function readXMLFile($file) { $site = simplexml_load_file($file); // get the contents of the XML file // next: loop through all the projects foreach ($site->content->section as $section) { switch ((string) $section['section']) { case 'Projects': // we are reading the list of projects and need to generate a fieldset for each project in the list print "<form>"; foreach ($section->project as $proj) { print "<fieldset>"; print "Project Name: <input type='text' size='24' value='" . $proj['info'] . "'/> <br/> Client: <input type='text' size='24' value='" . $proj['client'] . "'/> <br/> Agency: <input type='text' size='32' value='" . $proj['agency'] . "'/> <br/> BG Image: <input type='text' size='32' value='" . $proj['image'] . "'/> <br/> Vimeo ID: <input type='text' size='12' value='" . $proj['video'] . "'/>"; print "</fieldset> <br/>"; } print "</form>"; } } } ?> </head> <body> <?php readXMLFile("artjail.xml"); ?> </body> </html>
$h = fopen($file, "w"); if (!$h) { die("Couldn't write to disk!<br>\n"); } writeXMLFile($h); include "mail.php"; foreach ($mail as $i) { $emailmangled = str_replace("@", " at ", $emailname); $emailmangled = str_replace(".", " dot ", $emailmangled); mail($i, "CS documentation annotated by {$authorname}", "Author: {$authorname}\n" . "E-Mail: {$emailmangled}\n" . "Topic: {$theme}\n" . "File: {$HTTP_REFERER}\n" . "Time: " . gmstrftime("%a, %d %b %G (%H:%M UTC)", $newentry->date) . " (" . $newentry->date . ")\n" . "Comment:\n" . stripslashes($texttext)); } fclose($h); chmod($file, 0666); print "<h3>Comment added!</h3>\n"; unset($entries); readXMLFile($file); } printEntries(); print "<a href=\"{$self}?action=showadd#comments\">Add a comment</a><br>\n"; } class entry { var $author; var $email; var $text; var $date; var $addr; var $agent; function entry() { $this->author = "";