Beispiel #1
<div id="divQuizResults">
<h1><a href="/"><span class="fir">The Public Whip</span></a></h1>
<h2>How They Voted 2005</h2>
<h3>(...and so how you should)</h3>
<h4>Quick Election Quiz</h4>

    $error = "";
    if (!$_POST['friendsemail'] || !$_POST['yourname'] || !$_POST['youremail']) {
        $error .= "Please enter all details. ";
    } else {
        if (!pw_validate_email($_POST['friendsemail'])) {
            $error .= "Enter a valid email address for your friend. ";
        if (!pw_validate_email($_POST['youremail'])) {
            $error .= "Enter a valid email address for yourself. ";
    if ($error) {
        print "<p class=\"error\">\n                Form not complete, please correct and try again.  \n                {$error}\n                </p>";
    } else {
        $message = <<<END
Your friend {$_POST['yourname']} <{$_POST['youremail']}> saw this
'how to vote' website and thought of you.

The site asks your opinion on key issues (such as the Iraq war,
Hunting and Foundation Hospitals).  Then it compares your opinion
Beispiel #2
if (user_isloggedin()) {
    header("Location: /account/settings.php\n");
$title = "Subscribe to Newsletter";
$ok = false;
if ($submit) {
    $token = auth_random_token();
    if (!pw_validate_email($email)) {
        $feedback = 'Please enter a valid email address';
    } else {
        $db->query("DELETE FROM pw_dyn_newsletter WHERE email='{$email}'");
        $query = "INSERT INTO pw_dyn_newsletter\n                    (email, token, confirm, subscribed) VALUES ('{$email}', '{$token}', 0, now())";
        $message = "Follow this link to confirm your subscription: " . "\n\n" . urlencode($token) . "\n\nYou will then receive the Public Whip newsletter," . "\nwhich is at most monthly.";
        mail($email, 'Confirm your subscripton to the Public Whip newsletter', $message, 'From: Public Whip <*****@*****.**>');
        $ok = true;
        $title = "Now check your email!";
        $feedback = 'Please click on the link in the email
        we have just sent you to complete your subscription.';
$onload = "givefocus('email')";