Beispiel #1
                     $currentClients = intval(trim($strings[$i]));
         $players = "{$currentClients} / {$maxplayers}";
         if ($currentClients == $maxplayers && $maxplayers == 0) {
             $query33 = "SELECT active FROM swift_servers WHERE id={$srvid}";
             $result4 = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($mysql, $query33));
             if (intval($result4['active']) == 1) {
                 echo "\nServer {$server} active, but dead. Rebooting";
                 $time = time();
                 $query2 = "INSERT INTO swift_logs (username, ip, action, time) VALUES ('CRON Task', '{$hostIp}', 'Restarted server {$server} (players 0 / 0)', '{$time}')";
                 restartServer($hostIp, $sshport, $account, $accpass, $startcmd);
                 mysqli_query($mysql, $query2);
 /* 3D Specific H&S statistics update code */
 if ($srvid == 6) {
     $motd = "";
     $gametype = "";
     $conn = fsockopen("udp://", 20100);
     socket_set_timeout($conn, 2);
     fwrite($conn, "ÿÿÿÿrcon rconpassword gametype");
     while ($o = fgets($conn)) {
         if (strpos($o, "Gametype") !== false) {
Beispiel #2
    $hostname = $row['hostname'];
    $port = $row['port'];
    $hostip = $row['ip'];
    $srvId = $row['srvId'];
    $sshport = $row['sshport'];
    $players = $row['players'];
    $startcmd = trim($row['startcmd']);
    $startcmd = str_replace("{port}", $port, $startcmd);
    $date = date("H:i, F j Y ", time());
    $startcmd = str_replace("{date}", $date, $startcmd);
    $data = true;
    $task = "";
    if ($active) {
        //Before showing everything to the user, parse ALL servers which are active (not stopped) and check that are they running.
        if (!checkStatus($hostip, $sshport, $acc, $pwd)) {
            restartServer($hostip, $sshport, $acc, $pwd, $startcmd);
        $active = "Running";
        $task = "<center><i class=\"stop icon\" title=\"Stop the server\" onclick=\"serverAction(true, {$srvId});\" style=\"cursor:pointer;color:blue;\"></i> <i class=\"refresh icon\" title=\"Restart the server\" style=\"cursor:pointer;color:green;\" onclick=\"serverAction(false, {$srvId});\"></i> <i class=\"remove icon\" title=\"Delete this server\" style=\"cursor:pointer;color:red;\" onclick=\"srvdel('{$srvId}', '{$name}');\"></i> <i class=\"settings icon\" style=\"cursor:pointer;\" title=\"Check & modify the parameters of this server\" onclick=\"location.href='edit/?id={$srvId}'\"></i><i class=\"cloud upload icon\" style=\"cursor:pointer;\" title=\"Update the 1fx. Mod on this server\" onclick=\"location.href='update/?id={$srvId}'\"></i><i class=\"ban icon\" title=\"Check the banlist of this server\" style=\"cursor:pointer;\" onclick=\"location.href='bl/?srvid={$srvId}'\"></i></center>";
    } else {
        $active = "Stopped";
        $task = "<center><i class=\"play icon\" title=\"Start the server\" onclick=\"location.href='?start={$srvId}'\" style=\"cursor:pointer;color:blue;\"></i> <i class=\"remove icon\" title=\"Delete this server\" style=\"cursor:pointer;color:red\" onclick=\"srvdel('{$srvId}', '{$name}');\"></i> <i class=\"settings icon\" style=\"cursor:pointer;\" title=\"Check & modify the parameters of this server\" onclick=\"location.href='edit/?id={$srvId}'\"></i><i class=\"cloud upload icon\" style=\"cursor:pointer;\" title=\"Update the 1fx. Mod on this server\" onclick=\"location.href='update/?id={$srvId}'\"></i></center>";
    echo "<tr><td>{$active}</td><td>{$name}</td><td>{$players}</td><td>{$hostip}</td><td>{$port}</td><td>{$hostname}</td><td>{$owner}</td><td>{$acc}</td><td>{$pwd}</td><td>{$task}</td></tr>";
if (!$data) {
    echo "<tr class=\"no-records-found\"><td colspan=\"9\">No records found. You can add a new host machine by clicking the Add new host button.</td></tr>";