function c($param1)
    if ($param1 > 5) {
        $p = put_string("funkcia c() vola funkciu a()\n");
        $p = a($param1 - 1);
    } else {
        return 0;
Beispiel #2
function increment_to_milion($x)
    if ($x === 0) {
        $t = put_string("Done\n", $x);
        return 0;
    } else {
        $t = increment_to_milion($x - 1);
Beispiel #3
function MyMain($str)
    $str1 = $str;
    $str2 = $str1 . ", ktery jeste trochu obohatime";
    $x = put_string($str1, "\n", $str2, "\n");
    $p = find_string($str2, "text");
    $x = put_string("Pozice retezce \"text\" v \$str2: ", $p, "\n");
    $x = put_string("Zadejte posloupnost vsech malych pismen a-h, ");
    $x = put_string("aby se pismena v posloupnosti neopakovala:\n");
    $str1 = get_string();
    $str2 = sort_string($str1);
    while ($str2 !== "abcdefgh") {
        $x = put_string("Spatne zadana posloupnost, zkuste znovu:\n");
        $str1 = get_string();
        $str2 = sort_string($str1);
    return 0;
Beispiel #4
function printAllPermutations($str, $prefix)
    $strLen = strlen($str);
    if ($strLen === 1) {
        $res = put_string($prefix, $str, "\n");
    } else {
        $n = 0;
        while ($n < $strLen) {
            // We have to check case so that $n != $strLen because of get_substring
            if ($n < $strLen - 1) {
                $rest = get_substring($str, 0, $n) . get_substring($str, $n + 1, $strLen);
            } else {
                $rest = get_substring($str, 0, $n);
            $pref = $prefix . get_substring($str, $n, $n + 1);
            $res = printAllPermutations($rest, $pref);
            $n = $n + 1;
Beispiel #5
function g()
    $x = put_string("g()\n");
    $c = $x / 5;
Beispiel #6
if ($x !== 0) {
    $c = put_string("if\n");
} elseif ($x !== 0) {
    $c = put_string("elseif\n");
} else {
    $c = put_string("else\n");
$c = put_string("only else:\n");
if ($x === 0) {
    $c = put_string("if\n");
} elseif ($x === 0) {
    $c = put_string("elseif\n");
} else {
    $c = put_string("else\n");
$c = put_string("only elseif:\n");
if ($x < 0) {
    $c = put_string("if\n");
} elseif ($x > 0) {
    $c = put_string("elseif\n");
} else {
    $c = put_string("else\n");
$c = put_string("only elseif:\n");
if ($x < 0) {
    $c = put_string("if\n");
} elseif ($x > 0) {
    $c = put_string("elseif\n");
$c = put_string("else\n");
Beispiel #7

$x = put_string(strval(true), "\n");
$x = put_string(strval(false), "\n");
$x = put_string(strval(1), "\n");
$x = put_string(strval(0), "\n");
$x = put_string(strval("2"), "\n");
$x = put_string(strval(""), "\n");
$x = put_string(strval(1.1), "\n");
$x = put_string(strval(0.0), "\n");
$x = put_string(strval(null), "\n");
Beispiel #8

$s = doubleval("1e2 ew");
$x = put_string($s, " = 100 \n");
$s = doubleval("e2 ew");
$x = put_string($s, " = 0 \n");
$s = doubleval("1.1e2 ew");
$x = put_string($s, " = 110 \n");
$s = doubleval("1.1.e2 ew");
$x = put_string($s, " = 1.1 \n");
$s = doubleval("1.1e2ew");
$x = put_string($s, " = 110 \n");
$s = doubleval(".e2 ew");
$x = put_string($s, " = 0 \n");
$s = doubleval("1.1e1.2w2 ew");
$x = put_string($s, " = 11 \n");
$s = doubleval("1.1e");
Beispiel #9

function ackermann($m, $n)
    $x = 4;
    $y = 2;
    $z = 14;
    $foo = "lajflajf";
    $boo = "afljadjfj";
    if ($m === 0) {
        return $n + $y * $x + $x * $y - 4 - $x - $x - 3;
    } elseif ($n === 0) {
        return ackermann($m - $y * $x + $x * $y - 4 - $x - $x - 3 + $z, 1);
    return ackermann($m - $y * $x + $x * $y - 4 - $x - $x - 3 + $z, ackermann($m, $n - $y * $x + $x * $y - 4 - $x - $x - 3 + $z));
$p = put_string(ackermann(3, 10), "\n");

$a = "3.";
$b = "1eč";
$c = $a . $b;
$ret = doubleval($c);
$p = put_string($ret);
Beispiel #11
$a = doubleval("  0.2");
$foo = put_string("doubleval(\"  0.2\")", " = ", $a, "\n\n");
$a = doubleval("  0.2e25");
$foo = put_string("doubleval(\"  0.2e25\")", " = ", $a, "\n\n");
$a = doubleval("   0.2.e+45");
$foo = put_string("doubleval(\"   0.2.e+45\")", " = ", $a, "\n\n");
$a = doubleval("   0.2.e-45");
$foo = put_string("doubleval(\"   0.2.e-45\")", " = ", $a, "\n\n");
$a = doubleval("   0.2e-00045");
$foo = put_string("doubleval(\"   0.2e-00045\")", " = ", $a, "\n\n");
$a = doubleval("   0.0");
$foo = put_string("doubleval(\"   0.0\")", " = ", $a, "\n\n");
$a = doubleval("   .3");
$foo = put_string("doubleval(\"   .3\")", " = ", $a, "\n\n");
$a = doubleval("   2e2e2");
$foo = put_string("doubleval(\"   2e2e2\")", " = ", $a, "\n\n");
//*****************chybne stavy - vsetky otestovane******************************
// $a = doubleval("  00.e");
// $foo = put_string( "doubleval(\"00.e\")", " = ", $a , "\n\n" );
// $a = doubleval("  3.1e");
// $foo = put_string( "doubleval(\"3.1e\")", " = ", $a , "\n\n" );
// $a = doubleval("  31");
// $foo = put_string( "doubleval(\"  31\")", " = ", $a , "\n\n" );
// $a = doubleval("  3.");
// $foo = put_string( "doubleval(\"  3.\")", " = ", $a , "\n\n" );
// $a = doubleval("  8e.");
// $foo = put_string( "doubleval(\"  8e.\")", " = ", $a , "\n\n" );
// $a = doubleval("   8..");
// $foo = put_string( "doubleval(\"   8..\")", " = ", $a , "\n\n" );
// $a = doubleval("   9e+.");
// $foo = put_string( "doubleval(\"   9e+.\")", " = ", $a , "\n\n" );

function my_func($b)
    return $b - 2;
$a = my_func($b);
$ret = put_string($a);
Beispiel #13

function ackermann($m, $n)
    if ($m === 0) {
        return $n + 1;
    } elseif ($n === 0) {
        return ackermann($m - 1, 1);
    return ackermann($m - 1, ackermann($m, $n - 1));
$p = put_string(ackermann(4, 1), "\n");
Beispiel #14

$i = 0;
while ($i < 20000) {
    $i = $i + 1;
$x = put_string($i);

$a = 1;
$b = 1;
$c = 1;
function dummy($param)
    return $param + 1;
$foo = dummy($a, dummy($b), dummy($c));
$foo = dummy($foo);
$foo = $foo;
$p = put_string($foo, $a, $b, $c, "\n");
$p = put_string("Jou\n");

$x = "0123456789";
$c = 1 - 2;
$a = get_substring($x, $c, 1);
$b = put_string($a, "\n");
Beispiel #17

function stringy($str)
    $ret = strlen($str);
    if ($ret > 100000) {
        $str = $str . $str;
    } else {
        $ret = stringy($str . "a");
function a($a)
    return $a;
$str = "a" . "b";
$str = a($str);
$x = put_string($str);
$ret = stringy($str);
Beispiel #18

$i = 1;
while (1) {
    if ($i < 200000000) {
        $i = $i + 1;
    } else {
        $p = put_string("hodnota i je :", $i);
        return $i;
Beispiel #19

$a = 5;
$b = 5;
$c = $a - $b;
$d = $a / $c;
$ret = put_string($d);