Beispiel #1
if (!($result = $mysql->query($query))) {
    echo E_REGFAILED;
//post registration
$cookie_domain = '.' . SITE_ROOT . '';
setrawcookie("" . SITE_ROOT . "_name", rawurlencode($c_name), time() + ($c_name ? 7 * 24 * 3600 : -3600), '/', $cookie_domain);
if ($c_email != "sage" && $c_email != "age") {
    setcookie("" . SITE_ROOT . "_email", $c_email, time() + ($c_email ? 7 * 24 * 3600 : -3600), '/', $cookie_domain);
    // 1 week cookie expiration
setcookie("" . SITE_ROOT . "_pass", $c_pass, time() + 7 * 24 * 3600, '/', $cookie_domain);
// 1 week cookie expiration
if (!$resto) {
    require_once 'prune_old.php';
} else {
    //Event stickies
    $eventStick = $mysql->query("SELECT sticky FROM " . SQLLOG . " WHERE no='{$resto}' AND sticky=2");
    if ($mysql->num_rows($eventStick) > 0) {
        require_once 'prune_old.php';
// thumbnail
if ($has_image) {
    rename($dest, $path . $tim . $ext);
    if (USE_THUMB) {
        //We'll still make the thumbnail even if its a spoiler image for user extensions.
        require_once "thumb.php";
Beispiel #2
function regist($name, $email, $sub, $com, $url, $pwd, $upfile, $upfile_name, $resto, $num)
    global $path, $badstring, $badfile, $badip, $pwdc, $textonly, $auth;
    if ($pwd == PANEL_PASS) {
        $admin = $pwd;
    if ($admin != PANEL_PASS || !valid()) {
        $admin = '';
    $mes = "";
    if (valid('moderator')) {
        $moderator = 1;
        if (valid('admin')) {
            $moderator = 2;
        if (valid('manager')) {
            $moderator = 3;
    if (isset($_POST['isSticky']) || isset($_POST['isLocked']) && valid('moderator')) {
        if (isset($_POST['isSticky'])) {
            $stickied = 1;
        if (isset($_POST['isLocked'])) {
            $locked = 1;
    if (!$upfile && !$resto) {
        // allow textonly threads for moderators!
        if (valid('textonly')) {
            $textonly = 1;
    // time
    $time = time();
    $tim = $time . substr(microtime(), 2, 3);
    // check closed
    $resto = (int) $resto;
    if ($resto) {
        if (!($cchk = mysql_call("select locked from " . SQLLOG . " where no=" . $resto))) {
            echo S_SQLFAIL;
        list($locked) = mysql_fetch_row($cchk);
        if ($locked == 1 && !$admin) {
            error("You can't reply to this thread anymore.", $upfile);
    // upload processing
    $has_image = $upfile && file_exists($upfile);
    if ($has_image) {
        // check image limit
        if ($resto) {
            if (!($result = mysql_call("select COUNT(*) from " . SQLLOG . " where resto={$resto} and fsize!=0"))) {
                echo S_SQLFAIL;
            $countimgres = mysql_result($result, 0, 0);
            if ($countimgres > MAX_IMGRES) {
                error("Max limit of " . MAX_IMGRES . " image replies has been reached.", $upfile);
        //upload processing
        $dest = tempnam(substr($path, 0, -1), "img");
        //$dest = $path.$tim.'.tmp';
        if (OEKAKI_BOARD == 1 && $_POST['oe_chk']) {
            rename($upfile, $dest);
            chmod($dest, 0644);
            if ($pchfile) {
                rename($pchfile, "{$dest}.pch");
        } else {
            move_uploaded_file($upfile, $dest);
        // otherwise $dest looks like 0 bytes!
        $upfile_name = CleanStr($upfile_name);
        $fsize = filesize($dest);
        if (!is_file($dest)) {
            error(S_UPFAIL, $dest);
        if (!$fsize || $fsize > MAX_KB * 1024) {
            error(S_TOOBIG, $dest);
        // PDF processing
        if (ENABLE_PDF == 1 && strcasecmp('.pdf', substr($upfile_name, -4)) == 0) {
            $ext = '.pdf';
            $W = $H = 1;
            $md5 = md5_of_file($dest);
            // run through ghostscript to check for validity
            if (pclose(popen("/usr/local/bin/gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=nullpage {$dest}", 'w'))) {
                error(S_UPFAIL, $dest);
        } else {
            $size = getimagesize($dest);
            if (!is_array($size)) {
                error(S_NOREC, $dest);
            $md5 = md5_of_file($dest);
            $W = $size[0];
            $H = $size[1];
            switch ($size[2]) {
                case 1:
                    $ext = ".gif";
                case 2:
                    $ext = ".jpg";
                case 3:
                    $ext = ".png";
                case 4:
                    $ext = ".swf";
                    error(S_UPFAIL, $dest);
                case 5:
                    $ext = ".psd";
                    error(S_UPFAIL, $dest);
                case 6:
                    $ext = ".bmp";
                    error(S_UPFAIL, $dest);
                case 7:
                    $ext = ".tiff";
                    error(S_UPFAIL, $dest);
                case 8:
                    $ext = ".tiff";
                    error(S_UPFAIL, $dest);
                case 9:
                    $ext = ".jpc";
                    error(S_UPFAIL, $dest);
                case 10:
                    $ext = ".jp2";
                    error(S_UPFAIL, $dest);
                case 11:
                    $ext = ".jpx";
                    error(S_UPFAIL, $dest);
                case 13:
                    $ext = ".swf";
                    error(S_UPFAIL, $dest);
                    $ext = ".xxx";
                    error(S_UPFAIL, $dest);
            if (GIF_ONLY == 1 && $size[2] != 1) {
                error(S_UPFAIL, $dest);
        // end processing -else
        // Picture reduction
        if (!$resto) {
            $maxw = MAX_W;
            $maxh = MAX_H;
        } else {
            $maxw = MAXR_W;
            $maxh = MAXR_H;
        if (defined('MIN_W') && MIN_W > $W) {
            error(S_UPFAIL, $dest);
        if (defined('MIN_H') && MIN_H > $H) {
            error(S_UPFAIL, $dest);
        if (defined('MAX_DIMENSION')) {
            $maxdimension = MAX_DIMENSION;
        } else {
            $maxdimension = 5000;
        if ($W > $maxdimension || $H > $maxdimension) {
            error(S_TOOBIGRES, $dest);
        } elseif ($W > $maxw || $H > $maxh) {
            $W2 = $maxw / $W;
            $H2 = $maxh / $H;
            $W2 < $H2 ? $key = $W2 : ($key = $H2);
            $W = ceil($W * $key);
            $H = ceil($H * $key);
        $mes = $upfile_name . ' ' . S_UPGOOD;
    if ($_FILES["upfile"]["error"] > 0) {
        if ($_FILES["upfile"]["error"] == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE) {
            error(S_TOOBIG, $dest);
        if ($_FILES["upfile"]["error"] == UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE) {
            error(S_TOOBIG, $dest);
        if ($_FILES["upfile"]["error"] == UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL) {
            error(S_UPFAIL, $dest);
        if ($_FILES["upfile"]["error"] == UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE) {
            error(S_UPFAIL, $dest);
    if ($upfile_name && $_FILES["upfile"]["size"] == 0) {
        error(S_TOOBIGORNONE, $dest);
    //The last result number
    $lastno = mysql_result(mysql_call("select max(no) from " . SQLLOG), 0, 0);
    // Number of log lines
    if (!($result = mysql_call("select no,ext,tim from " . SQLLOG . " where no<=" . ($lastno - LOG_MAX)))) {
        echo S_SQLFAIL;
    } else {
        while ($resrow = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
            list($dno, $dext, $dtim) = $resrow;
            if (!mysql_query("delete from " . SQLLOG . " where no=" . $dno)) {
                echo S_SQLFAIL;
            if ($dext) {
                if (is_file($path . $dtim . $dext)) {
                    unlink($path . $dtim . $dext);
                if (is_file(THUMB_DIR . $dtim . 's.jpg')) {
                    unlink(THUMB_DIR . $dtim . 's.jpg');
    $find = false;
    $resto = (int) $resto;
    if ($resto) {
        if (!($result = mysql_call("select * from " . SQLLOG . " where root>0 and no={$resto}"))) {
            echo S_SQLFAIL;
        } else {
            $find = mysql_fetch_row($result);
        if (!$find) {
            error(S_NOTHREADERR, $dest);
    /*	foreach ( $badstring as $value ) {
    	if ( ereg( $value, $com ) || ereg( $value, $sub ) || ereg( $value, $name ) || ereg( $value, $email ) ) {
    	error( S_STRREF, $dest );
    if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] != "POST") {
        error(S_UNJUST, $dest);
    // Form content check
    if (!$name || ereg("^[ |&#12288;|]*\$", $name)) {
        $name = "";
    if (!$com || ereg("^[ |&#12288;|\t]*\$", $com)) {
        $com = "";
    if (!$sub || ereg("^[ |&#12288;|]*\$", $sub)) {
        $sub = "";
    if (!$resto && !$textonly && !is_file($dest)) {
        error(S_NOPIC, $dest);
    if (!$com && !is_file($dest)) {
        error(S_NOTEXT, $dest);
    $name = ereg_replace(S_MANAGEMENT, "\"" . S_MANAGEMENT . "\"", $name);
    $name = ereg_replace(S_DELETION, "\"" . S_DELETION . "\"", $name);
    if (strlen($com) > S_POSTLENGTH) {
        error(S_TOOLONG, $dest);
    if (strlen($name) > 100) {
        error(S_TOOLONG, $dest);
    if (strlen($email) > 100) {
        error(S_TOOLONG, $dest);
    if (strlen($sub) > 100) {
        error(S_TOOLONG, $dest);
    if (strlen($resto) > 10) {
        error(S_UNUSUAL, $dest);
    if (strlen($url) > 10) {
        error(S_UNUSUAL, $dest);
    //host check
    $host = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
    $badip = mysql_call("SELECT ip FROM " . SQLBANLOG . " WHERE ip = '{$host}' and banlength <> 0 ");
    if ($moderator) {
        $host = '###.###.###.###';
    // Don't store mod/admin ips
    $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM " . SQLLOG . " WHERE no=" . $resto);
    $result = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
    if ($result["locked"] == '1') {
        error(S_THREADLOCKED, $dest);
    //Check if user IP is in bans table
    if (mysql_num_rows($badip) == 0) {
        // Not Banned
    } else {
        //NOW YOU F****D UP
        error(S_BADHOST, $dest);
    if (eregi("^mail", $host) || eregi("^ns", $host) || eregi("^dns", $host) || eregi("^ftp", $host) || eregi("^prox", $host) || eregi("^pc", $host) || eregi("^[^\\.]\\.[^\\.]\$", $host)) {
        $pxck = "on";
    if (eregi("ne\\.jp\$", $host) || eregi("ad\\.jp\$", $host) || eregi("bbtec\\.net\$", $host) || eregi("aol\\.com\$", $host) || eregi("uu\\.net\$", $host) || eregi("asahi-net\\.or\\.jp\$", $host) || eregi("rim\\.or\\.jp\$", $host)) {
        $pxck = "off";
    } else {
        $pxck = "on";
    if ($pxck == "on" && PROXY_CHECK) {
        if (proxy_connect('80') == 1) {
            error(S_PROXY80, $dest);
        } elseif (proxy_connect('8080') == 1) {
            error(S_PROXY8080, $dest);
    // No, path, time, and url format
    srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
    if ($pwd == "") {
        if ($pwdc == "") {
            $pwd = rand();
            $pwd = substr($pwd, 0, 8);
        } else {
            $pwd = $pwdc;
    $c_pass = $pwd;
    $pass = $pwd ? substr(md5($pwd), 2, 8) : "*";
    $youbi = array(S_SUN, S_MON, S_TUE, S_WED, S_THU, S_FRI, S_SAT);
    $yd = $youbi[date("w", $time)];
    if (SHOW_SECONDS == 1) {
        $now = date("m/d/y", $time) . "(" . (string) $yd . ")" . date("H:i:s", $time);
    } else {
        $now = date("m/d/y", $time) . "(" . (string) $yd . ")" . date("H:i", $time);
    if (DISP_ID) {
        if ($email && DISP_ID == 1) {
            $now .= " ID:???";
        } else {
            $now .= " ID:" . substr(crypt(md5($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . 'id' . date("Ymd", $time)), 'id'), +3);
    $c_name = $name;
    $c_email = $email;
    //Text plastic surgery (rorororor)
    $email = CleanStr($email);
    $email = ereg_replace("[\r\n]", "", $email);
    $sub = CleanStr($sub);
    $sub = ereg_replace("[\r\n]", "", $sub);
    $url = CleanStr($url);
    $url = ereg_replace("[\r\n]", "", $url);
    $resto = CleanStr($resto);
    $resto = ereg_replace("[\r\n]", "", $resto);
    $com = CleanStr($com, 1);
    if (SPOILERS == 1 && $spoiler) {
        $sub = "SPOILER<>{$sub}";
    // Standardize new character lines
    $com = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $com);
    $com = str_replace("\r", "\n", $com);
    //$com = preg_replace("/\A([0-9A-Za-z]{10})+\Z/", "!s8AAL8z!", $com);
    // Continuous lines
    $com = ereg_replace("\n((&#12288;| )*\n){3,}", "\n", $com);
    if (!$admin && substr_count($com, "\n") > MAX_LINES) {
        error("Error: Too many lines.", $dest);
    $com = nl2br($com);
    //br is substituted before newline char
    $com = str_replace("\n", "", $com);
    //\n is erased
    // Continuous lines
    $com = ereg_replace("\n((&#12288;| )*\n){3,}", "\n", $com);
    if (!$admin && substr_count($com, "\n") > MAX_LINES) {
        error("Error: Too many lines.", $dest);
    $name = ereg_replace("[\r\n]", "", $name);
    $names = iconv("UTF-8", "CP932//IGNORE", $name);
    // convert to Windows Japanese #&#65355;&#65345;&#65357;&#65353;
    //start new tripcode crap
    list($name) = explode("#", $name);
    $name = CleanStr($name);
    if (preg_match("/\\#+\$/", $names)) {
        $names = preg_replace("/\\#+\$/", "", $names);
    if (preg_match("/\\#/", $names)) {
        $names = str_replace("&#", "&&", htmlspecialchars($names));
        # otherwise HTML numeric entities screw up explode()!
        list($nametemp, $trip, $sectrip) = str_replace("&&", "&#", explode("#", $names, 3));
        $names = $nametemp;
        $name .= "</span>";
        if ($trip != "") {
            if (FORTUNE_TRIP == 1 && $trip == "fortune") {
                $fortunes = array("Bad Luck", "Average Luck", "Good Luck", "Excellent Luck", "Reply hazy, try again", "Godly Luck", "Very Bad Luck", "Outlook good", "Better not tell you now", "You will meet a dark handsome stranger", "&#65399;&#65408;&#9473;&#9473;&#9473;&#9473;&#9473;&#9473;(&#65439;&#8704;&#65439;)&#9473;&#9473;&#9473;&#9473;&#9473;&#9473; !!!!", "&#65288;&#12288;´_&#12445;`&#65289;&#65420;&#65392;&#65437; ", "Good news will come to you by mail", "Hope you're insured", "Great things await", "Don't leave the house today.");
                $fortunenum = rand(0, sizeof($fortunes) - 1);
                $fortcol = "#" . sprintf("%02x%02x%02x", 127 + 127 * sin(2 * M_PI * $fortunenum / sizeof($fortunes)), 127 + 127 * sin(2 * M_PI * $fortunenum / sizeof($fortunes) + 2 / 3 * M_PI), 127 + 127 * sin(2 * M_PI * $fortunenum / sizeof($fortunes) + 4 / 3 * M_PI));
                $com = "<font color={$fortcol}><b>Your fortune: " . $fortunes[$fortunenum] . "</b></font><br /><br />" . $com;
                $trip = "";
                if ($sectrip == "") {
                    if ($name == "</span>" && $sectrip == "") {
                        $name = S_ANONAME;
                    } else {
                        $name = str_replace("</span>", "", $name);
            } else {
                if ($trip == "fortune") {
                    //remove fortune even if FORTUNE_TRIP is off
                    $trip = "";
                    if ($sectrip == "") {
                        if ($name == "</span>" && $sectrip == "") {
                            $name = S_ANONAME;
                        } else {
                            $name = str_replace("</span>", "", $name);
                } else {
                    $salt = strtr(preg_replace("/[^\\.-z]/", ".", substr($trip . "H.", 1, 2)), ":;<=>?@[\\]^_`", "ABCDEFGabcdef");
                    $trip = substr(crypt($trip, $salt), -10);
                    $name .= " <span class=\"postertrip\">!" . $trip;
        if ($sectrip != "") {
            #this is ONLY used if the host doesn't have openssl
            #I don't know a better way to get random data
            if (file_exists(SALTFILE)) {
                #already generated a key
                $salt = file_get_contents(SALTFILE);
            } else {
                system("openssl rand 448 > '" . SALTFILE . "'", $err);
                if ($err === 0) {
                    chmod(SALTFILE, 0400);
                    $salt = file_get_contents(SALTFILE);
            $sha = base64_encode(pack("H*", sha1($sectrip . $salt)));
            $sha = substr($sha, 0, 11);
            if ($trip == "") {
                $name .= " <span class=\"postertrip\" text-color=#117743>";
            $name .= "!!" . $sha;
    if ($email == 'noko') {
        $noko = 1;
        $email = '';
    } else {
        if ($email == 'nokosage') {
            $noko = 1;
            $email = 'sage';
    if ($moderator) {
        if ($moderator == 1 && isset($_POST['showCap'])) {
            $name = '<b><font color="770099">Anonymous ## Mod </font></b>';
        if ($moderator == 2 && isset($_POST['showCap'])) {
            $name = '<b><font color="FF101A">Anonymous ## Admin  </font></b>';
        if ($moderator == 3 && isset($_POST['showCap'])) {
            $name = '<b><font color="2E2EFE">Anonymous ## Manager  </font></b>';
    if (!$name) {
        $name = S_ANONAME;
    if (!$com) {
        $com = S_ANOTEXT;
    if (!$sub) {
        $sub = S_ANOTITLE;
    if (FORCED_ANON == 1) {
        $name = "</span>{$now}<span>";
        $sub = '';
        $now = '';
    $com = wordwrap2($com, 100, "<br />");
    $com = preg_replace("!(^|>)(&gt;[^<]*)!", "\\1<font class=\"unkfunc\">\\2</font>", $com);
    $is_sage = stripos($email, "sage") !== FALSE;
    $may_flood = valid('floodbypass');
    if (!$may_flood) {
        if ($com) {
            // Check for duplicate comments
            $query = "select count(no)>0 from " . SQLLOG . " where com='" . mysql_real_escape_string($com) . "' " . "and host='" . mysql_real_escape_string($host) . "' " . "and time>" . ($time - RENZOKU_DUPE);
            $result = mysql_call($query);
            if (mysql_result($result, 0, 0)) {
                error(S_RENZOKU, $dest);
        if (!$has_image) {
            // Check for flood limit on replies
            $query = "select count(no)>0 from " . SQLLOG . " where time>" . ($time - RENZOKU) . " " . "and host='" . mysql_real_escape_string($host) . "' and resto>0";
            $result = mysql_call($query);
            if (mysql_result($result, 0, 0)) {
                error(S_RENZOKU, $dest);
        if ($is_sage) {
            // Check flood limit on sage posts
            $query = "select count(no)>0 from " . SQLLOG . " where time>" . ($time - RENZOKU_SAGE) . " " . "and host='" . mysql_real_escape_string($host) . "' and resto>0 and permasage=1";
            $result = mysql_call($query);
            if (mysql_result($result, 0, 0)) {
                error(S_RENZOKU, $dest);
        if (!$resto) {
            // Check flood limit on new threads
            $query = "select count(no)>0 from " . SQLLOG . " where time>" . ($time - RENZOKU3) . " " . "and host='" . mysql_real_escape_string($host) . "' and root>0";
            //root>0 == non-sticky
            $result = mysql_call($query);
            if (mysql_result($result, 0, 0)) {
                error(S_RENZOKU3, $dest);
    // Upload processing
    if ($has_image) {
        if (!$may_flood) {
            $query = "select count(no)>0 from " . SQLLOG . " where time>" . ($time - RENZOKU2) . " " . "and host='" . mysql_real_escape_string($host) . "' and resto>0";
            $result = mysql_call($query);
            if (mysql_result($result, 0, 0)) {
                error(S_RENZOKU2, $dest);
        //Duplicate image check
        if (DUPE_CHECK) {
            $result = mysql_call("select no,resto from " . SQLLOG . " where md5='{$md5}'");
            if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
                list($dupeno, $duperesto) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
                if (!$duperesto) {
                    $duperesto = $dupeno;
                error('<a href="' . DATA_SERVER . BOARD_DIR . "/res/" . $duperesto . PHP_EXT . '#' . $dupeno . '">' . S_DUPE . '</a>', $dest);
    $rootqu = $resto ? "0" : "now()";
    if ($stickied) {
        $rootqu = '20270727070707';
    //Bump processing
    if ($resto) {
        //sage or age action
        $resline = mysql_call("select count(no) from " . SQLLOG . " where resto=" . $resto);
        $countres = mysql_result($resline, 0, 0);
        $resline = mysql_call("select sticky,permasage from " . SQLLOG . " where no=" . $resto);
        list($sticky, $permasage) = mysql_fetch_row($resline);
        if (stripos($email, 'sage') === FALSE && $countres < MAX_RES && $sticky != "1" && $permasage != "1" || $admin && $age && $sticky != "1") {
            $query = "update " . SQLLOG . " set root=now() where no={$resto}";
    //Main insert
    $query = "insert into " . SQLLOG . " (now,name,email,sub,com,host,pwd,ext,w,h,tim,time,md5,fsize,fname,sticky,permasage,locked,root,resto) values (" . "'" . $now . "'," . "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($name) . "'," . "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($email) . "'," . "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($sub) . "'," . "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($com) . "'," . "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($host) . "'," . "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($pass) . "'," . "'" . $ext . "'," . (int) $W . "," . (int) $H . "," . "'" . $tim . "'," . (int) $time . "," . "'" . $md5 . "'," . (int) $fsize . "," . "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($upfile_name) . "'," . (int) $stickied . "," . (int) $permasage . "," . (int) $locked . "," . $rootqu . "," . (int) mysql_real_escape_string($resto) . ")";
    if (!($result = mysql_call($query))) {
        echo S_SQLFAIL;
    //post registration
    $cookie_domain = '.' . SITE_ROOT . '';
    setrawcookie("" . SITE_ROOT . "_name", rawurlencode($c_name), time() + ($c_name ? 7 * 24 * 3600 : -3600), '/', $cookie_domain);
    if ($c_email != "sage" && $c_email != "age") {
        setcookie("" . SITE_ROOT . "_email", $c_email, time() + ($c_email ? 7 * 24 * 3600 : -3600), '/', $cookie_domain);
        // 1 week cookie expiration
    setcookie("" . SITE_ROOT . "_pass", $c_pass, time() + 7 * 24 * 3600, '/', $cookie_domain);
    // 1 week cookie expiration
    if (!$resto) {
    // thumbnail
    if ($has_image) {
        rename($dest, $path . $tim . $ext);
        if (USE_THUMB) {
            $tn_name = thumb($path, $tim, $ext, $resto);
            if (!$tn_name && $ext != ".pdf") {
    $static_rebuild = defined("STATIC_REBUILD") && STATIC_REBUILD == 1;
    //Finding the last entry number
    if (!($result = mysql_call("select max(no) from " . SQLLOG))) {
        echo S_SQLFAIL;
    $hacky = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $insertid = (int) $hacky[0];
    $deferred = false;
    // update html
    if ($resto) {
        $deferred = updatelog($resto, $static_rebuild);
    } else {
        $deferred = updatelog($insertid, $static_rebuild);
    if ($noko && !$resto) {
        $redirect = DATA_SERVER . BOARD_DIR . "/res/" . $insertid . PHP_EXT;
    } else {
        if ($noko == 1) {
            $redirect = DATA_SERVER . BOARD_DIR . "/res/" . $resto . PHP_EXT . '#' . $insertid;
        } else {
            $redirect = PHP_SELF2_ABS;
    if ($deferred) {
        echo "<html><head><META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" content=\"2;URL={$redirect}\"></head>";
        echo "<body>{$mes} " . S_SCRCHANGE . "<br>Your post may not appear immediately.<!-- thread:{$resto},no:{$insertid} --></body></html>";
    } else {
        echo "<html><head><META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" content=\"1;URL={$redirect}\"></head>";
        echo "<body>{$mes} " . S_SCRCHANGE . "<!-- thread:{$resto},no:{$insertid} --></body></html>";