        $formData1 = array('fee_outcome' => array('type' => 'radio', 'label' => 'Outcome', 'value' => $fee_outcome, 'required' => 2, 'options' => db_enum("feedback", "fee_outcome", "array")), 'fee_notes' => array('type' => 'textarea', 'label' => 'Notes', 'value' => $fee_notes, 'attributes' => array('class' => 'wide', 'style' => 'height:50px')));
        // build table
        $render = '
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" border="0">
    <td class="label" valign="top" width="158">Date/Time</td>
	<td>' . date('l jS F Y G:i', strtotime($app["start"])) . '</td>
    <td class="label" valign="top" width="158">Negotiator</td>
	<td>' . $app["user_name"] . '</td>
        $render .= renderViewerTable($viewers, $app_id, 'readonly');
        if ($app["notes"]) {
            $render .= '
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" border="0">
    <td class="label" valign="top" width="158">Notes</td>
	<td>' . $app["notes"] . '</td>
        $render .= renderAttendeeTable($attendees, $app_id, 'readonly');
        $render .= renderDealTable($deals, $app_id, 'feedback');
        $form = new Form();
        $form->addForm("app_form", "POST", $PHP_SELF);
        $form->addHtml("<div id=\"standard_form\">\n");
Beispiel #2
 $formData1 = array('calendarID' => array('type' => 'select_branch_2', 'label' => 'Branch', 'value' => $app["branch"], 'attributes' => array('class' => 'medium')), 'app_user' => array('type' => 'select_user', 'label' => 'Negotiator', 'value' => $app["user"], 'attributes' => array('class' => 'medium'), 'options' => array('' => '(unassigned)')), 'app_date' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'label' => 'Date', 'value' => $app["date"], 'attributes' => array('class' => 'medium', 'readonly' => 'readonly')), 'app_time' => array('type' => 'time', 'label' => 'Start Time', 'value' => $app["time"]), 'app_duration' => array('type' => 'select_duration', 'label' => 'Duration', 'value' => $duration, 'attributes' => array('class' => 'medium'), 'options' => array('format' => 'long')), 'notes' => array('type' => 'textarea', 'label' => 'Add ' . $app["type"] . ' Note', 'value' => $app["notes"], 'attributes' => array('class' => 'noteInput'), 'tooltip' => 'Only notes relating to the viewer(s). Notes that relate to a specific property should be entered on the confirmation page'));
 if ($expired) {
     // dont allow new notes to be added
     $renderReadOnlyValue = 'true';
     $renderNotesArrayOptions = array('label' => 'Viewing Notes', 'layout' => 'readonly');
 } else {
     $renderReadOnlyValue = NULL;
     $renderNotesArrayOptions = array('label' => 'Viewing Notes');
 $form->addData($formData1, $_POST);
 $form->addHtml(renderNotes('appointment', $app_id, $renderNotesArrayOptions));
 $form->addHtml(renderViewerTable($viewers, $app_id, $renderReadOnlyValue));
 $form->addHtml(renderAttendeeTable($attendees, $app_id, $renderReadOnlyValue));
 $form->addHtml(renderDealTable($deals, $app_id, $in_past));
 if (!$expired) {
     $form->addHtml($form->addDiv($form->makeField("button", $formName, "", "Add Properties", array('class' => 'submit', 'onClick' => 'javascript:document.location.href=\'viewing_add.php?stage=viewing_address&app_id=' . $app_id . '&return=' . urlencode($_GET["searchLink"]) . '\';'))));
 many deals(link_deal_to_appointment), many clients(viewer - cli2app), many attendees(use2app)
 property (link_deal_to_appointment)
 vendors (link_client_to_instruction)
 viewers (cli2app)
 attendees (use2app)
 $form = new Form();
 $form->addForm("app_form", "POST", $PHP_SELF);
 $form->addHtml("<div id=\"standard_form\">\n");
 $form->addField("hidden", "action", "", "update");
 $form->addField("hidden", "app_id", "", $app_id);
 $form->addField("hidden", "searchLink", "", urlencode($searchLink));
 $form->addHtml('<div class="block-header">' . $app["type"] . '</div>');
 $form->addData($formData1, $_POST);
 $form->addHtml(renderNotes('appointment', $app_id, array('label' => 'Viewing Notes')));
 $buttons = $form->makeField("submit", $formName, "", "Save Changes", array('class' => 'submit'));
 $buttons .= $form->makeField("button", "", "", "View in Calendar", array('class' => 'button', 'onClick' => 'javascript:document.location.href=\'calendar.php?app_id=' . $app_id . '&return=' . urlencode($_GET["searchLink"]) . '\';'));
 $buttons .= $form->makeField("button", "", "", "Delete", array('class' => 'button', 'onClick' => 'javascript:document.location.href=\'appointment_delete.php?app_id=' . $app_id . '&return=' . urlencode($_GET["searchLink"]) . '\';'));
 $form->addHtml(renderViewerTable($viewers, $app_id));
 $form->addHtml(renderAttendeeTable($attendees, $app_id));
 if ($in_past) {
     $form->addHtml(renderDealTable($deals, $app_id, 'feedback'));
 } else {
     $form->addHtml(renderDealTable($deals, $app_id));
 $form->addHtml($form->addDiv($form->makeField("button", $formName, "", "Add Properties", array('class' => 'submit', 'onClick' => 'javascript:document.location.href=\'viewing_add.php?stage=viewing_address&app_id=' . $app_id . '&return=' . urlencode($_GET["searchLink"]) . '\';'))));
 many deals(link_deal_to_appointment), many clients(viewer - cli2app), many attendees(use2app)
 property (link_deal_to_appointment)
 vendors (link_client_to_instruction)