static function display($request) { if (is_array($request)) { } else { $res = static_item_model::get_entry(intval($request)); $row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $v = new static_item_frontend_view(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { switch ($key) { case 'language': $key = 'lang'; $value = substr($value, 0, 2); // no break needed // no break needed default: $v->assign_ref($key, $value); } } $v->assign('years', '2007 - 2010'); $v->assign_ref('rel_path', rel_path($row['level'])); $v->assign('stylesheet_url', 'all'); $v->assign('l10n_search', 'Suche'); $v->assign('info', NULL); } $v->loadTemplate(); }
function abs_path($path) { if (isset($path[0]) && $path[0] != '/') { return rel_path($path); } return $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $path; }
<?php // Execute on command line args echo rel_path($argv[1], $argv[2]); /** * Author: Santosh Patnaik * Original version: * Original description: * Given real paths of two files, this function finds the relative path of one ($dest) with respect to the other ($root). * * rel_path function to compute the relative path between two absolute paths. * Computes the path from root to dest. For example: * rel_path('a/c', 'a/b') -> '../c' */ function rel_path($dest, $root = '', $dir_sep = '/') { $root = explode($dir_sep, $root); $dest = explode($dir_sep, $dest); $path = '.'; $fix = ''; $diff = 0; for ($i = -1; ++$i < max($rC = count($root), $dC = count($dest));) { if (isset($root[$i]) and isset($dest[$i])) { if ($diff) { $path .= $dir_sep . '..'; $fix .= $dir_sep . $dest[$i]; continue; } if ($root[$i] != $dest[$i]) { $diff = 1; $path .= $dir_sep . '..';