Beispiel #1
function prj_statuslog($pid, $uid, $tid, $comment, $date, $table)
    if (empty($pid) || empty($uid) || empty($table)) {
        return false;
    $comment = trim(prj_preparefordb($comment));
    if ($comment != '') {
        if (empty($tid)) {
            DB_query("INSERT INTO {$table} (pid, description, uid, updated) VALUES ({$pid},'{$comment}',{$uid}, {$date})");
        } else {
            DB_query("INSERT INTO {$table} (pid, description, uid, updated, tid) VALUES ({$pid},'{$comment}',{$uid}, {$date}, {$tid})");
    return true;
Beispiel #2
 if (isset($_POST['pid'])) {
     $_CLEAN = array_merge($_CLEAN, ppGetData($myintvars, false, 'POST', 'int'));
 } elseif (isset($_GET['id'])) {
     $_CLEAN = array_merge($_CLEAN, ppGetData($myintvars, false, 'GET', 'int'));
 } else {
     $id = '';
 $uid = $_USER['uid'];
 $result = DB_query("SELECT create_date, last_updated_date, start_date, estimated_end_date, actual_end_date,planned_end_date, name, description, keywords, is_using_docmgmt_flag, is_using_forum_flag, is_private_project_flag, is_template_project_flag FROM {$_TABLES['prj_projects']} WHERE pid='{$id}'");
 $comptListTasks = DB_numrows($result);
 if ($comptListTasks != "0") {
     $createdate = pm_getdate();
     list($create_date, $last_updated_date, $start_date, $estimated_end_date, $actual_end_date, $planned_end_date, $name, $description, $keywords, $is_using_docmgmt_flag, $is_using_forum_flag, $is_private_project_flag, $is_template_project_flag) = DB_fetchArray($result);
     $description = prj_preparefordb($description);
     $name = prj_preparefordb($name);
     $keywords = prj_preparefordb($keywords);
     $name = "Copy of " . $name;
     $sql = "INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['prj_projects']} ";
     $sql .= "(name, description, keywords, create_date, last_updated_date, start_date, estimated_end_date, actual_end_date, ";
     $sql .= "planned_end_date, progress_id, status_id, priority_id, is_using_docmgmt_flag, is_using_forum_flag, is_private_project_flag, ";
     $sql .= "is_template_project_flag)  VALUES (";
     $sql .= "'{$name}', '{$description}', '{$keywords}', '{$create_date}', '{$last_updated_date}', '{$start_date}', '{$estimated_end_date}', '{$actual_end_date}','{$planned_end_date}', 0, 0, 0, '{$is_using_docmgmt_flag}', ";
     $sql .= " '{$is_using_forum_flag}', '{$is_private_project_flag}', '{$is_template_project_flag}' ";
     $sql .= ") ";
     $lastid = DB_insertId();
     $uid = $_USER['uid'];
     DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['prj_users']} (pid, uid,role) VALUES ({$lastid}, {$uid}, 'o')");
     //copy all project permissions.. do the tasks later!
     $sql = "insert into {$_TABLES['prj_projPerms']} (pid, taskid, uid, gid, viewread, writechange, fullaccess, seedetails) ";
     $sql .= "(select '{$lastid}','0', uid, gid, viewread, writechange, fullaccess, seedetails  from {$_TABLES['prj_projPerms']} ";