" />
    <input type="hidden" name="post_id" value="<?php 
echo (int) @$tpldata[3];
" />
if (!empty($tpldata[0])) {
<input type="text" name="title" value="<?php 
    echo $tpldata[0];
" size="70"/><br /><?php 
echo rcms_show_bbcode_panel('edit.text');
    <textarea name="text" cols="70" rows="7" style="width: 95%;"><?php 
echo $tpldata[1];
</textarea><br />
$config = parse_ini_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'forum.ini');
echo __('You can enter') . ' <script type="text/javascript">displaylimit("document.edit.text", "",' . $config['max_topic_len'] . ') </script> ' . __('characters');
<br />
    <input type="submit" value="<?php 
echo __('Submit');
" />
Beispiel #2
echo __('Nickname');
: [<?php 
echo $system->user['nickname'];
echo $tpldata ? rcms_show_bbcode_panel('form1.comtext') : '';
<form method="post" action="" name="form1">
<textarea name="comtext" cols="20" rows="7" style="width: 90%"></textarea><br />
<p align="center"><input type="submit" value="<?php 
echo __('Submit');
" /></p>
Beispiel #3
    $frm = new InputForm('', 'post', __('Submit'), '', '', '', 'arted');
    $frm->addbreak(__('Edit article') . ' - ' . $article['title']);
    $frm->hidden('save', '1');
    $frm->hidden('c', $c);
    $frm->hidden('a', $a);
    $frm->hidden('b', $b);
    if ($c !== '#root' && $c !== '#hidden') {
        $frm->addrow(__('Select category'), $frm->select_tag('nb', $categories_list, $article['catid']), 'top');
    $frm->addrow(__('Title'), $frm->text_box('title', $article['title']), 'top');
    $frm->addrow(__('Author/source'), $frm->text_box('source', $article['src']), 'top');
    $frm->addrow(__('Keywords'), $frm->text_box('keywords', @$article['keywords']), 'top');
    $frm->addrow(__('Description for search engines'), $frm->text_box('sef_desc', @$article['sef_desc']), 'top');
    $frm->addrow('', rcms_show_bbcode_panel('arted.description'));
    $frm->addrow(__('Short description') . '<br />' . tinymce_selector('description', false), $frm->textarea('description', $article['desc'], 70, 5), 'top');
    $frm->addrow('', rcms_show_bbcode_panel('arted.text'));
    $frm->addrow(__('Text') . '<br />' . tinymce_selector('text', false), $frm->textarea('text', $article['text'], 70, 25), 'top');
    $files = rcms_scandir(FILES_PATH);
    //Start Insert list uploaded files
    $key_thumb = array_search('_thumb', $files);
    if ($key_thumb !== FALSE) {
    if (!empty($files)) {
        $frm->addrow(__('Add link to file'), $frm->select_tag('files', $files, -1, 'onChange="selChange(this.form)">\\n
	<option value="-1">' . __('Select file') . '</option') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . __('You entered filename of file uploaded through upload interface'), 'top');
    //End Insert list uploaded files
    if ($system->checkForRight('GENERAL')) {
        $arr_modes = array('html' => __('HTML'), 'text' => __('Text'), 'htmlbb' => __('bbCodes') . '+' . __('HTML'), 'php' => __('PHP'));
    } else {
Beispiel #4
} elseif (!empty($_POST['edit']) && !empty($_POST['cid']) && !empty($filesdb->data[$_POST['cid'] - 1]['files'][$_POST['edit'] - 1])) {
    $cid = $_POST['cid'] - 1;
    $fid = $_POST['edit'] - 1;
    $mode = $filesdb->data[$cid]['files'][$fid]['link'] == basename($filesdb->data[$cid]['files'][$fid]['link']);
    $frm = new InputForm('', 'post', '&lt;&lt;&lt; ' . __('Back'));
    $frm->hidden('cid', $_POST['cid']);
    $frm = new InputForm('', 'post', __('Submit'), '', '', '', 'mainfrm');
    $frm->addbreak(__('Edit file'));
    $frm->hidden('save', '1');
    $frm->hidden('edit', $_POST['edit']);
    $frm->hidden('cid', $_POST['cid']);
    $frm->addrow(__('Title'), $frm->text_box('title', $filesdb->data[$cid]['files'][$fid]['name']));
    $frm->addrow(__('Description'), $frm->textarea('desc', $filesdb->data[$cid]['files'][$fid]['desc'], 70, 5), 'top');
    $frm->addrow(__('Author'), $frm->text_box('author', $filesdb->data[$cid]['files'][$fid]['author']));
    $frm->addrow(__('Filename or link to remote file'), $frm->text_box('link', $filesdb->data[$cid]['files'][$fid]['link']));
    $frm->addrow(__('Select type of link you specified in previous field'), $frm->select_tag('type', array(__('You entered the link to remote file'), __('You entered filename of file uploaded through upload interface')), $mode));
    $files = rcms_scandir(FILES_PATH);
    //Start Insert list uploaded files
    if (!empty($files)) {
        $frm->addrow(__('You entered filename of file uploaded through upload interface'), $frm->select_tag('files', $files, '0', ' onClick="selChange(this.form)"') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . __('Add link to file'), 'top');
} elseif (!empty($_POST['cid'])) {
    $frm = new InputForm('', 'post', '&lt;&lt;&lt; ' . __('Back'));
    $frm = new InputForm('', 'post', __('New file'));
    $frm->hidden('new', $_POST['cid']);
<br />
<form method="post" action="" name="new_topic" style="text-align: center">
    <input type="hidden" name="new_topic_perform" value="1" />
echo __('Topic title');
: <input type="text" name="new_topic_title" value="<?php 
echo $tpldata[0];
" size="50"/><br />
echo rcms_show_bbcode_panel('new_topic.new_topic_text');
    <textarea name="new_topic_text" cols="70" rows="7" style="width: 95%;"><?php 
echo $tpldata[1];
</textarea><br />
if ($system->checkForRight('FORUM')) {
    <input type="checkbox" name="new_topic_sticky" value="1" id="new_topic_sticky" /><label for="new_topic_sticky"><?php 
    echo __('Sticky topic');
</label><br />
    <input type="checkbox" name="new_topic_closed" value="1" id="new_topic_closed" /><label for="new_topic_closed"><?php 
    echo __('Create closed');
//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of           //
//                                                                            //
//   This product released under GNU General Public License v2                //
* Extracting some data from request                                           *
$work_dir = articles_get_work_dir($null);
if (!empty($work_dir) && $work_dir != ARTICLES_PATH) {
    rcms_showAdminMessage($lang['results']['articles'][8] . $work_dir);
* Perform adding of category                                                  *
if (!empty($_POST['ctitle'])) {
    $res = articles_creare_category($_POST['ctitle'], @$_POST['cdesc'], @$_FILES['cicon'], @$_POST['caccess'], $work_dir);
* Interface                                                                   *
$frm = new InputForm('', 'post', $lang['general']['submit'], '', 'multipart/form-data', 'mainfrm');
$frm->addrow($lang['articles']['cattitle'], $frm->text_box('ctitle', ''), 'top');
$frm->addrow('', rcms_show_bbcode_panel('document.mainfrm.cdesc'));
$frm->addrow($lang['articles']['catdesc'], $frm->textarea('cdesc', '', 70, 5), 'top');
$frm->addrow($lang['articles']['accesslevel'], $frm->text_box('caccess', ''), 'top');
$frm->addrow($lang['articles']['caticon'], $frm->file('cicon'), 'top');
echo __('Nickname');
: [<?php 
echo $system->user['nickname'];
echo rcms_show_bbcode_panel('form1.comtext');
if (empty($tpldata['field'])) {
    $field = 'comtext';
} else {
    $field = $tpldata['field'];

<form method="post" action="" name="form1">
	<textarea name="<?php 
echo $field;
" cols="20" rows="7" style="width: 90%"><?php 
echo @$tpldata['text'];
    <p align="center">
        <input type="submit" value="<?php 
echo __('Submit');
" />
Beispiel #8
    if ($page = page_get($edited)) {
        $frm = new InputForm('', 'post', __('Submit'), '', '', '', 'edit');
        $frm->addbreak(__('Edit article'));
        $frm->hidden('edit', $edited);
        $frm->hidden('save', '1');
        $frm->addrow('<abbr title="' . __('Use only small Latin letters and digits') . '">' . __('MenuID') . '</abbr>', $frm->text_box('id', $edited));
        $frm->addrow(__('Title'), $frm->text_box('title', $page['title']));
        if (empty($page['description'])) {
            $page['description'] = $page['title'];
        $frm->addrow(__('Description for search engines'), $frm->text_box('description', $page['description']));
        if (empty($page['keywords'])) {
            $page['keywords'] = '';
        $frm->addrow(__('Keywords'), $frm->text_box('keywords', $page['keywords']));
        $frm->addrow('', rcms_show_bbcode_panel('edit.text'));
        $frm->addrow(__('Text'), $frm->textarea('text', $page['text'], 70, 25), 'top');
        if ($page['mode'] == 'html') {
			<script type="text/javascript">
		mode : 'exact',
		elements : 'text',
		theme : 'advanced',
		language : 'ru',
        plugins : 'paste,table',
        theme_advanced_buttons2_add : 'pastetext,pasteword,selectall',
        theme_advanced_buttons3_add : 'tablecontrols',
		theme_advanced_toolbar_location : 'top',
        theme_advanced_toolbar_align : 'left',
        theme_advanced_statusbar_location : 'bottom',
Beispiel #9
        $result .= '<tr><td colspan=2 class="row3" align="left">&nbsp;' . $bs . $key['time'] . ' ' . __('Private message') . ' №' . ($val + 1) . ' (' . __('Maximum size of database (in messages)') . ' - 100), ' . $key['nickname'] . ' (' . $key['username'] . ') ' . __('wrote') . $be . ':</td></tr><tr class="row2"><td width = 20 valign = top>' . show_avatar($key['username']) . '</td><td align="left">' . $key['text'] . '</td></tr>
		<tr><td align="right" colspan=2><a href="?module=pm&for=' . $key['username'] . '&re=' . $val . '">' . __('Reply') . '</a>&nbsp;<a href="?module=pm&del=' . $val . '&mode=get">' . __('Delete') . '</a></tr>&nbsp;<td></td><tr></tr>';
    $result .= '</table>';
    show_window(__('Your messages'), $result, 'center');
    pm_set_all_nonew(100, true, true);
    return false;
if (!isset($_POST['to'])) {
    if (isset($_GET['for'])) {
        $for = $_GET['for'];
        $re = '';
        if (isset($_GET['re'])) {
            $re = '[quote=' . $for . ']' . pm_get_msg_by_id(100, false, true, $_GET['re']) . '[/quote]';
        $result = '<form method="post" action="" name="form1">' . rcms_show_bbcode_panel('form1.support_req') . '<input type="hidden" name="to" value="' . $for . '" />
' . __('Message text') . ': <br/><textarea name="support_req" style="width: 90%" cols="60" rows="7">' . $re . '</textarea><p align="center"><input type="submit" value="' . __('Submit') . '" /></p></form>';
        if (getUserData($_GET['for'])) {
            show_window(__('Send private message for ') . $for, $result, 'center');
        if (!getUserData($_GET['for'])) {
            show_window(__('Error'), __('User not exist'), 'center');
if (isset($_POST['to'])) {
    $to = $_POST['to'];
    if (trim($to) != '') {
        pm_post_msg($system->user['username'], $system->user['nickname'], strip_tags($_POST['support_req']), $_POST['to']);
        show_window('', __('Message sent'), 'center');
        return false;
$work_dir = articles_get_work_dir($null);
if (!empty($work_dir) && $work_dir != ARTICLES_PATH) {
    rcms_showAdminMessage($lang['results']['articles'][8] . $work_dir);
// Perform article posting                                                    //
if (!empty($_POST['a_category'])) {
    $res = articles_save($_POST['a_category'], 0, @$_POST['a_title'], @$_POST['a_src'], @$_POST['a_description'], @$_POST['a_text'], @$_POST['a_mode'], @$_POST['a_comments'], $work_dir);
// Interface generation                                                       //
$categories_list = articles_get_categories_list(true, false, $work_dir);
if (!empty($categories_list)) {
    $frm = new InputForm('', 'post', $lang['general']['submit'], '', 'multipart/form-data', 'artadd');
    $frm->addrow($lang['articles']['categ'], $frm->select_tag('a_category', $categories_list), 'top');
    $frm->addrow($lang['articles']['subj'], $frm->text_box('a_title', ''), 'top');
    $frm->addrow($lang['articles']['author'], $frm->text_box('a_src', ''), 'top');
    $frm->addrow('', rcms_show_bbcode_panel('document.artadd.a_description'));
    $frm->addrow($lang['articles']['desc'], $frm->textarea('a_description', '', 70, 5), 'top');
    $frm->addrow('', rcms_show_bbcode_panel('document.artadd.a_text'));
    $frm->addrow($lang['articles']['text'], $frm->textarea('a_text', '', 70, 25), 'top');
    $frm->addrow($lang['articles']['mode'], $frm->radio_button('a_mode', $lang['articles']['modes'], 'text'), 'top');
    $frm->addrow($lang['articles']['allowcomments'], $frm->radio_button('a_comments', array('yes' => $lang['admincp']['allow'], 'no' => $lang['admincp']['disallow']), 'yes'), 'top');
} else {

echo rcms_show_bbcode_panel('document.form1.comtext');
<form method="post" action="" name="form1">
<input type="hidden" name="catid" value="<?php 
echo $_REQUEST['catid'];
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php 
echo $_REQUEST['id'];
<textarea name="comtext" maxlength="1000" cols="70" rows="7"></textarea><br>
<p align="center"><input type="submit" value="<?php 
echo $lang['general']['submit'];
<form method="post" action="" name="new_post" style="text-align: center">
    <input type="hidden" name="new_post_perform" value="1" />
    <input type="hidden" name="new_post_topic" value="<?php 
echo $tpldata[0];
" />
echo rcms_show_bbcode_panel('new_post.new_post_text');
    <textarea name="new_post_text" cols="70" rows="7" style="width: 95%;"><?php 
echo $tpldata[1];
</textarea><br />
    <input type="submit" value="<?php 
echo __('Submit');
" />
    $result .= $lang['results']['articles'][$res] . '<br />';
    if (!empty($_POST['cdel'])) {
        $res = articles_delete_category($_POST['cid'], $work_dir);
        $result .= $lang['results']['articles'][$res] . '<br />';
* Interface                                                                   *
$categories_list = articles_get_categories_list(false, false, $work_dir);
if (empty($categories_list)) {
} else {
    foreach ($categories_list as $data) {
        $frm = new InputForm('', 'post', $lang['general']['submit'], '', 'multipart/form-data', 'cat' . $data['id']);
        $frm->addbreak($lang['admincp']['articles']['managecat']['full'] . $data['title']);
        $frm->hidden('cid', $data['id']);
        $frm->addrow($lang['articles']['cattitle'], $frm->text_box('ctitle', $data['title']));
        $frm->addrow('', rcms_show_bbcode_panel('document.cat' . $data['id'] . '.cdesc'));
        $frm->addrow($lang['articles']['catdesc'], $frm->textarea('cdesc', $data['description']));
        $frm->addrow($lang['articles']['accesslevel'], $frm->text_box('caccess', $data['accesslevel']), 'top');
        if (!$data['icon']) {
            $frm->addrow($lang['articles']['caticon'], $frm->file('cicon'));
        } else {
            $frm->addrow($lang['articles']['caticon'] . ' - ' . $data['icon'] . '<br />' . $lang['articles']['chktodel'], $frm->checkbox('ckillicon', '1', ''));
        $frm->addrow($lang['articles']['delete'], $frm->checkbox('cdel', '1', ''));
Beispiel #14
* If admin delete comment
if (isset($_POST['mcdelete']) && $system->checkForRight('MINICHAT')) {
    post_remove($_POST['mcdelete'], RCMS_MC_DEFAULT_FILE);
* Minichat post form
$result = '';
if (LOGGED_IN || $minichat_config['allow_guests_post']) {
    * BB-codes editor in minichat — for really kamikaze
    if (!empty($minichat_config['editor'])) {
        $result .= rcms_show_bbcode_panel('minichat.mctext') . '<br />';
    $result .= rcms_parse_module_template('minichat-form.tpl', array('allow_guests_enter_name' => $minichat_config['allow_guests_enter_name']));
* Minichat comments
$list = get_last_messages($minichat_config['messages_to_show'], true, false, RCMS_MC_DEFAULT_FILE, 'minichat.ini');
foreach ($list as $id => $message) {
    $message['id'] = $id;
    $result .= rcms_parse_module_template('minichat-mesg.tpl', $message);
* Show all
$result = '<div style="overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; width: 100%">' . $result . '</div>';