include_once '../permission.php';
include_once ROOT_DIR . '/database/dbUserProfile.php';
$errors = array();
if (isset($_POST['form_token']) && validateTokenField($_POST)) {
    //post data was valid perform the functions
} else {
    if (isset($_POST['form_token']) && !validateTokenField($_POST)) {
        //invalid token, display error
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['view']) && isset($_GET['group']) && isAjax()) {
            //if it is a GET ajax request then do the following
            $user_profile_id = sanitize($_GET['view']);
            $user_category = sanitize($_GET['group']);
            switch ($user_category) {
                case 'RMH Administrator':
                    $profileObjArray = retrieve_UserProfile_RMHAdmin($user_profile_id);
                    $profileObj = is_array($profileObjArray) ? current($profileObjArray) : false;
                    if ($profileObj) {
                        $profile = array('Username' => $profileObj->get_usernameId(), 'Category' => $profileObj->get_userCategory(), 'Name' => $profileObj->get_rmhStaffTitle() . ' ' . $profileObj->get_rmhStaffFirstName() . ' ' . $profileObj->get_rmhStaffLastName(), 'Phone' => $profileObj->get_rmhStaffPhone(), 'Email' => $profileObj->get_userEmail());
                    } else {
                        $errors['invalid_profile'] = "Could not retrieve profile information";
                case 'RMH Staff Approver':
                    $profileObj = retrieve_UserProfile_RMHApprover_OBJ($user_profile_id);
                    if ($profileObj) {
                        $profile = array('Username' => $profileObj->get_usernameId(), 'Category' => $profileObj->get_userCategory(), 'Name' => $profileObj->get_rmhStaffTitle() . ' ' . $profileObj->get_rmhStaffFirstName() . ' ' . $profileObj->get_rmhStaffLastName(), 'Phone' => $profileObj->get_rmhStaffPhone(), 'Email' => $profileObj->get_userEmail());
                    } else {
                        $errors['invalid_profile'] = "Could not retrieve profile information";
function S_WorkerUpdate()
    $user_profile_id = sanitize($_GET['view']);
    if (isset($_POST['go'])) {
        $profileObjArray = retrieve_UserProfile_RMHAdmin($user_profile_id);
        $profileObj = is_array($profileObjArray) ? current($profileObjArray) : false;
        if ($profileObj) {
            $ReturnValue = update_UserProfile($user_profile_id);
            if ($ReturnValue) {
                $ReturnValue1 = update_SocialWorkerProfile($user_profile_id);
                if ($ReturnValue1) {
                    header('Location: admin/listUsers.php');
                } else {
                    $errors['invalid_profile'] = "Could not complete request";
            } else {
                $errors['invalid_profile'] = "Could not update admin information";
        } else {
            $errors['invalid_profile'] = "Could not update profile information";
function retrieveCurrentUserProfile()
    //since access level is stored in the session, use that to find the user category
    //1 is for social worker
    //2 is for staff approver
    //3 is for admin
    //if there is a db function available for this, this function is not needed
    $accessLevel = getUserAccessLevel();
    $userProfileId = getUserProfileID();
    switch ($accessLevel) {
        case 1:
            return retrieve_UserProfile_SW_OBJ($userProfileId);
        case 2:
            return retrieve_UserProfile_RMHApprover_OBJ($userProfileId);
        case 3:
            $userProfile = retrieve_UserProfile_RMHAdmin($userProfileId);
            return is_array($userProfile) ? current($userProfile) : false;
            return false;