Beispiel #1
  * This function checks and prepares the text to be logged
  * @access private
 function _toLog($func, $text, $requestedLogLevel = LOG_NOTICE)
     pwurple_log($func, $text, $requestedLogLevel);
Beispiel #2
function pwurple_start_element($parser, $name, $attr)
    global $wurfl, $curr_event, $curr_device, $curr_group, $fp_cache, $check_patch_params, $checkpatch_result;
    if ($check_patch_params) {
        // if the patch file checks fail I don't merge info retrived
        if (!checkpatch($name, $attr)) {
            pwurple_log('pwurple_start_element', "error on {$name}, " . $attr['id']);
            $curr_device = 'dump_anything';
        } else {
            if ($curr_device == 'dump_anything' && $name != 'device') {
                // this capability is referred to a device that was erroneously defined for some reason, skip it
                pwurple_log('pwurple_start_element', $name . " cannot be merged, the device was skipped because of an error");
    switch ($name) {
        case "ver":
        case "last_updated":
        case "official_url":
        case "statement":
            //cdata will take care of these, I'm just defining the array
            $wurfl[$name] = "";
        case "maintainers":
        case "maintainer":
        case "authors":
        case "author":
        case "contributors":
        case "contributor":
            if (sizeof($attr) > 0) {
                // dirty trick: author is child of authors, contributor is child of contributors
                while ($t = each($attr)) {
                    // example: $wurfl["authors"]["author"]["name"]="Andrea Trasatti";
                    $wurfl[$name . "s"][$name][$attr["name"]][$t[0]] = $t[1];
        case "device":
            if (($attr["user_agent"] == "" || !$attr["user_agent"]) && $attr["id"] != "generic") {
                die("No user agent and I am not generic!! id=" . $attr["id"] . " HELP");
            if (sizeof($attr) > 0) {
                $patch_values = '';
                if (!isset($wurfl["devices"][$attr["id"]])) {
                    $new_device = true;
                while ($t = each($attr)) {
                    if ($check_patch_params && defined('WURFL_PATCH_DEBUG') && WURFL_PATCH_DEBUG === true) {
                        if (!isset($wurfl["devices"][$attr["id"]][$t[0]])) {
                            if ($new_device !== true) {
                                $patch_values .= 'adding ';
                            $patch_values .= $t[0] . '=' . $t[1] . ', ';
                        } else {
                            if ($wurfl["devices"][$attr["id"]][$t[0]] != $t[1]) {
                                $patch_values .= $t[0] . ', ' . $wurfl["devices"][$attr["id"]][$t[0]] . '=>' . $t[1] . ', ';
                    // example: $wurfl["devices"]["ericsson_generic"]["fall_back"]="generic";
                    $wurfl["devices"][$attr["id"]][$t[0]] = $t[1];
            if ($check_patch_params && defined('WURFL_PATCH_DEBUG') && WURFL_PATCH_DEBUG === true) {
                if ($new_device === true) {
                    $log_string = 'Adding device ' . $attr["id"] . ' ';
                    $new_device = false;
                } else {
                    $log_string = 'Updating device ' . $attr["id"] . ' ';
                if (strlen($patch_values) > 0) {
                    $log_string .= ': ' . $patch_values;
                pwurple_log('parse', $log_string);
            $curr_device = $attr["id"];
        case "group":
            // this HAS NOT to be executed or we will define the id as string and then reuse it as array: ERROR
            $curr_group = $attr["id"];
        case "capability":
            if ($attr["value"] == 'true') {
                $value = true;
            } else {
                if ($attr["value"] == 'false') {
                    $value = false;
                } else {
                    $value = $attr["value"];
                    $intval = intval($value);
                    if (strcmp($value, $intval) == 0) {
                        $value = $intval;
            if ($curr_device != 'generic' && !isset($wurfl["devices"]['generic'][$curr_group][$attr["name"]])) {
                pwurple_log('parse', 'Capability ' . $attr["name"] . ' in group ' . $curr_group . ' is not defined in the generic device, can\'t set it for ' . $curr_device . '.');
            } else {
                if ($check_patch_params && defined('WURFL_PATCH_DEBUG') && WURFL_PATCH_DEBUG === true) {
                    if (isset($wurfl["devices"][$curr_device][$curr_group][$attr["name"]])) {
                        pwurple_log('parse', $curr_device . ': updating ' . $attr["name"] . ', ' . $wurfl["devices"][$curr_device][$curr_group][$attr["name"]] . '=>' . $value);
                    } else {
                        pwurple_log('parse', $curr_device . ': setting ' . $attr["name"] . '=' . $value);
                $wurfl["devices"][$curr_device][$curr_group][$attr["name"]] = $value;
        case "devices":
            // This might look useless but it's good when you want to parse only the devices and skip the rest
            if (!isset($wurfl["devices"])) {
                $wurfl["devices"] = array();
        case "pwurple_patch":
            // opening tag of the patch file
        // opening tag of the patch file
        case "wurfl":
            // opening tag of the WURFL, nothing to do
        case "default":
            // unknown events are not welcome
            die($name . " is an unknown event<br>");