public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $this->output = $output;
     $uniquesTable = $input->getArgument('uniques');
     $removalsTable = $input->getArgument('removes');
     $columns = explode(':', $input->getArgument('columns'));
     $fillerMode = (bool) $input->getOption('fillerMode');
     $this->info('Adding new ids to removes table...');
     $affectedRows = $this->insertNewIdsToRemovesTable($uniquesTable, $removalsTable, $columns, $fillerMode);
     $this->feedback('Linked ' . pretty($affectedRows) . ' records on new_id in ' . $removalsTable);
Beispiel #2
function pretty($arr, $level = 0)
    $tabs = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < $level; $i++) {
        $tabs .= "    ";
    foreach ($arr as $key => $val) {
        if (is_array($val)) {
            print_r($tabs . $key . " : " . ">" . "<br />");
            pretty($val, $level + 1);
        } else {
            if ($val && $val !== 0) {
                print_r($tabs . $key . " " . $val . ">" . "<br />");
 protected function reverseRemap($remapTable, $removesTable, $foreignKey, $startId)
     $totalAffectedRows = 0;
     $totalRows = $this->pdo->getTotalRows($removesTable);
     $i = is_null($this->db->table($remapTable)->find($startId)) ? $this->db->table($remapTable)->min('id') : $startId;
     while (is_int($i)) {
         $remapRow = keysToLower($this->db->table($remapTable)->find($i));
         $remapRowFk = $remapRow[$foreignKey];
         if (!is_null($remapRowFk)) {
             $newId = $this->db->table($removesTable)->find($remapRowFk)['new_id'];
             if (!is_null($newId)) {
                 $affectedRows = $this->db->table($remapTable)->where('id', $i)->update([$foreignKey => $newId]);
                 $totalAffectedRows += $affectedRows;
                 $this->feedback('Remapped ' . pretty($totalAffectedRows) . ' rows');
             } else {
                 $this->feedback($removesTable . '.' . $foreignKey . ' was null. continuing...');
         } else {
             $this->feedback($remapTable . '.' . $foreignKey . ' was null. continuing...');
         $i = $this->pdo->getNextId($i, $remapTable);
     return $totalAffectedRows;
 public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $this->output = $output;
     $originalTable = $input->getArgument('originalTable');
     $uniquesTable = $originalTable . '_uniques';
     $removalsTable = $originalTable . '_removes';
     $columns = explode(':', $input->getArgument('columns'));
     $firstRun = !$this->pdo->tableExists($uniquesTable);
     $this->info('Counting duplicate rows...');
     if ($firstRun) {
         $dupes = $this->pdo->getDuplicateRowCount($originalTable, $columns);
     } else {
         $dupes = $this->pdo->getDuplicateRowCount($uniquesTable, $columns);
     if ($dupes === 0) {
         $this->feedback('There are no duplicates using columns: ' . commaSeperate($columns));
     } else {
         $undedupedTable = $firstRun ? $originalTable : $uniquesTable;
         $this->feedback('There are ' . pretty($dupes) . ' dupes in ' . $undedupedTable . ' on ' . commaSeperate($columns));
     if ($firstRun) {
         $this->info('Creating uniques table: ' . $uniquesTable);
         $this->pdo->statement('CREATE TABLE ' . $uniquesTable . ' LIKE ' . $originalTable);
         $this->feedback('Created uniques table');
         if (!$this->pdo->indexExists($originalTable, implode('_', $columns))) {
             $this->info('Creating comp index on ' . $originalTable . ' on ' . commaSeperate($columns) . ' to speed process...');
             $this->pdo->createCompositeIndex($originalTable, $columns);
             $this->feedback('Created composite index on ' . $originalTable);
         $this->info('Creating removals table: ' . $removalsTable);
         $this->pdo->statement('CREATE TABLE ' . $removalsTable . ' LIKE ' . $originalTable);
         $this->feedback('Created removals table');
         $this->info('Adding new_id field to ' . $removalsTable . ' to store the id from ' . $uniquesTable . '...');
         $this->pdo->addIntegerColumn($removalsTable, 'new_id');
         $this->feedback('Added new_id field to ' . $removalsTable);
     } else {
         $this->info('Creating temp_uniques table...');
         $tempTable = 'temp_uniques';
         $this->pdo->statement('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ' . $tempTable . ' LIKE ' . $uniquesTable);
         $this->feedback('Created temporary table: ' . $tempTable);
     if (!$this->pdo->indexExists($uniquesTable, implode('_', $columns))) {
         $this->info('Creating comp index on ' . $uniquesTable . ' on ' . commaSeperate($columns) . ' to speed process...');
         $this->pdo->createCompositeIndex($uniquesTable, $columns);
         $this->feedback('Created composite index on ' . $uniquesTable);
     $dedupedTable = $firstRun ? $uniquesTable : $tempTable;
     $this->info('Inserting current unique rows on ' . $undedupedTable . ' to ' . $dedupedTable . '...');
     $affectedRows = $this->insertUniquesToTable($undedupedTable, $dedupedTable, $columns);
     $this->feedback('Inserted ' . pretty($affectedRows) . ' unique rows from ' . $undedupedTable . ' to ' . $dedupedTable);
     $this->info('Inserting duplicate rows to ' . $removalsTable . '...');
     $affectedRows = $this->insertDuplicatesToRemovalsTable($undedupedTable, $dedupedTable, $removalsTable);
     $this->feedback('Inserted ' . pretty($affectedRows) . ' duplicates to ' . $removalsTable);
     if (!$this->pdo->indexExists($removalsTable, implode('_', $columns))) {
         $this->info('Adding comp index to ' . $removalsTable . ' on ' . commaSeperate($columns) . ' to speed process...');
         $this->pdo->createCompositeIndex($removalsTable, $columns);
         $this->feedback('Added composite index for ' . $removalsTable);
     if (!$firstRun) {
         $this->info('Deleting duplicate rows in ' . $uniquesTable . '...');
         $affectedRows = $this->deleteDuplicatesFromUniquesTable($uniquesTable, $removalsTable);
         $this->feedback('Deleted ' . pretty($affectedRows) . ' rows ' . $removalsTable);
Beispiel #5
function event_column_select()
    global $wpdb;
    global $pagenow;
    if (is_admin() && $_GET['post_type'] == 'event' && $pagenow == 'edit.php') {
        $event_types = array('iscp-talk', 'exhibition', 'open-studios', 'event', 'off-site-project');
        echo '<select name="event_type">';
        echo '<option value="">' . __('Event Type', 'textdomain') . '</option>';
        foreach ($event_types as $value) {
            $selected = !empty($_GET['event_type']) && $_GET['event_type'] == $value ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
            echo '<option ' . $selected . 'value="' . $value . '">' . pretty($value) . '</option>';
        echo '</select>';
Beispiel #6
function pretty_all($array)
    //prepare an array of text messages for tidy display as HTML
    foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
        $array[$key] = pretty($val);
    return $array;
Beispiel #7
function out($data, $pretty = true)
    $json = json_encode($data);
    echo $pretty ? pretty($json) : $json;
Beispiel #8
  * Parses an exception into a content type
  * @access public
  * @param Exception $e The exception to parse
  * @param string $contentType The type of content to return
  * @param string $recoverer The recoverer used to recover from the exception
  * @return string A parsed verion of the exception as the supplied content type
 public static function parse(Exception $e, $contentType = self::HTML, $recoverer = null)
     $out = '';
     switch ($contentType) {
         case self::PLAINTEXT:
             $out .= sfl('###### ATSUMI has caught an Exception : %s', date(DATE_ATOM));
             $out .= sfl("\n" . ' >> %s <<', $e->getMessage());
             $out .= sfl("\n" . 'Exception type: %s', get_class($e));
             if ($e instanceof ErrorException) {
                 $out .= sfl("\n" . 'Severity level: ' . $e->getSeverity());
             $out .= sfl("\n" . '%s #%s', $e->getFile(), $e->getLine());
             /* Show the request URL if avalable */
             if (isset($_SERVER) && is_array($_SERVER) && array_key_exists('HTTP_HOST', $_SERVER) && array_key_exists('REQUEST_URI', $_SERVER)) {
                 $out .= sfl("\nRequest: http://%s", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
             /* Show the referer URL if avalable */
             if (isset($_SERVER) && is_array($_SERVER) && array_key_exists('HTTP_REFERER', $_SERVER)) {
                 $out .= sfl("\nReferer: %s", $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
             if (!is_null($recoverer)) {
                 $out .= sfl("\n" . 'Recoverer: %s()', is_object($recoverer) ? get_class($recoverer) : $recoverer);
                 $out .= sfl('Recoverer action: %s', $recoverer->getActionDetails());
             if (isset($e->details) && !is_null($e->details)) {
                 $out .= sfl("\n" . '-Additional Detail');
                 $out .= sfl('%s', pretty($e->details));
             if ($e instanceof atsumi_AbstractException) {
                 $out .= sfl("\n" . '-How to resolve this issue');
                 $out .= sfl($e->getInstructions('text/plain'));
             $out .= sfl("\n" . '-Stack Trace');
             $out .= sfl('%s', atsumi_ErrorParser::formatTrace($e->getTrace()));
             $out .= sfl('###### End of Exception ' . "\n\n");
         case 'text/html':
             $out .= sfl(self::getHtmlCss());
             $out .= sfl('<div class="atsumiError">');
             $out .= sfl('<h3><strong>ATSUMI</strong> has caught an Exception : <strong>%s</strong></h3>', date(DATE_ATOM));
             $out .= sfl('<h1>%s</h1>', $e->getMessage());
             $out .= sfl('<h4>Exception type: <strong>%s</strong></h4>', get_class($e));
             if ($e instanceof ErrorException) {
                 $out .= sfl('<h4>Severity level: <strong>%s</strong></h4>', $e->getSeverity());
             $out .= sfl('<h2>%s #<strong>%s</strong></h2>', preg_replace('|\\/([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_\\.]+\\.php)|', '/<strong>\\1</strong>', htmlentities($e->getFile())), $e->getLine());
             /* Show the request URL if avalable */
             if (isset($_SERVER) && is_array($_SERVER) && array_key_exists('HTTP_HOST', $_SERVER) && array_key_exists('REQUEST_URI', $_SERVER)) {
                 $out .= sfl("<h4>Request: <strong><a href='http://%s'>http://%s</a></strong></h4>", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
             /* Show the referer URL if avalable */
             if (isset($_SERVER) && is_array($_SERVER) && array_key_exists('HTTP_REFERER', $_SERVER)) {
                 $out .= sfl("<h4>Referer: <strong><a href='%s'>%s</a></strong></h4>", $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
             if (!is_null($recoverer)) {
                 $out .= sfl('<h4>Recoverer: <strong>%s()</strong></h4>', is_object($recoverer) ? get_class($recoverer) : $recoverer);
                 $out .= sfl('<h4>Recoverer action: <strong>%s</strong></h4>', $recoverer->getActionDetails());
             if (isset($e->details) && !is_null($e->details)) {
                 $out .= sfl('<br /><h3>Additional Detail</h3>');
                 $out .= sfl('<div class="atsumiDetailsContainer"><pre>%s</pre></div>', pretty($e->details));
             if ($e instanceof atsumi_AbstractException) {
                 $out .= sfl('<br /><h3><strong>ATSUMI</strong>: How to resolve this issue</h3>');
                 $out .= sfl('<div class="atsumiDetailsContainer">%s</div>', $e->getInstructions('text/html'));
             $out .= sfl('<br /><h4>Stack Trace</h4>');
             $out .= sfl('<div class="atsumiDetailsContainer"><pre>%s</pre></div>', atsumi_ErrorParser::formatTrace($e->getTrace(), 'text/html'));
             $out .= sfl('</div>');
     return $out;
                $remove[$merge_start][] = $time;
                $average[$merge_start] = ($merge_start + array_sum($remove[$merge_start])) / (count($remove[$merge_start]) + 1);
            } else {
                $merge_start = $time;
        // make sure we convert back to date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$time);
        // delete $remove[];
        // update $average;
        if (!empty($remove)) {
            echo join("\n", $times) . "\n";
        foreach ($remove as $mt => $times) {
            foreach ($times as $t) {
                $t = pretty($t);
                echo "Removing {$t}\n";
                $db->query("delete from trends where tag_id={$id} and woeid={$woeid} and time='{$t}'");
            $pmt = pretty($mt);
            $pav = pretty($average[$mt]);
            echo "Moving {$pmt} to {$pav}\n";
            $db->query("update trends set time='{$pav}' where time='{$pmt}' and  tag_id={$id} and woeid={$woeid}");
function pretty($time)
    return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time);
Beispiel #10
  * Appends a html representation of the data to a log file
  * @access protected
  * @param mixed $data The data to log
 protected function appendLogFile($data)
     $fp = fopen($this->fileLogPath, 'a');
     fwrite($fp, pretty($data) . PHP_EOL);
Beispiel #11

$title = get_post($post)->post_title;
$slug = get_post($post)->post_name;
$id = get_post($post)->ID;
$today = new DateTime();
$today = $today->format('Ymd');
$event_classes = $event_type_param . ' ' . $year_param;
$page_url = get_the_permalink();
$delay = $post->delay;
$paged = 1;
if ($query_vars) {
    $slug = $query_vars['pagename'];
    $paged = $query_vars['paged'];
    $event_type_param = $query_vars['type'];
    $year_param = $query_vars['date'];
    $upcoming_ids = $query_vars['upcoming_ids'];
    $post = get_page_by_path($slug, OBJECT, 'page');
    $events_section = $query_vars['events_section'];
    $page_param = $slug;
} else {
    $event_type_param = get_query_var('type');
    $year_param = get_query_var('date');
$event_type_param_title = pretty($event_type_param);
            $First = false;
            $Str = "<TABLE cellpadding=2>";
            $Str .= "<TR><TH align-left>" . pretty($Key) . "</TH>";
            foreach ($before as $header) {
                $Str .= "<TH align=right>" . pretty($header[$Key]) . "</TH>";
            $Str .= "<TH align=right>" . pretty($Value) . "</TH>";
            foreach ($after as $footer) {
                $Str .= "<TH align=right>" . pretty($footer[$Key]) . "</TH>";
            $Str .= "</TR>";
        } else {
            // same as first except no TABLE and TH replaced by TR
            $Str .= "<TR><TD align-left>" . pretty($Key) . "</TD>";
            foreach ($before as $header) {
                $Str .= "<TD align=right>" . pretty($header[$Key]) . "</TD>";
            $Str .= "<TD align=right>" . pretty($Value) . "</TD>";
            foreach ($after as $footer) {
                $Str .= "<TD align=right>" . pretty($footer[$Key]) . "</TD>";
            $Str .= "</TR>";
    $Str .= "</TABLE>";
    echo "<HR>{$Str}<HR>";
    // show on web page
    $Mail[$Values['email']] = $Str;
    // save for session variable
$_SESSION['Mail'] = $Mail;
Beispiel #13
    $table["rdf:type (ignored)"] = $rdftype;
    $table["owlproperty (ignored)"] = $owlproperty;
    $table["classes (ignored)"] = count($classes);
    $table["Objects"] = $resourceobjects;
    $table["Triples"] = $triples;
    $table["Triples_with_Object_ratio"] = pretty($resourceobjects, $triples);
    $table["unique_subjects"] = count($uniquesubjects);
    $table["subsAreObjects"] = count($subsAreObjects);
    $table["subsAreObjectsRatio"] = pretty(count($subsAreObjects), count($uniquesubjects));
    $table["avg_indegree_subjects"] = avg($subsAreObjects);
    $table["avg_outdegree_subjects"] = avg($uniquesubjects);
    $table["unique_predicates"] = count($uniquepredicates);
    $table["avg_usage_predicates"] = avg($uniquepredicates);
    $table["unique_objects"] = count($uniqueobjects);
    $table["objsAreSubjects"] = count($objsAreSubjects);
    $table["objsAreSubjectsRatio"] = pretty(count($objsAreSubjects), count($uniqueobjects));
    $table["avg_indegree_objects"] = avg($uniqueobjects);
    $table["avg_outdegree_objects"] = avg($objsAreSubjects);
    if ($detailed) {
        echo "classes\n";
        echo "predicates\n";
function detailed($arr)
    foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
        echo "{$key}\t{$value}\n";
Beispiel #14
function pretty($value, $prefix = '')
    if (is_null($value)) {
        return 'null';
    if (is_string($value)) {
        return '\'' . str_replace(array('\'', "\n", "\r", "\t"), array('\\\'', '\\n', '\\r', '\\t'), $value) . '\'';
    if (is_int($value)) {
        return (string) $value;
    if (is_double($value)) {
        return (string) $value;
    if (is_bool($value)) {
        return $value ? 'true' : 'false';
    if (is_array($value)) {
        $ret = 'array(';
        if (count($value) <= 0) {
            return $ret . ')';
        foreach ($value as $a => $b) {
            $ret .= "\n  " . $prefix . pretty($a) . ': ' . pretty($b, '  ' . $prefix);
        $ret .= "\n" . $prefix . ')';
        return $ret;
    if (is_object($value)) {
        $ret = '';
        if (method_exists($value, 'toString')) {
            $ret = $value->toString();
        $ret = $ret . ' ' . get_class($value) . '(';
        if (method_exists($value, 'dumpDebug')) {
            $value = $value->dumpDebug();
        foreach ($value as $a => $b) {
            $ret .= "\n  " . $prefix . $a . ': ' . pretty($b, '  ' . $prefix);
        $ret .= "\n " . $prefix . ')';
        return $ret;
    return '?' . gettype($value) . '?';
                     } else {
                         if ($method == "quec") {
                             $data = getNumOfFeatures($map, $layer, $attribute);
                             $breaks = quantile($data, $classes);
                             $colors = getColors(hex2rgb($startColor), hex2rgb($endColor), count($breaks));
                             saveToMapFile($map, $layer, $attribute, $type, $breaks, $colors, $mapFile);
                         } else {
                             if ($method == "sd") {
                                 $data = getNumOfFeatures($map, $layer, $attribute);
                                 $breaks = standardDeviation($data, $classes);
                                 $colors = getColors(hex2rgb($startColor), hex2rgb($endColor), count($breaks));
                                 saveToMapFile($map, $layer, $attribute, $type, $breaks, $colors, $mapFile);
                             } else {
                                 if ($method == "pb") {
                                     $data = getNumOfFeatures($map, $layer, $attribute);
                                     $breaks = pretty($data, $classes);
                                     $colors = getColors(hex2rgb($startColor), hex2rgb($endColor), count($breaks));
                                     saveToMapFile($map, $layer, $attribute, $type, $breaks, $colors, $mapFile);
 } else {
     if ($_POST["function"] == "updateStyles") {
         $mapFile = $_POST["mapFile"];
         $layerName = $_POST["layerName"];
         $data = json_decode($_POST["data"]);
Beispiel #16
* 1 - add cms level new tags
* 2 - delete existing tag post association
* 3 - add new tag post association
//only add tags,
//do not remove tags from CMS when there is no tag-post association
//trim spaces
if (!empty($tagstring)) {
    $tagstring = str_replace(' ', '', $tagstring);
    //echo $tagstring ;
    $tags = explode(',', $tagstring);
    echo '<h2>identified tags from the form field</h2>';
//now that we know which tags are sent from the form
//attach them to the post
//delete current tag_post association
add_tag_post_association($tags, $id);
echo '<h2>======= END  TAG SECTION ============</h2>';
//update the RSS Feed
//update the sitemap
echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='" . $redir_delay . "; url={$tld2}/manage/write.php?id={$id}'>";
Beispiel #17
	<div class="options">
$event_types = array('exhibition', 'offsite-project', 'iscp-talk', 'open-studios', 'events');
foreach ($event_types as $event_type) {
    $event_type_count = get_event_count('type', $event_type);
    if ($event_type_count) {
        $filter_url = query_url('type', $event_type, $page_url);
        if ($event_type == $type_param) {
            $classes = 'selected ';
        } else {
            $classes = null;
        $classes .= $event_type;
        echo '<div class="option ' . $classes . '">';
        echo '<a href="' . $filter_url . '" data-value="' . $event_type . '">';
        $event_type = pretty($event_type);
        echo $event_type;
        echo '<div class="swap">';
        echo '<div class="icon default"></div>';
        echo '<div class="icon hover"></div>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '</a>';
        echo '</div>';

<div class="filter-list sub year <?php 
echo $slug;
Beispiel #18
            $skip_first_partial_line = true;
    do {
        $stat = stat($datafile);
        $seek_position = $stat['size'];
    } while ($seek_position <= $get && $tries++ <= $maxtries && time() - $start_time < $max_poll_seconds - 1);
    $file = fopen($datafile, "r");
    if ($file) {
        if (flock($file, LOCK_SH)) {
            fseek($file, $get, 0);
            //      stream_select($read,$write,$except,1);
            $data = fread($file, $max_bytes_fistory);
            $seek_position = ftell($file);
            flock($file, LOCK_UN);
        } else {
            die("COULD NOT aquire shared lock.");
        $data = pretty($data);
        if ($skip_first_partial_line) {
            $data = preg_replace('/^[^\\n]+/s', '', $data);
        echo $seek_position . ";" . $data;
    } else {
        die("ERRAR. Could not open {$datafile} for reading.");
Beispiel #19

global $post;
$event_id = $post->ID;
$event_status = get_event_status($event_id);
$event_title = get_the_title($event_id);
$event_url = get_permalink();
$event_type = get_field('event_type');
$event_type_name = pretty($event_type);
$event_status = get_event_status($event_id);
$event_date_format = get_event_date($event_id);
$event_thumb = get_thumb($event_id, 'thumb');
$today = date('Ymd');
if (get_field('opening_reception', $event_id) >= $today) {
    $opening = new DateTime(get_field('opening_reception', $event_id));
    $opening = $opening->format('M d, Y');
    $opening_hours = get_field('opening_reception_hours', $event_id);
    if ($opening_hours) {
        $opening .= ', ' . $opening_hours;
echo '<div class="event item shelf-item border-bottom ' . $event_status . '" data-id="' . $event_id . '">';
echo '<div class="inner">';
echo '<a class="wrap value date" href="' . $event_url . '">';
echo '<h2 class="link name title">' . $event_title . '</h2>';
echo '<div class="image">';
echo '<img src="' . $event_thumb . '"/>';
echo '</div>';
if ($opening) {
    echo '<div class="value date link">Opening Reception:&nbsp;' . $opening . '</div>';
 function renderBodyContent()
     pfl('<pre>%s</pre>', stripslashes(pretty($this->get_output)));
Beispiel #21
 function __toString()
     return pretty($this->output());
Beispiel #22
function verbosify($a, $b, $col, $form, $verbose)
    #$result = ($a === $b);
    $result = strcmp($a, $b) == 0;
    if ($verbose) {
        $aa = pretty($a);
        $bb = pretty($b);
        $ok = $result ? "succeed" : " failed";
        $eq = $result ? "==" : "!=";
        print "  {$ok} {$form} c{$col} '{$aa}' {$eq} '{$bb}'\n";
    return $result;
Beispiel #23
 function toHTML($opts = false)
     global $session_user;