Beispiel #1
        <!-- /.container -->

    <!-- Intro Header -->
    <header class="intro">
        <div class="intro-body">
            <div class="container">
                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2">
                        <h3 class="brand-heading">Hello <?php 
echo $_SESSION['user'];
                        <p class="intro-text"><?php 
                        <!-- Button trigger modal -->
                          <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">
Beispiel #2
* Perform search and print out results
* This function will perform the search for given
* criteria and print out formatted results.
* @param string $type output type
* @global $_POST['memberid'] array array of memberid's
* @global $_POST['piid'] array array of piID's
* @global $_POST['machid'] array array of machID's
* @global $_POST['startYear'] int starting year
* @global $_POST['startMonth'] int starting month
* @global $_POST['startDay'] int starting day
* @global $_POST['endYear'] int ending year
* @global $_POST['endMonth'] int ending month
* @global $_POST['endDay'] int ending day
* @global $_POST['starttime'] double starting time
* @global $_POST['endtime'] double ending time
function search($type, $searchtype)
    global $db;
    global $link;
    $html = $type == 'html';
    // Store form vars for easy access
    $scheduleids = $_POST['scheduleid'];
    // Array of scheduleids
    $memberids = $_POST['memberid'];
    // Array of memberID's
    $machids = $_POST['machid'];
    // Array of machID's
    $startDateMin = mktime(0, 0, 0, intval($_POST['startMonthMin']), intval($_POST['startDayMin']), intval($_POST['startYearMin']));
    $startDateMax = mktime(0, 0, 0, intval($_POST['startMonthMax']), intval($_POST['startDayMax']), intval($_POST['startYearMax']));
    $endDateMin = mktime(0, 0, 0, intval($_POST['endMonthMin']), intval($_POST['endDayMin']), intval($_POST['endYearMin']));
    $endDateMax = mktime(0, 0, 0, intval($_POST['endMonthMax']), intval($_POST['endDayMax']), intval($_POST['endYearMax']));
    $starttimeMin = intval($_POST['starttimeMin']);
    $starttimeMax = intval($_POST['starttimeMax']);
    $endtimeMin = intval($_POST['endtimeMin']);
    $endtimeMax = intval($_POST['endtimeMax']);
    $percent = 0;
    $summarysearch = $_POST['summarysearch'];
    $summarytype = $_POST['summarytype'];
    //die($startDateMin . ' ' . $startDateMax . ' ' . $endDateMin . ' ' . $endDateMax);
    $res = $db->get_reservations($scheduleids, $memberids, $machids, $startDateMin, $startDateMax, $endDateMin, $endDateMax, $starttimeMin, $starttimeMax, $endtimeMin, $endtimeMax, $summarysearch, $summarytype);
    $rs_hours = $db->get_resource_times($machids);
    // Number of records returned
    $recs = count($res);
    // Print number of results found and a link to the text version
    echo '<h3 align="center">' . translate('Search Results found', array($recs)) . "</h3>\n" . '<h5 align="center">' . $link->getLink($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], translate('Try a different search')) . "</h5>\n";
    echo "<hr noshade size=\"1\">\n";
    // If there were no results found, exit
    if ($recs <= 0) {
    // Set up initial booleans
    $newUser = false;
    $newMach = false;
    $totalHours = 0;
    $resNo = 1;
    // Get first row
    $rs = $res[0];
    // Set up initial previous user/machine variables
    $prevUser = $rs['memberid'];
    $prevMach = $rs['machid'];
    /* Text file variables */
    // Create text output
    // Make global to share with other functions
    if ($type == 'text') {
        $GLOBALS['dblStr'] = str_repeat('=', 50) . "\n";
        $GLOBALS['sglStr'] = str_repeat('-', 50) . "\n";
    if ($type != 'html') {
        // Plain-text view
        echo '<pre>';
        echo translate('Search Run On') . ' ' . date('M jS, Y - h:i:s a') . "\r\n\r\n";
    // Print out first table with this information
    printUserInfo($rs['fname'], $rs['lname'], $rs['memberid'], $type);
    printTableHeader($rs['fname'], $rs['lname'], $rs['name'], $type, $rs['scheduletitle']);
    if ($type == 'csv') {
        // Print record id line for csv output
    // Repeat for each record
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($res); $i++) {
        $rs = $res[$i];
        // Current reservation
        // If we are at a new user, set them to prevUser
        if ($prevUser != $rs['memberid']) {
            $prevUser = $rs['memberid'];
            $newUser = true;
        // If we are at a new resource, set it to prevMach
        if ($prevMach != $rs['machid']) {
            $prevMach = $rs['machid'];
            $newMach = true;
        // If we are making a new table (by advancing to new user or resource)
        if ($newUser || $newMach) {
            // Write total hours row and close table
            // Write out total hours for this machine
            printTableFooter($totalHours, $type, $percent);
            $totalHours = 0;
            // Reset total hours
            $resNo = 1;
            // Reset total reservations
            // If it is a new user, write a comment, a extra break, and the user info
            if ($newUser) {
                // Write extra break to text output
                if ($type == 'text') {
                    echo "\r\n\r\n";
                if ($html) {
                    echo '<p>&nbsp</p>';
                printUserInfo($rs['fname'], $rs['lname'], $rs['memberid'], $type);
            // Set both newUser and newResource to false
            $newUser = false;
            $newMach = false;
            // Write next table header
            printTableHeader($rs['fname'], $rs['lname'], $rs['name'], $type, $rs['scheduletitle']);
        // Keep running total of hours on this machine
        $totalHours = $totalHours + ($rs['end_date'] / 60 + $rs['endtime'] - ($rs['start_date'] / 60 + $rs['starttime']));
        // Calculate what percentage that is of total machine time
        $percent = sprintf('%.02f', $totalHours / $rs_hours[$rs['machid']] * 100);
        // Store variables
        $start_date = Time::formatDate($rs['start_date'], null, false);
        $end_date = Time::formatDate($rs['end_date'], null, false);
        $created = Time::formatDateTime($rs['created'], null, false);
        $modified = !empty($rs['modified']) ? Time::formatDateTime($rs['modified'], null, false) : translate('N/A');
        $starttime = Time::formatTime($rs['starttime'], false);
        $endtime = Time::formatTime($rs['endtime'], false);
        $totTime = $rs['end_date'] / 60 + $rs['endtime'] - ($rs['start_date'] / 60 + $rs['starttime']);
        print_reservation_data($type, $link, $resNo++, $start_date, $end_date, $created, $modified, $starttime, $endtime, $totTime, $rs['resid'], $rs['fname'], $rs['lname'], $rs['name'], $rs['memberid'], $rs['scheduletitle']);
    // On last record, print out total hours
    // Write out total hours for this machine
    printTableFooter($totalHours, $type, $percent);
    if (!$html) {
        echo '</pre>';