function privatesquare_export_geojson($fh, $checkins, $more = array())
    $features = array();
    $swlat = null;
    $swlon = null;
    $nelat = null;
    $nelon = null;
    foreach ($checkins as $row) {
        # See notes in privatesquare_export_csv for why we're
        # doing this explicitly (20120227/straup)
        $more = array('inflate_weather' => 1);
        privatesquare_export_massage_checkin($row, $more);
        $lat = floatval($row['latitude']);
        $lon = floatval($row['longitude']);
        $swlat = isset($swlat) ? min($swlat, $lat) : $lat;
        $swlon = isset($swlon) ? min($swlon, $lon) : $lon;
        $nelat = isset($nelat) ? max($nelat, $lat) : $lat;
        $nelon = isset($nelon) ? max($nelon, $lon) : $lon;
        $features[] = array('type' => 'Feature', 'id' => $row['id'], 'properties' => $row, 'geometry' => array('type' => 'Point', 'coordinates' => array($lon, $lat)));
    $geojson = array('type' => 'FeatureCollection', 'bbox' => array($swlon, $swlat, $nelon, $nelat), 'features' => $features);
    fwrite($fh, json_encode($geojson));
    if (isset($more['donot_send'])) {
        return okay();
    $map = privatesquare_export_valid_formats();
    $headers = array('Content-type' => $map['geojson']);
    privatesquare_export_send($fh, $headers, $more);
function privatesquare_export_csv($fh, $checkins, $more = array())
    # TO DO: this works fine until we want to "explode" specific
    # fields (like 'weather') because we need to find all the distinct
    # keys that might be used (across both fields and potential
    # providers: google weather versus some other api). This is
    # either a head scratch or a pain in the ass or both...
    # (2012027/straup)
    $header = 0;
    foreach ($checkins as $row) {
        if (!$header) {
            fputcsv($fh, array_keys($row));
            $header = 1;
        fputcsv($fh, array_values($row));
    if (isset($more['donot_send'])) {
        return okay();
    $map = privatesquare_export_valid_formats();
    $headers = array('Content-type' => $map['csv']);
    privatesquare_export_send($fh, $headers, $more);