conditional_logic_container" class="gf_animate_sub_settings" style="padding-left:10px;">
					<!-- content dynamically created from form_admin.js -->

        $ui_settings['notification_conditional_logic'] = ob_get_contents();

        $ui_settings = apply_filters("gform_notification_ui_settings_{$form_id}", apply_filters('gform_notification_ui_settings', $ui_settings, $notification, $form), $notification, $form);
        return $ui_settings;
 public static function get_progress_bar($form, $page, $confirmation_message = '')
     $form_id = $form['id'];
     $progress_complete = false;
     $progress_bar = '';
     $page_count = self::get_max_page_number($form);
     $current_page = $page;
     $page_name = rgars($form['pagination'], sprintf('pages/%d', $current_page - 1));
     $page_name = !empty($page_name) ? ' - ' . $page_name : '';
     $style = $form['pagination']['style'];
     $color = $style == 'custom' ? " color:{$form['pagination']['color']};" : '';
     $bgcolor = $style == 'custom' ? " background-color:{$form['pagination']['backgroundColor']};" : '';
     if (!empty($confirmation_message)) {
         $progress_complete = true;
     //check admin setting for whether the progress bar should start at zero
     $start_at_zero = rgars($form, 'pagination/display_progressbar_on_confirmation');
     //check for filter
     $start_at_zero = apply_filters('gform_progressbar_start_at_zero', $start_at_zero, $form);
     $progressbar_page_count = $start_at_zero ? $current_page - 1 : $current_page;
     $percent = !$progress_complete ? floor($progressbar_page_count / $page_count * 100) . '%' : '100%';
     $percent_number = !$progress_complete ? floor($progressbar_page_count / $page_count * 100) . '' : '100';
     if ($progress_complete) {
         $wrapper_css_class = GFCommon::get_browser_class() . ' gform_wrapper';
         //add on surrounding wrapper class when confirmation page
         $progress_bar = "<div class='{$wrapper_css_class}' id='gform_wrapper_{$form_id}' >";
         $page_name = !empty($form['pagination']['progressbar_completion_text']) ? $form['pagination']['progressbar_completion_text'] : '';
     $progress_bar .= "\n        <div id='gf_progressbar_wrapper_{$form_id}' class='gf_progressbar_wrapper'>\n            <h3 class='gf_progressbar_title'>";
     $progress_bar .= !$progress_complete ? esc_html__('Step', 'gravityforms') . " {$current_page} " . esc_html__('of', 'gravityforms') . " {$page_count}{$page_name}" : "{$page_name}";
     $progress_bar .= "\n        </h3>\n            <div class='gf_progressbar'>\n                <div class='gf_progressbar_percentage percentbar_{$style} percentbar_{$percent_number}' style='width:{$percent};{$color}{$bgcolor}'><span>{$percent}</span></div>\n            </div></div>";
     //close div for surrounding wrapper class when confirmation page
     $progress_bar .= $progress_complete ? $confirmation_message . '</div>' : '';
      * Filter the mulit-page progress bar markup.
      * @since 2.0
      * @param string $progress_bar         Progress bar markup as an HTML string.
      * @param array  $form                 Current form object.
      * @param string $confirmation_message The confirmation message to be displayed on the confirmation page.
      * @see
     $progress_bar = apply_filters('gform_progress_bar', $progress_bar, $form, $confirmation_message);
     $progress_bar = apply_filters("gform_progress_bar_{$form_id}", $progress_bar, $form, $confirmation_message);
     return $progress_bar;
  * Restore the Display Name and roles of a user after being updated by Gravity Forms User Registration Addon
  * @see GFUser::update_user()
  * @param int $user_id WP User ID that was updated by Gravity Forms User Registration Addon
  * @param array $config Gravity Forms User Registration Addon form feed configuration
  * @param array $entry The Gravity Forms entry that was just updated
  * @param string $password User password
  * @return void
 public function restore_display_name($user_id = 0, $config = array(), $entry = array(), $password = '')
      * @filter `gravityview/edit_entry/restore_display_name` Whether display names should be restored to before updating an entry.
      * Otherwise, display names will be reset to the format specified in Gravity Forms User Registration "Update" feed
      * @since 1.14.4
      * @param boolean $restore_display_name Restore Display Name? Default: true
     $restore_display_name = apply_filters('gravityview/edit_entry/restore_display_name', true);
     $is_update_feed = $config && rgars($config, 'meta/feed_type') === 'update';
      * Don't restore display name:
      *   - either disabled,
      *   - or it is an Update feed (we only care about Create feed)
      *   - or we don't need as we found the correct format before updating user.
      * @since 1.14.4
     if (!$restore_display_name || $is_update_feed || is_null($this->_user_before_update)) {
     $user_after_update = get_userdata($user_id);
     $restored_user = $user_after_update;
     // Restore previous display_name
     $restored_user->display_name = $this->_user_before_update->display_name;
     // Don't have WP update the password.
     unset($restored_user->data->user_pass, $restored_user->user_pass);
      * Modify the user data after updated by Gravity Forms User Registration but before restored by GravityView
      * @since 1.14
      * @param WP_User $restored_user The user with restored details about to be updated by wp_update_user()
      * @param WP_User $user_before_update The user before being updated by Gravity Forms User Registration
      * @param WP_User $user_after_update The user after being updated by Gravity Forms User Registration
      * @param array   $entry The Gravity Forms entry that was just updated
     $restored_user = apply_filters('gravityview/edit_entry/user_registration/restored_user', $restored_user, $this->_user_before_update, $user_after_update, $entry);
     $updated = wp_update_user($restored_user);
     if (is_wp_error($updated)) {
         do_action('gravityview_log_error', __METHOD__ . sprintf(' - There was an error updating user #%d details', $user_id), $updated);
     } else {
         do_action('gravityview_log_debug', __METHOD__ . sprintf(' - User #%d details restored', $user_id));
     $this->_user_before_update = null;
     unset($updated, $restored_user, $user_after_update);
Beispiel #25
 private static function get_progress_bar($form, $form_id, $confirmation_message)
     $progress_complete = false;
     $progress_bar = '';
     $page_count = self::get_max_page_number($form);
     $current_page = self::get_current_page($form_id);
     $page_name = rgar(rgar($form['pagination'], 'pages'), $current_page - 1);
     $page_name = !empty($page_name) ? ' - ' . $page_name : '';
     $style = $form['pagination']['style'];
     $color = $style == 'custom' ? " color:{$form['pagination']['color']};" : '';
     $bgcolor = $style == 'custom' ? " background-color:{$form['pagination']['backgroundColor']};" : '';
     if (!empty($confirmation_message)) {
         $progress_complete = true;
     //check admin setting for whether the progress bar should start at zero
     $start_at_zero = rgars($form, 'pagination/display_progressbar_on_confirmation');
     //check for filter
     $start_at_zero = apply_filters('gform_progressbar_start_at_zero', $start_at_zero, $form);
     $progressbar_page_count = $start_at_zero ? $current_page - 1 : $current_page;
     $percent = !$progress_complete ? floor($progressbar_page_count / $page_count * 100) . '%' : '100%';
     $percent_number = !$progress_complete ? floor($progressbar_page_count / $page_count * 100) . '' : '100';
     if ($progress_complete) {
         $wrapper_css_class = GFCommon::get_browser_class() . ' gform_wrapper';
         //add on surrounding wrapper class when confirmation page
         $progress_bar = "<div class='{$wrapper_css_class}' id='gform_wrapper_{$form_id}' >";
         $page_name = !empty($form['pagination']['progressbar_completion_text']) ? $form['pagination']['progressbar_completion_text'] : '';
     $progress_bar .= "\n        <div id='gf_progressbar_wrapper_{$form_id}' class='gf_progressbar_wrapper'>\n            <h3 class='gf_progressbar_title'>";
     $progress_bar .= !$progress_complete ? esc_html__('Step', 'gravityforms') . " {$current_page} " . esc_html__('of', 'gravityforms') . " {$page_count}{$page_name}" : "{$page_name}";
     $progress_bar .= "\n        </h3>\n            <div class='gf_progressbar'>\n                <div class='gf_progressbar_percentage percentbar_{$style} percentbar_{$percent_number}' style='width:{$percent};{$color}{$bgcolor}'><span>{$percent}</span></div>\n            </div></div>";
     //close div for surrounding wrapper class when confirmation page
     $progress_bar .= $progress_complete ? $confirmation_message . '</div>' : '';
     return $progress_bar;
 public function get_value_export($entry, $input_id = '', $use_text = false, $is_csv = false)
     if (empty($input_id)) {
         $input_id = $this->id;
     } elseif (!ctype_digit($input_id)) {
         $field_id_array = explode('.', $input_id);
         $input_id = rgar($field_id_array, 0);
         $column_num = rgar($field_id_array, 1);
     $value = rgar($entry, $input_id);
     if (empty($value) || $is_csv) {
         return $value;
     $list_values = $column_values = unserialize($value);
     if (isset($column_num) && is_numeric($column_num) && $this->enableColumns) {
         $column = rgars($this->choices, "{$column_num}/text");
         $column_values = array();
         foreach ($list_values as $value) {
             $column_values[] = rgar($value, $column);
     } elseif ($this->enableColumns) {
         return json_encode($list_values);
     return GFCommon::implode_non_blank(', ', $column_values);
 private static function get_progress_bar($form, $form_id, $confirmation_message)
     $progress_complete = false;
     $progress_bar = "";
     $page_count = self::get_max_page_number($form);
     $current_page = self::get_current_page($form_id);
     $page_name = rgar(rgar($form["pagination"], "pages"), $current_page - 1);
     $page_name = !empty($page_name) ? " - " . $page_name : "";
     $style = $form["pagination"]["style"];
     $color = $style == "custom" ? " color:{$form["pagination"]["color"]};" : "";
     $bgcolor = $style == "custom" ? " background-color:{$form["pagination"]["backgroundColor"]};" : "";
     if (!empty($confirmation_message)) {
         $progress_complete = true;
     //check admin setting for whether the progress bar should start at zero
     $start_at_zero = rgars($form, "pagination/display_progressbar_on_confirmation");
     //check for filter
     $start_at_zero = apply_filters("gform_progressbar_start_at_zero", $start_at_zero, $form);
     $progressbar_page_count = $start_at_zero ? $current_page - 1 : $current_page;
     $percent = !$progress_complete ? floor($progressbar_page_count / $page_count * 100) . "%" : "100%";
     $percent_number = !$progress_complete ? floor($progressbar_page_count / $page_count * 100) . "" : "100";
     if ($progress_complete) {
         $wrapper_css_class = GFCommon::get_browser_class() . " gform_wrapper";
         //add on surrounding wrapper class when confirmation page
         $progress_bar = "<div class='{$wrapper_css_class}' id='gform_wrapper_{$form_id}' >";
         $page_name = !empty($form["pagination"]["progressbar_completion_text"]) ? $form["pagination"]["progressbar_completion_text"] : "";
     $progress_bar .= "\n        <div id='gf_progressbar_wrapper_{$form_id}' class='gf_progressbar_wrapper'>\n            <h3 class='gf_progressbar_title'>";
     $progress_bar .= !$progress_complete ? __("Step", "gravityforms") . " {$current_page} " . __("of", "gravityforms") . " {$page_count}{$page_name}" : "{$page_name}";
     $progress_bar .= "\n        </h3>\n            <div class='gf_progressbar'>\n                <div class='gf_progressbar_percentage percentbar_{$style} percentbar_{$percent_number}' style='width:{$percent};{$color}{$bgcolor}'><span>{$percent}</span></div>\n            </div></div>";
     //close div for surrounding wrapper class when confirmation page
     $progress_bar .= $progress_complete ? "</div>" : "";
     return $progress_bar;
Beispiel #28
  * Renders and initializes a checkbox field that displays a select field when checked based on the $field array.
  * @access public
  * @param array $field - Field array containing the configuration options of this field
  * @param bool  $echo  = true - true to echo the output to the screen, false to simply return the contents as a string
  * @return string The HTML for the field
 public function settings_checkbox_and_select($field, $echo = true)
     // prepare checkbox
     $checkbox_input = rgars($field, 'checkbox');
     $checkbox_field = array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => $field['name'] . 'Enable', 'label' => esc_html__('Enable', 'gravityforms'), 'horizontal' => true, 'value' => '1', 'choices' => false, 'tooltip' => false);
     $checkbox_field = wp_parse_args($checkbox_input, $checkbox_field);
     // prepare select
     $select_input = rgars($field, 'select');
     $is_enabled = $this->get_setting($checkbox_field['name']);
     $select_field = array('name' => $field['name'] . 'Value', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => '', 'tooltip' => false);
     $select_field['class'] .= ' ' . $select_field['name'];
     $select_field = wp_parse_args($select_input, $select_field);
     // a little more with the checkbox
     if (empty($checkbox_field['choices'])) {
         $checkbox_field['choices'] = array(array('name' => $checkbox_field['name'], 'label' => $checkbox_field['label'], 'onchange' => sprintf("( function( \$, elem ) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\$( elem ).parents( 'td' ).css( 'position', 'relative' );\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif( \$( elem ).prop( 'checked' ) ) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$( '%1\$s' ).fadeIn();\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$( '%1\$s' ).fadeOut();\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t} )( jQuery, this );", "#{$select_field['name']}Span")));
     // get markup
     $html = sprintf('%s <span id="%s" class="%s">%s %s</span>', $this->settings_checkbox($checkbox_field, false), $select_field['name'] . 'Span', $is_enabled ? '' : 'hidden', $this->settings_select($select_field, false), $this->maybe_get_tooltip($select_field));
     if ($echo) {
         echo $html;
     return $html;
Beispiel #29
 public function filter_menu_items($menu_items, $form_id, $compact)
     $form_meta = GFFormsModel::get_form_meta($form_id);
     $results_fields = $this->get_fields($form_meta);
     if (false === empty($results_fields)) {
         $form_id = $form_meta['id'];
         $link_class = '';
         if (rgget('page') == 'gf_new_form') {
             $link_class = 'gf_toolbar_disabled';
         } elseif (rgget('page') == 'gf_entries' && rgget('view') == 'gf_results_' . $this->_slug) {
             $link_class = 'gf_toolbar_active';
         $id = rgget('id');
         if (empty($id)) {
             //on the form list page, do not use icons
             $icon = '';
         } else {
             $icon = $this->_icon;
             if (empty($icon)) {
                 $icon = '<i class="fa fa-bar-chart-o fa-lg"></i>';
         $sub_menu_items = array();
         $sub_menu_items[] = array('label' => $this->_title, 'icon' => $icon, 'title' => esc_html__('View results generated by this form', 'gravityforms'), 'link_class' => $link_class, 'url' => admin_url("admin.php?page=gf_entries&view=gf_results_{$this->_slug}&id={$form_id}"), 'capabilities' => $this->_capabilities);
         $duplicate_submenus = wp_filter_object_list(rgars($menu_items, 'results/sub_menu_items'), array('label' => $sub_menu_items[0]['label']));
         if (count($duplicate_submenus) > 0) {
             return $menu_items;
         // If there's already a menu item with the key "results" then merge the two.
         if (isset($menu_items['results'])) {
             $existing_link_class = $menu_items['results']['link_class'];
             $link_class == empty($existing_link_class) ? $link_class : $existing_link_class;
             $existing_capabilities = $menu_items['results']['capabilities'];
             $merged_capabilities = array_merge($existing_capabilities, $this->_capabilities);
             $existing_sub_menu_items = $menu_items['results']['sub_menu_items'];
             $merged_sub_menu_items = array_merge($existing_sub_menu_items, $sub_menu_items);
             $menu_items['results']['link_class'] = $link_class;
             $menu_items['results']['capabilities'] = $merged_capabilities;
             $menu_items['results']['sub_menu_items'] = $merged_sub_menu_items;
             $menu_items['results']['label'] = esc_html__('Results', 'gravityforms');
             $menu_items['results']['icon'] = '<i class="fa fa-bar-chart-o fa-lg"></i>';
         } else {
             // so far during the page cycle this is the only menu item for this key
             $menu_items['results'] = array('label' => $compact ? esc_html__('Results', 'gravityforms') : $this->_title, 'icon' => $icon, 'title' => esc_attr__('View results generated by this form', 'gravityforms'), 'url' => '', 'onclick' => 'return false;', 'menu_class' => 'gf_form_toolbar_results', 'link_class' => $link_class, 'capabilities' => $this->_capabilities, 'sub_menu_items' => $sub_menu_items, 'priority' => 750);
     return $menu_items;
Beispiel #30
    public static function form_settings_ui()
        require_once GFCommon::get_base_path() . '/form_detail.php';
        require_once GFCommon::get_base_path() . '/currency.php';
        $form_id = rgget('id');
        $form = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta($form_id);
        $update_result = array();
        if (rgpost('gform_meta')) {
            // die if not posted from correct page
            check_admin_referer("gform_save_form_settings_{$form_id}", 'gform_save_form_settings');
            $updated_form = json_decode(rgpost('gform_meta'), true);
            $updated_form['fields'] = $form['fields'];
            // -- standard form settings --
            $updated_form['title'] = rgpost('form_title_input');
            $updated_form['description'] = rgpost('form_description_input');
            $updated_form['labelPlacement'] = rgpost('form_label_placement');
            $updated_form['descriptionPlacement'] = rgpost('form_description_placement');
            $updated_form['subLabelPlacement'] = rgpost('form_sub_label_placement');
            // -- advanced form settings --
            $updated_form['cssClass'] = rgpost('form_css_class');
            $updated_form['enableHoneypot'] = rgpost('form_enable_honeypot');
            $updated_form['enableAnimation'] = rgpost('form_enable_animation');
            // form button settings
            $updated_form['button']['type'] = rgpost('form_button');
            $updated_form['button']['text'] = rgpost('form_button') == 'text' ? rgpost('form_button_text_input') : '';
            $updated_form['button']['imageUrl'] = rgpost('form_button') == 'image' ? rgpost('form_button_image_url') : '';
            // Save and Continue settings
            $updated_form['save']['enabled'] = rgpost('form_save_enabled');
            $updated_form['save']['button']['type'] = 'link';
            $updated_form['save']['button']['text'] = rgpost('form_save_button_text');
            // limit entries settings
            $updated_form['limitEntries'] = rgpost('form_limit_entries');
            $updated_form['limitEntriesCount'] = $updated_form['limitEntries'] ? rgpost('form_limit_entries_count') : '';
            $updated_form['limitEntriesPeriod'] = $updated_form['limitEntries'] ? rgpost('form_limit_entries_period') : '';
            $updated_form['limitEntriesMessage'] = $updated_form['limitEntries'] ? rgpost('form_limit_entries_message') : '';
            // form scheduling settings
            $updated_form['scheduleForm'] = rgpost('form_schedule_form');
            $updated_form['scheduleStart'] = $updated_form['scheduleForm'] ? rgpost('gform_schedule_start') : '';
            $updated_form['scheduleStartHour'] = $updated_form['scheduleForm'] ? rgpost('form_schedule_start_hour') : '';
            $updated_form['scheduleStartMinute'] = $updated_form['scheduleForm'] ? rgpost('form_schedule_start_minute') : '';
            $updated_form['scheduleStartAmpm'] = $updated_form['scheduleForm'] ? rgpost('form_schedule_start_ampm') : '';
            $updated_form['scheduleEnd'] = $updated_form['scheduleForm'] ? rgpost('form_schedule_end') : '';
            $updated_form['scheduleEndHour'] = $updated_form['scheduleForm'] ? rgpost('form_schedule_end_hour') : '';
            $updated_form['scheduleEndMinute'] = $updated_form['scheduleForm'] ? rgpost('form_schedule_end_minute') : '';
            $updated_form['scheduleEndAmpm'] = $updated_form['scheduleForm'] ? rgpost('form_schedule_end_ampm') : '';
            $updated_form['schedulePendingMessage'] = $updated_form['scheduleForm'] ? rgpost('form_schedule_pending_message') : '';
            $updated_form['scheduleMessage'] = $updated_form['scheduleForm'] ? rgpost('form_schedule_message') : '';
            // require login settings
            $updated_form['requireLogin'] = rgpost('form_require_login');
            $updated_form['requireLoginMessage'] = $updated_form['requireLogin'] ? rgpost('form_require_login_message') : '';
            $updated_form = GFFormsModel::maybe_sanitize_form_settings($updated_form);
            if ($updated_form['save']['enabled']) {
                $updated_form = self::activate_save($updated_form);
            } else {
                $updated_form = self::deactivate_save($updated_form);
            $updated_form = apply_filters('gform_pre_form_settings_save', $updated_form);
            $update_result = GFFormDetail::save_form_info($form_id, addslashes(json_encode($updated_form)));
            // update working form object with updated form object
            $form = $updated_form;
        $form = gf_apply_filters('gform_admin_pre_render', $form_id, $form);
        self::page_header(__('Form Settings', 'gravityforms'));

		<script type="text/javascript">


			var form = <?php 
        echo json_encode($form);
			var fieldSettings = [];

			jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {


				jQuery('.datepicker').datepicker({showOn: 'both', changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, buttonImage: "<?php 
        echo GFCommon::get_base_url();
/images/calendar.png", buttonImageOnly: true});

				ToggleConditionalLogic(true, 'form_button');

				jQuery('tr:hidden .gf_animate_sub_settings').hide();

				jQuery(document).trigger('gform_load_form_settings', [form]);


			 * New Form Settings Functions

			function SaveFormSettings() {

				hasUnsavedChanges = false;

				// allow users to update form with custom function before save
				if (window['gform_before_update']) {
					form = window['gform_before_update'](form);
					if (window.console)
						console.log('"gform_before_update" is deprecated since version 1.7! Use "gform_pre_form_settings_save" php hook instead.');

				// set fields to empty array to avoid issues with post data being too long
				form.fields = [];



			function UpdateLabelPlacement() {
				var placement = jQuery("#form_label_placement").val();

				if (placement == 'top_label') {
				else {

			function UpdateDescriptionPlacement() {
				var placement = jQuery("#form_description_placement").val();

				//jQuery("#gform_fields").removeClass("description_below").removeClass("description_above").addClass("description_" + placement);

				jQuery(".gfield_description").each(function () {
					var prevElement = placement == 'above' ? '.gfield_label' : '.ginput_container:visible';

			function ToggleButton() {

				var isText = jQuery("#form_button_text").is(":checked");
				var show_element = isText ? '#form_button_text_setting' : '#form_button_image_path_setting';
				var hide_element = isText ? '#form_button_image_path_setting' : '#form_button_text_setting';



			function ToggleEnableSave() {

				if (jQuery("#form_save_enabled").is(":checked")) {
				} else {


			function ToggleLimitEntry() {

				if (jQuery("#gform_limit_entries").is(":checked")) {
				else {

			function ShowSettingRow(elemId) {

			function HideSettingRow(elemId) {
				var elem = jQuery(elemId);
				elem.find('.gf_animate_sub_settings').slideUp(function () {

			function ToggleSchedule() {

				if (jQuery("#gform_schedule_form").is(":checked")) {
				else {


			function ToggleRequireLogin() {

				if (jQuery("#gform_require_login").is(":checked")) {
				else {

			function SetButtonConditionalLogic(isChecked) {
				form.button.conditionalLogic = isChecked ? new ConditionalLogic() : null;

			function HandleUnsavedChanges(elemId) {

				hasUnsavedChanges = false;

				jQuery(elemId).find('input, select, textarea').change(function () {
					hasUnsavedChanges = true;

				window.onbeforeunload = function () {
					if (hasUnsavedChanges){
						return '<?php 
        echo esc_js('You have unsaved changes.', 'gravityforms');



			function ShowAdvancedFormSettings() {



        switch (rgar($update_result, 'status')) {
            case 'invalid_json':
				<div class="error below-h2" id="after_update_error_dialog">
                _e('There was an error while saving your form.', 'gravityforms');
                printf(__('Please %scontact our support team%s.', 'gravityforms'), '<a href="">', '</a>');
            case 'duplicate_title':
				<div class="error below-h2" id="after_update_error_dialog">
                _e('The form title you have entered has already been used. Please enter a unique form title.', 'gravityforms');
                if (!empty($update_result)) {
					<div class="updated below-h2" id="after_update_dialog">
                    _e('Form settings updated successfully.', 'gravityforms');
         * These variables are used to convenient "wrap" child form settings in the appropriate HTML.
        $subsetting_open = '
            <td colspan="2" class="gf_sub_settings_cell">
                <div class="gf_animate_sub_settings">
        $subsetting_close = '
        //create form settings table rows and put them into an array
        //form title
        $tr_form_title = '
                ' . __('Form title', 'gravityforms') . ' ' . gform_tooltip('form_title', '', true) . '
			<input type="text" id="form_title_input" name="form_title_input" class="fieldwidth-3" value="' . esc_attr($form['title']) . '" />
        //form description
        $tr_form_description = '
                ' . __('Form description', 'gravityforms') . ' ' . gform_tooltip('form_description', '', true) . '
			<textarea id="form_description_input" name="form_description_input" class="fieldwidth-3 fieldheight-2">' . esc_html(rgar($form, 'description')) . '</textarea>
        //form label placement
        $alignment_options = array('top_label' => __('Top aligned', 'gravityforms'), 'left_label' => __('Left aligned', 'gravityforms'), 'right_label' => __('Right aligned', 'gravityforms'));
        $label_dd = '';
        foreach ($alignment_options as $value => $label) {
            $selected = $form['labelPlacement'] == $value ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
            $label_dd .= '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $label . '</option>';
        $tr_form_label_placement = '
                ' . __('Label placement', 'gravityforms') . ' ' . gform_tooltip('form_label_placement', '', true) . '
			<select id="form_label_placement" name="form_label_placement" onchange="UpdateLabelPlacement();">' . $label_dd . '</select>
        //form description placement
        $style = $form['labelPlacement'] != 'top_label' ? 'display:none;' : '';
        $description_dd = '';
        $description_options = array('below' => __('Below inputs', 'gravityforms'), 'above' => __('Above inputs', 'gravityforms'));
        foreach ($description_options as $value => $label) {
            $selected = rgar($form, 'descriptionPlacement') == $value ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
            $description_dd .= '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $label . '</option>';
        $tr_form_description_placement = '
        <tr id="description_placement_setting" style="' . $style . '">
                ' . __('Description placement', 'gravityforms') . ' ' . gform_tooltip('form_description_placement', '', true) . '
			<select id="form_description_placement" name="form_description_placement">' . $description_dd . '</select>
        //Sub Label placement
        $sub_label_placement_dd = '';
        $sub_label_placement_options = array('below' => __('Below inputs', 'gravityforms'), 'above' => __('Above inputs', 'gravityforms'));
        foreach ($sub_label_placement_options as $value => $label) {
            $selected = rgar($form, 'subLabelPlacement') == $value ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
            $sub_label_placement_dd .= '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $label . '</option>';
        $tr_sub_label_placement = '
        <tr id="sub_label_placement_setting">
                ' . __('Sub-Label Placement', 'gravityforms') . ' ' . gform_tooltip('form_sub_label_placement', '', true) . '
				<select id="form_sub_label_placement" name="form_sub_label_placement">' . $sub_label_placement_dd . '</select>
        //css class name
        $tr_css_class_name = '
                <label for="form_css_class" style="display:block;">' . __('CSS Class Name', 'gravityforms') . ' ' . gform_tooltip('form_css_class', '', true) . '</label>
			<input type="text" id="form_css_class" name="form_css_class" class="fieldwidth-3" value="' . esc_attr(rgar($form, 'cssClass')) . '" />
        //create form advanced settings table rows
        //create form button rows
        $form_button_type = rgars($form, 'button/type');
        $text_button_checked = '';
        $image_button_checked = '';
        $text_style_display = '';
        $image_style_display = '';
        if ($form_button_type == 'text') {
            $text_button_checked = 'checked="checked"';
            $image_style_display = 'display:none;';
        } else {
            if ($form_button_type == 'image') {
                $image_button_checked = 'checked="checked"';
                $text_style_display = 'display:none;';
        //form button
        $tr_form_button = '
                ' . __('Input type', 'gravityforms') . '

                <input type="radio" id="form_button_text" name="form_button" value="text" onclick="ToggleButton();" ' . $text_button_checked . ' />
                <label for="form_button_text" class="inline">' . __('Text', 'gravityforms') . '</label>


			<input type="radio" id="form_button_image" name="form_button" value="image" onclick="ToggleButton();" ' . $image_button_checked . ' />
                <label for="form_button_image" class="inline">' . __('Image', 'gravityforms') . '</label>

        //form button text
        $tr_form_button_text = $subsetting_open . '
        <tr id="form_button_text_setting" class="child_setting_row" style="' . $text_style_display . '">
                ' . __('Button text', 'gravityforms') . ' ' . gform_tooltip('form_button_text', '', true) . '
			<input type="text" id="form_button_text_input" name="form_button_text_input" class="fieldwidth-3" value="' . esc_attr(rgars($form, 'button/text')) . '" />
        //form button image path
        $tr_form_button_image_path = '
        <tr id="form_button_image_path_setting" class="child_setting_row" style="' . $image_style_display . '">
                ' . __('Button image path', 'gravityforms') . '  ' . gform_tooltip('form_button_image', '', true) . '
			<input type="text" id="form_button_image_url" name="form_button_image_url" class="fieldwidth-3" value="' . esc_attr(rgars($form, 'button/imageUrl')) . '" />
        </tr>' . $subsetting_close;
        //form button conditional logic
        $button_conditional_checked = '';
        if (rgars($form, 'button/conditionalLogic')) {
            $button_conditional_checked = 'checked="checked"';
        $tr_form_button_conditional = '
                ' . __('Button conditional logic', 'gravityforms') . ' ' . gform_tooltip('form_button_conditional_logic', '', true) . '
                <input type="checkbox" id="form_button_conditional_logic" onclick="SetButtonConditionalLogic(this.checked); ToggleConditionalLogic(false, \'form_button\');"' . $button_conditional_checked . ' />
                <label for="form_button_conditional_logic" class="inline">' . ' ' . __('Enable Conditional Logic', 'gravityforms') . '</label>
            <td colspan="2">

	            <div id="form_button_conditional_logic_container" class="gf_animate_sub_settings" style="display:none;">
	                    <!-- content dynamically created from js.php -->

        //create save and continue rows
        $save_enabled_checked = '';
        $save_enabled_style = '';
        if (rgars($form, 'save/enabled')) {
            $save_enabled_checked = 'checked="checked"';
        } else {
            $save_enabled_style = 'style="display:none;"';
        $save_button_text = isset($form['save']['button']['text']) ? esc_attr(rgars($form, 'save/button/text')) : __('Save and Continue Later', 'gravityforms');
        $tr_enable_save = '
                ' . __('Save and Continue', 'gravityforms') . ' ' . gform_tooltip('form_enable_save', '', true) . '
                <input type="checkbox" id="form_save_enabled" name="form_save_enabled" onclick="ToggleEnableSave();" value="1" ' . $save_enabled_checked . ' />
                <label for="form_save_enabled">' . __('Enable Save and Continue', 'gravityforms') . '</label>
        // Warning
        $tr_save_warning = '
        <tr id="form_save_warning" class="child_setting_row" ' . $save_enabled_style . '>
            ' . $subsetting_open . '
                <div class="gforms_help_alert fieldwidth-3">
                    <i class="fa fa-warning"></i>
                    ' . __('This feature stores potentially private and sensitive data on this server and protects it with a unique link which is displayed to the user on the page in plain, unencrypted text. The link is similar to a password so it\'s strongly advisable to ensure that the page enforces a secure connection (HTTPS) before activating this setting.', 'gravityforms') . '</div>
		            <br />
		            <i class="fa fa-warning"></i>
                    ' . __('When this setting is activated two confirmations and one notification are automatically generated and can be modified in their respective editors. When this setting is deactivated the confirmations and the notification will be deleted automatically and any modifications will be lost.', 'gravityforms') . '</div>

        //save button text
        $tr_save_button_text = '
        <tr id="form_save_button_text_setting" class="child_setting_row" ' . $save_enabled_style . '>
                ' . __('Link text', 'gravityforms') . ' ' . gform_tooltip('form_save_button_text', '', true) . '
			<input type="text" id="form_save_button_text" name="form_save_button_text" class="fieldwidth-3" value="' . $save_button_text . '" />
            ' . $subsetting_close . '
        //limit entries
        $limit_entry_checked = '';
        $limit_entry_style = '';
        $limit_entries_dd = '';
        if (rgar($form, 'limitEntries')) {
            $limit_entry_checked = 'checked="checked"';
        } else {
            $limit_entry_style = 'display:none';
        $limit_periods = array('' => __('total entries', 'gravityforms'), 'day' => __('per day', 'gravityforms'), 'week' => __('per week', 'gravityforms'), 'month' => __('per month', 'gravityforms'), 'year' => __('per year', 'gravityforms'));
        foreach ($limit_periods as $value => $label) {
            $selected = rgar($form, 'limitEntriesPeriod') == $value ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
            $limit_entries_dd .= '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $label . '</option>';
        $tr_limit_entries = '
                ' . __('Limit number of entries', 'gravityforms') . ' ' . gform_tooltip('form_limit_entries', '', true) . '
                <input type="checkbox" id="gform_limit_entries" name="form_limit_entries" onclick="ToggleLimitEntry();" value="1" ' . $limit_entry_checked . ' />
                <label for="gform_limit_entries">' . __('Enable entry limit', 'gravityforms') . '</label>
        //limit entries count
        $tr_limit_entries_count = '
        <tr id="limit_entries_count_setting" class="child_setting_row" style="' . esc_attr($limit_entry_style) . '">
            ' . $subsetting_open . '
                ' . __('Number of Entries', 'gravityforms') . '
			<input type="text" id="gform_limit_entries_count" name="form_limit_entries_count" style="width:70px;" value="' . esc_attr(rgar($form, 'limitEntriesCount')) . '" />
                <select id="gform_limit_entries_period" name="form_limit_entries_period" style="height:22px;">' . $limit_entries_dd . '</select>
		' . $subsetting_close . '
        //limit entries message
        $tr_limit_entries_message = '
        <tr id="limit_entries_message_setting" class="child_setting_row" style="' . $limit_entry_style . '">
            ' . $subsetting_open . '
                <label for="form_limit_entries_message">' . __('Entry Limit Reached Message', 'gravityforms') . '</label>
			<textarea id="form_limit_entries_message" name="form_limit_entries_message" class="fieldwidth-3">' . esc_html(rgar($form, 'limitEntriesMessage')) . '</textarea>
            ' . $subsetting_close . '
        //schedule form
        $schedule_form_checked = '';
        $schedule_form_style = '';
        $start_hour_dd = '';
        $start_minute_dd = '';
        $start_am_selected = '';
        $start_pm_selected = '';
        $end_hour_dd = '';
        $end_minute_dd = '';
        $end_am_selected = '';
        $end_pm_selected = '';
        if (rgar($form, 'scheduleForm')) {
            $schedule_form_checked = 'checked="checked"';
        } else {
            $schedule_form_style = 'display:none';
        //create start hour dd options
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
            $selected = rgar($form, 'scheduleStartHour') == $i ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
            $start_hour_dd .= '<option value="' . $i . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $i . '</option>';
        //create start minute dd options
        foreach (array('00', '15', '30', '45') as $value) {
            $selected = rgar($form, 'scheduleStartMinute') == $value ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
            $start_minute_dd .= '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $value . '</option>';
        //set start am/pm
        if (rgar($form, 'scheduleStartAmpm') == 'am') {
            $start_am_selected = 'selected="selected"';
        } elseif (rgar($form, 'scheduleStartAmpm') == 'pm') {
            $start_pm_selected = 'selected="selected"';
        //create end hour dd options
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
            $selected = rgar($form, 'scheduleEndHour') == $i ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
            $end_hour_dd .= '<option value="' . $i . ' "' . $selected . '>' . $i . '</option>';
        //create end minute dd options
        foreach (array('00', '15', '30', '45') as $value) {
            $selected = rgar($form, 'scheduleEndMinute') == $value ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
            $end_minute_dd .= '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $value . '</option>';
        //set end am/pm
        if (rgar($form, 'scheduleEndAmpm') == 'am') {
            $end_am_selected = 'selected="selected"';
        } elseif (rgar($form, 'scheduleEndAmpm') == 'pm') {
            $end_pm_selected = 'selected="selected"';
        //schedule form
        $tr_schedule_form = '
                ' . __('Schedule form', 'gravityforms') . ' ' . gform_tooltip('form_schedule_form', '', true) . '
                <input type="checkbox" id="gform_schedule_form" name="form_schedule_form" value="1" onclick="ToggleSchedule();"' . $schedule_form_checked . '/>
                <label for="gform_schedule_form">' . __('Schedule form', 'gravityforms') . '</label>
        //schedule start
        $tr_schedule_start = '
        <tr id="schedule_start_setting" class="child_setting_row" style="' . $schedule_form_style . '">
            ' . $subsetting_open . '
                <label for="gform_schedule_start">' . __('Schedule Start Date/Time', 'gravityforms') . '</label>
                <input type="text" id="gform_schedule_start" name="gform_schedule_start" class="datepicker" value="' . esc_attr(rgar($form, 'scheduleStart')) . '" />
                <select id="gform_schedule_start_hour" name="form_schedule_start_hour">' . $start_hour_dd . '</select>
			<select id="gform_schedule_start_minute" name="form_schedule_start_minute">' . $start_minute_dd . '</select>
			<select id="gform_schedule_start_ampm" name="form_schedule_start_ampm">
				<option value="am" ' . $start_am_selected . '>AM</option>
                    <option value="pm" ' . $start_pm_selected . '>PM</option>
            ' . $subsetting_close . '
        //schedule end
        $tr_schedule_end = '
        <tr id="schedule_end_setting" class="child_setting_row" style="' . esc_attr($schedule_form_style) . '">
            ' . $subsetting_open . '
                ' . __('Schedule Form End Date/Time', 'gravityforms') . '
                <input type="text" id="gform_schedule_end" name="form_schedule_end" class="datepicker" value="' . esc_attr(rgar($form, 'scheduleEnd')) . '" />
                <select id="gform_schedule_end_hour" name="form_schedule_end_hour">' . $end_hour_dd . '</select>
			<select id="gform_schedule_end_minute" name="form_schedule_end_minute">' . $end_minute_dd . '</select>
			<select id="gform_schedule_end_ampm" name="form_schedule_end_ampm">
				<option value="am" ' . $end_am_selected . '>AM</option>
                    <option value="pm" ' . $end_pm_selected . '>PM</option>
            ' . $subsetting_close . '
        //schedule message
        $tr_schedule_pending_message = '
        <tr id="schedule_pending_message_setting" class="child_setting_row" style="' . esc_attr($schedule_form_style) . '">
            ' . $subsetting_open . '
                ' . __('Form Pending Message', 'gravityforms') . '
                <textarea id="gform_schedule_pending_message" name="form_schedule_pending_message" class="fieldwidth-3">' . esc_html(rgar($form, 'schedulePendingMessage')) . '</textarea>
            ' . $subsetting_close . '
        //schedule message
        $tr_schedule_message = '
        <tr id="schedule_message_setting" class="child_setting_row" style="' . esc_attr($schedule_form_style) . '">
            ' . $subsetting_open . '
                ' . __('Form Expired Message', 'gravityforms') . '
                <textarea id="gform_schedule_message" name="form_schedule_message" class="fieldwidth-3">' . esc_html(rgar($form, 'scheduleMessage')) . '</textarea>
            ' . $subsetting_close . '
        //honey pot
        $honey_pot_checked = '';
        if (rgar($form, 'enableHoneypot')) {
            $honey_pot_checked = 'checked="checked"';
        $tr_honey_pot = '
                ' . __('Anti-spam honeypot', 'gravityforms') . ' ' . gform_tooltip('form_honeypot', '', true) . '
                <input type="checkbox" id="gform_enable_honeypot" name="form_enable_honeypot" value="1" ' . $honey_pot_checked . '/>
                <label for="gform_enable_honeypot">' . __('Enable anti-spam honeypot', 'gravityforms') . '</label>
        //enable animation
        $enable_animation_checked = '';
        if (rgar($form, 'enableAnimation')) {
            $enable_animation_checked = 'checked="checked"';
        $tr_enable_animation = '
                ' . __('Animated transitions', 'gravityforms') . ' ' . gform_tooltip('form_animation', '', true) . '
                <input type="checkbox" id="gform_enable_animation" name="form_enable_animation" value="1" ' . $enable_animation_checked . ' />
                <label for="gform_enable_animation">' . __('Enable animations', 'gravityforms') . '</label>
        //require login
        $require_login_checked = '';
        $require_login_style = '';
        if (rgar($form, 'requireLogin')) {
            $require_login_checked = 'checked="checked"';
        } else {
            $require_login_style = 'display:none';
        $tr_requires_login = '******' . __('Require user to be logged in', 'gravityforms') . ' ' . gform_tooltip('form_require_login', '', true) . '
                <input type="checkbox" id="gform_require_login" name="form_require_login" value="1" onclick="ToggleRequireLogin();"' . $require_login_checked . ' />
                <label for="gform_require_login">' . __('Require user to be logged in', 'gravityforms') . '</label>
        //require login message
        $tr_requires_login_message = '
        <tr id="require_login_message_setting" class="child_setting_row" style="' . esc_attr($require_login_style) . '">
            ' . $subsetting_open . '
                ' . __('Require Login Message', 'gravityforms') . ' ' . gform_tooltip('form_require_login_message', '', true) . '
                <textarea id="gform_require_login_message" name="form_require_login_message" class="fieldwidth-3">' . esc_html(rgar($form, 'requireLoginMessage')) . '</textarea>
            ' . $subsetting_close . '
        //populate arrays with table rows
        $form_basics = array('form_title' => $tr_form_title, 'form_description' => $tr_form_description);
        $form_layout = array('form_label_placement' => $tr_form_label_placement, 'form_description_placement' => $tr_form_description_placement, 'form_sub_label_placement' => $tr_sub_label_placement, 'css_class_name' => $tr_css_class_name);
        $form_button = array('form_button_type' => $tr_form_button, 'form_button_text' => $tr_form_button_text, 'form_button_image_path' => $tr_form_button_image_path, 'form_button_conditional' => $tr_form_button_conditional);
        $save_button = array('save_enabled' => $tr_enable_save, 'save_warning' => $tr_save_warning, 'save_button_text' => $tr_save_button_text);
        $form_restrictions = array('limit_entries' => $tr_limit_entries, 'number_of_entries' => $tr_limit_entries_count, 'entry_limit_message' => $tr_limit_entries_message, 'schedule_form' => $tr_schedule_form, 'schedule_start' => $tr_schedule_start, 'schedule_end' => $tr_schedule_end, 'schedule_pending_message' => $tr_schedule_pending_message, 'schedule_message' => $tr_schedule_message, 'requires_login' => $tr_requires_login, 'requires_login_message' => $tr_requires_login_message);
        $form_options = array('honey_pot' => $tr_honey_pot, 'enable_animation' => $tr_enable_animation);
        $form_settings = array(__('Form Basics', 'gravityforms') => $form_basics, __('Form Layout', 'gravityforms') => $form_layout, __('Form Button', 'gravityforms') => $form_button, __('Save and Continue', 'gravityforms') => $save_button, __('Restrictions', 'gravityforms') => $form_restrictions, __('Form Options', 'gravityforms') => $form_options);
        $form_settings = apply_filters('gform_form_settings', $form_settings, $form);

		<div class="gform_panel gform_panel_form_settings" id="form_settings">

			<h3><span><i class="fa fa-cogs"></i> <?php 
        _e('Form Settings', 'gravityforms');

			<form action="" method="post" id="gform_form_settings">

				<table class="gforms_form_settings" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        //write out array of table rows
        if (is_array($form_settings)) {
            //foreach($form_settings as $row) {
            foreach ($form_settings as $key => $value) {
								<td colspan="2">
									<h4 class="gf_settings_subgroup_title"><?php 
                _e($key, 'gravityforms');
                if (is_array($value)) {
                    foreach ($value as $tr) {
                        echo $tr;

				<div id="gform_custom_settings">
					<!--form settings-->
        do_action('gform_properties_settings', 100, $form_id);
        do_action('gform_properties_settings', 200, $form_id);
        do_action('gform_properties_settings', 300, $form_id);
        do_action('gform_properties_settings', 400, $form_id);
        do_action('gform_properties_settings', 500, $form_id);

					<!--advanced settings-->
        do_action('gform_advanced_settings', 100, $form_id);
        do_action('gform_advanced_settings', 200, $form_id);
        do_action('gform_advanced_settings', 300, $form_id);
        do_action('gform_advanced_settings', 400, $form_id);
        do_action('gform_advanced_settings', 500, $form_id);
        do_action('gform_advanced_settings', 600, $form_id);
        do_action('gform_advanced_settings', 700, $form_id);
        do_action('gform_advanced_settings', 800, $form_id);


        wp_nonce_field("gform_save_form_settings_{$form_id}", 'gform_save_form_settings');
				<input type="hidden" id="gform_meta" name="gform_meta" />
				<input type="button" id="gform_save_settings" name="gform_save_settings" value="<?php 
        _e('Update Form Settings', 'gravityforms');
" class="button-primary gfbutton" onclick="SaveFormSettings();" />


		</div> <!-- / gform_panel_form_settings -->
