Beispiel #1
 echo rejudgeForm('submission', $id) . "<br /><br />\n\n";
 echo "<h2 style=\"display:inline;\">Judging j" . (int) $jud['judgingid'] . $state . "</h2>\n\n&nbsp;";
 if (!$jud['verified']) {
     echo addForm($pagename . '?id=' . urlencode($id) . '&amp;jid=' . urlencode($jid));
     if (!empty($jud['jury_member'])) {
         echo ' (claimed by ' . specialchars($jud['jury_member']) . ') ';
     if ($jury_member == @$jud['jury_member']) {
         echo addSubmit('unclaim', 'unclaim');
     } else {
         echo addSubmit('claim', 'claim');
     echo addEndForm();
 echo "<br /><br />\n\n";
 echo 'Result: ' . printresult($jud['result'], $jud['valid']) . ($lastjud === NULL ? '' : '<span class="lastresult"> (<a href="submission.php?id=' . $lastsubmitid . '">s' . $lastsubmitid . '</a>: ' . @$lastjud['result'] . ')</span>') . ', ' . 'Judgehost: <a href="judgehost.php?id=' . urlencode($jud['judgehost']) . '">' . printhost($jud['judgehost']) . '</a>, ';
 // Time (start, end, used)
 echo "<span class=\"judgetime\">Judging started: " . printtime($jud['starttime'], '%H:%M:%S');
 if ($judging_ended) {
     echo ', finished in ' . printtimediff($jud['starttime'], $jud['endtime']) . ' s';
 } elseif ($jud['valid'] || isset($jud['rejudgingid'])) {
     echo ' [still judging - busy ' . printtimediff($jud['starttime']) . ']';
 } else {
     echo ' [aborted]';
 echo "</span>\n";
 if (@$jud['result'] !== 'compiler-error') {
     echo ", max/sum runtime: " . sprintf('%.2f/%.2fs', $max_runtime, $sum_runtime);
     if (isset($max_lastruntime)) {
         echo " <span class=\"lastruntime\">(<a href=\"submission.php?id={$lastsubmitid}\">s{$lastsubmitid}</a>: " . sprintf('%.2f/%.2fs', $max_lastruntime, $sum_lastruntime) . ")</span>";
Beispiel #2
echo printtime($row['submittime']);
echo htmlspecialchars($row['langname']);

<p>Result: <?php 
echo printresult($row['result'], TRUE);
$show_compile = dbconfig_get('show_compile', 2);
if ($show_compile == 2 || $show_compile == 1 && $row['result'] == 'compiler-error') {
    echo "<h2>Compilation output</h2>\n\n";
    if (strlen(@$row['output_compile']) > 0) {
        echo "<pre class=\"output_text\">\n" . htmlspecialchars(@$row['output_compile']) . "\n</pre>\n\n";
    } else {
        echo "<p class=\"nodata\">There were no compiler errors or warnings.</p>\n";
    if ($row['result'] == 'compiler-error') {
        echo "<p class=\"compilation-error\">Compilation failed.</p>\n";
    } else {
        echo "<p class=\"compilation-success\">Compilation successful.</p>\n";
Beispiel #3
 * Print a list of submissions from contests contained in the $cdatas
 * contest data array, either all or only those that match
 * <key> [= <value>] pairs specified in $restrictions:
 *  - 'verified'  if set, only list submissions that are verified
 *  - 'judged'    if set, only list submissions with completed judgings
 *  - 'teamid', 'probid', 'langid', 'categoryid', 'judgehost' can be
 *    set to an ID to filter on that respective team, language, etc.
 * Output is limited to the number $limit, or unlimited by default.
 * If $highlight is a submission ID, then that one is highlighted.
function putSubmissions($cdatas, $restrictions, $limit = 0, $highlight = null)
    global $DB, $username;
    /* We need two kind of queries: one for all submissions, and one
     * with the results for the valid ones.
    $cids = array_keys($cdatas);
    $verifyclause = '';
    if (isset($restrictions['verified'])) {
        if ($restrictions['verified']) {
            $verifyclause = 'AND (j.verified = 1) ';
        } else {
            $verifyclause = 'AND (j.verified = 0 OR (j.verified IS NULL AND s.judgehost IS NULL)) ';
    $judgedclause = '';
    if (isset($restrictions['judged'])) {
        if ($restrictions['judged']) {
            $judgedclause = 'AND (j.result IS NOT NULL) ';
        } else {
            $judgedclause = 'AND (j.result IS NULL) ';
    $rejudgingclause = '';
    if (isset($restrictions['rejudgingdiff'])) {
        if ($restrictions['rejudgingdiff']) {
            $rejudgingclause = 'AND (j.result != jold.result) ';
        } else {
            $rejudgingclause = 'AND (j.result = jold.result) ';
    if (isset($restrictions['old_result']) && !isset($restrictions['rejudgingid'])) {
        error('cannot specify restriction on old_result without specifying a rejudgingid');
    // Special case the rejudgingid restriction by showing the
    // corresponding judging and the old (active) judging result:
    $sqlbody = 'FROM submission s
	     LEFT JOIN team           t  USING (teamid)
	     LEFT JOIN problem        p  USING (probid)
	     LEFT JOIN contestproblem cp USING (probid, cid)
	     LEFT JOIN language       l  USING (langid) ' . (isset($restrictions['rejudgingid']) ? 'LEFT JOIN judging        j    ON (s.submitid = j.submitid    AND j.rejudgingid = %i)
	     LEFT JOIN judging        jold ON (j.prevjudgingid IS NULL AND s.submitid = jold.submitid AND jold.valid = 1 OR j.prevjudgingid = jold.judgingid) ' : 'LEFT JOIN judging        j    ON (s.submitid = j.submitid    AND j.valid = 1) %_ ') . 'WHERE s.cid IN (%Ai) ' . $verifyclause . $judgedclause . $rejudgingclause . (isset($restrictions['teamid']) ? 'AND s.teamid = %i ' : '%_ ') . (isset($restrictions['categoryid']) ? 'AND t.categoryid = %i ' : '%_ ') . (isset($restrictions['probid']) ? 'AND s.probid = %i ' : '%_ ') . (isset($restrictions['langid']) ? 'AND s.langid = %s ' : '%_ ') . (isset($restrictions['judgehost']) ? 'AND s.judgehost = %s ' : '%_ ') . (isset($restrictions['rejudgingid']) ? 'AND (s.rejudgingid = %i OR ' . '     j.rejudgingid = %i) ' : '%_ %_ ') . (isset($restrictions['old_result']) ? 'AND jold.result = %s ' : '%_ ') . (isset($restrictions['result']) ? 'AND j.result = %s ' : '%_ ');
    // No contests; automatically nothing found and the query can not be run...
    if (empty($cids)) {
        echo "<p class=\"nodata\">No submissions</p>\n\n";
    $res = $DB->q('SELECT s.submitid, s.teamid, s.probid, s.langid, s.cid,
	               s.submittime, s.judgehost, s.valid, AS teamname,
	               cp.shortname, AS probname, AS langname,
	               j.result, j.judgehost, j.verified, j.jury_member, j.seen ' . (isset($restrictions['rejudgingid']) ? ', jold.result AS oldresult ' : '') . $sqlbody . 'ORDER BY s.submittime DESC, s.submitid DESC ' . ($limit > 0 ? 'LIMIT 0, %i' : '%_'), @$restrictions['rejudgingid'], $cids, @$restrictions['teamid'], @$restrictions['categoryid'], @$restrictions['probid'], @$restrictions['langid'], @$restrictions['judgehost'], @$restrictions['rejudgingid'], @$restrictions['rejudgingid'], @$restrictions['old_result'], @$restrictions['result'], $limit);
    // nothing found...
    if ($res->count() == 0) {
        echo "<p class=\"nodata\">No submissions</p>\n\n";
    if (IS_JURY) {
        echo addForm('submission.php');
    // print the table with the submissions.
    // table header
    echo "<table class=\"list sortable\">\n<thead>\n<tr>" . (IS_JURY ? "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"sorttable_numeric\">ID</th>" : '') . (IS_JURY && count($cids) > 1 ? "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"sorttable_numeric\">contest</th>" : '') . "<th scope=\"col\">time</th>" . (IS_JURY ? "<th scope=\"col\">team</th>" : '') . "<th scope=\"col\">problem</th>" . "<th scope=\"col\">lang</th>" . "<th scope=\"col\">result</th>" . (IS_JURY ? "<th scope=\"col\">verified</th><th scope=\"col\">by</th>" : '') . (IS_JURY && isset($restrictions['rejudgingid']) ? "<th scope=\"col\">old result</th>" : '') . "</tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n";
    // print each row with links to detailed information
    $iseven = $subcnt = $corcnt = $igncnt = $vercnt = $quecnt = 0;
    while ($row = $res->next()) {
        $sid = (int) $row['submitid'];
        // always provide link if this is Jury. For team, provide link
        // to a different page, provided that the result is actually
        // present and valid.
        if (IS_JURY) {
            // If rejudging list, link to the new rejudging:
            $linkurl = 'submission.php?id=' . $sid . (isset($restrictions['rejudgingid']) ? '&amp;rejudgingid=' . $restrictions['rejudgingid'] : '');
            $link = ' href="' . $linkurl . '"';
        } elseif ($row['submittime'] < $cdatas[$row['cid']]['endtime'] && $row['result'] && $row['valid'] && (!dbconfig_get('verification_required', 0) || $row['verified'])) {
            $link = ' href="submission_details.php?id=' . $sid . '"';
        } else {
            $link = '';
        echo "<tr class=\"" . ($iseven ? 'roweven' : 'rowodd');
        $iseven = !$iseven;
        if ($row['valid']) {
        } else {
            echo ' sub_ignore';
        if ($sid == $highlight) {
            echo ' highlight';
        if (!IS_JURY && !$row['seen']) {
            echo ' unseen';
        echo '">';
        if (IS_JURY) {
            echo "<td><a{$link}>s{$sid}</a></td>";
        if (IS_JURY && count($cids) > 1) {
            echo "<td><a{$link}>c{$row['cid']}</a></td>";
        echo "<td><a{$link}>" . printtime($row['submittime']) . "</a></td>";
        if (IS_JURY) {
            echo '<td title="t' . htmlspecialchars($row['teamid']) . '">' . "<a{$link}>" . htmlspecialchars(str_cut($row['teamname'], 30)) . '</a></td>';
        echo '<td class="probid" title="' . htmlspecialchars($row['probname']) . '">' . "<a{$link}>" . htmlspecialchars($row['shortname']) . '</a></td>';
        echo '<td class="langid" title="' . htmlspecialchars($row['langname']) . '">' . "<a{$link}>" . htmlspecialchars($row['langid']) . '</a></td>';
        echo "<td class=\"result\"><a{$link}>";
        if (difftime($row['submittime'], $cdatas[$row['cid']]['endtime']) >= 0) {
            echo printresult('too-late');
            if (IS_JURY && $row['result']) {
                echo " (" . printresult($row['result']) . ")";
        } else {
            if (!$row['result'] || !IS_JURY && !$row['verified'] && dbconfig_get('verification_required', 0)) {
                echo printresult($row['judgehost'] || !IS_JURY ? '' : 'queued');
            } else {
                echo printresult($row['result']);
        echo "</a></td>";
        if (IS_JURY) {
            // only display verification if we're done with judging
            unset($verified, $jury_member);
            $claim = FALSE;
            if (empty($row['result'])) {
                $verified = '&nbsp;';
                $jury_member = '&nbsp;';
            } else {
                $verified = printyn($row['verified']);
                if (empty($row['jury_member'])) {
                    $jury_member = '&nbsp;';
                } else {
                    $jury_member = htmlspecialchars($row['jury_member']);
                if (!$row['verified']) {
                    if (empty($row['jury_member'])) {
                        $claim = TRUE;
                    } else {
                        $verified = 'claimed';
            echo "<td><a{$link}>{$verified}</a></td><td>";
            if ($claim) {
                echo "<a class=\"button\" href=\"{$linkurl}&amp;claim=1\">claim</a>";
            } else {
                if (!$row['verified'] && $jury_member == $username) {
                    echo "<a class=\"button\" href=\"{$linkurl}&amp;unclaim=1\">unclaim</a>";
                } else {
                    echo "<a{$link}>{$jury_member}</a>";
            echo "</td>";
            if (isset($restrictions['rejudgingid'])) {
                echo "<td class=\"result\"><a href=\"submission.php?id={$sid}\">" . printresult($row['oldresult']) . "</a></td>";
        echo "</tr>\n";
        if ($row['result'] == 'correct') {
    echo "</tbody>\n</table>\n\n";
    if (IS_JURY) {
        echo addEndForm();
        if ($limit > 0) {
            $query_extras = array('subcnt' => '', 'corcnt' => ' AND j.result LIKE \'correct\'', 'igncnt' => ' AND s.valid = 0', 'vercnt' => ' AND verified = 0 AND result IS NOT NULL', 'quecnt' => ' AND result IS NULL');
            foreach ($query_extras as $cnt => $query_extra) {
                ${$cnt} = $DB->q('VALUE SELECT count(s.submitid) ' . $sqlbody . $query_extra, @$restrictions['rejudgingid'], $cids, @$restrictions['teamid'], @$restrictions['categoryid'], @$restrictions['probid'], @$restrictions['langid'], @$restrictions['judgehost'], @$restrictions['rejudgingid'], @$restrictions['rejudgingid'], @$restrictions['old_result'], @$restrictions['result']);
        echo "<p>Total correct: {$corcnt}, submitted: {$subcnt}";
        if ($vercnt > 0) {
            echo ", unverified: {$vercnt}";
        if ($igncnt > 0) {
            echo ", ignored: {$igncnt}";
        if ($quecnt > 0) {
            echo ", judgement pending: {$quecnt}";
        echo "</p>\n\n";
Beispiel #4
	               result, verified, valid FROM judging
	               WHERE cid IN (%Ai) AND judgehost = %s
	               ORDER BY starttime DESC, judgingid DESC', $cids, $row['hostname']);
if (empty($cids) || $res->count() == 0) {
    echo "<p class=\"nodata\">No judgings.</p>\n\n";
} else {
    echo "<table class=\"list sortable\">\n<thead>\n" . "<tr><th scope=\"col\" class=\"sorttable_numeric\">ID</th><th " . "scope=\"col\">started</th><th scope=\"col\">runtime</th><th " . "scope=\"col\">result</th><th scope=\"col\">valid</th><th " . "scope=\"col\">verified</th></tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n";
    while ($jud = $res->next()) {
        if (empty($jud['endtime'])) {
            if ($jud['valid']) {
                $runtime = printtimediff($jud['starttime'], NULL);
            } else {
                $runtime = '[aborted]';
        } else {
            $runtime = printtimediff($jud['starttime'], $jud['endtime']);
        $link = ' href="submission.php?id=' . (int) $jud['submitid'] . '&amp;jid=' . (int) $jud['judgingid'] . '"';
        echo '<tr' . ($jud['valid'] ? '' : ' class="disabled"') . '>';
        echo "<td><a{$link}>j" . (int) $jud['judgingid'] . '</a></td>';
        echo "<td><a{$link}>" . printtime($jud['starttime']) . '</a></td>';
        echo "<td><a{$link}>" . $runtime . '</a></td>';
        echo "<td><a{$link}>" . printresult(@$jud['result'], $jud['valid']) . '</a></td>';
        echo "<td class=\"tdcenter\"><a{$link}>" . printyn($jud['valid']) . '</a></td>';
        echo "<td class=\"tdcenter\"><a{$link}>" . printyn($jud['verified']) . '</a></td>';
        echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "</tbody>\n</table>\n\n";
require LIBWWWDIR . '/footer.php';
Beispiel #5

  	<div id="wrapper">
  			<div class = "fortop"> 
  				<form action='gallery.php' method='GET'>
  					Search for specific tags: <input type='text' name="sea"/>
   					<input type="submit" value="Submit!"/>
  		<div class="main">
  			<div class="transbox1">
