Beispiel #1
 * Alter an H5Ps parameters
 * May be used to alter the content itself or the behaviour of the H5P
 * @param type $filtered
 *  json object
function hook_h5p_filtered_params_alter(&$filtered)
    // Example code from the Quiz module
    // Disables the retry and solutions options at the end of H5P questions
    if (_quiz_is_taking_context()) {
        if (isset($filtered->behaviour)) {
            $quiz = quiz_get_quiz_from_menu();
            if (isset($filtered->behaviour->enableRetry)) {
                $filtered->behaviour->enableRetry = FALSE;
            if (isset($filtered->behaviour->enableSolutionsButton)) {
                $filtered->behaviour->enableSolutionsButton = $quiz->display_feedback && $quiz->feedback_time == QUIZ_FEEDBACK_QUESTION;
Beispiel #2
  * Helper function to determine if a user has access to score a quiz.
  * @param $quiz_creator
  *   uid of the quiz creator.
  * @return bool
 public function quizContextAccessToScore($quiz_creator = NULL)
     // Must we check this node, or the parent quiz ?
     if (!isset($this->checkWhat)) {
         if (isset($this->question->nid) && og_is_group_content_type('node', $this->question->type)) {
             $groups = og_get_entity_groups('node', $this->node);
             if (!empty($groups)) {
                 $this->checkWhat = 'self';
         // If empty, check the parent quiz.
         if (!isset($this->checkWhat)) {
             // Try fetching the parent quiz, if any.
             $quiz = $this->getParentQuiz();
             if (isset($quiz)) {
                 $this->checkWhat = 'parent';
             } else {
                 // Use default permissions.
                 $this->checkWhat = 'none';
     if ($this->checkWhat != 'none') {
         if ($this->checkWhat == 'parent') {
             $node = $this->getParentQuiz();
         } else {
             $node = clone $this->question;
         if ($quiz_creator == NULL && ($quiz = quiz_get_quiz_from_menu())) {
             $quiz_creator = $quiz->uid;
         if (!($access = og_quiz_ogs_access($node, array('score taken quiz answer', 'score taken quiz answer')))) {
             $access = og_quiz_ogs_access($node, 'score own quiz');
             if ($access) {
                 global $user;
                 $access = $access && $user->uid == $quiz_creator;
     return isset($access) ? $access : quiz_access_to_score($quiz_creator);