 * Poll all eligible labs for new results and store them in the database.
 * @param  array   &$info  Conveys information to and from the caller:
 * $info["$ppid/$filename"]['delete'] = a non-empty value if file deletion is requested.
 * $info['select'] = array of patient matching responses where key is serialized patient
 *   attributes and value is selected pid for this patient, or 0 to create the patient.
 * $info["$ppid/$filename"]['mssgs'] = array of messages from this function.
 * $info['match'] = array of patient matching requests where key is serialized patient
 *   attributes (ss, fname, lname, DOB) and value is TRUE (irrelevant).
 * @return string  Error text, or empty if no errors.
function poll_hl7_results(&$info)
    global $srcdir;
    // echo "<!-- post: "; print_r($_POST); echo " -->\n"; // debugging
    // echo "<!-- in:   "; print_r($info); echo " -->\n"; // debugging
    $filecount = 0;
    $badcount = 0;
    if (!isset($info['match'])) {
        $info['match'] = array();
    // match requests
    if (!isset($info['select'])) {
        $info['select'] = array();
    // match request responses
    $ppres = sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM procedure_providers ORDER BY name");
    while ($pprow = sqlFetchArray($ppres)) {
        $ppid = $pprow['ppid'];
        $protocol = $pprow['protocol'];
        $remote_host = $pprow['remote_host'];
        $hl7 = '';
        if ($protocol == 'SFTP') {
            $remote_port = 22;
            // Hostname may have ":port" appended to specify a nonstandard port number.
            if ($i = strrpos($remote_host, ':')) {
                $remote_port = 0 + substr($remote_host, $i + 1);
                $remote_host = substr($remote_host, 0, $i);
            ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . PATH_SEPARATOR . "{$srcdir}/phpseclib");
            require_once "{$srcdir}/phpseclib/Net/SFTP.php";
            // Compute the target path name.
            $pathname = '.';
            if ($pprow['results_path']) {
                $pathname = $pprow['results_path'] . '/' . $pathname;
            // Connect to the server and enumerate files to process.
            $sftp = new Net_SFTP($remote_host, $remote_port);
            if (!$sftp->login($pprow['login'], $pprow['password'])) {
                return xl('Login to remote host') . " '{$remote_host}' " . xl('failed');
            $files = $sftp->nlist($pathname);
            foreach ($files as $file) {
                if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '.') {
                if (!isset($info["{$ppid}/{$file}"])) {
                    $info["{$ppid}/{$file}"] = array();
                // Ensure that archive directory exists.
                $prpath = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/procedure_results";
                if (!file_exists($prpath)) {
                $prpath .= '/' . $pprow['ppid'];
                if (!file_exists($prpath)) {
                // Get file contents.
                $hl7 = $sftp->get("{$pathname}/{$file}");
                // If user requested reject and delete, do that.
                if (!empty($info["{$ppid}/{$file}"]['delete'])) {
                    $fh = fopen("{$prpath}/{$file}.rejected", 'w');
                    if ($fh) {
                        fwrite($fh, $hl7);
                    } else {
                        return xl('Cannot create file') . ' "' . "{$prpath}/{$file}.rejected" . '"';
                    if (!$sftp->delete("{$pathname}/{$file}")) {
                        return xl('Cannot delete (from SFTP server) file') . ' "' . "{$pathname}/{$file}" . '"';
                // Do a dry run of its contents and check for errors and match requests.
                $tmp = receive_hl7_results($hl7, $info['match'], $ppid, $pprow['direction'], true, $info['select']);
                $info["{$ppid}/{$file}"]['mssgs'] = $tmp['mssgs'];
                // $info["$ppid/$file"]['match'] = $tmp['match'];
                if (!empty($tmp['fatal']) || !empty($tmp['needmatch'])) {
                    // There are errors or matching requests so skip this file.
                // Now the money shot - not a dry run.
                $tmp = receive_hl7_results($hl7, $info['match'], $ppid, $pprow['direction'], false, $info['select']);
                $info["{$ppid}/{$file}"]['mssgs'] = $tmp['mssgs'];
                // $info["$ppid/$file"]['match'] = $tmp['match'];
                if (empty($tmp['fatal']) && empty($tmp['needmatch'])) {
                    // It worked, archive and delete the file.
                    $fh = fopen("{$prpath}/{$file}", 'w');
                    if ($fh) {
                        fwrite($fh, $hl7);
                    } else {
                        return xl('Cannot create file') . ' "' . "{$prpath}/{$file}" . '"';
                    if (!$sftp->delete("{$pathname}/{$file}")) {
                        return xl('Cannot delete (from SFTP server) file') . ' "' . "{$pathname}/{$file}" . '"';
            // end of this file
        } else {
            if ($protocol == 'FS') {
                // Filesystem directory containing results files.
                $pathname = $pprow['results_path'];
                if (!($dh = opendir($pathname))) {
                    return xl('Unable to access directory') . " '{$pathname}'";
                // Sort by filename just because.
                $files = array();
                while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) {
                    if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '.') {
                    $files[$file] = $file;
                // For each file...
                foreach ($files as $file) {
                    if (!isset($info["{$ppid}/{$file}"])) {
                        $info["{$ppid}/{$file}"] = array();
                    // Ensure that archive directory exists.
                    $prpath = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/procedure_results";
                    if (!file_exists($prpath)) {
                    $prpath .= '/' . $pprow['ppid'];
                    if (!file_exists($prpath)) {
                    // Get file contents.
                    $hl7 = file_get_contents("{$pathname}/{$file}");
                    // If user requested reject and delete, do that.
                    if (!empty($info["{$ppid}/{$file}"]['delete'])) {
                        $fh = fopen("{$prpath}/{$file}.rejected", 'w');
                        if ($fh) {
                            fwrite($fh, $hl7);
                        } else {
                            return xl('Cannot create file') . ' "' . "{$prpath}/{$file}.rejected" . '"';
                        if (!unlink("{$pathname}/{$file}")) {
                            return xl('Cannot delete file') . ' "' . "{$pathname}/{$file}" . '"';
                    // Do a dry run of its contents and check for errors and match requests.
                    $tmp = receive_hl7_results($hl7, $info['match'], $ppid, $pprow['direction'], true, $info['select']);
                    $info["{$ppid}/{$file}"]['mssgs'] = $tmp['mssgs'];
                    // $info["$ppid/$file"]['match'] = $tmp['match'];
                    if (!empty($tmp['fatal']) || !empty($tmp['needmatch'])) {
                        // There are errors or matching requests so skip this file.
                    // Now the money shot - not a dry run.
                    $tmp = receive_hl7_results($hl7, $info['match'], $ppid, $pprow['direction'], false, $info['select']);
                    $info["{$ppid}/{$file}"]['mssgs'] = $tmp['mssgs'];
                    // $info["$ppid/$file"]['match'] = $tmp['match'];
                    if (empty($tmp['fatal']) && empty($tmp['needmatch'])) {
                        // It worked, archive and delete the file.
                        $fh = fopen("{$prpath}/{$file}", 'w');
                        if ($fh) {
                            fwrite($fh, $hl7);
                        } else {
                            return xl('Cannot create file') . ' "' . "{$prpath}/{$file}" . '"';
                        if (!unlink("{$pathname}/{$file}")) {
                            return xl('Cannot delete file') . ' "' . "{$pathname}/{$file}" . '"';
                // end of this file
        // end FS protocol
        // TBD: Insert "else if ($protocol == '???') {...}" to support other protocols.
    // end procedure provider
    // echo "<!-- out: "; print_r($info); echo " -->\n"; // debugging
    return '';
 * Poll all eligible labs for new results and store them in the database.
 * @param  array   &$messages  Receives messages of interest.
 * @return string  Error text, or empty if no errors.
function poll_hl7_results(&$messages)
    global $srcdir;
    $messages = array();
    $filecount = 0;
    $badcount = 0;
    $ppres = sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM procedure_providers ORDER BY name");
    while ($pprow = sqlFetchArray($ppres)) {
        $protocol = $pprow['protocol'];
        $remote_host = $pprow['remote_host'];
        $hl7 = '';
        if ($protocol == 'SFTP') {
            ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . PATH_SEPARATOR . "{$srcdir}/phpseclib");
            require_once "{$srcdir}/phpseclib/Net/SFTP.php";
            // Compute the target path name.
            $pathname = '.';
            if ($pprow['results_path']) {
                $pathname = $pprow['results_path'] . '/' . $pathname;
            // Connect to the server and enumerate files to process.
            $sftp = new Net_SFTP($remote_host);
            if (!$sftp->login($pprow['login'], $pprow['password'])) {
                return xl('Login to remote host') . " '{$remote_host}' " . xl('failed');
            $files = $sftp->nlist($pathname);
            foreach ($files as $file) {
                if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '.') {
                $hl7 = $sftp->get("{$pathname}/{$file}");
                // Archive the results file.
                $prpath = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/procedure_results";
                if (!file_exists($prpath)) {
                $prpath .= '/' . $pprow['ppid'];
                if (!file_exists($prpath)) {
                $fh = fopen("{$prpath}/{$file}", 'w');
                if ($fh) {
                    fwrite($fh, $hl7);
                } else {
                    $messages[] = xl('File') . " '{$file}' " . xl('cannot be archived, ignored');
                // Now delete it from its ftp directory.
                if (!$sftp->delete("{$pathname}/{$file}")) {
                    $messages[] = xl('File') . " '{$file}' " . xl('cannot be deleted, ignored');
                // Parse and process its contents.
                $msg = receive_hl7_results($hl7);
                if ($msg) {
                    $messages[] = xl('Error processing file') . " '{$file}':" . $msg;
                $messages[] = xl('New file') . " '{$file}' " . xl('processed successfully');
        // TBD: Insert "else if ($protocol == '???') {...}" to support other protocols.
    if ($badcount) {
        return "{$badcount} " . xl('error(s) encountered from new results');
    return '';
Beispiel #3
    echo "<font color='red'>" . text($errmsg) . "</font><br />\n";
$messages = array();
$errmsg = poll_hl7_results($messages);
foreach ($messages as $message) {
    echo text($message) . "<br />\n";
if ($errmsg) {
    echo "<font color='red'>" . text($errmsg) . "</font><br />\n";
// Process uploaded file if there is one.
if (!empty($_FILES['userfile']['name'])) {
    // if upload was attempted
    if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'])) {
        $hl7 = file_get_contents($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']);
        $msg = receive_hl7_results($hl7);
        $message = xl('Upload processed successfully');
        if ($msg) {
            $message = xl('Error processing upload') . ": " . $msg;
        echo text($message) . "<br />\n";
    } else {
        echo "<font color='red'>" . xlt('Upload failed!') . "</font><br />\n";
$form_from_date = empty($_POST['form_from_date']) ? '' : trim($_POST['form_from_date']);
$form_to_date = empty($_POST['form_to_date']) ? '' : trim($_POST['form_to_date']);
// if (empty($form_to_date)) $form_to_date = $form_from_date;
$form_reviewed = empty($_POST['form_reviewed']) ? 3 : intval($_POST['form_reviewed']);
$form_patient = !empty($_POST['form_patient']);
$form_provider = empty($_POST['form_provider']) ? 0 : intval($_POST['form_provider']);