Beispiel #1
function prj_pushDownNewPermissions($pid)
    global $_TABLES;
    // First -  remove all permissions on tasks
    $query = DB_query("SELECT tid from {$_TABLES['prj_tasks']} WHERE pid={$pid}");
    while (list($tid) = DB_fetchArray($query)) {
        $tids[] = $tid;
    if (count($tids) > 0) {
        $project_tasks = implode(',', $tids);
        $sql = "DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['prj_projPerms']} WHERE pid='{$pid}' ";
        $sql .= "AND taskid  in ( {$project_tasks} )";
    // Set perms for non-private tasks
    $sql = "select tid from {$_TABLES['prj_tasks']} where pid='{$pid}' and make_private_enabled_flag<>'on'";
    $res = DB_query($sql);
    $nrows = DB_numRows($res);
    for ($cntr = 0; $cntr < $nrows; $cntr++) {
        list($taskID) = DB_fetchArray($res);
        prj_addTrickleDownTaskPerms($pid, $taskID);
    // Do the same but for private tasks....
    $sql = "select tid from {$_TABLES['prj_tasks']} where pid='{$pid}' and make_private_enabled_flag='on'";
    $res = DB_query($sql);
    $nrows = DB_numRows($res);
    for ($cntr = 0; $cntr < $nrows; $cntr++) {
        list($taskID) = DB_fetchArray($res);
        prj_addTeamMemberTaskPerms($pid, $taskID);
Beispiel #2
         $sql .= "'1'";
         $sql .= ")";
         //add trickle down permissions here
         //from the project to this task
         //ONLY if the 'private' task button is not clicked
         //if private, only team members get permissions
         if ($newrec['make_private_enabled_flag'] != 'on') {
             prj_addTrickleDownTaskPerms($pid, $newrec['tid']);
         } else {
             prj_addTeamMemberTaskPerms($pid, $newrec['tid']);
         DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['prj_projects']} SET last_updated_date={$newrec['last_updated_date']} WHERE pid={$pid}");
         prj_sendNotification($pid, $newrec['tid'], $action = 3);
         prj_sendNotification($pid, $newrec['tid'], $action = 4);
         $logentry = "Task ID-{$newrec['tid']} was created";
     } else {
         COM_errorLog("projects: Error adding new task - User: {$uid} has no right");
     $msg = "createTask";
 case 'add':
     // Form to add new task
     $uid = $_USER[uid];
     $protoken = prj_getProjectPermissions($pid, $uid);