Beispiel #1
function tribeAdmin_getContent($playerID, $tag)
    global $config, $params, $db, $no_resource_flag, $relationList, $governmentList, $wonderTypeList;
    $no_resource_flag = 1;
    // check, for security reasons!
    if (!tribe_isLeaderOrJuniorLeader($playerID, $tag, $db)) {
    $isLeader = tribe_isLeader($playerID, $tag, $db);
    $isLeader ? $leaderID = $playerID : ($leaderID = tribe_getLeaderID($tag, $db));
    !$isLeader ? $juniorLeaderID = $playerID : ($juniorLeaderID = tribe_getJuniorLeaderID($tag, $db));
    //get Member Data
    if (!($memberData = tribe_getAllMembers($tag, $db))) {
    // get government
    if (!($tribeGovernment = government_getGovernmentForTribe($tag, $db))) {
    $tribeGovernment['name'] = $governmentList[$tribeGovernment['governmentID']]['name'];
    //seems to be leader, but not in tribe
    if ($isLeader && !is_array($memberData[$leaderID])) {
        tribe_unmakeLeaderJuniorLeader($leaderID, $tag, $db);
    //seems to be juniorleader, but not in tribe
    if (!$isLeader && !is_array($memberData[$leaderID])) {
        tribe_unmakeJuniorLeader($leaderID, $tag, $db);
    // messages
    $messageText = array(-27 => _('Das Stammeswunder wurde gewirkt.'), -26 => _('Das Stammeswunder konnte nicht gewirkt werden.'), -25 => _('Ihr Kriegsanteil ist nicht hoch genug, um den Gegner zur Aufgabe zu zwingen.'), -24 => _('Nur in der Demokratie sind solche Wahlen möglich.'), -23 => _('Sie sind schon Stammesanführer.'), -22 => _('Dieser Spieler ist nicht im Stamm.'), -21 => _('Dies darf nur der Stammesanführer tun.'), -20 => _('Es ist kein gleicher Vorkriegsgegner vorhanden.'), -19 => _('Die Beziehung des anderen Stammes erlauben kein Kriegsbündniss.'), -18 => _('Unsere aktuelle Beziehung erlaubt kein Kriegsbündniss.'), -17 => _('Der Stamm hat noch nicht genug Mitglieder um Beziehungen eingehen zu dürfen'), -16 => _('Die Stammeszugehörigkeit hat sich erst vor kurzem geändert. Warten Sie, bis die Stammeszugehörigkeit geändert werden darf.'), -15 => _('Ihr Stamm befindet sich im Krieg. Sie dürfen derzeit nicht austreten.'), -14 => _('Die Beziehung wurde nicht geändert, weil der ausgewählte Beziehungstyp bereits eingestellt ist.'), -13 => _('Eure Untergebenen weigern sich, diese Beziehung gegenüber einem so großen Stamm einzugehen.'), -12 => _('Eure Untergebenen weigern sich, diese Beziehung gegenüber einem so kleinen Stamm einzugehen.'), -11 => sprintf(_('Die Moral des Gegners ist noch nicht schlecht genug. Sie muss unter %d sinken. Eine weitere Chance besteht, wenn die Mitgliederzahl des gegnerischen Stammes um 30 Prozent gesunken ist. Das Verhältnis Eurer Rankingpunkte zu denen des Gegners muss sich seit Kriegsbeginn verdoppelt haben.'), RELATION_FORCE_MORAL_THRESHOLD), -10 => _('Die zu ändernde Beziehung wurde nicht gefunden!'), -9 => _('Die Regierung konnte nicht geändert werden, weil sie erst vor kurzem geändert wurde.'), -8 => _('Die Regierung konnte aufgrund eines Fehlers nicht aktualisiert werden'), -7 => _('Zu sich selber kann man keine Beziehungen aufnehmen!'), -6 => _('Den Stamm gibt es nicht!'), -5 => _('Von der derzeitigen Beziehung kann nicht direkt auf die ausgewählte Beziehungsart gewechselt werden.'), -4 => _('Die Mindestlaufzeit läuft noch!'), -3 => _('Die Beziehung konnte aufgrund eines Fehlers nicht aktualisiert werden.'), -2 => _('Der Spieler ist ebenfalls Stammesanführer und kann nicht gekickt werden. Er kann nur freiwillig gehen.'), -1 => _('Der Spieler konnte nicht gekickt werden!'), 0 => _('Die Daten wurden erfolgreich aktualisiert.'), 1 => _('Der Spieler wurde erfolgreich gekickt.'), 2 => _('Die Daten konnten gar nicht oder zumindest nicht vollständig aktualisiert werden.'), 3 => _('Die Beziehung wurde umgestellt.'), 4 => _('Die Regierung wurde geändert.'));
    // proccess form data
    if ($params->POST->relationData && $params->POST->forceSurrender) {
        $messageID = relation_forceSurrender($tag, $params->POST->relationData, $db);
    } else {
        if ($params->POST->relationData && !$params->POST->forceSurrender) {
            $messageID = relation_processRelationUpdate($tag, $params->POST->relationData, $db);
        } else {
            if ($params->POST->data) {
                $messageID = tribe_processAdminUpdate($playerID, $tag, $params->POST->data, $db);
            } else {
                if ($params->POST->kick) {
                    if (!$isLeader) {
                        $messageID = -21;
                    } else {
                        $messageID = tribe_processKickMember($params->POST->playerID, $tag, $db);
                } else {
                    if ($params->POST->governmentData) {
                        if (!$isLeader) {
                            $messageID = -21;
                        } else {
                            $messageID = government_processGovernmentUpdate($tag, $params->POST->governmentData, $db);
                    } else {
                        if ($params->POST->juniorLeader) {
                            $newleadership = array(0 => $leaderID, 1 => $params->POST->juniorLeader[juniorLeaderID]);
                            if (!$isLeader) {
                                $messageID = -21;
                            } elseif ($newleadership[1] && !is_array($memberData[$newleadership[1]])) {
                                $messageID = -22;
                            } elseif ($newleadership[1] == $newleadership[0]) {
                                $messageID = -23;
                            } elseif ($tribeGovernment['governmentID'] != 2) {
                                $messageID = -24;
                            } elseif (tribe_ChangeLeader($tag, $newleadership, $leaderID, $juniorLeaderID, $db)) {
                                $messageID = 0;
                            } else {
                                $messageID = 2;
                                //something went wrong
    // get the tribe data
    if (!($tribeData = tribe_getTribeByTag($tag, $db))) {
    $tribeData['description'] = str_replace('<br />', '', $tribeData['description']);
    // get relations
    if (!($tribeRelations = relation_getRelationsForTribe($tag, $db))) {
    // get current wars
    $tribeWarTargets = relation_getWarTargetsAndFame($tag, $db);
    $template = tmpl_open($params->SESSION->player->getTemplatePath() . 'tribeAdmin.ihtml');
    // Show a special message
    if (isset($messageID)) {
        tmpl_set($template, '/MESSAGE/message', $messageText[$messageID]);
    // show the profile's data
    tmpl_set($template, 'modus_name', 'modus');
    tmpl_set($template, 'modus_value', TRIBE_ADMIN);
    ////////////// user data //////////////////////
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/heading', _('Stammesdaten'));
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INFO/name', _('Tag'));
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INFO/value', $tribeData['tag']);
    tmpl_iterate($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INFO');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/name', _('Name'));
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/dataarray', 'data');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/dataentry', 'name');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/value', $tribeData['name']);
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/size', '20');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/maxlength', '90');
    tmpl_iterate($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/name', _('Password'));
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/dataarray', 'data');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/dataentry', 'password');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/value', $tribeData['password']);
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/size', '15');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/maxlength', '15');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_MEMO/name', _('Beschreibung'));
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_MEMO/dataarray', 'data');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_MEMO/dataentry', 'description');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_MEMO/value', $tribeData['description']);
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_MEMO/cols', '25');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_MEMO/rows', '8');
    ////////////// junioLeader ////////////////////
    if ($isLeader && $tribeGovernment['governmentID'] == 2) {
        tmpl_set($template, 'JUNIORADMIN', array('modus_name' => "modus", 'modus' => TRIBE_ADMIN, 'caption' => _('Wählen'), 'SELECTOR' => array('dataarray' => 'juniorLeader', 'dataentry' => 'juniorLeaderID')));
        foreach ($memberData as $playerID => $playerData) {
            if ($leaderID == $playerID) {
            tmpl_iterate($template, 'JUNIORADMIN/SELECTOR/OPTION');
            tmpl_set($template, 'JUNIORADMIN/SELECTOR/OPTION', array("value" => $playerID, 'selected' => $tribeData['juniorLeaderID'] == $playerID ? "selected" : "", 'text' => $playerData['name']));
        tmpl_iterate($template, 'JUNIORADMIN/SELECTOR/OPTION');
        tmpl_set($template, 'JUNIORADMIN/SELECTOR/OPTION', array("value" => 0, 'selected' => $tribeData['juniorLeaderID'] == 0 ? "selected" : "", 'text' => _('keinen Stellvertreter wählen')));
    ////////////// government /////////////////////
    if ($isLeader) {
        if ($tribeGovernment['isChangeable']) {
            tmpl_set($template, 'GOVERNMENT', array('modus_name' => "modus", 'modus' => TRIBE_ADMIN, 'caption' => _('Ändern'), 'SELECTOR' => array('dataarray' => 'governmentData', 'dataentry' => 'governmentID')));
            foreach ($governmentList as $governmentID => $typeData) {
                tmpl_iterate($template, 'GOVERNMENT/SELECTOR/OPTION');
                tmpl_set($template, 'GOVERNMENT/SELECTOR/OPTION', array('value' => $governmentID, 'selected' => $governmentID == $tribeGovernment['governmentID'] ? "selected" : "", 'text' => $typeData['name']));
        } else {
            tmpl_set($template, 'GOVERNMENT_INFO', array('name' => $tribeGovernment['name'], 'duration' => $tribeGovernment['time']));
    ////////////// tribewonder //////////////////////
      $tribewonderExists = False;
      for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($wonderTypeList); $i++){
      	 $wonder = $wonderTypeList[$i];
         if ($wonder->groupID<>3) 
         $tribewonderExists = True;
         tmpl_set($template, 'TRIBEWONDER/OPTION',
               array('text'     => $wonder->name,
                     'value'     => $i));
      if ($tribewonderExists) {
        tmpl_set($template, 'TRIBEWONDER/caption',_('erwirken'));
        tmpl_set($template, 'TRIBEWONDER/modus_name',"modus");
        tmpl_set($template, 'TRIBEWONDER/modus', TRIBE_ADMIN);
    ////////////// relations //////////////////////
    tmpl_set($template, 'RELATION_NEW', array('modus_name' => "modus", 'modus' => TRIBE_ADMIN, 'dataarray' => "relationData", 'dataentry' => "tag", 'value' => $params->POST->relationData['tag'], 'size' => 8, 'maxlength' => 8, 'caption' => _('Ändern')));
    tmpl_set($template, 'RELATION_NEW/SELECTOR', array('dataarray' => "relationData", 'dataentry' => "relationID"));
    foreach ($relationList as $relationID => $typeData) {
        tmpl_iterate($template, 'RELATION_NEW/SELECTOR/OPTION');
        tmpl_set($template, 'RELATION_NEW/SELECTOR/OPTION', array('value' => $relationID, 'selected' => $relationID == $params->POST->relationData['relationID'] ? "selected" : "", 'text' => $typeData['name']));
    // existing relations towards other clans //////////////////
    foreach ($tribeRelations['own'] as $target => $targetData) {
        if (!$targetData['changeable']) {
            // relation, that couldn't be changed at the moment
            tmpl_iterate($template, 'RELATION_INFO');
            $relation_info = array('tag' => $target, 'relation' => $relationList[$targetData['relationType']]['name'], 'duration' => $targetData['time'], 'their_relation' => $tribeRelations['other'][$target] ? $relationList[$tribeRelations['other'][$target]['relationType']]['name'] : $relationList[0]['name']);
            // war?
            if ($tribeWarTargets[$target]) {
                $relation_info["WAR/fame_own"] = $tribeWarTargets[$target]["fame_own"];
                $relation_info["WAR/fame_target"] = $tribeWarTargets[$target]["fame_target"];
                $relation_info["WAR/percent_actual"] = $tribeWarTargets[$target]["percent_actual"];
            tmpl_set($template, 'RELATION_INFO', $relation_info);
            // check, if it is possible to get or loose fame, and display if true
            /*if ($targetData['attackerReceivesFame'] ||
                  $targetData['defenderReceivesFame'] ||
                  $tribeRelations['other'][$target]['attackerReceivesFame'] ||
                  $tribeRelations['other'][$target]['defenderReceivesFame']) {
                tmpl_set($template, 'RELATION_INFO/FAME',
                         array('tribe_fame'   => $targetData['fame'],
                               'target_fame'  => $tribeRelations['other'][$target]['fame'],
                               'tribe_moral'  => $targetData['moral'],
                               'target_moral' => $tribeRelations['other'][$target]['moral']));
        } else {
            // relation, that is changeable
            tmpl_iterate($template, 'RELATION');
            $relation = array('modus_name' => "modus", 'modus' => TRIBE_ADMIN, 'dataarray' => "relationData", 'dataentry' => "tag", 'value' => $target, 'target_points' => $targetData['target_rankingPoints'], 'tribe_points' => $targetData['tribe_rankingPoints'], 'their_relation' => $tribeRelations['other'][$target] ? $relationList[$tribeRelations['other'][$target]['relationType']]['name'] : $relationList[0]['name'], 'caption' => _('Ändern'));
            // war?
            if ($tribeWarTargets[$target]) {
                $wartarget = $tribeWarTargets[$target];
                $relation["WAR/fame_own"] = $wartarget["fame_own"];
                $relation["WAR/fame_target"] = $wartarget["fame_target"];
                $relation["WAR/percent_actual"] = $wartarget["percent_actual"];
                if ($wartarget["isForcedSurrenderTheoreticallyPossible"]) {
                    $relation["WAR/FORCEDSURRENDER/percent_estimated"] = $wartarget["percent_estimated"];
                    if ($wartarget["isForcedSurrenderPracticallyPossible"]) {
                        $relation["WAR/FORCEDSURRENDER/class"] = "enough";
                    } else {
                        if ($target["isForcedSurrenderPracticallyPossibleForTarget"]) {
                            $relation["WAR/FORCEDSURRENDER/class"] = "less";
                        } else {
                            $relation["WAR/FORCEDSURRENDER/class"] = "";
            tmpl_set($template, 'RELATION', $relation);
            tmpl_set($template, 'RELATION/SELECTOR', array('dataarray' => "relationData", 'dataentry' => "relationID"));
            // check, if it is possible to get or loose fame, and display if true
            /*if ($targetData['attackerReceivesFame'] ||
                  $targetData['defenderReceivesFame'] ||
                  $tribeRelations['other'][$target]['attackerReceivesFame'] ||
                  $tribeRelations['other'][$target]['defenderReceivesFame']) {
                tmpl_set($template, 'RELATION/FAME',
                         array('tribe_fame'   => $targetData['fame'],
                               'target_fame'  => $tribeRelations['other'][$target]['fame'],
                               'tribe_moral'  => $targetData['moral'],
                               'target_moral' => $tribeRelations['other'][$target]['moral']));
            foreach ($relationList as $relationType => $typeData) {
                // get relation of target to tr.
                if ($tribeRelations['other'][$tag]) {
                    $relationTypeTowardsTribe = $tribeRelations['other'][$tag]['relationType'];
                // check, if switch to relationType is possible
                if ($relationTypeTowardsTribe != $relationType && $relationType != $targetData['relationType'] && !relation_isPossible($relationType, $targetData['relationType'])) {
                tmpl_iterate($template, 'RELATION/SELECTOR/OPTION');
                tmpl_set($template, 'RELATION/SELECTOR/OPTION', array('value' => $relationType, 'selected' => $relationType == $targetData['relationType'] ? "selected" : "", 'text' => $typeData['name']));
    ////////////// memberliste ////////////////////
    foreach ($memberData as $playerID => $playerData) {
        if ($isLeader) {
            tmpl_iterate($template, 'MEMBERADMIN');
            tmpl_set($template, 'MEMBERADMIN', array("name" => $playerData['name'], "lastAction" => $playerData['lastAction'], "player_link" => "modus=" . PLAYER_DETAIL . "&detailID={$playerID}", "player_kick_link" => "modus=" . TRIBE_ADMIN . "&playerID={$playerID}&kick=1"));
        } else {
            tmpl_iterate($template, 'MEMBERJUNIORADMIN');
            tmpl_set($template, 'MEMBERJUNIORADMIN', array("name" => $playerData['name'], "lastAction" => $playerData['lastAction'], "player_link" => "modus=" . PLAYER_DETAIL . "&detailID={$playerID}"));
    ////////////// delete tribe ////////////////////
    if ($isLeader) {
        tmpl_set($template, 'DELETE/modus_name', 'modus');
        tmpl_set($template, 'DELETE/modus', TRIBE_DELETE);
        tmpl_set($template, 'DELETE/heading', _('Stamm auflösen'));
        tmpl_set($template, 'DELETE/text', _('Den gesamten Stamm auflösen. Alle Mitglieder sind danach stammeslos.'));
        tmpl_set($template, 'DELETE/caption', sprintf(_('%s auflösen'), $tribe));
    return tmpl_parse($template);
Beispiel #2
function relation_processRelationUpdate($tag, $relationData, $db, $FORCE = 0)
    global $relationList;
    if (!$FORCE) {
        if (strcasecmp($tag, $relationData['tag']) == 0) {
            return -7;
        if (!($ownTribeInfo = tribe_getTribeByTag($tag, $db))) {
            return -6;
        if (!($targetTribeInfo = tribe_getTribeByTag($relationData['tag'], $db))) {
            return -6;
        if (!$ownTribeInfo['valid']) {
            return -17;
        $relationType = $relationData['relationID'];
        $relationInfo = $relationList[$relationType];
        if (!($relation = relation_getRelation($tag, $relationData['tag'], $db))) {
            return -3;
        $relationTypeActual = $relation['own']['relationType'];
        if ($relationTypeActual == $relationType) {
            // change to actual relation?
            return -14;
        if (!$relation['own']['changeable']) {
            return -4;
        // check if switching to same relation as target or relation is possible
        if ($relation['other']['relationType'] != $relationType && !relation_isPossible($relationType, $relation['own']['relationType'])) {
            return -5;
        $relationFrom = $relation['own']['relationType'];
        $relationTo = $relationType;
        if (!$FORCE && $relationList[$relationTo]['isWarAlly']) {
            //generally allowes?
            if (!$relationList[$relationFrom]['isAlly']) {
                return -18;
            if (!$relationList[$relation['other']['relationType']]['isAlly']) {
                return -19;
            if (!relation_haveSameEnemy($ownTribeInfo['tag'], $targetTribeInfo['tag'], TRUE, FALSE, $db)) {
                return -20;
        $relationTypeOtherActual = $relation['other']['relationType'];
        // check minimum size of target tribe if it´s not an ultimatum
        if (($relationInfo['targetSizeDiffDown'] > 0 || $relationInfo['targetSizeDiffUp'] > 0) && !$relationList[$relationTypeOtherActual]['isUltimatum']) {
            $from_points = max(0, tribe_getMight($tag, $db));
            $target_points = max(0, tribe_getMight($relationData['tag'], $db));
            if (!tribe_isTopTribe($db, $relationData['tag'])) {
                if ($relationInfo['targetSizeDiffDown'] > 0 && $from_points - $relationInfo['targetSizeDiffDown'] > $target_points) {
                    return -12;
            if (!tribe_isTopTribe($db, $relationData['tag'])) {
                if ($relationInfo['targetSizeDiffUp'] > 0 && $from_points + $relationInfo['targetSizeDiffUp'] < $target_points) {
                    return -13;
    // if switching to the same relation of other clan towards us,
    // use their treaty's end_time!
    if ($relationType == $relation['other']['relationType'] && $relationType != 0) {
        $end_time = $relation['other']['duration'];
    } else {
        $duration = $relationList[$relationTypeActual]['transitions'][$relationType]['time'];
    if ($relationList[$relationFrom]['isPrepareForWar'] && $relationList[$relationTo]['isWar']) {
        $OurFame = $relation['own']['fame'];
        $OtherFame = $relation['other']['fame'];
    } else {
        $OurFame = 0;
        $OtherFame = 0;
    if (!relation_setRelation($tag, $targetTribeInfo['tag'], $relationType, $duration, $db, $end_time, $relation['own']['tribe_rankingPoints'], $relation['own']['target_rankingPoints'], $OurFame)) {
        return -3;
    // calculate elo if war ended
    if ($relationList[$relationType]['isWarWon']) {
        ranking_calculateElo($db, $tag, $relation['own']['tribe_rankingPoints'], $relationData['tag'], $relation['own']['target_rankingPoints']);
    } else {
        if ($relationList[$relationType]['isWarLost']) {
            ranking_calculateElo($db, $relationData['tag'], $relation['own']['target_rankingPoints'], $tag, $relation['own']['tribe_rankingPoints']);
    // insert history message
    if ($message = $relationList[$relationType]['historyMessage']) {
        relation_insertIntoHistory($tag, relation_prepareHistoryMessage($tag, $targetTribeInfo['tag'], $message), $db);
    $relationName = $relationList[$relationType]['name'];
    tribe_sendTribeMessage($tag, TRIBE_MESSAGE_RELATION, "Haltung gegen&uuml;ber {$targetTribeInfo['tag']} " . "ge&auml;ndert", "Ihr Stammesanf&uuml;hrer hat die Haltung Ihres " . "Stammes gegen&uuml;ber dem Stamm " . "{$targetTribeInfo['tag']} auf {$relationName} " . "ge&auml;ndert.");
    tribe_sendTribeMessage($targetTribeInfo['tag'], TRIBE_MESSAGE_RELATION, "Der Stamm {$tag} &auml;ndert seine Haltung", "Der Stammesanf&uuml;hrer des Stammes {$tag} " . "hat die Haltung seines " . "Stammes ihnen gegen&uuml;ber " . "auf {$relationName} " . "ge&auml;ndert.");
    // switch other side if necessary (and not at this type already)
    if (!$end_time && ($oST = $relationInfo['otherSideTo']) >= 0) {
        if (!relation_setRelation($targetTribeInfo['tag'], $tag, $oST, $duration, $db, 0, $relation['other']['tribe_rankingPoints'], $relation['other']['target_rankingPoints'], $OtherFame)) {
            return -3;
        // insert history
        if ($message = $relationList[$oST]['historyMessage']) {
            relation_insertIntoHistory($targetTribeInfo['tag'], relation_prepareHistoryMessage($tag, $targetTribeInfo['tag'], $message), $db);
        $relationName = $relationList[$oST]['name'];
        tribe_sendTribeMessage($targetTribeInfo['tag'], TRIBE_MESSAGE_RELATION, "Haltung gegen&uuml;ber {$tag} " . "ge&auml;ndert", "Die Haltung Ihres " . "Stammes gegen&uuml;ber dem Stamm " . "{$tag}  wurde automatisch auf {$relationName} " . "ge&auml;ndert.");
        tribe_sendTribeMessage($tag, TRIBE_MESSAGE_RELATION, "Der Stamm {$targetTribeInfo['tag']} &auml;ndert " . "seine " . "Haltung", "Der Stamm {$targetTribeInfo['tag']} " . "hat die Haltung ihnen gegen&uuml;ber " . "automatisch auf {$relationName} " . "ge&auml;ndert.");
    return 3;
Beispiel #3
function tribeAdmin_getContent($playerID, $tag)
    global $config, $params, $db, $no_resource_flag, $relationList, $governmentList;
    $no_resource_flag = 1;
    // check, for sercurity reasons!
    if (!tribe_isLeader($playerID, $tag, $db)) {
    // messages
    $messageText = array(-13 => "Die Beziehung wurde nicht ge&auml;ndert, weil der ausgew&auml;hlte " . "Beziehungstyp bereits eingestellt ist.", -12 => "Eure Untergebenen weigern sich, " . "diese Beziehung gegen&uuml;ber einem so kleinen Clan einzugehen.", -11 => "Die Moral des Gegners ist noch nicht schlecht genug. Sie muss unter " . RELATION_FORCE_MORAL_THRESHOLD . " sinken. Eine weitere Chance besteht, " . "wenn die Mitglierzahl des gegnerischen Clans um 30 Prozent gesunken ist.", "Euren Gunsten verschoben. Das Verh&auml;ltnis Eurer Rankingpunkte zu " . "denen des Gegners muss sich seit Kriegsbeginn verdoppelt haben.", -10 => "Die zu &auml;ndernde Beziehung wurde nicht gefunden!", -9 => "Die Regierung konnte nicht ge&auml;ndert werden, weil sie erst " . "vor kurzem ge&auml;ndert wurde.", -8 => "Die Regierung konnte aufgrund eines Fehlers nicht aktualisiert " . "werden", -7 => "Zu sich selber kann man keine Beziehungen aufhehmen!", -6 => "Den Clan gibt es nicht!", -5 => "Von der derzeititgen Beziehung kann nicht dirket auf die " . "ausgew&auml;hlte Beziehungsart gewechselt werden.", -4 => "Die Mindestlaufzeit l&auml;uft noch!", -3 => "Die Beziehung konnte aufgrund eines Fehlers nicht aktualisiert " . "werden.", -2 => "Der Spieler ist ebenfalls Clananf&uuml;hrer und kann nicht " . "gekickt werden. Er kann nur freiwillig gehen.", -1 => "Der Spieler konnte nicht gekickt werden!", 0 => "Die Daten wurden erfolgreich aktualisiert.", 1 => "Der Spieler wurde erfolgreich gekickt.", 2 => "Die Daten konnten gar nicht oder zumindest nicht vollst&auml;ndig " . "aktualisiert werden.", 3 => "Die Beziehung wurde umgestellt.", 4 => "Die Regierung wurde ge&auml;ndert.");
    // proccess form data
    if ($params->POST->forceRelationData) {
        $messageID = relation_processForceRelation($tag, $params->POST->forceRelationData, $db);
    } else {
        if ($params->POST->relationData) {
            $messageID = relation_processRelationUpdate($tag, $params->POST->relationData, $db);
        } else {
            if ($params->POST->data) {
                $messageID = tribe_processAdminUpdate($playerID, $tag, $params->POST->data, $db);
            } else {
                if ($params->POST->kick) {
                    $messageID = tribe_processKickMember($params->POST->playerID, $tag, $db);
                } else {
                    if ($params->POST->governmentData) {
                        $messageID = government_processGovernmentUpdate($tag, $params->POST->governmentData, $db);
    // get the tribe data
    if (!($tribeData = tribe_getTribeByTag($tag, $db))) {
    $tribeData[description] = str_replace("<br />", "", $tribeData[description]);
    if (!($memberData = tribe_getAllMembers($tag, $db))) {
    // get government
    if (!($tribeGovernment = government_getGovernmentForTribe($tag, $db))) {
    $tribeGovernment[name] = $governmentList[$tribeGovernment[governmentID]][name];
    // get relations
    if (!($tribeRelations = relation_getRelationsForTribe($tag, $db))) {
    $template = @tmpl_open("./templates/" . $config->template_paths[$params->SESSION->user['template']] . "/tribeAdmin.ihtml");
    // Show a special message
    if (isset($messageID)) {
        tmpl_set($template, '/MESSAGE/message', $messageText[$messageID]);
    // show the profile's data
    tmpl_set($template, 'modus_name', 'modus');
    tmpl_set($template, 'modus_value', TRIBE_ADMIN);
    ////////////// user data //////////////////////
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/heading', 'Clandaten');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INFO/name', 'Tag');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INFO/value', $tribeData[tag]);
    tmpl_iterate($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INFO');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/name', 'Name');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/dataarray', 'data');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/dataentry', 'name');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/value', $tribeData[name]);
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/size', '20');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/maxlength', '90');
    tmpl_iterate($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/name', 'Password');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/dataarray', 'data');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/dataentry', 'password');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/value', $tribeData[password]);
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/size', '15');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_INPUT/maxlength', '15');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_MEMO/name', 'Beschreibung');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_MEMO/dataarray', 'data');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_MEMO/dataentry', 'description');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_MEMO/value', $tribeData[description]);
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_MEMO/cols', '25');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DATA_GROUP/ENTRY_MEMO/rows', '8');
    ////////////// government /////////////////////
    if ($tribeGovernment[isChangeable]) {
        tmpl_set($template, 'GOVERNMENT', array('modus_name' => "modus", 'modus' => TRIBE_ADMIN, 'caption' => "&Auml;ndern", 'SELECTOR' => array('dataarray' => 'governmentData', 'dataentry' => 'governmentID')));
        foreach ($governmentList as $governmentID => $typeData) {
            tmpl_iterate($template, 'GOVERNMENT/SELECTOR/OPTION');
            tmpl_set($template, 'GOVERNMENT/SELECTOR/OPTION', array('value' => $governmentID, 'selected' => $governmentID == $tribeGovernment[governmentID] ? "selected" : "", 'text' => $typeData[name]));
    } else {
        tmpl_set($template, 'GOVERNMENT_INFO', array('name' => $tribeGovernment[name], 'duration' => $tribeGovernment[time]));
    ////////////// relations //////////////////////
    tmpl_set($template, 'RELATION_NEW', array('modus_name' => "modus", 'modus' => TRIBE_ADMIN, 'dataarray' => "relationData", 'dataentry' => "tag", 'value' => $params->POST->relationData['tag'], 'size' => 8, 'maxlength' => 8, 'caption' => "&Auml;ndern"));
    tmpl_set($template, 'RELATION_NEW/SELECTOR', array('dataarray' => "relationData", 'dataentry' => "relationID"));
    foreach ($relationList as $relationID => $typeData) {
        tmpl_iterate($template, 'RELATION_NEW/SELECTOR/OPTION');
        tmpl_set($template, 'RELATION_NEW/SELECTOR/OPTION', array('value' => $relationID, 'selected' => $relationID == $params->POST->relationData[relationID] ? "selected" : "", 'text' => $typeData[name]));
    // existing relations towards other clans //////////////////
    foreach ($tribeRelations[own] as $target => $targetData) {
        if (!$targetData[changeable]) {
            // relation, that couldn't be changed at the moment
            tmpl_iterate($template, 'RELATION_INFO');
            tmpl_set($template, 'RELATION_INFO', array('tag' => $target, 'relation' => $relationList[$targetData[relationType]][name], 'duration' => $targetData[time], 'their_relation' => $tribeRelations[other][$target] ? $relationList[$tribeRelations[other][$target][relationType]][name] : $relationList[0][name]));
        } else {
            // relation, that is changeable
            tmpl_iterate($template, 'RELATION');
            tmpl_set($template, 'RELATION', array('modus_name' => "modus", 'modus' => TRIBE_ADMIN, 'dataarray' => "relationData", 'dataentry' => "tag", 'value' => $target, 'target_points' => $targetData[target_rankingPoints], 'tribe_points' => $targetData[tribe_rankingPoints], 'their_relation' => $tribeRelations[other][$target] ? $relationList[$tribeRelations[other][$target][relationType]][name] : $relationList[0][name], 'caption' => "&Auml;ndern"));
            tmpl_set($template, 'RELATION/SELECTOR', array('dataarray' => "relationData", 'dataentry' => "relationID"));
            // check, if it is possible to get or loose fame, and display if true
            if ($targetData[attackerReceivesFame] || $targetData[defenderReceivesFame] || $tribeRelations[other][$target][attackerReceivesFame] || $tribeRelations[other][$target][defenderReceivesFame]) {
                tmpl_set($template, 'RELATION/FAME', array('tribe_fame' => $targetData[fame], 'target_fame' => $tribeRelations[other][$target][fame], 'tribe_moral' => $targetData[moral], 'target_moral' => $tribeRelations[other][$target][moral]));
            foreach ($relationList as $relationType => $typeData) {
                if ($tribeRelations[other][$tag]) {
                    // get relation of target to tr.
                    $relationTypeTowardsTribe = $tribeRelations[other][$tag][relationType];
                // check, if switch to relationType is possible
                if ($relationTypeTowardsTribe != $relationType && $relationType != $targetData[relationType] && !relation_isPossible($relationType, $targetData[relationType])) {
                tmpl_iterate($template, 'RELATION/SELECTOR/OPTION');
                tmpl_set($template, 'RELATION/SELECTOR/OPTION', array('value' => $relationType, 'selected' => $relationType == $targetData[relationType] ? "selected" : "", 'text' => $typeData[name]));
            if ($targetData[relationType] == RELATION_FORCE_FROM_ID) {
                tmpl_set($template, 'RELATION/FORCE', array('modus_name' => "modus", 'modus' => TRIBE_ADMIN, 'dataarray' => forceRelationData, 'dataentry' => "tag", 'value' => $target, 'caption' => "Kapitulation von {$target} erzwingen"));
    ////////////// memberliste ////////////////////
    foreach ($memberData as $playerID => $playerData) {
        tmpl_iterate($template, 'MEMBER');
        tmpl_set($template, 'MEMBER', array("name" => $playerData['name'], "lastAction" => $playerData['lastAction'], "player_link" => "modus=" . PLAYER_DETAIL . "&detailID={$playerID}", "player_kick_link" => "modus=" . TRIBE_ADMIN . "&playerID={$playerID}&kick=1"));
    ////////////// delete tribe ////////////////////
    tmpl_set($template, 'DELETE/modus_name', 'modus');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DELETE/modus', TRIBE_DELETE);
    tmpl_set($template, 'DELETE/heading', 'Clan aufl&ouml;sen');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DELETE/text', 'Den gesamten Clan aufl&ouml;sen. Alle Mitglieder sind danach Clanlos.');
    tmpl_set($template, 'DELETE/caption', "{$tribe} aufl&ouml;sen");
    return tmpl_parse($template);
Beispiel #4
function relation_processRelationUpdate($tag, $relationData, $db)
    global $relationList;
    if (strcasecmp($tag, $relationData[tag]) == 0) {
        return -7;
    if (!($targetTribeInfo = tribe_getTribeByTag($relationData[tag], $db))) {
        return -6;
    $relationType = $relationData[relationID];
    $relationInfo = $relationList[$relationType];
    if (!($relation = relation_getRelation($tag, $relationData[tag], $db))) {
        return -3;
    $relationTypeActual = $relation[own][relationType];
    if ($relationTypeActual == $relationType) {
        // change to actual relation?
        return -13;
    if (!$relation[own][changeable]) {
        return -4;
    // check if switching to same relation as target or relation is possible
    if ($relation[other][relationType] != $relationType && !relation_isPossible($relationType, $relation[own][relationType])) {
        return -5;
    // check minimum size of target tribe
    // BUT: relation of target tribe to us is always ok!
    if ($relationInfo[targetMinSize] > 0.0 && $relation[other][relationType] != relationType) {
        if (($from_points = tribe_getMight($tag, $db)) < 0) {
            $from_points = 0;
        if (($target_points = tribe_getMight($relationData['tag'], $db)) < 0) {
            $target_points = 0;
        if ($from_points * $relationInfo[targetMinSize] > $target_points) {
            return -12;
    // if switching to the same relation of other clan towards us,
    // use their treaty's end_time!
    if ($relationType == $relation[other][relationType] && $relationType != 0) {
        $end_time = $relation[other][duration];
    } else {
        $duration = $relationList[$relationTypeActual][transitions][$relationType][time];
    if (!relation_setRelation($tag, $targetTribeInfo[tag], $relationType, $duration, $db, $end_time, $relation[own][tribe_rankingPoints], $relation[own][target_rankingPoints])) {
        return -3;
    // insert history message
    if ($message = $relationList[$relationType][historyMessage]) {
        relation_insertIntoHistory($tag, relation_prepareHistoryMessage($tag, $targetTribeInfo[tag], $message), $db);
    $relationName = $relationList[$relationType][name];
    tribe_sendTribeMessage($tag, TRIBE_MESSAGE_RELATION, "Haltung gegen&uuml;ber {$targetTribeInfo['tag']} " . "ge&auml;ndert", "Ihr Clananf&uuml;hrer hat die Haltung Ihres " . "Clans gegen&uuml;ber dem Clan " . "{$targetTribeInfo['tag']} auf {$relationName} " . "ge&auml;ndert.");
    tribe_sendTribeMessage($targetTribeInfo[tag], TRIBE_MESSAGE_RELATION, "Der Clan {$tag} &auml;ndert seine Haltung", "Der Clananf&uuml;hrer des Clans {$tag} " . "hat die Haltung seines " . "Clans ihnen gegen&uuml;ber " . "auf {$relationName} " . "ge&auml;ndert.");
    // switch other side if necessary (and not at this type already)
    if (!$end_time && ($oST = $relationInfo[otherSideTo]) >= 0) {
        if (!relation_setRelation($targetTribeInfo[tag], $tag, $oST, $duration, $db, 0, $relation[other][tribe_rankingPoints], $relation[other][target_rankingPoints])) {
            return -3;
        // insert history
        if ($message = $relationList[$oST][historyMessage]) {
            relation_insertIntoHistory($targetTribeInfo[tag], relation_prepareHistoryMessage($tag, $targetTribeInfo[tag], $message), $db);
        $relationName = $relationList[$oST][name];
        tribe_sendTribeMessage($targetTribeInfo[tag], TRIBE_MESSAGE_RELATION, "Haltung gegen&uuml;ber {$tag} " . "ge&auml;ndert", "Die Haltung Ihres " . "Clans gegen&uuml;ber dem Clan " . "{$tag}  wurde automatisch auf {$relationName} " . "ge&auml;ndert.");
        tribe_sendTribeMessage($tag, TRIBE_MESSAGE_RELATION, "Der Clan {$targetTribeInfo['tag']} &auml;ndert " . "seine " . "Haltung", "Der Clan {$targetTribeInfo['tag']} " . "hat die Haltung ihnen gegen&uuml;ber " . "automatisch auf {$relationName} " . "ge&auml;ndert.");
    return 3;