Beispiel #1
function kod($kod)
    global $code;
    $kod = $code['SS'] . $code['BT'] . gen_binary($kod) . $code['SS'];
    $i = imagecreate(strlen($kod), 40);
    $w = imagecolorallocate($i, 255, 255, 255);
    $b = imagecolorallocate($i, 0, 0, 0);
    print_code($kod, $i, $b, $w);
    $img = ob_get_contents();
    return $img;
Beispiel #2
function kod($kod)
    global $code;
    if (trim($kod, '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. $') != '') {
        error::add('Znaki inne niż cyfry, litery, pauza, kropka, spacja, ukośnik');
    $kod = $code['SS'] . $code['BT'] . gen_binary($kod) . $code['SS'];
    $i = imagecreate(strlen($kod), 40);
    $w = imagecolorallocate($i, 255, 255, 255);
    $b = imagecolorallocate($i, 0, 0, 0);
    print_code($kod, $i, $b, $w);
    $img = ob_get_contents();
    return $img;
Beispiel #3
<P> Although it should probably be assumed, you'll also need a C/C++
compiler.  You'll also need a Fortran compiler if you want to build
the Fortran MPI bindings, and a Java compiler if you want to build the
(unofficial) Java MPI bindings.</P>

<P> The <?php 
print "<a href=\"\">";
HACKING file</a> in the top-level directory of the Open MPI checkout
details how to install the tools listed above and the steps required
to build a developer checkout of Open MPI.  It always contains the
most current information on how to build a developer's copy of Open

print_code("<strong>shell\$</strong> ./configure --prefix=\$HOME/openmpi-install\n[...lots of output...]");

<p>This configures Open MPI and tells it to install under

<!- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -->

<P><strong>NOTE:</strong> by default, when configuring and building
Open MPI from a developer checkout, <strong><font color="red">all
debugging code is enabled.</font></strong> This results in a
<strong>significant</strong> run-time performance penalty.  There are
several options for building an optimzed Open MPI; see the HACKING
file for more details.</p>

<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Most Linux distributions and OS X install
Beispiel #4
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Console.WriteLine(<span style="color:green">"Hello World"</span>);<br/>

This C# program is first compiled to a .NET executable and then fed
into our toolchain to yield the following XMLVM<sub>CLR</sub>:

<div class="code_block">
print_code("<vm:xmlvm xmlns:vm=\"\" xmlns:clr=\"\">\n" . "  <vm:class name=\"HelloWorld\" extends=\"System.Object\">\n" . "    <vm:method name=\"Main\" isStatic=\"true\" isPublic=\"true\" stack=\"8\" locals=\"0\">\n" . "      <vm:signature>\n" . "        <vm:return type=\"void\" />\n" . "      </vm:signature>\n" . "      <vm:code>\n" . "        <clr:ldc type=\"System.String\" value=\"Hello World\" />\n" . "        <clr:call has-this=\"false\" class-type=\"System.Console\" method=\"WriteLine\">\n" . "          <vm:signature>\n" . "            <vm:return type=\"void\" />\n" . "            <vm:parameter type=\"System.String\" />\n" . "          </vm:signature>\n" . "        </clr:call>\n" . "        <clr:return />\n" . "      </vm:code>\n" . "    </vm:method>\n" . "  </vm:class>\n" . "</vm:xmlvm>");

The general structure of XMLVM<sub>CLR</sub> is identical to XMLVM<sub>JVM</sub>. The main
difference is that XMLVM<sub>CLR</sub> features byte code instructions supported
by the .NET virtual machine. The <tt>&lt;clr:ldc&gt;</tt> instruction pushes the
string "Hello World" onto the stack. The <tt>&lt;clr:call&gt;</tt> instruction calls
the static method <tt>System.Console.WriteLine</tt> with the string "Hello
World" as the actual parameter.

print_code("23 4 * * * {$rsync_command}");

<p> Alternatively, a slightly more elegant mechanism to update and
mail someone only if there are errors would be to use essentially the
same script that is listed in the Git method (above) but
replace the "<code>svn up</code>" command with the "<code>rsync
...</code>" command:

$rsync_script = $base_script;
$rsync_script = preg_replace("/@METHOD@/", "rsync synchronization", $base_script);
$rsync_script = preg_replace("/@COMMAND@/", $rsync_command, $rsync_script);
$rsync_script = preg_replace("/@SHORT_COMMAND@/", "rsync", $rsync_script);
$rsync_script = preg_replace("@/your/local/docroot@", "\"\$docroot\"", $rsync_script);


<li> <strong> Using Subversion </strong>

<p> <font color="red">This method is no longer supported.</font> The
Open MPI web site is now maintained in Git, not Subversion.</p>

<p>If you were previously using subversion, please switch to using

Beispiel #6
<p>If the fingerprint shown by your Subversion client matches what is
displayed above, it is easiest to (p)ermanently accept the certificate
(Subversion will warn you if the fingerprint ever changes).</p>

<p>Next, you'll be prompted for your password:</p>

print_code("Authentication realm: <> PLPA Subversion Access\nPassword for 'your_username':"******"Authentication realm: <> PLPA Subversion Access\nPassword for 'your_username':\nAuthentication realm: <> PLPA Subversion Access\nUsername:"******"<a href=\"\">";
consult the Subversion documentation</a>.

Beispiel #7
<li> <a
href="">ompi-release</a>: This
repo contains all the Open MPI release branches (i.e., from which
official distribution tarballs are made).  There are Git tags on the
branches in this repo that indicate where official tarballs were made
(e.g., "v1.8.3" is the tag corresponding to the Open MPI v1.8.3
release).</li> </ol>


<li>Clone either of these repositories.  For example (as of October
2014), to clone the main development repository via HTTPS:

print_code("<strong>shell\$</strong> git clone\nCloning into 'ompi'...\nremote: Counting objects: 256644, done.\nremote: Total 256644 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)\nReceiving objects: 100% (256644/256644), 61.98 MiB | 2.15 MiB/s, done.\nResolving deltas: 100% (213377/213377), done.\nChecking connectivity... done.\n<strong>shell\$</strong>");

<li>The web interface available by clicking on the above URL shows a
nice summary of recent activity and allows navigating into individual

<li><font color=red>Once you have successfully cloned the repository,
continue on to the <a href="building.php">instructions on how to build
from a developer checkout</a>.</font></li>


<p>Note that Git is natively capable of using many forms of web
proxies.  If your network setup requires the user of a web proxy,
Beispiel #8

<li>First, you will need a Git client.  We recommend getting the
latest version available.  If you do not have the command
"<code>git</code>" in your path, you will likely need to download and
install Git.</li>

<li> <a href="">OTPO is hosted at

<li>Clone this repository.  For example (as of October 2014), to clone
the main development repository via HTTPS:

print_code("<strong>shell\$</strong> git clone\nCloning into 'otpo'...\nremote: Counting objects: 1101, done.\nremote: Total 1101 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)\nReceiving objects: 100% (1101/1101), 3.51 MiB | 758.00 KiB/s, done.\nResolving deltas: 100% (557/557), done.\nChecking connectivity... done.\n<strong>shell\$</strong>");

<li>The web interface available by clicking on the above URL shows a
nice summary of recent activity and allows navigating into individual


<p>Note that Git is natively capable of using many forms of web
proxies.  If your network setup requires the user of a web proxy,
print "<a href=\"\">";
consult the Git
Beispiel #9
the Cocoa class <tt>UIButton</tt>. When a click handler is added to
an <tt>android.widget.Button</tt> instance, method
<tt>setOnClickListener()</tt> adds an instance of the Cocoa class
<tt>UIControlDelegate</tt> to the <tt>UIButton</tt> via the corresponding
method <tt>addTarget()</tt>. The code below will be cross-compiled to

<div style="float:right"><object width="320" height="265"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="320" height="265"></embed></object>
<a href="" style="margin-top:4px;" target="_blank"><br/>Download the slides as PDF</a>

<div class="code_block">
print_code("package android.widget;\n" . "\n" . "public class Button extends View {\n" . "   protected UIButton button;\n" . "\n" . "   // ...\n" . "\n" . "   public void setOnClickListener(OnClickListener listener) {\n" . "        final OnClickListener theListener = listener;\n" . "        button.addTarget(new UIControlDelegate() {\n" . "\n" . "            @Override\n" . "            public void raiseEvent() {\n" . "                theListener.onClick(Button.this);\n" . "            }\n" . "\n" . "        }, UIControl.UIControlEventTouchUpInside);\n" . "   }\n" . "}\n");

function popupDemo() {
	var"demo", "_blank", "height=600,width=910");
	if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()}
	return false;

XMLVM includes a demo that demonstrates the power of cross-compiling
Android applications to the iPhone. The demo is an Android version of
the classic Sokoban game called Xokoban. An <a href="#" onclick="popupDemo();">
Beispiel #10
Since Objective-C does not support overloading of methods with
identical selectors, XMLVM uses name-mangling to differentiate between
different overloaded versions of a method. Apart of language-level
cross-compilation, iPhone applications depend on iPhone-specific
widgets. XMLVM features a prototype implementation of a Java version
of the Cocoa API. The following iPhone application demonstrates a GUI
version of "Hello World" in Java:
<div class="code_block">
print_code("public class HelloWorld extends UIApplication\n" . "{\n" . "  public void applicationDidFinishLaunching(NSNotification n)\n" . "  {\n" . "    UIScreen screen = UIScreen.mainScreen();\n" . "    CGRect rect = screen.applicationFrame();\n" . "    UIWindow window = new UIWindow(rect);\n" . "\n" . "    rect.origin.x = rect.origin.y = 0;\n" . "    UIView mainView = new UIView(rect);\n" . "    window.addSubview(mainView);\n" . "\n" . "    UILabel title = new UILabel(rect);\n" . "    title.setText(\"Hello World!\");\n" . "    title.setTextAlignment(UITextAlignment.UITextAlignmentCenter);\n" . "    mainView.addSubview(title);\n" . "\n" . "    window.makeKeyAndVisible();\n" . "  }\n" . "}\n");

The Java application above can be cross-compiled to Objective-C and
executed on an iPhone. The Cocoa-specific Java classes such as
<tt>UIWindow</tt> and <tt>UIView</tt> are mapped to their Objective-C counter-parts.
XMLVM also features a Swing-based implementation of these Cocoa
classes that make it possible to run a Java-based iPhone application
on a desktop. The resulting iPhone simulator is shown below as a Java
applet. The accelerometer controls influence the orientation of the
fireworks. On a real iPhone the sparks will follow gravity:
Beispiel #11
<table cellpadding="5" border="0" width="90%" align="center">
<th width="50%">GNU Tar</th>
<th width="50%">Non-GNU Tar</th>

<td valign="top">
print_code("shell% cd \$HOME\nshell% tar jcvf ompi-output.tar.bz2 ompi-output\n#...lots of output...\nshell% ");
<td valign="top">
print_code("shell% cd \$HOME\nshell% tar cvf ompi-output.tar ompi-output\n#...lots of output...\nshell% bzip2 ompi-output.tar\nshell% ");

<P> Then send the resulting <code>ompi-output.tar.bz2</code> file to the
mailing list.</p>

<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> The mailing lists <em>do</em> have size
limits on attachments.  If your post is rejected because the
attachment is too large, try compressing at a higher level.  If that
does not work, then try posting your file on the internet somewhere and
sending a link to it on the list.
Beispiel #12
As can be seen, the <tt>&lt;clr:ldc&gt;</tt> (<em>load constant</em>) pushes one integer
onto the type stack, while the <tt>&lt;clr:rem&gt</tt> (<em>remainder after division</em>)
pops off two integers and pushes one back onto the type-stack. Each
element of the type stack is represented by the <tt>&lt;elem&gt;</tt> tag. Based on
the information computed by the DFA, it is possible to map CLR
instructions to the JVM. This can be accomplished by XSL stylesheets
with appropriate XPath expressions. The following XSL template maps the
<tt>&lt;clr:rem&gt;</tt> instruction to <tt>&lt;jvm:irem&gt;</tt> if the top of the type stack has
an integer:

<div class="code_block">
print_code("<xsl:template match=\"clr:rem[stack-post/elem[last()][@type = 'int']]\">\n" . "  <jvm:irem/>\n" . "</xsl:template>");

To demonstrate this approach, we have written a C# version of the
calculator that was also used for the AJAX demo. The following links
show the various artifacts created during the cross-compilation
    <li><a href="Calculator.cs" target="blank">Calculator.cs</a>: C# source code of this calculator using WinForms as the GUI library.</li>
    <li><a href="Calculator.xmlvm-clr" target="blank">Calculator.xmlvm-clr</a>: the XMLVM<sub>CLR</sub> version of <tt>Calculator.cs</tt></li>
    <li><a href="Calculator.xmlvm-clr-dfa" target="blank">Calculator.xmlvm-clr-dfa</a>: the XMLVM<sub>CLR-DFA</sub> version showing the result of the DFA.</li>
Beispiel #13
JavaScript code.
The XMLVM generated by the <a href="../frontend">front-end</a> can be mapped
to JavaScript using XSL stylesheets. The general approach is to mimic
the stack-based virtual machine in the target language by declaring
helper variables for the stack and stack-pointer. Consider the
<tt>&lt;jvm:irem&gt;</tt> instruction (<em>integer remainder</em>) that pops two integers off
the stack and pushes the remainder after division back onto the stack.
Using the following XSL template, the <tt>&lt;jvm:irem&gt;</tt> instruction can be
mapped to JavaScript:
<div class="code_block">
print_code("<xsl:template match=\"jvm:irem\">\n" . "  <xsl:text>\n" . "    __op2 = __stack[--__sp]; // Pop operand 1\n" . "    __op1 = __stack[--__sp]; // Pop operand 2\n" . "    __stack[__sp++] = __op1 % __op2; // Push remainder\n" . "   </xsl:text>\n" . "</xsl:template>\n");
Variable <tt>__stack</tt> represents the runtime stack, whereas <tt>__sp</tt> refers to
the top of the stack. Pre-decrement and post-increment operations are
used for popping and pushing of arguments respectively. The following
JavaScript program is the cross-compiled version of "Hello World":

<div class="code_block">
qx.Class.define(<span style="color:green">"org_xmlvm_test_HelloWorld"</span>, {<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;extend: java_lang_Object,<br/>
Beispiel #14
   <li> 6- Gatherv, </li>
   <li> 7-  Allgatherv, </li>
   <li> 8- Alltoall, </li>
   <li> 9- Alltoallv, </li>
   <li> 10- Scatter, </li>
   <li> 11- Scatterv)</li>
<li> -a Number of processes (if using Skampi)</li>
<li> -e Operation for Reduce/Allreduce like MPI_MAX</li>
<li> -x generate an input file from an ouput result file</li>

<p>A sample run command would be:</p>

<p> <?php 
print_code("./otpo -p OpenIB_Parameters -t Netpipe -w path_to_where_netpipe_is_compiled/NPmpi");

<p>The --generate_input_file (-x) option is a feature that allows a user
to give OTPO previously generated result files. OTPO would then use
these files to parse the parameters and the values noted as the best
values for those parameters and generate a new input parameter file
from them automatically. This can be done using UNION or INTERSECTION
of the files, which should be specified with the operation parameter
-e or --operations.</p>

<p>An example to run this feature on three result file (R1 R2 and R3):
./otpo -x R1 R2 R3 -e union -o union_input_file
./otpo -x R1 R2 R3 -e intersection -o intersection_input_file