Beispiel #1
 function get_html()
     $s = $this->get_config_item_header();
     if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['create']) or isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['create'])) {
         $new_password = random_good_password();
         $this->default_value = $new_password;
         $s .= "Created password: <strong>{$new_password}</strong><br />&nbsp;<br />";
     // dont re-encrypt already encrypted passwords
     $value = $this->value();
     $encrypted = !empty($GLOBALS['properties']["Encrypted Passwords"]) and $GLOBALS['properties']["Encrypted Passwords"]->value();
     if (empty($value)) {
         $encrypted = false;
     $s .= "<input type=\"" . ($encrypted ? "text" : "password") . "\" name=\"" . $this->get_config_item_name() . "\" value=\"" . $value . "\" {$this->jscheck} />" . "&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"submit\" name=\"create\" value=\"Create Random Password\" />";
     if (empty($value)) {
         $s .= "<p id=\"" . $this->get_config_item_id() . "\" style=\"color: red\">Cannot be empty.</p>";
     } elseif (strlen($this->default_value) < 4) {
         $s .= "<p id=\"" . $this->get_config_item_id() . "\" style=\"color: red\">Must be longer than 4 chars.</p>";
     } else {
         $s .= "<p id=\"" . $this->get_config_item_id() . "\" style=\"color: green\">Input accepted.</p>";
     return $s;
Beispiel #2
    return $newpass;
/** PHP5 deprecated old-style globals if !(bool)ini_get('register_long_arrays'). 
 *  See Bug #1180115
 * We want to work with those old ones instead of the new superglobals, 
 * for easier coding.
foreach (array('SERVER', 'GET', 'POST', 'ENV') as $k) {
    if (!isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_' . $k . '_VARS']) and isset($GLOBALS['_' . $k])) {
        $GLOBALS['HTTP_' . $k . '_VARS'] =& $GLOBALS['_' . $k];
if (!empty($posted['create'])) {
    $new_password = random_good_password();
    echo "<p>The newly created random password is:<br />\n<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n<tt><strong>", htmlentities($new_password), "</strong></tt></p>\n";
    $posted['password'] = $new_password;
    $posted['password2'] = $new_password;
if ($posted['password'] != "" && $posted['password'] == $posted['password2']) {
    $password = $posted['password'];
    // Use the maximum salt length the system can handle.
    $salt_length = max(CRYPT_SALT_LENGTH, 2 * CRYPT_STD_DES, 9 * CRYPT_EXT_DES, 12 * CRYPT_MD5, 16 * CRYPT_BLOWFISH);
    // Generate the encrypted password.
    $encrypted_password = crypt($password, rand_ascii($salt_length));
    $debug = $HTTP_GET_VARS['debug'];
    if ($debug) {