Beispiel #1
function createController($name, $views)
    global $path;
    $model = array('name' => $name);
    $template = APP_DIR . '/templates/controller.php';
    $outputFile = $path . '/controllers/' . $name . 'Controller.php';
    processTemplate($template, $model, $outputFile);
    echo "Creating controller {$name}\n";
    if ($views) {
        $model['modelType'] = strtolower($name);
        $outputFile = $path . '/views/' . $model['modelType'] . '/list.php';
        $template = APP_DIR . '/templates/list.php';
        processTemplate($template, $model, $outputFile);
        $outputFile = $path . '/views/' . $model['modelType'] . '/edit.php';
        $template = APP_DIR . '/templates/edit.php';
        processTemplate($template, $model, $outputFile);
        $outputFile = $path . '/views/' . $model['modelType'] . '/view.php';
        $template = APP_DIR . '/templates/view.php';
        processTemplate($template, $model, $outputFile);
function processAdaptationset($Adapt, $periodProfiles, $periodBitstreamSwitching)
    global $Adapt_arr, $Period_arr, $Adapt_urlbase, $adaptsetdepth, $Timeoffset, $perioddepth;
    $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0');
    $Adapt = $dom->importNode($Adapt, true);
    $Adapt = $dom->appendChild($Adapt);
    if ($Adapt->hasAttributes()) {
        //Get some attributes from Adaptationset
        $startWithSAP = $Adapt->getAttribute('startWithSAP');
        $segmentAlignment = $Adapt->getAttribute('segmentAlignment');
        $subsegmentAlignment = $Adapt->getAttribute('subsegmentAlignment');
        $idadapt = $Adapt->getAttribute('id');
        $scanType = $Adapt->getAttribute('scanType');
        $mimeType = $Adapt->getAttribute('mimeType');
        $codecs_AdaptSet = $Adapt->getAttribute('codecs');
        // Get codecs, if present in Adaptation Set level
        if (empty($codecs_AdaptSet)) {
            $codecs_AdaptSet = 0;
        $height_AdaptSet = $Adapt->getAttribute('height');
        // Get height, if present in Adaptation Set level
        if (empty($height_AdaptSet)) {
            $height_AdaptSet = 0;
        $width_AdaptSet = $Adapt->getAttribute('width');
        // Get width, if present in Adaptation Set level
        if (empty($width_AdaptSet)) {
            $width_AdaptSet = 0;
        $adapsetProfiles = $Adapt->getAttribute('profiles');
        if ($adapsetProfiles === "") {
            $adapsetProfiles = $periodProfiles;
        $bitstreamSwitching = $Adapt->getAttribute('bitstreamSwitching');
        if ($bitstreamSwitching === "") {
            $bitstreamSwitching = $periodBitstreamSwitching;
        $ContentProtection = $dom->getElementsByTagName("ContentProtection");
        // Search for Content Protection element
        $Contentcomponent = $dom->getElementsByTagName("ContentComponent");
        //Search for content component attribute
        $tr = $dom->childNodes->item(0)->nodeName;
        if ($Contentcomponent->length > 0) {
            //Check if content component exist
            $tempContentcomponent = $Contentcomponent->item(0);
            $contentType = $tempContentcomponent->getAttribute('contentType');
            //Get content type
        $Adapt_segmentbase = $Adapt->getElementsByTagName('SegmentBase');
        //If segment base exist
        $Adapt_Timeoffset = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $Adapt_segmentbase->length; $i++) {
            $base = $Adapt_segmentbase->item(0);
            $par = $base->parentNode;
            $name = $par->tagName;
            if ($name === 'AdaptationSet') {
                // Check if segment base is direct child of Adapatationset
                $basearray = processSegmentBase($base);
                //Process segmentbase
                if (!empty($basearray[0])) {
                    $Adapt_Timeoffset = $basearray[0];
                //Get timeoffset
                if (!empty($basearray[1])) {
                    $timescale = $basearray[1];
                //get timescale
                if (!empty($basearray[2])) {
                    $indexRange_AdaptSet = $basearray[2];
                    //return array contains indexRange
        if ($Adapt_Timeoffset === 0) {
            // if timeoffset exist then It has to replace the one existed on higher nodes
            $Adapt_Timeoffset = $Timeoffset;
        $baseurl = $Adapt->getElementsByTagName("BaseURL");
        // check and process baseurl node if it exist in adapationset level
        //        $adaptsetdepth = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < $baseurl->length; $i++) {
            $base = $baseurl->item($i);
            $par = $base->parentNode;
            $name = $par->tagName;
            if ($name == 'AdaptationSet') {
                //Confirm Baseurl is direct child of adapationset
                $Adaptbase = $base->nodeValue;
                $adaptsetdepth[] = $Adaptbase;
                // Cumulative baseURL
                if (isAbsoluteURL($Adaptbase)) {
                    // if baseurl is absolute URL, do not use the location of MPD as base URL:
                    $dir = "";
                    $perioddepth[0] = "";
        $rep_seg_temp = array();
        $segmenttemplate = $dom->getElementsByTagName("SegmentTemplate");
        //Check if segment template exist in adaptationSet level
        if ($segmenttemplate->length > 0) {
            $Adapt_seg_temp_setflag = 0;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $segmenttemplate->length; $i++) {
                $seg_arr = array();
                $seg = $segmenttemplate->item($i);
                $par = $seg->parentNode;
                $name = $par->tagName;
                if ($name == "AdaptationSet") {
                    $Adapt_seg_temp = processTemplate($seg);
                    $Adapt_seg_temp_setflag = 1;
                } else {
                    if (!$Adapt_seg_temp_setflag) {
                        $Adapt_seg_temp = null;
        } else {
            $Adapt_seg_temp = 0;
        //Check if AudioChannelConfiguration exists at AdapatationSet level.
        $audioChannelConfig_Adapt = $Adapt->getElementsByTagName("AudioChannelConfiguration");
        if ($audioChannelConfig_Adapt->length > 0) {
            $audioCh_Adapt_item = $audioChannelConfig_Adapt->item(0);
            $parNode = $audioCh_Adapt_item->parentNode;
            $parName = $parNode->tagName;
            if ($parName == "AdaptationSet") {
                $audioCh_Adapt_value = $audioCh_Adapt_item->getAttribute('value');
            } else {
                $audioCh_Adapt_value = 0;
        } else {
            $audioCh_Adapt_value = 0;
        $Representation = $dom->getElementsByTagName("Representation");
        //Get representations node within Adapatationset
        if ($Representation->length > 0) {
            $rep_url = array();
            $rep_seg_temp = array();
            //Iterate on all representations within the given Adapatationset
            for ($i = 0; $i < $Representation->length; $i++) {
                $lastbase = array();
                // Contains the latest BaseURL if exist
                $temprep = $Representation->item($i);
                $repbaseurl = $temprep->getElementsByTagName('BaseURL');
                //check if representation contains BaseURL
                $Rep_segmentbase = $temprep->getElementsByTagName('SegmentBase');
                //Check if segment Base exist
                if ($Rep_segmentbase->length > 0) {
                    $base = $Rep_segmentbase->item(0);
                    $segarray[] = processSegmentBase($base);
                    // Process segment base
                    if (!empty($segarray[$i][0])) {
                        $Rep_Timeoffset[] = $segarray[$i][0];
                    } else {
                        $Rep_Timeoffset[] = $Adapt_Timeoffset;
                    // if not exist get the upper timeoffset
                    if (!empty($segarray[$i][1])) {
                        $timescale = $segarray[$i][1];
                    // get timescale if exist
                    if (!empty($segarray[$i][2])) {
                        $indexRange_RepSet[] = $segarray[$i][2];
                    //get index range if it exists
                } else {
                    $Rep_Timeoffset[] = $Adapt_Timeoffset;
                // if not exist get the upper timeoffset
                for ($j = 0; $j < $repbaseurl->length; $j++) {
                    // Get baseurl and Iterate it
                    $base = $repbaseurl->item($j);
                    // baseURL
                    $lastbase[] = $base->nodeValue;
                    // the last compnent in BaseURL
                $rep_url[] = $lastbase;
                // add them in baseURL
                $repsegment = $temprep->getElementsByTagName("SegmentTemplate");
                //In case presentation use SegmentTemplate
                $pass_seg = $repsegment->item(0);
                if ($repsegment->length > 0) {
                    $rep_seg_temp[$i] = processTemplate($pass_seg);
                //Process segmentTemplate
                $idvar = $temprep->getAttribute('id');
                // Get presentation ID
                if (empty($idvar)) {
                    $idvar = 0;
                $id[$i] = $idvar;
                // save id within array of ID
                //Get some Attributes from Presentation
                $repStartWithSAP[$i] = $temprep->getAttribute('startWithSAP');
                if ($repStartWithSAP[$i] === "") {
                    $repStartWithSAP[$i] = $startWithSAP;
                $repProfiles[$i] = $temprep->getAttribute('profiles');
                if ($repProfiles[$i] === "") {
                    $repProfiles[$i] = $adapsetProfiles;
                $codecsvar = $temprep->getAttribute('codecs');
                if (empty($codecsvar)) {
                    $codecsvar = 0;
                $codecs[$i] = $codecsvar;
                $widthvar = $temprep->getAttribute('width');
                if (empty($widthvar)) {
                    $widthvar = 0;
                $width[$i] = $widthvar;
                $heightvar = $temprep->getAttribute('height');
                if (empty($heightvar)) {
                    $heightvar = 0;
                $height[$i] = $heightvar;
                if (empty($scantypevar)) {
                    $scantypevar = $temprep->getAttribute('scanType');
                if (empty($scantypevar)) {
                    $scantypevar = 0;
                $scanType = $scantypevar;
                $frameRatevar = $temprep->getAttribute('frameRate');
                if (empty($frameRatevar)) {
                    $frameRatevar = 0;
                $frameRate[$i] = $frameRatevar;
                $sarvar = $temprep->getAttribute('sar');
                if (empty($sarvar)) {
                    $sarvar = 0;
                $sar[$i] = $sarvar;
                $bandwidthvar = $temprep->getAttribute('bandwidth');
                if (empty($bandwidthvar)) {
                    $bandwidthvar = 0;
                $bandwidth[$i] = $bandwidthvar;
                if ($temprep->hasAttribute('timescale')) {
                    $timescale = $temprep->getAttribute('timescale');
                $ContentProtectionElementCountRep[$i] = $temprep->getElementsByTagName("ContentProtection")->length;
                //Process ContentProtection
                if ($ContentProtectionElementCountRep[$i] == 0) {
                    $ContentProtectionElementCountRep[$i] = $ContentProtection->length;
                $audioChannelConfig_Rep = $temprep->getElementsByTagName('AudioChannelConfiguration');
                //Check if AudioChannelConfiguration exists
                if ($audioChannelConfig_Rep->length > 0) {
                    $audioCh_Rep_item = $audioChannelConfig_Rep->item(0);
                    $audioCh_Rep_value = $audioCh_Rep_item->getAttribute('value');
                    $audioCh_value[$i] = $audioCh_Rep_value;
                } else {
                    $audioCh_value[$i] = 0;
    $Adapt_urlbase = $rep_url;
    //Incase of using BaseURL just add all BaseURLs within array containint all presentations
    //Array of each presentation containing all attributes and nodes within Presentations
    $Rep_arr = array('id' => $id, 'codecs' => $codecs, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'scanType' => $scanType, 'frameRate' => $frameRate, 'sar' => $sar, 'bandwidth' => $bandwidth, 'SegmentTemplate' => $rep_seg_temp, 'SegmentBase' => $segarray, 'startWithSAP' => $repStartWithSAP, 'profiles' => $repProfiles, 'ContentProtectionElementCount' => $ContentProtectionElementCountRep, 'presentationTimeOffset' => $Rep_Timeoffset, 'timescale' => $timescale, 'AudioChannelValue' => $audioCh_value, 'indexRange' => $indexRange_RepSet);
    // Array of all adapationsets containing all attributes and nodes including Presentations
    $Adapt_arr = array('startWithSAP' => $startWithSAP, 'segmentAlignment' => $segmentAlignment, 'subsegmentAlignment' => $subsegmentAlignment, 'bitstreamSwitching' => $bitstreamSwitching, 'id' => $idadapt, 'scanType' => $scanType, 'mimeType' => $mimeType, 'SegmentTemplate' => $Adapt_seg_temp, 'SegmentBase' => $basearray, 'codecs' => $codecs_AdaptSet, 'width' => $width_AdaptSet, 'height' => $height_AdaptSet, 'Representation' => $Rep_arr, 'AudioChannelValue' => $audioCh_Adapt_value, 'indexRange' => $indexRange_AdaptSet);
    /* $Rep_arr=array('id'=>$id,'codecs'=>$codecs,'width'=>$width,'height'=>$height,'scanType'=>$scanType,'frameRate'=>$frameRate,
          'sar'=>$sar,'bandwidth'=>$bandwidth,'SegmentTemplate'=>$rep_seg_temp, 'startWithSAP'=>$repStartWithSAP, 'profiles'=>$repProfiles,
          // Array of all adapationsets containing all attributes and nodes including Presentations
          $Adapt_arr=array('startWithSAP'=>$startWithSAP,'segmentAlignment'=>$segmentAlignment,'subsegmentAlignment'=>$subsegmentAlignment,'bitstreamSwitching'=>$bitstreamSwitching, 'id'=>$idadapt,'scanType'=>$scanType,'mimeType'=>$mimeType,'SegmentTemplate'=>$Adapt_seg_temp,'codecs'=>$codecs_AdaptSet,'width'=>$width_AdaptSet,'height'=>$height_AdaptSet,'Representation'=>$Rep_arr,'AudioChannelValue'=>$audioCh_Adapt_value);
Beispiel #3
    function processTemplate($quoteObject, $customerArray)
        //$emailTemplate  = Mage::getModel('core/email_template')->loadDefault('quote_request_template');
        $emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email_template')->loadDefault('quote_request_template');
        //Create an array of variables to assign to template
        $emailTemplateVariables = array();
        //Store quote infos in template object
        foreach ($quoteObject as $quoteKey => $value) {
            $emailTemplateVariables[$quoteKey] = $value;
        //Store customer infos in template object
        foreach ($customerArray as $custKey => $value) {
            $emailTemplateVariables[$custKey] = $value;
        			echo "<pre> email template is : <br/>";
        			echo "</pre>";
        //$emailTemplateVariables['client_ip'] =  $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
        $emailTemplate->setTemplateSubject('Quote request');
        $processedTemplate = $emailTemplate->getProcessedTemplate($emailTemplateVariables);
        $emailTemplate->send($GLOBALS["admin_Mail"], $emailTemplateVariables['nameField'], $emailTemplateVariables);
        echo json_encode("Your quote was sent successfully to our team. You'll be contacted shortly. Thanks");
    //Send email...
    processTemplate($quoteObject, $customerArray);
function sendEmailTemplate($i_parameters = array())
    global $g_db, $DOCUMENT_ROOT, $DOCUMENT_PAGES, $DOCUMENT_PHPMAILER, $srv_settings;
    $i_etemplateid = isset($i_parameters['etemplateid']) ? $i_parameters['etemplateid'] : 0;
    $i_emailto = isset($i_parameters['emailto']) ? $i_parameters['emailto'] : NULL;
    $i_isok = true;
    $i_isok = $i_isok && ($i_rSet3 = $g_db->SelectLimit("SELECT etemplate_from, etemplate_subject, etemplate_body FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "etemplates WHERE etemplateid=" . $i_etemplateid, 1));
    if ($i_isok) {
        $i_isok = $i_isok && !$i_rSet3->EOF;
    if ($i_isok) {
        $i_email_body = $i_rSet3->fields['etemplate_body'];
        if ($i_email_body) {
            $i_parameters['content_type'] = 'text/plain';
            $i_parameters['template_body'] = $i_email_body;
            $arrTemplateEmail = processTemplate($i_parameters);
            $i_email_body = $arrTemplateEmail['body'];
            $i_parameters['template_body'] = $i_rSet3->fields['etemplate_subject'];
            $arrTemplateEmailSubject = processTemplate($i_parameters);
            if (!is_array($i_emailto)) {
                $i_emailto = array($i_rSet3->fields['etemplate_from']);
            include_once $DOCUMENT_PHPMAILER . 'class.phpmailer.php';
            $mail = new PHPMailer();
            $mail->PluginDir = $DOCUMENT_PHPMAILER;
            $mail->FromName = '';
            $mail->From = $i_rSet3->fields['etemplate_from'];
            $mail->Subject = $arrTemplateEmailSubject['body'];
            $mail->Body = nl2br($i_email_body);
            $mail->AltBody = $i_email_body;
            if (!empty($arrTemplateEmail['attachments'])) {
                foreach ($arrTemplateEmail['attachments'] as $arrAttachment) {
                    switch ($arrAttachment['format']) {
                        case 'string':
                            $mail->AddStringAttachment($arrAttachment['content'], $arrAttachment['filename'], $arrAttachment['encoding'], $arrAttachment['type']);
            foreach ($i_emailto as $i_emailto_item) {
                if (!empty($i_emailto_item)) {