function qa_index_set_request() { if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args = func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); } $relativedepth = 0; if (isset($_GET['qa-rewrite'])) { // URLs rewritten by .htaccess $urlformat = QA_URL_FORMAT_NEAT; $requestparts = explode('/', qa_gpc_to_string($_GET['qa-rewrite'])); unset($_GET['qa-rewrite']); $relativedepth = count($requestparts); // Workaround for fact that Apache unescapes characters while rewriting, based on assumption that $_GET['qa-rewrite'] has // right path depth, which is true do long as there are only escaped characters in the last part of the path if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $origpath = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $_GET = array(); $questionpos = strpos($origpath, '?'); if (is_numeric($questionpos)) { $params = explode('&', substr($origpath, $questionpos + 1)); foreach ($params as $param) { if (preg_match('/^([^\\=]*)(\\=(.*))?$/', $param, $matches)) { $_GET[urldecode($matches[1])] = qa_string_to_gpc(urldecode(@$matches[3])); } } $origpath = substr($origpath, 0, $questionpos); } $requestparts = array_slice(explode('/', urldecode($origpath)), -count($requestparts)); } } elseif (isset($_GET['qa'])) { if (strpos($_GET['qa'], '/') === false) { $urlformat = empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) || strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/index.php') !== false ? QA_URL_FORMAT_SAFEST : QA_URL_FORMAT_PARAMS; $requestparts = array(qa_gpc_to_string($_GET['qa'])); for ($part = 1; $part < 10; $part++) { if (isset($_GET['qa_' . $part])) { $requestparts[] = qa_gpc_to_string($_GET['qa_' . $part]); unset($_GET['qa_' . $part]); } } } else { $urlformat = QA_URL_FORMAT_PARAM; $requestparts = explode('/', qa_gpc_to_string($_GET['qa'])); } unset($_GET['qa']); } else { $phpselfunescaped = strtr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '+', ' '); // seems necessary, and plus does not work with this scheme $indexpath = '/index.php/'; $indexpos = strpos($phpselfunescaped, $indexpath); if (is_numeric($indexpos)) { $urlformat = QA_URL_FORMAT_INDEX; $requestparts = explode('/', substr($phpselfunescaped, $indexpos + strlen($indexpath))); $relativedepth = 1 + count($requestparts); } else { $urlformat = null; // at home page so can't identify path type $requestparts = array(); } } foreach ($requestparts as $part => $requestpart) { // remove any blank parts if (!strlen($requestpart)) { unset($requestparts[$part]); } } reset($requestparts); $key = key($requestparts); $replacement = array_search(@$requestparts[$key], qa_get_request_map()); if ($replacement !== false) { $requestparts[$key] = $replacement; } qa_set_request(implode('/', $requestparts), $relativedepth > 1 ? str_repeat('../', $relativedepth - 1) : './', $urlformat); }
function qa_index_set_request() { if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args = func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); } $relativedepth = 0; if (isset($_GET['qa-rewrite'])) { // URLs rewritten by .htaccess $urlformat = QA_URL_FORMAT_NEAT; $requestparts = explode('/', qa_gpc_to_string($_GET['qa-rewrite'])); unset($_GET['qa-rewrite']); if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { // workaround for the fact that Apache unescapes characters while rewriting $origpath = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $_GET = array(); $questionpos = strpos($origpath, '?'); if (is_numeric($questionpos)) { $params = explode('&', substr($origpath, $questionpos + 1)); foreach ($params as $param) { if (preg_match('/^([^\\=]*)(\\=(.*))?$/', $param, $matches)) { $argument = strtr(urldecode($matches[1]), '.', '_'); // simulate PHP's $_GET behavior $_GET[$argument] = qa_string_to_gpc(urldecode(@$matches[3])); } } $origpath = substr($origpath, 0, $questionpos); } // Generally we assume that $_GET['qa-rewrite'] has the right path depth, but this won't be the case if there's // a & or # somewhere in the middle of the path, due to apache unescaping. So we make a special case for that. $keepparts = count($requestparts); $requestparts = explode('/', urldecode($origpath)); // new request calculated from $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] for ($part = count($requestparts) - 1; $part >= 0; $part--) { if (is_numeric(strpos($requestparts[$part], '&')) || is_numeric(strpos($requestparts[$part], '#'))) { $keepparts += count($requestparts) - $part - 1; // this is how many parts we lost break; } } $requestparts = array_slice($requestparts, -$keepparts); // remove any irrelevant parts from the beginning } $relativedepth = count($requestparts); } elseif (isset($_GET['qa'])) { if (strpos($_GET['qa'], '/') === false) { $urlformat = empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) || strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/index.php') !== false ? QA_URL_FORMAT_SAFEST : QA_URL_FORMAT_PARAMS; $requestparts = array(qa_gpc_to_string($_GET['qa'])); for ($part = 1; $part < 10; $part++) { if (isset($_GET['qa_' . $part])) { $requestparts[] = qa_gpc_to_string($_GET['qa_' . $part]); unset($_GET['qa_' . $part]); } } } else { $urlformat = QA_URL_FORMAT_PARAM; $requestparts = explode('/', qa_gpc_to_string($_GET['qa'])); } unset($_GET['qa']); } else { $phpselfunescaped = strtr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '+', ' '); // seems necessary, and plus does not work with this scheme $indexpath = '/index.php/'; $indexpos = strpos($phpselfunescaped, $indexpath); if (is_numeric($indexpos)) { $urlformat = QA_URL_FORMAT_INDEX; $requestparts = explode('/', substr($phpselfunescaped, $indexpos + strlen($indexpath))); $relativedepth = 1 + count($requestparts); } else { $urlformat = null; // at home page so can't identify path type $requestparts = array(); } } foreach ($requestparts as $part => $requestpart) { // remove any blank parts if (!strlen($requestpart)) { unset($requestparts[$part]); } } reset($requestparts); $key = key($requestparts); $replacement = array_search(@$requestparts[$key], qa_get_request_map()); if ($replacement !== false) { $requestparts[$key] = $replacement; } qa_set_request(implode('/', $requestparts), $relativedepth > 1 ? str_repeat('../', $relativedepth - 1) : './', $urlformat); }
// URLs rewritten by .htaccess $qa_used_url_format = QA_URL_FORMAT_NEAT; $requestparts = explode('/', qa_gpc_to_string($_GET['qa-rewrite'])); unset($_GET['qa-rewrite']); $relativedepth = count($requestparts); // Workaround for fact that Apache unescapes characters while rewriting, based on assumption that $_GET['qa-rewrite'] has // right path depth, which is true do long as there are only escaped characters in the last part of the path if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $origpath = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $_GET = array(); $questionpos = strpos($origpath, '?'); if (is_numeric($questionpos)) { $params = explode('&', substr($origpath, $questionpos + 1)); foreach ($params as $param) { if (preg_match('/^([^\\=]*)(\\=(.*))?$/', $param, $matches)) { $_GET[urldecode($matches[1])] = qa_string_to_gpc(urldecode(@$matches[3])); } } $origpath = substr($origpath, 0, $questionpos); } $requestparts = array_slice(explode('/', urldecode($origpath)), -count($requestparts)); } } elseif (isset($_GET['qa'])) { if (strpos($_GET['qa'], '/') === false) { $qa_used_url_format = empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) || strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/index.php') !== false ? QA_URL_FORMAT_SAFEST : QA_URL_FORMAT_PARAMS; $requestparts = array(qa_gpc_to_string($_GET['qa'])); for ($part = 1; $part < 10; $part++) { if (isset($_GET['qa_' . $part])) { $requestparts[] = qa_gpc_to_string($_GET['qa_' . $part]); unset($_GET['qa_' . $part]); }