$para = explode("):(", $line); $tmp = explode(",", $para[0]); $tmp2 = explode("=", $tmp[0]); $name = $tmp2[1]; $xmlPath = $para[1]; $input = $para[2]; $cpStr = "cd " . $autoPath . "; python control.py " . $name . ";"; $runStr = "ssh " . $host . " '" . $cpStr . "cd " . $bsPath . ";" . $exeStr . $host . ":" . $port . "" . $input . " ';"; echo $runStr; unset($output); exec($runStr, $output); if (!empty($_POST['forClick']) or !empty($_POST['forClick_bex']) or !empty($_POST['forClick_tade']) or !empty($_POST['forClick_adx'])) { $tmp = processClick($output, $name, $cb); $string_c = $string_c . $tmp; } else { $tmp = processRender($output, $name, $rs, $nginx); $string_w = $string_w . $tmp; } } #end if valid line } #end while if (!empty($_POST['forClick']) or !empty($_POST['forClick_bex']) or !empty($_POST['forClick_tade']) or !empty($_POST['forClick_adx'])) { echo $string_c; } else { $string_w = $string_w . "</body></html>"; fwrite($file_w, $string_w); fclose($file_w); $link = "http://tb037x.corp.youdao.com:28081/m_teamTools/m_adTestDsp/m_dspRenderClick/render.html"; echo "渲染回测链接:<a href=" . $link . " target='blank'>" . $link . "</a>"; }
$string_c = $string_c . $tmp; } #end of foreach } else { #end of if $renderCaseId = array("4775", "4777", "4779", "4781", "4783", "5049"); $renderCaseName = array("SWF_RENDER", "JPG_RENDER", "ITEM_RENDER", "THIRDPARTY_RENDER", "THIRDPARTYITEM_RENDER", "ZHIXUAN_ITEMDYNAMIC"); #$renderCaseId=array("5049"); #$renderCaseName=array("ZHIXUAN_ITEMDYNAMIC"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($renderCaseId); $i++) { $cpStr = "cd " . $autoPath . "; python task.py -t " . $autoTaskId . " -c " . $renderCaseId[$i] . ";"; $runStr = "ssh " . $host . " '" . $cpStr . "cd " . $bsPath . ";" . $exeStr . $host . ":" . $port . " -url youdao.com -v';"; echo $runStr; unset($output); exec($runStr, $output); $tmp = processRender($output, $renderCaseName[$i], $rs, $nginx); $string_w = $string_w . $tmp; } #end of foreach } # if (!empty($_POST['forClick']) or !empty($_POST['forClick_bex']) or !empty($_POST['forClick_tade']) or !empty($_POST['forClick_adx'])) { echo $string_c; } else { $string_w = $string_w . "</body></html>"; fwrite($file_w, $string_w); fclose($file_w); $link = "http://tb037x.corp.youdao.com:28081/m_teamTools/m_adTestDsp/m_dspRenderClick/render.html"; echo "渲染回测链接:<a href=" . $link . " target='blank'>" . $link . "</a>"; } ?>