Beispiel #1
function rectangles($table, $width, $height)
    $svg = rectangle($table);
    if (!is_array($svg)) {
        echo $svg;
    } else {
        header("Content-Type: image/svg+xml");
        echo "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN' \r\n\t\t\t\t''>";
        echo "\n<svg  xmlns='' width='{$width}' \r\n\t\t\theight='{$height}'>";
        echo "<g transform='translate(10,10),scale(1,-1)'>";
        echo join("\n", $svg);
        echo "</g></svg>";
    echo "The area is ";
    echo square($side, $side);
    echo "\n";
} else {
    if ($shape == "triangle") {
        $height = readline("Enter Height: ");
        $length = readline("Enter Length: ");
        echo "The area is ";
        echo triangle($height, $length);
        echo "\n";
    } else {
        if ($shape == "rectangle") {
            $length = readline("Enter Length: ");
            $width = readline("Enter Width: ");
            echo "The area is ";
            echo rectangle($length, $width);
            echo "\n";
        } else {
            if ($shape == "circle") {
                $radius = readline("Enter Radius: ");
                echo "The area is ";
                echo circle($radius);
                echo "\n";
            } else {
                if ($shape == "trapezoid") {
                    $base1 = readline("Enter 1st base length: ");
                    $base2 = readline("Enter 2nd base length: ");
                    $height = readline("Enter height: ");
                    echo "The area is ";
                    echo trapezoid($base1, $base2, $height);
                    echo "\n";
    return $length * $length;
function circle($radius)
    return M_PI * ($radius * $radius);
function regularpolygon($sidelength, $sideamount)
    return $sidelength / 2 / tan(360 / $sideamount / 2) * 2 * $sideamount;
if ($shape == "rectangle") {
    echo "Your shape is " . $shape . "\n";
    $length = readline("What is the length: ");
    $width = readline("What is the width: ");
    echo "The area of your rectangle is: " . rectangle($length, $width) . "\n";
} else {
    if ($shape == "square") {
        echo "Your shape is " . $shape . "\n";
        $length = readline("What is the length: ");
        echo "The area of your square is: " . square($length) . "\n";
    } else {
        if ($shape == "circle") {
            echo "Your shape is " . $shape . "\n";
            $radius = readline("What is the radius: ");
            echo "The area of your circle is: " . circle($radius) . "\n";
        } else {
            if ($shape == "regular polygon") {
                echo "Your shape is: " . $shape . "\n";
                $sidelength = readline("What is the length of one side: ");
                $sideamount = readline("How many sides are there: ");
Beispiel #4
$break = false;
foreach ($words as $word) {
    $word = arabic($word);
    $current = textbox($word, $settings["font"], $settings["size"]);
    $will_take = $current["width"] + $current["left"] + $spacing;
    $break = $x + $will_take > $settings["width"] ? true : false;
    $x = $break ? $will_take : $x + $will_take;
    $i = $break ? $i + 1 : $i;
    $y = $begin["height"] * $i + $top + ($i != 0 ? $interline : 0);
    imagettftext($content, $settings["size"], 0, $settings["width"] - $x, $y, $white, $settings["font"], $word);
    $first_word = false;
/** Calculate text height */
$textheight = $y + $begin["height"] - $top / 2;
/** Draw background rectangle based on textheight */
$image = rectangle($image, 15, (250 - $textheight) / 2 - 5, $settings["width"] + 25, (250 - $textheight) / 2 + 5 + $textheight, 5, $rectangle);
imagecopy($image, $content, 20, (250 - $textheight) / 2, 0, 0, $settings["width"], $textheight);
// Copy text image to background image
$font = "tweet/fonts/GD/cocon.ttf";
$name = arabic("" . $data["name"]);
$current = textbox($name, $font, $settings["size"] + 4);
$y = (250 - $textheight) / 2 - $current["height"] - $current["top"] + 20;
$x = $current["left"] + $current["width"] + 30;
$x = $settings["width"] - $x + 10;
imagettftext($image, $settings["size"] + 4, 0, $x + 1, $y + 1, $clear, $font, $name);
// write Quote name shadow
imagettftext($image, $settings["size"] + 4, 0, $x, $y, $color, $font, $name);
// write Quote name
$current = textbox("ˮ", "tweet/fonts/GD/arial.ttf", 70);
// write Quote icon
imagettftext($image, 70, 0, $settings["width"] + 20 - $current["width"] + 1, $y + $current["top"] - 15, $color + 1, "tweet/fonts/GD/arial.ttf", "ˮ");