Beispiel #1
 function execute(&$controller)
     $observer =& $controller->getObserver();
     if (require_level(USERLEVEL_MODERATOR_TEAM) || $observer->get('debug_log') == TRUE) {
         if ($observer->get('debug_log')) {
             $enablednote = "enabled";
         echo "\n\n\n\n<!-- BEGIN Frame: Default.Observer -->\n\n";
         echo "<script>function toggleLayer(whichLayer) { if (whichLayer=='obslink') { ";
         echo "var o = document.getElementById(whichLayer); if ('15px') {'99%'; } ";
         echo "else {'15px'; } } else if (document.getElementById) { ";
         echo "var style2 = document.getElementById(whichLayer).style; style2.display = (style2.display=='block')? ";
         echo "\"none\":\"block\"; } } </script>\n<style> <!--\n";
         echo ".obs { font-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica; font-size:11px; color:#333; text-align: left; } \n";
         echo ".deb { font-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica; font-size:11px; color:#214482; text-align: left; } \n";
         echo ".debm { font-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica; font-size:11px; color:#824421; text-align: left; } \n";
         echo "div#obslink { height:22px; border:1px solid #000; padding: 2px; margin: 0px 0px 2px 0px;  background: #ccc; display:block; width:99%; overflow:hidden; line-height: 18px;} \n";
         echo "div#obslink a { text-decoration: none; } \n";
         echo "div#observer { border:1px solid #000; padding: 5px; margin: 0; background: #ccc; display:none; width:100%; z-index: 1000001;} \n";
         echo "div#debug { border:1px solid #214482; padding: 5px; margin: 0; background: #AEC4EB; display:none; width:100%; z-index: 1000001;} \n";
         echo "div#debugmessages { border:1px dashed #824421; padding: 5px; margin: 0; background: #EBC4AE; display:none; z-index: 1000001;} \n";
         echo "div#obswin { float: left; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 1000000; width: 100%;  } \n";
         echo "--></style>";
         echo "\n\n<div id=\"obswin\">";
         echo "<div id=\"obslink\" class=\"obs\">";
         echo "<a href=\"javascript:toggleLayer('obslink');\">[o]</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
         if ($observer->isEmpty('')) {
             echo "<strong>observer:</strong> <a href=\"javascript:toggleLayer('observer');\">show/hide</a>";
         if (!$observer->isEmpty('Default.debug')) {
             echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
             echo "<span class=\"deb\"><strong>debug:</strong> <a href=\"javascript:toggleLayer('debug');\">show/hide</a></span>";
         if (!$observer->isEmpty('Default.debug_messages')) {
             echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
             echo "<span class=\"debm\"><strong>messages:</strong> <a href=\"javascript:toggleLayer('debugmessages');\">show/hide</a></span>";
         echo "</div>";
         if ($observer->isEmpty('')) {
             echo "<div id=\"observer\" class=\"obs\">";
             echo "</div>";
         if (!$observer->isEmpty('Default.debug')) {
             echo "<div id=\"debug\" class=\"deb\">";
             echo "</div>";
         if (!$observer->isEmpty('Default.debug_messages')) {
             echo "<div id=\"debugmessages\" class=\"deb\">";
             foreach ($observer->get('Default.debug_messages') as $k => $m) {
                 echo "<strong>" . htmlspecialchars($k) . "</strong><br/>" . $m . "<hr/>";
             echo "</div>";
         //echo "<div>Observer Frame is <strong>".$enablednote."</strong></div>";
         echo "\n\n</div><!-- END Frame: Default.Observer -->\n\n\n\n";
     // done!
 function execute(&$observer)
     if (SC::isEmpty('userdata.user_id') || !require_level(USERLEVEL_ADMINISTRATION_TEAM)) {
         $observer->set('error.title', 'Permissions Error');
         $observer->set('error.message', 'You do not have permission to access this function.');
         $observer->set('error.line', __LINE__);
         $observer->set('error.file', __FILE__);
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
Beispiel #3
 public function database()
     $_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_user'] = $this->db->username;
     $_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_password'] = $this->db->password;
     $_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_host'] = $this->db->hostname;
     if (!isset($_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_token'])) {
         $_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_token'] = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
     redirect("/phpmyadmin/index.php?server=1", 303);
  * Execute
  function execute( & $observer )
      if( SC::isEmpty('userdata.user_id') || ! require_level(USERLEVEL_ADMIN)) 
          $message = "This page is not available under the current configuration, or ";
          $message .= "you are not authorized to view this page.";
          $observer->set('error.message', $message);
          $observer->set('error.code', GENERAL_MESSAGE);
          $observer->set('error.title', 'Not Authorized');
          $observer->set('error.line', __LINE__);
          $observer->set('error.file', __FILE__);
          return FALSE;
      return TRUE;
    * Execute
    function execute( & $observer )
		if( !SC::get('userdata.session_logged_in') || ! require_level(USERLEVEL_DEVELOPER)) 
            $message = "This page is not available under the current configuration, or ";
            $message .= "you are not authorized to view this page.";
            $observer->set('error.message', $message);
            $observer->set('error.code', GENERAL_MESSAGE);
			if ( !SC::get('userdata.session_logged_in') ) 
				$observer->set('error.title', 'Not Logged In');
				$observer->set('error.title', 'Not Authorized');
			$observer->set('error.line', __LINE__);
            $observer->set('error.file', __FILE__);
            return FALSE;
        return TRUE;
 public function search($by = "all", $criteria = "_", $page = 1)
     $this->load->model($this->_model, "mdl");
     $config['base_url'] = base_url("/" . $this->module . "/search/{$by}/{$criteria}");
     if ($by == "all" || $criteria == "_") {
         $criteria = "";
     $where = $this->_generate_where($criteria, $by);
     $total = $this->mdl->count_by($where);
     $config['total_rows'] = $total;
     $config['per_page'] = 10;
     $config['uri_segment'] = 5;
     $config['use_page_numbers'] = true;
     $pagination = $this->pagination->create_links();
     $list = $this->_query($this->mdl, $where, $config, $page);
     if ($list != array()) {
         $tmpl = array('table_open' => '<table id="gradient-style">');
         foreach ($list as $item) {
             $this->_add_row_to_table($this->table, $item);
         $table = $this->table->generate();
     } else {
         $table = "No se encontraron resultados";
     $title = $this->_list_title;
     $this->load->view("header.php", array('title' => $title));
     $data = array('table' => $table, 'module' => $this->module, 'title' => $title, 'pagination' => $pagination, 'searchBy' => $by);
     $this->load->view($this->_view, $data);
 public function certify($regid)
     $this->load->model("Registration_model", "registration");
     $this->load->model("Account_model", "account");
     $cert = $this->input->post();
     $reg = $this->registration->as_array()->get($regid);
     $reg['admincomments'] = $cert['admincomments'];
     $reg['adminname'] = $this->session->userdata('Name');
     $reg['lastedit'] = null;
     if ($cert['action'] == 'reject') {
         $reg['status'] = 'Rechazado';
     } else {
         if ($cert['action'] == 'accept') {
             $reg['status'] = 'Aceptado';
             $userid = $this->account->resetuser($reg['name'], $reg['password']);
             $reg['accountid'] = $userid;
     $this->registration->update($regid, $reg);
Beispiel #8
 public function leveldn($command)
Beispiel #9

$layout = $this->getLayoutConfig();
<!-- END main content -->                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
<div id="gaia_footer">                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
    <? if (require_level(USERLEVEL_STAFF_TEAM)) : ?>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
        <p><a href="/admin/?">Go to Administration Panel</a></p>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
	<p>Page generated in <?php 
echo round(array_sum(explode(" ", microtime())) - MICROTIME, 3);
        <p>Time drift: <?php 
        <p>Server IP: <?php 
    <? endif; ?>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
    <? if (!SC::isEmpty('board_config.query_log')) : ?>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
	<p><a href="/queryprofiler/?mode=read&ts=<?php 
echo SC::get('board_config.time_now');
" target="query_log">EXPLAIN</a></p>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    <? endif; ?>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
 function getLiveData()
     $this->o->append('Default.debug.steps', __CLASS__ . '.' . __FUNCTION__);
     // woohoo! GET THE CACHE DATA
     $cachedata =& $this->get('cachedata');
     $missing =& $this->get('missing');
     // so now, we check the friendlist to figure shit out,
     // and have a final set of data to cache.
     $fu =& new FriendUtility();
     $final_stats = array();
     $me = SC::get('userdata.user_id');
     $is_mod = require_level(USERLEVEL_MODERATOR_TEAM);
     $cutoff = SC::get('board_config.time_now') - 600;
     foreach ($cachedata as $uid => $user_cache) {
         // init the stat array
         $stats = $user_cache;
         // determine friend bullshit.
         $is_my_friend = $fu->isFriend($uid);
         $am_i_their_friend = $fu->isFriend($me, $uid);
         $am_i_ignored = $fu->isIgnored($me, $uid);
         // first. online status.
         if ($me == $uid) {
             $stats['status'] = 'online';
         } else {
             if ($user_cache['status'] == 'online' && $is_mod == false && $am_i_their_friend == false) {
                 // If : user does not allow others to view status and viewer is not a mod and
                 // viewer is not in the user's friends list - hidden
                 $stats['status'] = 'hidden';
         // housing
         if (isset($user['home_zip'])) {
             $locked = false;
             if ($uid == $me || $is_mod == true) {
                 $locked = false;
             } else {
                 if ($user['home_privacy'] == 2 && $am_i_their_friend == false) {
                     $locked = true;
                 } else {
                     if ($am_i_ignored == true || $user['home_privacy'] == 0) {
                         $locked = true;
             if ($locked == false) {
                 $stats['housing_url'] = append_sid("/launch/towns?home=" . $user['home_zip']);
         // journal
         if (isset($user['journal_view'])) {
             $journalview = true;
             if ($uid == $me['user_id'] || $is_mod == true) {
                 $journalview = true;
             } else {
                 if ($user['journal_view'] == 2 && $am_i_their_friend == false) {
                     $journalview = false;
                 } else {
                     if ($am_i_ignored == true || $user['journal_view'] == 0) {
                         $journalview = false;
             if ($journalview == true) {
                 $stats['journal_url'] = append_sid("/journal/?u=" . $uid);
         // private messages
         if (isset($user['pm_receive'])) {
             $receive = true;
             if ($uid == $me['user_id'] || $is_mod == true) {
                 $receive = true;
             } else {
                 if ($user['pm_receive'] == 2 && $am_i_their_friend == false) {
                     $receive = false;
                 } else {
                     if ($am_i_ignored == true || $user['pm_receive'] == 0) {
                         $receive = false;
             if ($receive == true) {
                 $stats['pm_url'] = append_sid("/profile/privmsg.php?mode=post&amp;" . POST_USERS_URL . "=" . $uid);
         $final_stats[$uid] = $stats;
     $this->set('statusbar', $final_stats);
     return true;
	function singleBar( $sb_userdata )
		$is_mod = require_level(USERLEVEL_SITEASSISTANCE1);
		$images       =& SC::get('images');
		$userdata     =& SC::get('userdata');
		$board_config =& SC::get('board_config');
		# Default indicators
		if (empty($use_rows)) { 
		$use_rows = array("status","profile","housing","journal","pm","store","trade","www","aim","yim","msn","icq");
		# -----------------------------------
		# Make the default cutoff for on/off status 10 minutes
		if (!isset($online_offline_cutoff)) { $online_offline_cutoff = SC::get('board_config.time_now') - 600; }
		# If : user does not allow others to view status and viewer is not a mod and viewer is not in the user's friends list - hidden
		$fu = new FriendUtility();
		if (isset($user_data['user_allow_viewonline']) && $user_data['user_allow_viewonline']==0 && $is_mod==false && !$fu->isFriend($userdata['user_id']) ) {
		$status_bar['status_img'] = '<img src="http://' . GRAPHICS_SERVER . '/images/template/icons/icon_hidden.gif" height="22" width="72" border="0">';
		$status_bar['status'] = 'Hidden';
		# Elseif : user's last recorded session time is greater than the cutoff time - online
		elseif (isset($user_data['user_session_time']) && $user_data['user_session_time'] > $online_offline_cutoff) {
		$status_bar['status_img'] = '<img src="http://' . GRAPHICS_SERVER . '/images/template/icons/icon_online.gif" height="22" width="72" border="0" />';
		$status_bar['status'] = 'Online';
		# Else : fails above conditions - offline
		else {
		$status_bar['status_img'] = '<img src="http://' . GRAPHICS_SERVER . '/images/template/icons/icon_offline.gif" height="22" width="72" border="0" />';
		$status_bar['status'] = 'Offline';
		# -----------------------------------
		# -----------------------------------
		if (isset($user_data['user_id'])) { $user_id = $user_data['user_id']; } else { $user_id = ''; }
		if (isset($user_data['username'])) { $user_name = $user_data['username']; } else { $user_name = ''; }
		$temp_url = append_sid("/profile/index.php?view=profile.ShowProfile&amp;item=" . $user_id);
		$status_bar['profile_img'] = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '"><img src="http://' . GRAPHICS_SERVER . '/images/template/icons/icon_profile_2.gif" alt="View '.addslashes($user_name).'\'s Profile" title="View '.addslashes($user_name).'\'s Profile" border="0" /></a>';
		$status_bar['profile'] = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '">' . "Profile" . '</a>'; 
		# -----------------------------------
		# -----------------------------------
		//$daoGH =& DaoFactory::create('gaiahousing.detailById');
		//$userHouseDetails =& $daoGH->fetch($user_data['user_id']);
		if (isset($user_data['user_home'])) { $user_home = $user_data['user_home']; } else { $user_home = 0; }
		if ($user_home==1) {
		$temp_url = append_sid("/games/housing/index.php?mode=viewer&amp;" . POST_USERS_URL . "=".$user_id);
		$status_bar['housing_img'] = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '"><img src="http://' . GRAPHICS_SERVER . '/images/template/icons/icon_housing_2.gif" alt="View '.addslashes($user_name).'\'s Home" title="View '.$user_name.'\'s Home" border="0" /></a>';
		$status_bar['housing'] = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '">' . "My Home" . '</a>'; 
		# -----------------------------------
		# -----------------------------------
		if (isset($user_data['user_journal_id'])) { $user_journal_id = $user_data['user_journal_id']; } else { $user_journal_id = 0; }
		$temp_url = append_sid("/journal/?u=" . $user_id);
		$status_bar['journal_img'] = ($user_journal_id!=0) ? '<a href="' . $temp_url . '"><img src="http://' . GRAPHICS_SERVER . '/images/template/icons/icon_journal_2.gif" alt="Read '.addslashes($user_name).'\'s Journal" title="Read '.addslashes($user_name).'\'s Journal" border="0" /></a>' : '';
		$status_bar['journal'] = ($user_journal_id!=0) ? '<a href="$temp_url">Journal</a>' : '';
		# -----------------------------------
		# PM
		# -----------------------------------
		if (isset($user_data['user_receive_pm'])) { $user_receive_pm = $user_data['user_receive_pm']; } else { $user_receive_pm = 0; }
		$temp_url = append_sid("/profile/privmsg.php?mode=post&amp;" . POST_USERS_URL . "=".$user_id);
		= ($user_receive_pm != 0) 
		? '<a href="'.$temp_url.'"><img src="http://' . GRAPHICS_SERVER . '/images/template/icons/icon_pm_2.gif" alt="Send '.addslashes($user_name).' a PM" title="Send '.addslashes($user_name). ' a PM" border="0" /></a>' : '';
		$status_bar['pm'] = ($user_receive_pm!=0) ? '<a href="$temp_url">PrivateMsg</a>'  : ''; 
		# -----------------------------------
		# -----------------------------------
		if (isset($user_data['user_viewemail'])) { $user_viewmail = $user_data['user_viewemail']; } else { $user_viewmail = 0; }
		if (isset($user_data['user_email'])) { $user_email = $user_data['user_email']; } else { $user_email = NULL; }
		if (! isset($poster_id)) { $poster_id = NULL; }
		if ( !empty($user_viewmail) || $is_mod==true ) {
		$temp_url = ( $board_config['board_email_form'] ) ? append_sid("/profile/profile.php?mode=email&amp;" . POST_USERS_URL .'=' . $poster_id) : 'mailto:' . htmlspecialchars($user_email);
		$status_bar['email_img'] = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '"><img src="http://' . GRAPHICS_SERVER . '/images/template/icons/icon_email_2.gif" alt="Send '.addslashes($user_name).'\ an Email" title="Send '.addslashes($user_name).'\ an Email" border="0" /></a>';
		$status_bar['email'] = '<a href="$temp_url">Email</a>'; 
		else {
		$status_bar['email_img'] = '';
		$status_bar['email'] = '';
		# -----------------------------------
		# -----------------------------------
		if (isset($user_data['user_vend'])) { $user_vend = $user_data['user_vend']; } else { $user_vend = 0; }
		$temp_url = append_sid('http://'.VEND_SERVER."/gaia/vend.php?mystore=" . $user_id);
		$status_bar['store_img'] = ( $user_vend ) ? '<a href="' . $temp_url . '"><img src="http://' . GRAPHICS_SERVER . '/images/template/icons/icon_mystore_2.gif" alt="'.addslashes($user_name).'\'s store has '.$user_vend.' item(s)" title="'.addslashes($user_name).'\'s store has '.$user_vend.' item(s)" border="0" /></a>' : '';
		$status_bar['store'] = ( $user_vend ) ? '<a href="' . $temp_url . '">'."Store".'</a>' : '';
		# -----------------------------------
		# -----------------------------------
		$temp_url = append_sid('http://'.BANK_SERVER."/gaia/bank.php?mode=trade&uid=".$user_id);
		$status_bar['trade_img'] = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '"><img src="http://' . GRAPHICS_SERVER . '/images/template/icons/icon_trade_2.gif" alt="Trade with '.addslashes($user_name).'" title="Trade with '.addslashes($user_name).'" border="0" /></a>';
		$status_bar['trade'] = '<a href="$temp_url">Trade</a>';
		# -----------------------------------
		# WWW (homepage)
		# -----------------------------------
		if (isset($user_data['user_website'])) { $user_website = $user_data['user_website']; } else { $user_website = NULL; }
		= ($user_website) 
		? '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($user_website).'" target="_userwww"><img src="'.$images['icon_www'].'" alt="Visit posters website" title="Visit posters website" border="0" /></a>' : '';
		$status_bar['www'] = ($user_website) ? '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($user_website).'" target="_userwww">Visit posters website</a>' : '';
		# -----------------------------------
		# ICQ
		# -----------------------------------
		if (isset($user_data['user_icq'])) { $user_icq = $user_data['user_icq']; } else { $user_icq = NULL; }
		= ($user_icq) 
		? '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($user_icq).'#pager"><img src="'.htmlspecialchars($user_icq).'&img=5" width="18" height="18" border="0" /></a>' : '';
		= ($user_icq) 
		? '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($user_icq).'"><img src="'.$images['icon_icq'].'" alt="ICQ Number" title="'.htmlspecialchars($user_icq).'" border="0" /></a>' : '';
		$status_bar['icq'] = ($user_icq) ? '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($user_icq).'">ICQ Number</a>' : ''; 
		# -----------------------------------
		# AIM
		# -----------------------------------M
		if (isset($user_data['user_aim'])) { $user_aim = $user_data['user_aim']; } else { $user_aim = NULL; }
		= ($user_aim) 
		? '<a href="aim:goim?screenname='.htmlspecialchars($user_aim).'&amp;message=Hello+Are+you+there?"><img src="'.$images['icon_aim'].'" alt="AIM Address" title="'.htmlspecialchars($user_aim).'" border="0" /></a>' : '';
		$status_bar['aim'] = ($user_aim) ? '<a href="aim:goim?screenname='.htmlspecialchars($user_aim).'&amp;message=Hello+Are+you+there?">AIM</a>' : '';
		# -----------------------------------
		# MSN
		# -----------------------------------
		if (isset($user_data['user_msnm'])) { $user_msnm = $user_data['user_msnm']; } else { $user_msnm = NULL; }
		$temp_url = append_sid("/profile/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&" . POST_USERS_URL . "=".$user_id);
		$status_bar['msn_img'] = ( $user_msnm ) ? '<a href="'.$temp_url.'"><img src="'.$images['icon_msnm'].'" alt="MSN Messenger" title="'.htmlspecialchars($user_msnm).'" border="0" /></a>' : '';
		$status_bar['msn'] = ($user_msnm) ? '<a href="'.$temp_url.'">MSN Messenger</a>' : '';
		# -----------------------------------
		# YIM
		# -----------------------------------
		if (isset($user_data['user_yim'])) { $user_yim = $user_data['user_yim']; } else { $user_yim = NULL; }
		= ($user_yim) 
		? '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($user_yim).'&amp;.src=pg"><img src="'.$images['icon_yim'].'" alt="Yahoo Messenger" title="'.htmlspecialchars($user_yim).'" border="0" /></a>' 
		: '';
		$status_bar['yim'] = ($user_yim) ? '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($user_yim).'&amp;.src=pg">Yahoo Messenger</a>' : '';
		# -----------------------------------
		# -----------------------------------
		if (! isset($output_bar) ) { $output_bar = NULL; }
		if ($img_or_txt=='img') {
		$start_cap = "<img src=\"http://" . GRAPHICS_SERVER . "/images/template/s.gif\" width=1 height=2><br><img src=\"http://" . GRAPHICS_SERVER . "/images/template/icons/icon_fend_t.gif\" height=22 width=7 border=0>";
		$end_cap = "<img src=\"http://" . GRAPHICS_SERVER . "/images/template/icons/icon_end_t.gif\" height=22 width=9 border=0><br><img src=\"http://" . GRAPHICS_SERVER . "/images/template/s.gif\" width=1 height=2>";
		else {
		$start_cap = "[&nbsp;";
		$end_cap = "&nbsp;]";
		foreach ($use_rows as $show_row) {
		if ($img_or_txt=='img') {
			$show_row_img = $show_row."_img";
			if ( isset($status_bar[$show_row_img]) ) { $output_bar .= $status_bar[$show_row_img]; }
		else {
			$output_bar .= $status_bar[$show_row];
			if ($status_bar[$show_row]!="") $output_bar .= "&nbsp;&middot;&nbsp;";
		# -----------------------------------
		# Display as image or text
		if ($img_or_txt=="txt" && substr($output_bar,-20)=="&nbsp;&middot;&nbsp;") $output_bar = substr($output_bar,0,-20);
		return "\n\n<!-- new profile bar :: ".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]." -->\n" . $start_cap . $output_bar . $end_cap;
Beispiel #12
 public function new_ban_popup()
Beispiel #13
 public function create($name = "")
     $this->load->model('Account_model', 'account');
     if ($name == "") {
         $name = $this->input->post("name");
     if ($name != "") {
         $pass = random_string("numeric", "6");
         $userid = $this->account->resetuser($name, $pass);
         if ($userid != FALSE) {
             $this->load->view("header.php", array('title' => "Malos Aires Roleplay - Ficha del ciudadano {$name}"));
             //$this->load->view('players/created.php',array('Player' => $name,'Password' => $pass));
             $account = $this->account->get($userid);
             $this->_show_details($account, "Registrado el usuario <b>{$name}</b> con password <b>{$pass}</b>");
     } else {
         $this->load->helper(array('form', 'url'));
         $this->load->view("header.php", array('title' => "Malos Aires Roleplay - Nueva ciudadan&iacute;a"));