/** * Return XML for a single component from the DB * * @param array $properties The properties for this component * @param string $item The DB row data for this component * * @return string An XML document which is the response for the component */ function component_to_xml($properties, $item) { global $session, $c, $request, $reply; dbg_error_log("REPORT", "Building XML Response for item '%s'", $item->dav_name); $denied = array(); $unsupported = array(); $caldav_data = $item->caldav_data; $displayname = preg_replace('{^.*/}', '', $item->dav_name); $type = 'unknown'; $contenttype = 'text/plain'; switch ($item->caldav_type) { case 'VJOURNAL': case 'VEVENT': case 'VTODO': $displayname = $item->summary; $type = 'calendar'; $contenttype = 'text/calendar'; break; case 'VCARD': $displayname = $item->fn; $type = 'vcard'; $contenttype = 'text/vcard'; break; } if (isset($properties['calendar-data']) || isset($properties['displayname'])) { if (!$request->AllowedTo('all') && $session->user_no != $item->user_no) { // the user is not admin / owner of this calendarlooking at his calendar and can not admin the other cal /** @todo We should examine the ORGANIZER and ATTENDEE fields in the event. If this person is there then they should see this */ if ($type == 'calendar' && $item->class == 'CONFIDENTIAL' || !$request->AllowedTo('read')) { $ical = new iCalComponent($caldav_data); $resources = $ical->GetComponents('VTIMEZONE', false); $first = $resources[0]; // if the event is confidential we fake one that just says "Busy" $confidential = new iCalComponent(); $confidential->SetType($first->GetType()); $confidential->AddProperty('SUMMARY', translate('Busy')); $confidential->AddProperty('CLASS', 'CONFIDENTIAL'); $confidential->SetProperties($first->GetProperties('DTSTART'), 'DTSTART'); $confidential->SetProperties($first->GetProperties('RRULE'), 'RRULE'); $confidential->SetProperties($first->GetProperties('DURATION'), 'DURATION'); $confidential->SetProperties($first->GetProperties('DTEND'), 'DTEND'); $confidential->SetProperties($first->GetProperties('UID'), 'UID'); $ical->SetComponents(array($confidential), $confidential->GetType()); $caldav_data = $ical->Render(); $displayname = translate('Busy'); } } } $url = ConstructURL($item->dav_name); $prop = new XMLElement("prop"); foreach ($properties as $k => $v) { switch ($k) { case 'getcontentlength': $contentlength = strlen($caldav_data); $prop->NewElement($k, $contentlength); break; case 'getlastmodified': $prop->NewElement($k, ISODateToHTTPDate($item->modified)); break; case 'calendar-data': if ($type == 'calendar') { $reply->CalDAVElement($prop, $k, $caldav_data); } else { $unsupported[] = $k; } break; case 'address-data': if ($type == 'vcard') { $reply->CardDAVElement($prop, $k, $caldav_data); } else { $unsupported[] = $k; } break; case 'getcontenttype': $prop->NewElement($k, $contenttype); break; case 'current-user-principal': $prop->NewElement("current-user-principal", $request->current_user_principal_xml); break; case 'displayname': $prop->NewElement($k, $displayname); break; case 'resourcetype': $prop->NewElement($k); // Just an empty resourcetype for a non-collection. break; case 'getetag': $prop->NewElement($k, '"' . $item->dav_etag . '"'); break; case '"current-user-privilege-set"': $prop->NewElement($k, privileges($request->permissions)); break; case 'SOME-DENIED-PROPERTY': /** indicating the style for future expansion */ $denied[] = $k; break; default: dbg_error_log('REPORT', "Request for unsupported property '%s' of calendar item.", $v); $unsupported[] = $k; } } $status = new XMLElement("status", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); $propstat = new XMLElement("propstat", array($prop, $status)); $href = new XMLElement("href", $url); $elements = array($href, $propstat); if (count($denied) > 0) { $status = new XMLElement("status", "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden"); $noprop = new XMLElement("prop"); foreach ($denied as $k => $v) { $noprop->NewElement(strtolower($v)); } $elements[] = new XMLElement("propstat", array($noprop, $status)); } if (count($unsupported) > 0) { $status = new XMLElement("status", "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); $noprop = new XMLElement("prop"); foreach ($unsupported as $k => $v) { $noprop->NewElement(strtolower($v)); } $elements[] = new XMLElement("propstat", array($noprop, $status)); } $response = new XMLElement("response", $elements); return $response; }
<?php if (!$user or privileges($mysql_link, !$user['role_id'], array('ADD_MESS'))) { $_SESSION['msg']['message'] = setMessage('Ошибка доступа, у вас нет прав для посещения данный страницы. Пожалуйста, <a href="/?action=login">войдите под своей учётной записью</a> или <a href="/?action=registration">загеристрируйтесь</a>', 'error'); $content = ''; } else { $user_messages = getUserMessages($mysql_link, $user['user_id']); if (is_array($user_messages)) { $user_messages = messageIntro($user_messages); } $content = template('user_messages.tpl.php', array('user_messages' => $user_messages)); }
include_once 'ressources/class.main_cf.inc'; include_once 'ressources/charts.php'; include_once 'ressources/class.syslogs.inc'; include_once 'ressources/class.system.network.inc'; include_once 'ressources/class.os.system.inc'; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/ressources/class.mysql.squid.builder.php"; if (isset($_GET["popup"])) { popup(); exit; } if (isset($_POST["new-password"])) { SaveAccount(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["privs"])) { privileges(); exit; } page(); function page() { $page = CurrentPageName(); $tpl = new templates(); $t = time(); $html = "\n\t\n\t<table style='width:100%' class=form>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td colspan=2 style='font-size:22px'>{myaccount}</td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr>\n\t<td width=1% valign='top'><img src='img/user-server-128.png'></td>\n\t<td width=100%' valign='top'><span id='{$t}'></span>\n\t</tr>\n\t</table>\n\t<script>\n\t\tLoadAjax('{$t}','{$page}?popup=yes&t={$t}');\n\t</script>\n"; echo $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body($html); } function popup() { $page = CurrentPageName(); $tpl = new templates();
<!DOCTYPE html> <?php include "../db/db.php"; include_once 'actions/misc_functions.php'; session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['kiosk']['user_id'])) { $user_id = $_SESSION['kiosk']['user_id']; } else { header("location: login.php"); } $privileges = privileges($user_id); if ($privileges['priv_admin']) { // header("location: index.php"); } else { if ($privileges['priv_bull']) { header("location: faculty_managepost.php"); } else { if ($privileges['priv_cms1'] || $privileges['priv_cms2'] || $privileges['priv_cms3']) { header("location: cms.php"); } else { if ($privileges['priv_ois1'] || $privileges['priv_ois2']) { header("location: unit_management.php"); } } } } ?>
/** * Return XML for a single data item from the DB */ function item_to_xml($item) { global $attribute_list, $session, $c, $request; dbg_error_log("PROPFIND", "Building XML Response for item '%s'", $item->dav_name); $item->properties = get_arbitrary_properties($item->dav_name); $url = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . $item->dav_name; $prop = new XMLElement("prop"); if (isset($attribute_list['ALLPROP']) || isset($attribute_list['GETLASTMODIFIED'])) { $prop->NewElement("getlastmodified", isset($item->modified) ? $item->modified : false); } if (isset($attribute_list['ALLPROP']) || isset($attribute_list['GETCONTENTLENGTH'])) { $contentlength = strlen($item->caldav_data); $prop->NewElement("getcontentlength", $contentlength); } if (isset($attribute_list['ALLPROP']) || isset($attribute_list['GETCONTENTTYPE'])) { $prop->NewElement("getcontenttype", "text/calendar"); } if (isset($attribute_list['ALLPROP']) || isset($attribute_list['CREATIONDATE'])) { $prop->NewElement("creationdate", $item->created); } /** * Non-collections should return an empty resource type, it appears from RFC2518 8.1.2 */ if (isset($attribute_list['ALLPROP']) || isset($attribute_list['RESOURCETYPE'])) { $prop->NewElement("resourcetype"); } if (isset($attribute_list['ALLPROP']) || isset($attribute_list['DISPLAYNAME'])) { $prop->NewElement("displayname", $item->dav_displayname); } if (isset($attribute_list['ALLPROP']) || isset($attribute_list['GETETAG'])) { $prop->NewElement("getetag", '"' . $item->dav_etag . '"'); } if (isset($attribute_list['ACL'])) { /** * FIXME: This information is semantically valid but presents an incorrect picture. */ $principal = new XMLElement("principal"); $principal->NewElement("authenticated"); $grant = new XMLElement("grant", array(privileges($request->permissions))); $prop->NewElement("acl", new XMLElement("ace", array($principal, $grant))); } if (isset($attribute_list['ALLPROP']) || isset($attribute_list['GETCONTENTLANGUAGE'])) { $contentlength = strlen($item->caldav_data); $prop->NewElement("getcontentlanguage", $c->current_locale); } if (isset($attribute_list['ALLPROP']) || isset($attribute_list['CURRENT-USER-PRIVILEGE-SET'])) { $prop->NewElement("current-user-privilege-set", privileges($request->permissions)); } if (isset($attribute_list['ALLPROP']) || isset($attribute_list['SUPPORTEDLOCK'])) { $prop->NewElement("supportedlock", new XMLElement("lockentry", array(new XMLElement("lockscope", new XMLElement("exclusive")), new XMLElement("locktype", new XMLElement("write"))))); } $status = new XMLElement("status", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); $propstat = new XMLElement("propstat", array($prop, $status)); $href = new XMLElement("href", $url); $response = new XMLElement("response", array($href, $propstat)); return $response; }
/** * @param $mysql_link * @param $user * @param $action * * @return array */ function getMainMenu($mysql_link, $user, $action) { $add_mess = ''; if (!empty($user) and is_array($user)) { $add_mess = privileges($mysql_link, $user['role_id'], array('ADD_MESS')); } $menu = array(array('id' => 'home', 'name' => 'Главная', 'classes' => '', 'link' => '/'), array('id' => 'add-message', 'name' => 'Добавить объявление', 'classes' => '', 'link' => '?action=add_message'), array('id' => 'user-messages', 'name' => 'Ваши объявления', 'classes' => '', 'link' => '?action=user_messages')); foreach (get_type($mysql_link) as $i => $type) { $menu[] = array('id' => $type['type_id'] == 1 ? 'offer' : 'demand', 'name' => $type['name'], 'classes' => '', 'link' => "?type={$type['type_id']}"); } foreach ($menu as $i => $item) { switch ($item['id']) { case 'home': if ($action == 'index' and !isset($_GET['type']) and !isset($_GET['cat'])) { $menu[$i]['classes'] = 'active'; } break; case 'add-message': if ($action == 'add_message') { $menu[$i]['classes'] = 'active'; } break; case 'user-messages': if ($action == 'user_messages') { $menu[$i]['classes'] = 'active'; } break; case 'offer': if ($action == 'index' and isset($_GET['type']) and $_GET['type'] == 1) { $menu[$i]['classes'] = 'active'; } break; case 'demand': if ($action == 'index' and isset($_GET['type']) and $_GET['type'] == 2) { $menu[$i]['classes'] = 'active'; } break; } if (empty($user) and !is_array($user)) { if ($item['id'] == 'add-message' or $item['id'] == 'user-messages') { unset($menu[$i]); } } elseif (!$add_mess and $item['id'] == 'add-message') { unset($menu[$i]); } } return array_values($menu); }
<?php header('Content-Type: text/html; charset= utf-8'); session_start(); require_once 'config.php'; require_once 'functions.php'; $categories = getCategories($mysql_link); $types = get_type($mysql_link); $user = checkUser($mysql_link); if (!empty($user) and is_array($user)) { $add_mess = privileges($mysql_link, $user['role_id'], array('ADD_MESS')); } $action = clearData($mysql_link, $_GET['action']); if (!$action) { $action = 'index'; } $title = getTitle($mysql_link, $action, $user, $types, $categories); $main_menu = getMainMenu($mysql_link, $user, $action); if (file_exists('actions/' . $action . '.inc.php')) { include 'actions/' . $action . '.inc.php'; } else { include 'actions/' . 'index.inc.php'; } require_once THEME . 'index.tpl.php'; unset($_SESSION['msg']); echo '<pre><br /><h4>Текущий пользователь</h4><br />'; print_r($user); echo '</pre>'; echo '<pre><br /><h4>Данные SERVER</h4><br />'; print_r($_SERVER); echo '</pre>';
/** * Return XML for a single component from the DB * * @param array $properties The properties for this component * @param string $item The DB row data for this component * * @return string An XML document which is the response for the component */ function component_to_xml($properties, $item) { global $session, $c, $request, $reply; dbg_error_log("REPORT", "Building XML Response for item '%s'", $item->dav_name); $denied = array(); $unsupported = array(); $caldav_data = $item->caldav_data; $displayname = preg_replace('{^.*/}', '', $item->dav_name); $type = 'unknown'; $contenttype = 'text/plain'; switch (strtoupper($item->caldav_type)) { case 'VJOURNAL': case 'VEVENT': case 'VTODO': $displayname = $item->summary; $type = 'calendar'; $contenttype = 'text/calendar'; if (isset($properties['urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:calendar-data']) || isset($properties['DAV::displayname'])) { if (!$request->AllowedTo('all') && $session->user_no != $item->user_no) { // the user is not admin / owner of this calendar looking at his calendar and can not admin the other cal if ($item->class == 'CONFIDENTIAL' || !$request->AllowedTo('read')) { dbg_error_log("REPORT", "Anonymising confidential event for: %s", $item->dav_name); $vcal = new vCalendar($caldav_data); $caldav_data = $vcal->Confidential()->Render(); $displayname = translate('Busy'); } } } if (isset($c->hide_alarm) && $c->hide_alarm) { $dav_resource = new DAVResource($item->dav_name); if (isset($properties['urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:calendar-data']) && !$dav_resource->HavePrivilegeTo('write')) { dbg_error_log("REPORT", "Stripping event alarms for: %s", $item->dav_name); $vcal = new vCalendar($caldav_data); $vcal->ClearComponents('VALARM'); $caldav_data = $vcal->Render(); } } break; case 'VCARD': $displayname = $item->fn; $type = 'vcard'; $contenttype = 'text/vcard'; break; } $url = ConstructURL($item->dav_name); $prop = new XMLElement("prop"); $need_resource = false; foreach ($properties as $full_tag => $v) { $base_tag = preg_replace('{^.*:}', '', $full_tag); switch ($full_tag) { case 'DAV::getcontentlength': $contentlength = strlen($caldav_data); $prop->NewElement($base_tag, $contentlength); break; case 'DAV::getlastmodified': $prop->NewElement($base_tag, ISODateToHTTPDate($item->modified)); break; case 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:calendar-data': if ($type == 'calendar') { $reply->CalDAVElement($prop, $base_tag, $caldav_data); } else { $unsupported[] = $base_tag; } break; case 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav:address-data': if ($type == 'vcard') { $reply->CardDAVElement($prop, $base_tag, $caldav_data); } else { $unsupported[] = $base_tag; } break; case 'DAV::getcontenttype': $prop->NewElement($base_tag, $contenttype); break; case 'DAV::current-user-principal': $prop->NewElement("current-user-principal", $request->current_user_principal_xml); break; case 'DAV::displayname': $prop->NewElement($base_tag, $displayname); break; case 'DAV::resourcetype': $prop->NewElement($base_tag); // Just an empty resourcetype for a non-collection. break; case 'DAV::getetag': $prop->NewElement($base_tag, '"' . $item->dav_etag . '"'); break; case '"current-user-privilege-set"': $prop->NewElement($base_tag, privileges($request->permissions)); break; default: // It's harder. We need the DAVResource() to get this one. $need_resource = true; } if ($need_resource) { break; } } $href = new XMLElement("href", $url); if ($need_resource) { if (!isset($dav_resource)) { $dav_resource = new DAVResource($item->dav_name); } $elements = $dav_resource->GetPropStat(array_keys($properties), $reply); array_unshift($elements, $href); } else { $elements = array($href); $status = new XMLElement("status", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); $elements[] = new XMLElement("propstat", array($prop, $status)); if (count($denied) > 0) { $status = new XMLElement("status", "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden"); $noprop = new XMLElement("prop"); foreach ($denied as $k => $v) { $reply->NSElement($noprop, $v); } $elements[] = new XMLElement("propstat", array($noprop, $status)); } if (!$request->PreferMinimal() && count($unsupported) > 0) { $status = new XMLElement("status", "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); $noprop = new XMLElement("prop"); foreach ($unsupported as $k => $v) { $reply->NSElement($noprop, $v); } $elements[] = new XMLElement("propstat", array($noprop, $status)); } } $response = new XMLElement("response", $elements); return $response; }