$page_info100 .= "You have <strong class=\"text-success\">" . readable_number($remaining_entries) . " (" . $remaining_entries . ")";
         if ($remaining_entries == 1) {
             $page_info100 .= " entry ";
         } else {
             $page_info100 .= " entries ";
         $page_info100 .= "left before you reach the limit of " . readable_number($row_limits['prefsUserEntryLimit']) . " (" . $row_limits['prefsUserEntryLimit'] . ") ";
         if ($row_limits['prefsUserEntryLimit'] > 1) {
             $page_info100 .= " entries ";
         } else {
             $page_info100 .= " entry ";
         $page_info100 .= "per participant</strong> in this competition.";
     if ($totalRows_log >= $row_limits['prefsUserEntryLimit']) {
         $page_info100 .= "You have reached the limit of <strong class=\"text-danger\">" . readable_number($row_limits['prefsUserEntryLimit']) . " (" . $row_limits['prefsUserEntryLimit'] . ") ";
         if ($row_limits['prefsUserEntryLimit'] > 1) {
             $page_info100 .= "entries ";
         } else {
             $page_info100 .= "entry ";
         $page_info100 .= "per participant</strong> in this competition.";
     $page_info100 .= "</div>";
 if ($discount) {
     $page_info100 .= "<div class=\"bcoem-sidebar-panel\">";
     $page_info100 .= "<small><em class=\"text-muted\">";
     if (NHC) {
         $page_info100 .= "* As an AHA member, your entry fees are ";
     } else {
function readable_number($a)
    // http://www.iamcal.com/publish/articles/php/readable_numbers/
    $bits_a = array("thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion", "quadrillion");
    $bits_b = array("ten", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety");
    $bits_c = array("one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen");
    if ($a == 0) {
        return 'zero';
    $out = $a < 0 ? 'minus ' : '';
    $a = abs($a);
    for ($i = count($bits_a); $i > 0; $i--) {
        $p = pow(1000, $i);
        if ($a > $p) {
            $b = floor($a / $p);
            $a -= $p * $b;
            $out .= readable_number($b) . ' ' . $bits_a[$i - 1];
            $out .= $a ? ', ' : '';
    if ($a > 100) {
        $b = floor($a / 100);
        $a -= 100 * $b;
        $out .= readable_number($b) . ' hundred' . ($a ? ' and ' : ' ');
    if ($a >= 20) {
        $b = floor($a / 10);
        $a -= 10 * $b;
        $out .= $bits_b[$b - 1] . ' ';
    if ($a) {
        $out .= $bits_c[$a - 1];
    return $out;
Beispiel #3
echo entity_link($relationship['Entity1']);
echo $current === NULL ? "is/was" : ($current == '1' ? "is" : "was");
 a member of <?php 
echo entity_link($relationship['Entity2']);
echo get_slot('share_text');
slot('share_text', RelationshipTable::formatSentenceForShare(get_slot('share_text')));

<br />
<br />

$data = array('Title' => $relationship['description1'], 'Start date' => Dateable::convertForDisplay($relationship['start_date']), 'End date' => Dateable::convertForDisplay($relationship['end_date']), 'Is current' => LsLogic::nullOrBoolean($relationship['is_current']), 'Dues' => readable_number($relationship['dues'], '$'), 'Notes' => $relationship['notes'] ? nl2br($relationship['notes']) : null);

include_partial('global/section', array('title' => 'Details'));

<div class="padded">
include_partial('global/datatable', array('data' => $data));
if ($_SESSION['contestEntryFeeDiscount'] == "Y") {
    $primary_page_info .= sprintf(" %s per entry after the %s entry. ", $currency_symbol . number_format($_SESSION['contestEntryFee2'], 2), addOrdinalNumberSuffix($_SESSION['contestEntryFeeDiscountNum']));
if ($_SESSION['contestEntryCap'] != "") {
    $primary_page_info .= sprintf(" %s for unlimited entries. ", $currency_symbol . number_format($_SESSION['contestEntryCap'], 2));
$primary_page_info .= "</small></p>";
if ($row_brewer['brewerDiscount'] == "Y") {
    $primary_page_info .= sprintf("<p class=\"lead\"><small><span class=\"fa fa-star-o text-primary\"></span> Your fees have been discounted to <strong class=\"text-success\">%s</strong> per entry.</small></p>", $currency_symbol . number_format($_SESSION['contestEntryFeePasswordNum'], 2));
$primary_page_info .= sprintf("<p class=\"lead\"><small><span class=\"fa fa-exclamation-triangle text-danger\"></span>  Your total entry fees are <strong class=\"text-success\">%s</strong>. You need to pay <strong class=\"text-danger\">%s</strong>.</small></p>", $currency_symbol . number_format($total_entry_fees, 2), $currency_symbol . number_format($total_to_pay, 2));
if ($total_not_paid == 0) {
    $primary_page_info .= sprintf("<p class=\"lead\"><small><span class=\"fa fa-thumbs-o-up text-danger\"></span> %s</p>", "Your fees have been paid. Thank you!</small></p>");
} else {
    $primary_page_info .= "<p class=\"lead\"><small>";
    $primary_page_info .= sprintf("<span class=\"fa fa-exclamation-triangle text-danger\"></span>  You currently have <strong class=\"text-danger\">%s unpaid confirmed ", readable_number($total_not_paid));
    if ($total_not_paid == "1") {
        $primary_page_info .= "entry</strong>:";
    } else {
        $primary_page_info .= "entries</strong>:";
    $primary_page_info .= "</small></p>";
    $primary_page_info .= "<ol>";
    do {
        if ($row_log_confirmed['brewPaid'] != "1") {
            $entry_no = sprintf("%04s", $row_log_confirmed['id']);
            $primary_page_info .= sprintf("<li>Entry #%s: %s (Category %s)</li>", $entry_no, $row_log_confirmed['brewName'], $row_log_confirmed['brewCategory'] . $row_log_confirmed['brewSubCategory']);
            $entries .= sprintf("%04s", $row_log_confirmed['id']) . ", ";
            $return_entries .= $row_log_confirmed['id'] . "-";
    } while ($row_log_confirmed = mysql_fetch_assoc($log_confirmed));
 if ($_SESSION['contestEntryFeeDiscount'] == "Y") {
     $primary_page_info .= sprintf(" %s per entry after the %s entry. ", $currency_symbol . number_format($_SESSION['contestEntryFee2'], 2), addOrdinalNumberSuffix($_SESSION['contestEntryFeeDiscountNum']));
 if ($_SESSION['contestEntryCap'] != "") {
     $primary_page_info .= sprintf(" %s for unlimited entries. ", $currency_symbol . number_format($_SESSION['contestEntryCap'], 2));
 $primary_page_info .= "</p>";
 if ($row_brewer['brewerDiscount'] == "Y") {
     $primary_page_info .= sprintf("<span class='icon'><img src='" . $base_url . "images/star.png'  border='0' alt='Entry Fees' title='Entry Fees'></span>Your fees have been discounted to %s per entry.</p>", $currency_symbol . number_format($_SESSION['contestEntryFeePasswordNum'], 2));
 $primary_page_info .= sprintf("<p><span class='icon'><img src='" . $base_url . "images/money.png'  border='0' alt='Entry Fees' title='Entry Fees'></span>Your total entry fees are %s. You need to pay %s.</p>", $currency_symbol . number_format($total_entry_fees, 2), $currency_symbol . number_format($total_to_pay, 2));
 if ($total_not_paid == 0) {
     $primary_page_info .= sprintf("<p><span class='icon'><img src='" . $base_url . "images/thumb_up.png'  border='0' alt='Entry Fees' title='Entry Fees'></span>%s</p>", "Your fees have been paid. Thank you!");
 } else {
     $primary_page_info .= "<p>";
     $primary_page_info .= sprintf("<span class='icon'><img src='" . $base_url . "images/money.png'  border='0' alt='Entry Fees' title='Entry Fees'></span>You currently have %s <strong>unpaid</strong> ", readable_number($total_not_paid));
     if ($total_not_paid == "1") {
         $primary_page_info .= "entry:";
     } else {
         $primary_page_info .= "entries:";
     $primary_page_info .= "</p>";
     $primary_page_info .= "<ul>";
     do {
         if ($row_log['brewPaid'] != "1") {
             $entry_no = sprintf("%04s", $row_log['id']);
             $primary_page_info .= sprintf("<li>Entry #%s: %s (Category %s)</li>", $entry_no, $row_log['brewName'], $row_log['brewCategory'] . $row_log['brewSubCategory']);
             $entries .= sprintf("%04s", $row_log['id']) . ", ";
             $return_entries .= $row_log['id'] . "-";
     } while ($row_log = mysql_fetch_assoc($log));
 $add_entry_link .= "'>Add an Entry</a>";
 $add_entry_link .= "</span>";
 // Build Beer XML Link
 $beer_xml_link .= "<span class='adminSubNav'>";
 $beer_xml_link .= "<span class='icon'><img src='" . $base_url . "images/page_code.png' border='0' alt='Add Entry Using BeerXML' title='Add Entry Using BeerXML' /></span>";
 $beer_xml_link .= "<a href='" . build_public_url("beerxml", "default", "default", $sef, $base_url) . "'>Import Entries Using BeerXML</a>";
 $beer_xml_link .= "</span>";
 // Build Print List of Entries Link
 $print_list_link .= "<span class='adminSubNav'>";
 $print_list_link .= "<span class='icon'><img src='" . $base_url . "images/printer.png' border='0' alt='Print Entry List' title='Print Entry List' /></span>";
 $print_list_link .= "<a id='modal_window_link' href='" . $base_url . "output/print.php?section=list&amp;action=print' title='Print Your List of Entries and Info'>Print Your List of Entries and Info</a>";
 $print_list_link .= "</span>";
 // Build Entry Fee Message
 $entry_fee_message .= "<span class='adminSubNav'>";
 $entry_fee_message .= "<span class='icon'><img src='" . $base_url . "images/money.png' border='0' alt='Entry Fees' title='Entry Fees' /></span>";
 $entry_fee_message .= "You currently have " . readable_number($total_not_paid) . " <strong>unpaid</strong>";
 if ($total_not_paid == "1") {
     $entry_fee_message .= " entry. ";
 } else {
     $entry_fee_message .= " entries. ";
 $entry_fee_message .= "Your total entry fees are " . $currency_symbol . $total_entry_fees;
 if (NHC && $_SESSION['brewerDiscount'] != "Y") {
     $entry_fee_message .= " (as a non-AHA member)";
 $entry_fee_message .= ". You need to pay " . $currency_symbol . $total_to_pay . ".";
 $entry_fee_message .= "</span>";
 // Build Discount Fee Message
 $discount_fee_message .= "<span class='adminSubNav'>";
 $discount_fee_message .= "<span class='icon'><img src='" . $base_url . "images/star.png' border='0' alt='Discount!' title='Discount!' /></span>";
 if (NHC) {
$registration_closed_msg = "";
if (open_limit($totalRows_entry_count, $row_limits['prefsEntryLimit'], $registration_open)) {
    $comp_entry_limit = TRUE;
} else {
    $comp_entry_limit = FALSE;
$remaining_entries = 0;
if (!empty($row_limits['prefsUserEntryLimit'])) {
    $remaining_entries = $row_limits['prefsUserEntryLimit'] - $totalRows_log;
} else {
    $remaining_entries = 1;
if ($registration_open == "1" && !$ua) {
    if ($comp_entry_limit) {
        if ($section != "admin") {
            $closed_msg .= "<div class='closed'>The limit of " . readable_number($row_limits['prefsEntryLimit']) . " (" . $row_limits['prefsEntryLimit'] . ") entries has been reached. No further entries will be accepted.";
            if (!isset($_SESSION['loginUsername'])) {
                $closed_msg .= " However, judges and stewards may still <a href='" . build_public_url("register", "judge", "default", $sef, $base_url) . "'>register here</a>.";
            $closed_msg .= "</div>";
if ($registration_open == "0" && !$ua && $section != "admin") {
    if (!isset($_SESSION['loginUsername'])) {
        $registration_open_msg .= "<div class='closed'>General registration will open " . $reg_open . ".</div>";
    if (!isset($_SESSION['loginUsername']) && $judge_window_open == "0") {
        $judge_reg_open_msg .= "<div class='info'>Judge/steward registration will open " . $judge_open . ".</div>";
    if (!isset($_SESSION['loginUsername']) && $section != "register" && $judge_window_open == "1") {
Beispiel #8

$data = array('Types' => implode(', ', array_keys(EntityTable::getExtensionsForDisplay($entity, false))), 'Start Date' => Dateable::convertForDisplay($entity['start_date']), 'End Date' => Dateable::convertForDisplay($entity['end_date']), 'Website' => $entity['website'] ? link_to(excerpt($entity['website'], 25, '...', false), $entity['website']) : null, 'Employees' => readable_number($entity['employees']), 'Revenue' => readable_number($entity['revenue'], '$'));

include_partial('global/datatable', array('data' => $data, 'label_width' => isset($label_width) ? $label_width : '80px'));
            $page_info16 .= " (exceptions are detailed below)";
        $page_info16 .= ".";
        $page_info16 .= "</p>";
    if (!empty($row_limits['prefsUSCLExLimit'])) {
        $excepted_styles = explode(",", $row_limits['prefsUSCLEx']);
        if (count($excepted_styles) == 1) {
            $sub = "sub-category";
        } else {
            $sub = "sub-categories";
        if ($row_limits['prefsUSCLExLimit'] == 1) {
            $page_info16 .= sprintf("<p>Each entrant is limited to %s for the following %s: </p>", readable_number($row_limits['prefsUSCLExLimit']) . " (" . $row_limits['prefsUSCLExLimit'] . ")", $sub);
        } else {
            $page_info16 .= sprintf("<p>Each entrant is limited to %s entries for for the following %s: </p>", readable_number($row_limits['prefsUSCLExLimit']) . " (" . $row_limits['prefsUSCLExLimit'] . ")", $sub);
        $page_info16 .= style_convert($row_limits['prefsUSCLEx'], "7");
// Payment
$header1_6 .= "<a name='payment'></a><h2>Payment</h2>";
$page_info6 .= "<p>After registering your personal information and adding your entries to the system, you must pay your entry fee(s). Accepted payment methods are:</p>";
$page_info6 .= "<ul>";
if ($_SESSION['prefsCash'] == "Y") {
    $page_info6 .= "<li>Cash</li>";
if ($_SESSION['prefsCheck'] == "Y") {
    $page_info6 .= sprintf("<li>Check, made out to <em>%s</em></li>", $_SESSION['prefsCheckPayee']);
if ($_SESSION['prefsPaypal'] == "Y") {
Beispiel #10
    if ($desc2 = $relationship['description2']) {
        $data[' ' . ucfirst($desc2)] = entity_link($relationship['Entity2']);

$data = array_merge($data, array('Start date' => Dateable::convertForDisplay($relationship['start_date']), 'End date' => Dateable::convertForDisplay($relationship['end_date']), 'Is current' => LsLogic::nullOrBoolean($relationship['is_current']), 'Amount' => readable_number($relationship['amount'], '$'), 'Goods' => $relationship['goods'], 'Notes' => $relationship['notes'] ? nl2br($relationship['notes']) : null));

if ($relationship['filings'] && ($lobbyings = RelationshipTable::getLobbyingsFromLobbyFilingById($relationship['id']))) {
    $agencyAry = array();
    foreach ($lobbyings as $lobbying) {
        if (in_array($lobbying->entity1_id, array($relationship['entity1_id'], $relationship['entity2_id']))) {
Beispiel #11


$data = array('Endowment' => readable_number($entity->endowment, '$'), 'Students' => $entity->students, 'Faculty' => $entity->faculty, 'Tuition' => readable_number($entity->tuition, '$'), 'Private' => $entity->is_private);

include_partial('global/datatable', array('data' => $data, 'label_width' => isset($label_width) ? $label_width : '80px'));
// document.getElementById('summary').innerHTML = butSummary;
    echo "<p><span class='dataLabel'>Table Location:</span>" . table_location($row_tables_edit['id'], $_SESSION['prefsDateFormat'], $_SESSION['prefsTimeZone'], $_SESSION['prefsTimeFormat'], "default") . "</p>";
<p onload="updateButCount(event);">Based upon your <a href="<?php 
    echo $base_url;
index.php?section=admin&amp;go=judging_preferences">competition organization preferences</a>, this table can be divided into <?php 
    echo readable_number($flight_count);
 flights. For each entry below, designate the flight in which it will be judged.</p>
<form name="flights" method="post" action="<?php 
    echo $base_url;
    echo $action;
    echo $judging_flights_db_table;
" onreset="updateButCount(event);">
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
	 $(document).ready(function() {
		$('#flightCount').dataTable( {
     $file_type = $_FILES['userfile']['type'];
     $file_name = $_FILES['userfile']['name'];
     $file_ext = strtolower(substr($file_name, strrpos($file_name, ".")));
     // File size check
     if ($_FILES['userfile']['size'] > $MAX_SIZE) {
         $message .= "The file size is over 2MB.  Please adjust the size and try again.";
     } elseif (!in_array($file_type, $FILE_MIMES) && !in_array($file_ext, $FILE_EXTS)) {
         $message .= "Sorry, that file type is not allowed to be uploaded.  Only .xml file extensions are allowed.";
     } elseif (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'])) {
         $input = new InputBeerXML($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']);
         if ($_POST["insert_type"] == "recipes") {
             $insertedRecipes = $input->insertRecipes();
             if (count($insertedRecipes) > 1) {
                 $message .= ucwords(readable_number(count($insertedRecipes))) . " entries added.";
             } else {
                 $message .= ucwords(readable_number(count($insertedRecipes))) . " entry added.";
         $_SESSION['recipes'] = $recipes;
         $message .= " " . $_FILES['userfile']['name'] . " has been uploaded and the brew has been added to your list of entries.";
     //header(sprintf("Location: %s", stripslashes($updateGoTo)));
     //print "<script>window.location.href='index.php?section=".$section."&action=importXML&msg=1'</script>";
 } elseif (!$_FILES['userfile']) {
     $message .= "";
 } else {
     $message .= "Invalid file specified.";
 if (!empty($message)) {
// document.getElementById('summary').innerHTML = butSummary;
    echo "<p><strong>Table Location:</strong> " . table_location($row_tables_edit['id'], $_SESSION['prefsDateFormat'], $_SESSION['prefsTimeZone'], $_SESSION['prefsTimeFormat'], "default") . "</p>";
<p onload="updateButCount(event);">Based upon your <a href="<?php 
    echo $base_url;
index.php?section=admin&amp;go=judging_preferences">competition organization preferences</a>,  <?php 
    if ($flight_count == 1) {
        echo " this table only requires one flight.";
    } else {
        echo " this table can be divided into " . readable_number($flight_count) . " flights.  For each entry below, designate the flight in which it will be judged.";
<form name="flights" method="post" action="<?php 
    echo $base_url;
    echo $action;
    echo $judging_flights_db_table;
" onreset="updateButCount(event);">
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
	 $(document).ready(function() {
    } else {
        echo RelationshipTable::getCategoryDefaultDescription($relationship);

if ($amount = $relationship['amount']) {
 &sdot; <?php 
    echo '$' . readable_number($amount);

if ($count = $relationship['filings']) {
    if ($count == 1) {
 &sdot; <?php 
        echo $count;
    } else {
Beispiel #16


include_partial('relationship/membershiponeliner', array('relationship' => $relationship, 'profiled_entity' => $profiled_entity, 'related_entity' => $related_entity));

$o = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('Ownership o')->where('o.relationship_id = ?', $relationship['id'])->setHydrationMode(Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY)->fetchOne();
if ($stake = $o['percent_stake']) {
  &sdot; <?php 
    echo $stake . '% stake';
} elseif ($shares = $o['shares']) {
  &sdot; <?php 
    echo readable_number($shares) . ' shares';
Beispiel #17
echo RelationshipTable::getDisplayDescription($relationship) ? '(' . RelationshipTable::getDisplayDescription($relationship) . ')' : '';
echo $relationship['Entity2']['primary_ext'] == 'Person' ? 'under' : 'at';
echo entity_link($relationship['Entity2']);
echo get_slot('share_text');
slot('share_text', RelationshipTable::formatSentenceForShare(get_slot('share_text')));

<br />
<br />

$data = array('Title' => $relationship['description1'], 'Start date' => Dateable::convertForDisplay($relationship['start_date']), 'End date' => Dateable::convertForDisplay($relationship['end_date']), 'Is current' => LsLogic::nullOrBoolean($relationship['is_current']), 'Board member' => LsLogic::nullOrBoolean($relationship['is_board']), 'Executive' => LsLogic::nullOrBoolean($relationship['is_executive']), 'Employee' => LsLogic::nullOrBoolean($relationship['is_employee']), 'Compensation' => readable_number($relationship['compensation'], '$'), 'Notes' => $relationship['notes'] ? nl2br($relationship['notes']) : null);

include_partial('global/section', array('title' => 'Details'));

<div class="padded">
include_partial('global/datatable', array('data' => $data));