Beispiel #1
    } else {
        if ($group['managedby'][0] != $_SESSION['user_dn']) {
$groups = array_values($groups);
// Sort the groups
$sortKeys = array();
foreach ($groups as $group) {
    $sortKeys[] = implode(' / ', dnToLevels($group['dn']));
array_multisort($sortKeys, $groups);
// PRint the groups
foreach ($groups as $group) {
    printGroupHtml($ldap, $group);


<form action="<?php 
echo getUrl('create_group');
" method="post" id="create_group_form">
	<p>Create a new group in
		<select name="container_dn" id="new_group_container_dn">
foreach ($ldapConfig['WritableGroupContainers'] as $dn) {
    print "\n\t\t\t<option value=\"" . base64_encode($dn) . "\">" . implode(" / ", dnToLevels($dn)) . "</option>";
    throw new InvalidArgumentException("No new_group_name passed");
$newGroupName = $_POST['new_group_name'];
if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\\s.,_\'&-]+$/i', $newGroupName)) {
    throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid new_group_name passed");
$groupId = "CN=" . $ldap->escapeDnValue($newGroupName) . "," . $containerDn;
// Verify that the current user really can manage the group.
try {
    $groups = $ldap->read('(objectclass=group)', $groupId, array('managedby', 'member'));
    if (count($groups)) {
        throw new Exception("A group with the name {$newGroupName} already exists.");
} catch (LdapException $e) {
$entry['cn'][0] = $newGroupName;
$entry['objectclass'][0] = 'top';
$entry['objectclass'][1] = 'group';
$entry['grouptype'] = "2";
$entry['managedby'][0] = $_SESSION['user_dn'];
// $entry["sAMAccountName"] = $newGroupName;
// create the new group
$ldap->add($groupId, $entry);
// Print out its HTML for insertion into the document
while (ob_get_level()) {
header('Content-Type: text/html');
$entry['dn'] = $groupId;
printGroupHtml($ldap, $entry);