function main($args) { $dryrun = in_array("-r", $args); $inline = in_array("-i", $args); $delete = in_array("-d", $args); $verbose = in_array("-v", $args); $args = array_values(array_filter($args, function ($arg) { return !startsWith($arg, "-"); })); $src = $args[0]; if (!file_exists($src)) { throw new Exception("can't find file/folder '{$src}'"); } if ($dryrun) { if ($verbose) { print "DRYRUN MODE\n"; } $changeFiles = []; foreach (getFileset($src) as $file) { if ($verbose) { print "CHECKING FILE '{$file}'\n"; } $file = realpath($file); $lines = explode("\n", file_get_contents($file)); if (willContentChange($lines)) { $changeFiles[] = $file; } } print "FILES THAT WILL CHANGE\n"; print implode("\n - ", $changeFiles); } else { if ($delete) { if ($verbose) { print "LICENSE DELETE MODE\n"; } foreach (getFileset($src) as $file) { if ($verbose) { print "DELETING ANY LICENSE HEADERS FROM FILE '{$file}'\n"; } $lines = explode("\n", file_get_contents(realpath($file))); $lines = cleanUpFileHeader(removeLicense($lines)); file_put_contents($file, implode("\n", $lines)); } } else { $fileContents = []; foreach (getFileset($src) as $file) { if ($verbose) { print "UPDATING FILE '{$file}'\n"; } $file = realpath($file); $contents = file_get_contents($file); $lines = explode("\n", $contents); $fileContents[$file] = implode("\n", updateLicense($lines)); } if ($inline) { if ($verbose) { print "INLINE MODE - WRITING FILES...\n"; } foreach ($fileContents as $fileName => $contents) { if ($verbose) { print "WRITING FILE '{$fileName}'\n"; } file_put_contents($fileName, $contents); } print "WROTE " . count($fileContents) . " FILES\n"; } else { foreach ($fileContents as $fileName => $contents) { print ">>>FILE {$fileName}\n{$contents}\n<<<FILE\n"; } } } } }
* @category DOCman * @package DOCman15 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2003 - 2009 Johan Janssens and Mathias Verraes. All rights reserved. * @license GNU GPLv2 <> * @link */ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/licenses.html.php'; JArrayHelper::toInteger($cid); switch ($task) { case "edit": $cid = isset($cid[0]) ? $cid[0] : 0; editLicense($option, $cid); break; case "remove": removeLicense($cid, $option); break; case "apply": case "save": saveLicense($option); break; case "cancel": cancelLicense($option); break; case "show": default: showLicenses($option); } function editLicense($option, $uid) { $database = JFactory::getDBO();