  * @test
 public function whenTokenIsExpired()
     require realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../') . '/etc/app.php';
     $db = $this->createMockDb();
     $user = array_merge($this->createFixtureUser(), array('token_timestamp' => time() - TOKEN_VALID_TIME - 1));
     $checker = $this->createTokenChecker($db);
     $request = $this->createValidRequest();
     $this->assertErrorResponse(403, 'Token expired', $checker($request, $app));
Beispiel #2
function randomBenefit($return = false)
    global $benefits;
    $temp = array();
    foreach ($benefits as $key => $ben) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($ben); $i++) {
            $temp[] = $key;
    $arr = random($temp, true);
    $val = ($arr == 'random' ? null : $arr) . "[br]" . random($benefits[$arr], true);
    return returnValue($return, $val);
//change last name
//import general functions
require "functions.php";
//check input variables exist
if (isEmpty(@$_POST['newLastName'])) {
    throw new GeneralException('Please enter your last name.', 00);
//read variables from POST to get the new last name
$newLastName = $_POST['newLastName'];
//conection to the database
$connectedDB = connectToDB();
//get data from the user logged in
$id = $_SESSION['id'];
//get data to update last name
$sql = "UPDATE users SET last_name='" . $newLastName . "' WHERE id=" . $id;
$userResource = pg_query($connectedDB, $sql);
//if the query no was succeful return an exception
if (!$userResource) {
    throw new GeneralException('General Error.', 02);
} else {
    // update the last name variable in current session
    $_SESSION['last_name'] = $newLastName;

if (isEmpty(@$_POST['fileName'])) {
    die("missing data.");
//read variables from register user form
$name = $_POST['fileName'];
//open the file
$myfile = fopen("../fileUploads/" . $name, "r") or die("Unable to open file!");
//declare array
$data = array();
$data["name"] = array();
$data["count"] = array();
//initialize array counter
$counter = 0;
//fill the array with the information on the file
while (!feof($myfile)) {
    $line = fgets($myfile);
    if ($line === null) {
    $pieces = explode(" ", $line);
    $data["name"][$counter] = $pieces[0];
    $data["count"][$counter] = $pieces[2] * 1;
//delete any empty spaces in the array name and count
$data["name"] = array_filter($data["name"]);
$data["count"] = array_filter($data["count"]);
//return to client the data
//query the db
$sql = "SELECT email, id, first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE email = '" . strtolower($email) . "'";
$userResource = pg_query($connectedDB, $sql);
$userResultData = pg_fetch_row($userResource);
//check if the email provided exist in db
if ($userResultData == NULL) {
    throw new GeneralException('We cannot find that email. Have you registered?.', 02);
} else {
    $email = $userResultData[0];
    // get the email
    //compiling full users name
    $name = $userResultData[2] . " " . $userResultData[3];
    $name = ucwords($name);
    //generating a random hashed number for the new password
    $generated_password = substr(md5(rand(999, 999999)), 0, 8);
    //encrypt new password to update in the database
    $password = md5($generated_password);
    //create and excecute sql to change old password to new password
    $sql = "UPDATE users SET password='******' WHERE email = '" . strtolower($email) . "'";
    $newuserResource = pg_query($connectedDB, $sql);
    //send email to user with new password to login
    $subject = "Your password recovery";
    $msg = "Hello " . $name . ",\n\n";
    $msg = $msg . "Your new password is: " . $generated_password . "\n\n";
    $msg = $msg . " -GenomePro Team";
    //send and email to the user with new password to log in, needs to be changed when upload
    //to the server
    email($email, $name, $subject, $msg);
    //return sent to the client
$userResource = pg_query($connectedDB, $sql);
$userResultData = pg_fetch_row($userResource);
//if the user exist throw an exception
if ($userResultData != NULL) {
    throw new GeneralException('A user with that email already exist.', 02);
//compare passwords to know they match
$passwordComparison = strcmp($pass, $confpass);
if ($passwordComparison !== 0) {
    throw new GeneralException('Password and Password Confirmation do not match.', 01);
//create new user inactive
$sql = "INSERT INTO users (user_type, first_name, last_name, email, password, verified, ver_code) VALUES ('Regular User','" . $name . "','" . $lname . "','" . $email . "','" . $pass . "',0,'" . $ver_code . "')";
$newuserResource = pg_query($connectedDB, $sql);
//if the query no was succeful return an exception
if (!$newuserResource) {
    throw new GeneralException('General Error.', 02);
//send email to user for him to know that needs to activate its account
$fullName = $name . ' ' . $lname;
$fullName = ucwords($fullName);
$subject = "New Account Creation";
$msg = "Hello " . $fullName . ",\n\n";
$msg = $msg . "FIU genome pro has created an account for you. Click on the following link to activate the account:\n\n";
$msg = $msg . "http://genomepro.cis.fiu.edu/CORE/activate.php?use=" . $ver_code . "\n\n";
$msg = $msg . " -GenomePro Team";
//send email to the user with php mailer, needs to be changed when upload to server
email($email, $fullName, $subject, $msg);
//return added to the client
//get logged user id, email, and name from session
$id = $_SESSION['id'];
$email = $_SESSION['email'];
$fName = $_SESSION['first_name'];
$lName = $_SESSION['last_name'];
//insert entry of file one in docs table and save into $idOne the id of the first entry
$sql = "INSERT INTO docs (user_id, doc_name, date, time_stamp) VALUES ('" . $id . "','" . $file_an["name"] . "','" . date("Y/m/d") . "','now()') RETURNING id";
$resultID = pg_query($connectedDB, $sql);
$row = pg_fetch_row($resultID);
$idOne = $row['0'];
//insert entry of file two and save into $idTwo the id of the second entry
$sql = "INSERT INTO docs (user_id, doc_name, date, time_stamp) VALUES ('" . $id . "','" . $file_result . ".results.txt','" . date("Y/m/d") . "','now()') RETURNING id";
$resultID = pg_query($connectedDB, $sql);
$row = pg_fetch_row($resultID);
$idResult = $row['0'];
//insert entry of file two and save into $idTwo the id of the second entry
$sql = "INSERT INTO data_type (user_id, an_uploaded_id, an_result_id, date, time_stamp) VALUES ('" . $id . "','" . $idOne . "','" . $idResult . "','" . date("Y/m/d") . "','now()')";
$resultID = pg_query($connectedDB, $sql);
//save in filesystem
if (!move_uploaded_file($file_an['tmp_name'], "../fileUploads/" . $idOne)) {
    throw new GeneralException('File to be analyzed was not uploaded correctly.', 01);
//excecuting php in different proccess or thread
$call = $phpComp . ' ../CProgram/analyzeCProgram.php ' . $idOne . ' ' . $idResult . ' ' . $id . ' ' . $email . ' ' . $fName . ' ' . $lName . ' ' . $file_an["name"] . ' ' . $file_result . '.results.txt &';
returnValue("ok." . $call);

function uploadTransactionFile()
    $return = returnValue();
    //$filename = basename($_FILES["file"]["name"]);
    $filename = "batchfile";
    $target_dir = "../app/";
    $target_file = $target_dir . $filename;
    //Reject files that are not txt
    if ($_FILES["file"]["type"] != "text/plain") {
        $return->value = false;
        $return->msg = "Invalid file type";
        return $return;
    if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $target_file)) {
        $return->value = false;
        $return->msg = "Upload failed";
        return $return;
    //Reject files that are not text/plain
    $type = mime_content_type($target_file);
    if ($type != "text/plain") {
        $return->value = false;
        $return->msg = "Invalid file type";
        return $return;
    $return->value = $filename;
    $return->msg = "Upload successful";
    return $return;
Beispiel #9
function createTans($id)
    $return = returnValue();
    // get user's account number
    $accountId = getAccountByUserId($id)->ID;
    // generate 100 tans
    for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
        $tanUnique = false;
        while (!$tanUnique) {
            $tan = generateTan();
            // check if tan is unique
            if (checkTanUniqueness($tan)) {
                // save tan if it is unique
                if (insertTan($tan, $accountId)) {
                    $tanUnique = true;
                } else {
                    $return->value = false;
                    $return->msg = "Error inserting tans to DB";
                    return $return;
    // send email to user with tans
    if (!sendTanEmail($id, $accountId)) {
        $return->value = false;
        $return->msg = "Error sending tan email";
        return $return;
    $return->value = true;
    $return->msg = "Tan creation process successful";
    return $return;
//if email does not exist
if ($userResultData == NULL) {
    throw new GeneralException('Email or password incorrect.', 02);
    // email is not in the system
} elseif ($userResultData[6] != 1) {
    throw new GeneralException('Please go to your email and verify your account.', 03);
    // email is not in the system
} else {
    //comparing password
    $passwordComparison = strcmp($pass, $userResultData[0]);
    if ($passwordComparison !== 0) {
        throw new GeneralException('Email or password incorrect.', 04);
    } else {
        // email and password verified
        //updating time logged in
        $_SESSION['time_logged_in'] = time();
        $_SESSION['first_name'] = $userResultData[2];
        $_SESSION['last_name'] = $userResultData[3];
        $_SESSION['email'] = $userResultData[1];
        $_SESSION['id'] = $userResultData[5];
        if ($userResultData[4] == 'Admin') {
            //if user is admin
        } else {
            //if user is regular user
if (isEmpty(@$_POST['id'])) {
    die("missing data.");
//read variables from register user form
$id = $_POST['id'];
//get SESION INFO and check that user exists
$userData = $_SESSION;
if (is_null($userData)) {
    header('Location: http://genomepro.cis.fiu.edu/index.php');
$sql = "SELECT user_type FROM users WHERE id = " . $userData['id'] * 1;
$userResource = pg_query($connectedDB, $sql);
$userResultData = pg_fetch_row($userResource);
//if the user exist throw an exception
if ($userResultData == NULL) {
    throw new GeneralException('An error ocurred please log off and log back in.', 02);
//if user is not admin log off
if ($userResultData[0] != 'Admin') {
    header('Location: http://genomepro.cis.fiu.edu/index.php');
$sql = "DELETE FROM users WHERE id=" . $id;
//query to database
$newuserResource = pg_query($connectedDB, $sql);
//return added to the client
returnValue("The user has been deleted.");

//import general functions
require "functions.php";
//checking if user is logged in
$userData = $_SESSION;
if (is_null($userData)) {
    header('Location: http://genomepro.cis.fiu.edu/index.php');
//return sent to client
Beispiel #13
        //... remove some data
        //... and update the waiting time
        $busArrivesIn = $arrival["busTimeLeft"];
        if ($busArrivesIn >= $tmin && $busArrivesIn <= $tmax && $busArrivesIn < $currentWait) {
            $currentWait = $busArrivesIn;
    } else {
        //Remove unwanted bus lines
//Add the waiting time value and convert back to JSON
$arrayResult["wait"] = returnValue($currentWait);
print json_encode($arrayResult);
//Scale the waiting time for arduino (0..255 and 999999)
function returnValue($value)
    global $tmin, $tmax, $NOBUS, $maxVoltage;
    if ($value == $NOBUS) {
        return $NOBUS;
    return floor($maxVoltage * ($value - $tmin) / ($tmax - $tmin));

//contact us in home page
//import general functions
require "functions.php";
//check input variables exist
if (isEmpty(@$_POST['name'])) {
    throw new GeneralException('Please enter your name.', 010);
} else {
    if (isEmpty(@$_POST['from'])) {
        throw new GeneralException('Please enter your email.', 011);
    } else {
        if (isEmpty(@$_POST['subject'])) {
            throw new GeneralException('Please enter a subject.', 012);
        } else {
            if (isEmpty(@$_POST['msg'])) {
                throw new GeneralException('Please enter a message.', 013);
//read variables from register user form
$name = $_POST['name'];
$email = $_POST['from'];
$subject = $_POST['subject'];
$msg = $_POST['msg'];
//send an email to the admin from the user, when upload to server needs to be changed
emailAdmin($email, $name, $subject, $msg);
//return sent to client

// to display the history of find differences
//import general functions
require "functions.php";
//conection to the database
$connectedDB = connectToDB();
//getting user logged in data
$userData = $_SESSION;
//check input variables exist
if (isEmpty(@$userData['id'])) {
    die("missing data.");
//read variables from login user form
$id = $userData['id'];
//get data to populate history table
$sql = "\n\tSELECT doc_uploadedone.doc_name AS file1,\n\t       doc_uploadedone.id AS file1id,\n\t       doc_uploadedtwo.doc_name AS file2,\n\t       doc_uploadedtwo.id AS file2id,\n\t       doc_uploadedthree.doc_name AS file3,\n\t       doc_uploadedthree.id AS file3id,\n               find_differences.processed\n               FROM find_differences,\n\t       docs doc_uploadedone,\n\t       docs doc_uploadedtwo,\n               docs doc_uploadedthree\n\t       WHERE find_differences.user_id = " . $id . " AND doc_uploadedone.id = find_differences.uploaded_id1 AND doc_uploadedtwo.id = find_differences.uploaded_id2 AND doc_uploadedthree.id = find_differences.result_id;";
//perform query and get results
$userResource = pg_query($connectedDB, $sql);
$userResultData = pg_fetch_all($userResource);
if ($userResultData == NULL) {
    throw new GeneralException('No Files has been found.', 02);
} else {
function emailWithAttachments($email, $name, $subject, $msg, $result_file, $file_name)
    $from = "*****@*****.**";
    // sender email
    $senderName = $name;
    // sender name
    $to = $email;
    // destination
    $sub = $subject;
    // subject
    $message = $msg;
    // message
    $attach = $result_file;
    // using gmail accounts for testing, we can change it once is on the server
    $m = new PHPMailer();
    // new php mailer object
    // telling phpmailer we want to use the smpt option
    $m->SMTPAuth = true;
    // testing properties, for debuging
    $m->Host = 'smtp.gmail.com';
    // the smtp for gmail
    $m->Username = '******';
    // email for the gmail host
    $m->Password = '******';
    // password
    $m->SMTPSecure = 'ssl';
    // secure type
    $m->Port = 465;
    // port used
    $m->From = $from;
    // email sending from
    $m->FromName = "Genome Pro Team";
    // sender name
    $m->addReplyTo($from, 'Reply address');
    // method to reply to the sender
    $m->addAddress($to, $senderName);
    // send this to destination (admin)
    $m->addAttachment($attach, $file_name);
    $m->Subject = $sub;
    // email subject
    $m->Body = $message;
    // message of the email
    if ($m->send()) {
Beispiel #17

//import general functions
require "functions.php";
// freeing all variables
// destroying the session and redirecting the user to the main page