Beispiel #1
function updateDictValues()
    $module = _post("moduleName");
    $ds = GetCfg($module . ".dictionaries");
    $res = "";
    if ($ds) {
        $dict = _post("dict");
        if (isset($ds[$dict])) {
            $d = $ds[$dict];
            $dname = $d[0];
            $dcols = $d[1];
            //$q = "DELETE FROM $dict WHERE {$dcols[id][0]}=" . _get("id");
            $ids = _postByPattern("/" . $dcols["id"][0] . "_\\d+/");
            foreach ($ids as $id) {
                $vals = "";
                $cl = "";
                foreach ($dcols as $cname => $col) {
                    if ($col[2]) {
                        if ($vals) {
                            $vals .= ", ";
                        $vals .= $col[0] . "=" . prepareVar(_post($col[0] . "_" . $id));
                $q = "UPDATE {$dict} SET {$vals} WHERE " . $dcols["id"][0] . "={$id}";
                //print "$q<br>";
                $qr = mysql_query($q);
                if (!$qr) {
                    trigger_error("Error updating a value in a dictionary [{$dict}] for module [{$module}]", PM_FATAL);
            header("Status: 302 Moved");
            header("Location: /admin/?cmd=editDict&moduleName={$module}&dict={$dict}");
        } else {
            trigger_error("Undefined dictionary [{$dict}] for module [{$module}]", PM_FATAL);
    } else {
        trigger_error("Undefined module [{$module}]", PM_FATAL);
Beispiel #2
    function getRegForm($pageID)
        global $structureMgr, $templatesMgr, $authenticationMgr;
        $doRegister = 0;
        $msg = "";
        if ($authenticationMgr->getUserID() <= 1) {
            //                return "Незарегистрированные пользователи даже попасть сюда не должны!";
            header("Status: 302 Moved");
            $msg = "Для подписки на рассылку предложений по распродаже, нужна регистрация";
            header("Location: /registration?msg=" . $msg . "&email=" . _post("email"));
        if (_post("action") == "doUpdate") {
            if (_post("login") != "") {
                $ud = array();
                // $authenticationMgr->getUserData(-1, _post("login"));
                if (count($ud) == 0) {
                    $vals = array("firstname", "lastname", "surname", "email", "phone", "address", "car", "car_type");
                    $names = array("Имя", "Фамилия", "Отчество", "E-mail", "Контактный телефон", "Адрес доставки", "Ваш автомобиль", "Марка автомобиля");
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($vals); $i++) {
                        if ($vals[$i] != "car_type") {
                            if (_post($vals[$i]) == "") {
                                $msg .= "Заполните, пожалуйста, поле `{$names[$i]}`.<br>";
                        } else {
                            $pcar = _post("car");
                            if (($pcar == "0" || $pcar > 15 && $pcar < 24) && _post($vals[$i]) == "") {
                                $msg .= "Заполните, пожалуйста, поле `{$names[$i]}`.<br>";
                    if (_post("psw") != _post("psw2") && _post("psw")) {
                        $msg .= "Пароли не совпадают.";
                    if (!$msg) {
                        $updateInfo = array();
                        if (_post("login")) {
                            $updateInfo[] = "login = "******"login"));
                        if (_post("psw")) {
                            $updateInfo[] = "`password` = MD5(" . prepareVar(_post("psw")) . ")";
                        if (_post("firstname")) {
                            $updateInfo[] = "FirstName = " . prepareVar(_post("firstname"));
                        if (_post("lastname")) {
                            $updateInfo[] = "LastName = " . prepareVar(_post("lastname"));
                        if (_post("surname")) {
                            $updateInfo[] = "SurName = " . prepareVar(_post("surname"));
                        if (_post("email")) {
                            $updateInfo[] = "Email = " . prepareVar(_post("email"));
                        if (_post("sex")) {
                            $updateInfo[] = "sex = " . prepareVar(_post("sex"));
                        if (_post("phone")) {
                            $updateInfo[] = "phone = " . prepareVar(_post("phone"));
                        if (_post("region")) {
                            $updateInfo[] = "region = " . prepareVar(_post("region"));
                        if (_post("city")) {
                            $updateInfo[] = "city = " . prepareVar(_post("city"));
                        if (_post("address")) {
                            $updateInfo[] = "address = " . prepareVar(_post("address"));
                        if (_post("carID")) {
                            $updateInfo[] = "carID = " . prepareVar(_post("carID"));
                        if (_post("carType")) {
                            $updateInfo[] = "carType = " . prepareVar(_post("carType"));
                        if (_post("subscribe")) {
                            $updateInfo[] = "subscribe = " . prepareVar(_post("subscribe"));
                        if (count($updateInfo)) {
                            $q = "UPDATE pm_users SET\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . implode(",", $updateInfo) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE userID ='" . $authenticationMgr->getUserID() . "'";
                            //echo $q;
                            $qr = mysql_query($q);
                        if ($qr) {
                            $msg = $templatesMgr->getTemplate(-1, GetCfg("TemplatesPath") . "/Register/" . "regmsg.txt");
                            $subj = $templatesMgr->getTemplate(-1, GetCfg("TemplatesPath") . "/Register/" . "regmailsubj.txt");
                            $body = $templatesMgr->getTemplate(-1, GetCfg("TemplatesPath") . "/Register/" . "regmail.txt");
                            $body = str_replace("%login%", _post("login"), $body);
                            $body = str_replace("%psw%", _post("psw"), $body);
                            $body = str_replace("%firstname%", _post("firstname"), $body);
                            $body = str_replace("%lastname%", _post("lastname"), $body);
                            $body = str_replace("%car_type%", _post("car_type"), $body);
                            mail(_post("email"), $subj, $body, "From:\r\n");
                            $doUpdate = 1;
                        } else {
                            $msg = mysql_error();
                } else {
                    $msg .= "Уже существует пользователь с логином `" . _post("login") . "`.<br>";
            } else {
                $msg .= "Заполните, пожалуйста, поле &quot;Логин&quot;.<br>";
        if ($doUpdate == 0) {
            $js = $templatesMgr->getTemplate(-1, GetCfg("TemplatesPath") . "/Register/" . "reg.js");
            $form = <<<FORM
<TABLE class="" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
<TD class="" width=8><IMG height=8 src="/images/pix.gif" width=8></TD>
<TD class="" vAlign=top>
<TABLE class="" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=5 width="100%" bgColor=#dcdde0 border=0>
<TR bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD class="" vAlign=top width="50%">
<TABLE class="" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%" border=0>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD class="" width=65><IMG height=85 alt="Полезная информация" src="/images/minime.gif" width=65 align=absMiddle border=0></TD>
<TD class="">
<LI>После отправки анкеты, на Ваш e-mail будет отослано письмо</LI>
<LI>Указанная вами марка автомобиля поможет улучшить качество получаемой Вами информации о распродаже</LI>
<LI>Все поля данной анкеты обязательны для заполнения </LI></UL></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD>
<TD class="" width=8><IMG height=8 src="/images/pix.gif" width=8></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>%MSG% 
<TABLE class="" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
<FORM onsubmit="return checkReg();" method=post><INPUT type=hidden value=doUpdate name=action> 
<TD class="" width=8><IMG height=8 src="/images/pix.gif" width=8></TD>
<TD class="" vAlign=top>
<TABLE class="" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#f2f2f2 border=0>
<TD class="" width=10 height=10><IMG height=10 src="/images/t_01.gif" width=10></TD>
<TD class="" background=/images/tb_01.gif height=10><IMG height=10 src="/images/pix.gif" width=10></TD>
<TD class="" width=10 height=10><IMG height=10 src="/images/t_02.gif" width=10></TD></TR>
<TD class="" width=10 background=/images/tb_02.gif><IMG height=10 src="/images/pix.gif" width=10></TD>
<TD class="" vAlign=top>
<TABLE class="" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=5 bgColor=#cccccc border=0>
<TR bgColor=#f2f2f2>
<TD class="" align=right width=160>Логин:</TD>
<TD class=""><INPUT class=input03 value=%login% name=login></TD></TR>
<TR bgColor=#f2f2f2>
<TD class="" align=right width=160>Пароль:</TD>
<TD class=""><INPUT class=input03 type=password value=%psw% name=psw></TD></TR>
<TR bgColor=#f2f2f2>
<TD class="" align=right width=160>Пароль повторно:</TD>
<TD class=""><INPUT class=input03 type=password value=%psw2% name=psw2></TD></TR>
<TR bgColor=#f2f2f2>
<TD class="" align=right width=160>E-mail:</TD>
<TD class=""><INPUT class=input03 value=%email% name=email></TD></TR>
<TR bgColor=#f2f2f2>
<TD class="" align=right width=160>Фамилия:</TD>
<TD class=""><INPUT class=input03 value=%lastname% name=lastname></TD></TR>
<TR bgColor=#f2f2f2>
<TD class="" align=right width=160>Имя:</TD>
<TD class=""><INPUT class=input03 value=%firstname% name=firstname></TD></TR>
<TR bgColor=#f2f2f2>
<TD class="" align=right width=160>Отчество:</TD>
<TD class=""><INPUT class=input03 value=%surname% name=surname></TD></TR>
<TR bgColor=#f2f2f2>
<TD class="" align=right width=160>Ваш пол:</TD>
<TD class=""><INPUT type=radio %male% value=m name=sex> Мужской <INPUT type=radio %female% value=f name=sex> Женский </TD></TR>
<TR bgColor=#f2f2f2>
<TD class="" align=right width=160>Контактный телефон:</TD>
<TD class=""><INPUT class=input03 value=%phone% name=phone></TD></TR>
<TR bgColor=#f2f2f2>
<TD class="" align=right width=160>Регион:</TD>
<TD class=""><SELECT class=input03 name=region> <OPTION value=Санкт-Петербург selected>Санкт-Петербург</OPTION></SELECT></TD></TR>
<TR bgColor=#f2f2f2>
<TD class="" align=right width=160>Город:</TD>
<TD class=""><SELECT class=input03 name=city> <OPTION value=Санкт-Петербург selected>Санкт-Петербург</OPTION></SELECT></TD></TR>
<TR bgColor=#f2f2f2>
<TD class="" align=right width=160>Адрес доставки:</TD>
<TD class=""><TEXTAREA class=input05 name=address>%address%</TEXTAREA></TD></TR>
<TR bgColor=#f2f2f2>
<TD class="" align=right width=160>Ваш автомобиль:</TD>
<TD class="" bgColor=#f2f2f2>
<SELECT class=input03 name=car> 
<OPTION value="">--------------
<OPTION value=1>ВАЗ 2101</OPTION> 
<OPTION value=2>ВАЗ 2102</OPTION> 
<OPTION value=3>ВАЗ 2103</OPTION> 
<OPTION value=4>ВАЗ 2104</OPTION> 
<OPTION value=5>ВАЗ 2105</OPTION> 
<OPTION value=6>ВАЗ 2106</OPTION> 
<OPTION value=7>ВАЗ 2107</OPTION> 
<OPTION value=8>ВАЗ 2108</OPTION> 
<OPTION value=9>ВАЗ 2109</OPTION> 
<OPTION value=10>ВАЗ 21099</OPTION> 
<OPTION value=11>ВАЗ 2110</OPTION> 
<OPTION value=12>ВАЗ 2112</OPTION>
<OPTION value=13>Ока</OPTION> 
<OPTION value=14>Нива</OPTION>
<OPTION value="">--------------
<OPTION value=16>Honda</OPTION>
<OPTION value=17>Infiniti</OPTION>
<OPTION value=18>Lexus</OPTION>
<OPTION value=19>Mazda</OPTION>
<OPTION value=20>Mitsubishi</OPTION>
<OPTION value=21>Nissan</OPTION>
<OPTION value=22>Subaru</OPTION>
<OPTION value=23>Toyota</OPTION>
<OPTION value="">--------------</OPTION>
<OPTION value=0>Другой</OPTION>
<TR bgColor=#f2f2f2>
<TD class="" align=right width=160>Модель автомобиля<br>(заполняется, если указана иномарка либо Ваш автомобиль не входит в список):</TD>
<TD class="" bgColor=#f2f2f2><input type="text" class="input03" name="car_type" value="%car_type%"></TD></TR>
<TR bgColor=#f2f2f2>
<TD class="" align=right width=160>Подписаться на e-mail рассылку предложений по распродаже:</TD>
<TD class=""><INPUT type=checkbox %subscribe% value=1 name=subscribe></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<TABLE class="" height=15 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=116 border=0>
<TD class="" vAlign=top bgColor="#676971" height=15><INPUT type=image src="images/reg.gif"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR></TD>
<TD class="" width=10 background=/images/tb_03.gif><IMG height=10 src="/images/pix.gif" width=10></TD></TR>
<TD class="" width=10 height=10><IMG height=10 src="/images/t_03.gif" width=10></TD>
<TD class="" background=/images/tb_04.gif height=10><IMG height=10 src="/images/pix.gif" width=10></TD>
<TD class="" width=10 height=10><IMG height=10 src="/images/t_04.gif" width=10></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD>
<TD class="" width=8><IMG height=8 src="/images/pix.gif" width=8></TD></TR></TBODY></FORM></TABLE>
            if ($msg) {
                $msg = "<div style=\"color: red; text-align: center\">{$msg}<br><br></div>";
            $user = $this->getUserData($authenticationMgr->getUserID());
            $form = str_replace("%MSG%", $msg, $form);
            $form = str_replace("%login%", "\"" . str_replace("\"", "&quot;", _post("login") ? _post("login") : $user['Login']) . "\"", $form);
            $form = str_replace("%psw%", "\"" . str_replace("\"", "&quot;", _post("psw") ? _post("psw") : "") . "\"", $form);
            $form = str_replace("%psw2%", "\"" . str_replace("\"", "&quot;", _post("psw2") ? _post("psw2") : "") . "\"", $form);
            $form = str_replace("%firstname%", "\"" . str_replace("\"", "&quot;", _post("firstname") ? _post("firstname") : $user['FirstName']) . "\"", $form);
            $form = str_replace("%lastname%", "\"" . str_replace("\"", "&quot;", _post("lastname") ? _post("lastname") : $user['LastName']) . "\"", $form);
            $form = str_replace("%surname%", "\"" . str_replace("\"", "&quot;", _post("surname") ? _post("surname") : $user['SurName']) . "\"", $form);
            $form = str_replace("%email%", "\"" . str_replace("\"", "&quot;", _post("email") ? _post("email") : $user['Email']) . "\"", $form);
            $form = str_replace("%phone%", "\"" . str_replace("\"", "&quot;", _post("phone") ? _post("phone") : $user['phone']) . "\"", $form);
            $form = str_replace("%address%", str_replace("\"", "&quot;", _post("address") ? _post("address") : $user['address']), $form);
            $form = str_replace("%car_type%", str_replace("\"", "&quot;", _post("car_type") ? _post("car_type") : $user['carType']), $form);
            $form = str_replace("%subscribe%", (_post("subscribe") ? _post("subscribe") : $user['subscribe']) == 1 ? "checked" : "", $form);
            if ((_post("sex") ? _post("sex") : $user['sex']) == 'm') {
                $male = "checked";
                $female = "";
            } else {
                $male = "";
                $female = "checked";
            $form = str_replace("%male%", $male, $form);
            $form = str_replace("%female%", $female, $form);
            return "<script>{$js}</script>" . $form;
        } else {
            return $msg;
Beispiel #3
 function updateAdditionalColumns($args)
     global $structureMgr;
     $sID = $args[0];
     $qSet = "";
     if ($sID != -1) {
         $md = $structureMgr->getMetaData($sID);
     } else {
         trigger_error("pageID must be specified", PM_WARNING);
         return false;
     switch ($md["DataType"]) {
         case "CatItem":
             foreach ($this->additionalColumns[$md["DataType"]] as $ac => $acv) {
                 $nv = _post("{$ac}{$sID}");
                 if ($acv == "checkbox") {
                     if ($nv == "") {
                         $nv = "0";
                     } else {
                         $nv = "1";
                 $v = prepareVar($nv);
                 if ($qSet) {
                     $qSet .= ", ";
                 $qSet .= $ac . "=" . $v;
             $q = "UPDATE pm_as_parts SET {$qSet} WHERE sID = " . $sID;
             $qr = mysql_query($q);
         case "Category":
             $qr = 1;
     if (!$qr) {
         trigger_error("Error while trying to update AdditionalColumns [{$q}] - " . mysql_error(), PM_FATAL);
         return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #4
 function getRegForm($pageID)
     global $structureMgr, $templatesMgr, $authenticationMgr;
     $doRegister = 0;
     $msg = "";
     if ($authenticationMgr->getUserID() > 1) {
         //                return "Зарегистрированные пользователи даже попасть сюда не должны!";
         header("Status: 302 Moved");
         header("Location: /");
     $msg .= _get("msg");
     if (_post("action") == "doRegister") {
         if (_post("login") != "") {
             $ud = $authenticationMgr->getUserData(-1, _post("login"));
             echo "<!--";
             $usersWithSameEmail = $authenticationMgr->getUserData(-1, 0, _post("email"));
             echo ' -->';
             if (!count($ud) && !count($usersWithSameEmail)) {
                 $vals = array("psw", "firstname", "lastname", "surname", "email", "phone", "address", "car", "carType");
                 $names = array("Пароль", "Имя", "Фамилия", "Отчество", "E-mail", "Контактный телефон", "Адрес доставки", "Ваш автомобиль", "Марка автомобиля");
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($vals); $i++) {
                     if ($vals[$i] != "carType") {
                         if (_post($vals[$i]) == "") {
                             $msg .= "Заполните, пожалуйста, поле `{$names[$i]}`.<br />";
                     } else {
                         $pcar = _post("car");
                         if (($pcar == "0" || $pcar > 15 && $pcar < 24) && _post($vals[$i]) == "") {
                             $msg .= "Заполните, пожалуйста, поле `{$names[$i]}`.<br />";
                 if (_post("psw") != _post("psw2")) {
                     $msg .= "Пароли не совпадают.";
                 if (!$msg) {
                     $q = "INSERT INTO pm_users (login,`password`,FirstName,LastName,SurName,Email,sex,phone,region,city,address,carID,carType,subscribe) \n                            VALUES (\n                            " . prepareVar(_post("login")) . ",\n                            MD5(" . prepareVar(_post("psw")) . "),\n                            " . prepareVar(_post("firstname")) . ",\n                            " . prepareVar(_post("lastname")) . ",\n                            " . prepareVar(_post("surname")) . ",\n                            " . prepareVar(_post("email")) . ",\n                            " . prepareVar(_post("sex")) . ",\n                            " . prepareVar(_post("phone")) . ",\n                            " . prepareVar(_post("region")) . ",\n                            " . prepareVar(_post("city")) . ",\n                            " . prepareVar(_post("address")) . ",\n                            " . prepareVar(_post("car")) . ",\n                            " . prepareVar(_post("carType")) . ",\n                            " . prepareVar(_post("subscribe")) . "\n                            )";
                     $qr = mysql_query($q);
                     if ($qr) {
                         $msg = $templatesMgr->getTemplate(-1, GetCfg("TemplatesPath") . "/Register/" . "regmsg.txt");
                         $subj = $templatesMgr->getTemplate(-1, GetCfg("TemplatesPath") . "/Register/" . "regmailsubj.txt");
                         $body = $templatesMgr->getTemplate(-1, GetCfg("TemplatesPath") . "/Register/" . "regmail.txt");
                         $body = str_replace("%login%", _post("login"), $body);
                         $body = str_replace("%psw%", _post("psw"), $body);
                         $body = str_replace("%firstname%", _post("firstname"), $body);
                         $body = str_replace("%lastname%", _post("lastname"), $body);
                         $body = str_replace("%car_type%", _post("carType"), $body);
                         //mail(_post("email"), $subj, $body, "From:\r\n");
                         $mail = new PHPMailer();
                         // set mailer to use SMTP
                         $mail->Host = "localhost";
                         // specify main and backup server
                         $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
                         // turn on SMTP authentication
                         $mail->Username = "******";
                         // SMTP username
                         $mail->Password = "******";
                         // SMTP password
                         $mail->From = "*****@*****.**";
                         $mail->FromName = "";
                         $mail->WordWrap = 50;
                         // set word wrap to 50 characters
                         // set email format to HTML
                         $mail->Subject = $subj;
                         $mail->Body = $body;
                         if (!@$mail->Send()) {
                             trigger_error("Message could not be sent.Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo, PM_WARNING);
                         $doRegister = 1;
                     } else {
                         $msg = mysql_error();
             } elseif (count($usersWithSameEmail)) {
                 $msg .= "Уже существует пользователь с email `" . _post("email") . "`.<br />";
             } else {
                 $msg .= "Уже существует пользователь с логином `" . _post("login") . "`.<br />";
         } else {
             $msg .= "Заполните, пожалуйста, поле &quot;Логин&quot;.<br />";
     if ($doRegister == 0) {
         //$js = $templatesMgr->getTemplate(-1, GetCfg("TemplatesPath") . "/Register/" . "reg.js");
         $form = $templatesMgr->getTemplate(-1, GetCfg("TemplatesPath") . "/Register/" . "regform.html");
         if ($msg) {
             $msg = "<div class=\"podbor\" style=\"color: red; text-align: center\">{$msg}</div>";
         $form = str_replace("%MSG%", $msg, $form);
         $form = str_replace("%login%", _post("login"), $form);
         $form = str_replace("%psw%", _post("psw"), $form);
         $form = str_replace("%psw2%", _post("psw2"), $form);
         $form = str_replace("%firstname%", _post("firstname"), $form);
         $form = str_replace("%lastname%", _post("lastname"), $form);
         $form = str_replace("%surname%", _post("surname"), $form);
         if (_get("email")) {
             $form = str_replace("%email%", _get("email"), $form);
         } else {
             $form = str_replace("%email%", _post("email"), $form);
         $form = str_replace("%phone%", _post("phone"), $form);
         $form = str_replace("%address%", _post("address"), $form);
         $form = str_replace("%car_type%", _post("carType"), $form);
         $form = str_replace("%city%", _post("city"), $form);
         return $form;
     } else {
         return "<div class=\"podbor\">" . $msg . "</div>";
  * Вернет ID страницы из параметров URI
  * В функцию передается URI текущей страницы.
  * Возвращает ID страницы из базы. Судя по всему для дальнейшей идетнификации шаблона.
  * @param string $path
  * @return integer
 function getPageIDByPath($path)
     global $classErrorMessage;
     $pNumber = 1;
     if ($path == '/') {
         return $this->getDefaultPageID();
     } else {
         $path = rtrim($path, '/');
         $pathComponents = explode('/', $path);
         $parent = $this->getRootPageID();
         $cnt = count($pathComponents);
          * Begin debugging code
         //preg_match('/^pageID=(\d+)$/', $pathComponents[1], $match);
          * End debugging code
         for ($i = 1; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
             //we must skip page number in URL
             if ($i == $cnt - 1 && preg_match('/^page(\\d+)$/', $pathComponents[$i], $match)) {
                 $this->pageNumber[$parent] = $match[1];
             $v = prepareVar($pathComponents[$i]);
             $q = 'SELECT `sID` FROM `pm_structure` 
                       WHERE (`pms_sID`=\'' . $parent . '\' AND `URLName`=' . $v . ') OR (`URLName`=\'\' AND `sID`=' . $v . ') LIMIT 1';
             $qr = mysql_query($q, $this->dblink);
             if (!$qr) {
                 trigger_error(mysql_error($this->dblink), PM_FATAL);
             if (mysql_num_rows($qr) == 1) {
                 list($parent) = mysql_fetch_row($qr);
             } else {
                 $classErrorMessage = 'Couldn\'t find the specified URL - ' . $path . '<b>';
                 $parent = NULL;
         return $parent;
Beispiel #6
 function getRegForm($pageID)
     global $structureMgr, $templatesMgr, $authenticationMgr;
     $doRegister = 0;
     $msg = "";
     if ($authenticationMgr->getUserID() <= 1) {
         //                return "Незарегистрированные пользователи даже попасть сюда не должны!";
         header("Status: 302 Moved");
         $msg = "Для подписки на рассылку предложений по распродаже, нужна регистрация";
         header("Location: /registration?msg=" . $msg . "&amp;email=" . _post("email"));
     if (_post("action") == "doUpdate") {
         if (_post("login") != "") {
             $ud = array();
             // $authenticationMgr->getUserData(-1, _post("login"));
             if (count($ud) == 0) {
                 $vals = array("firstname", "lastname", "surname", "email", "phone", "address", "carID", "carType");
                 $names = array("Имя", "Фамилия", "Отчество", "E-mail", "Контактный телефон", "Адрес доставки", "Ваш автомобиль", "Марка автомобиля");
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($vals); $i++) {
                     if ($vals[$i] != "carType") {
                         if (_post($vals[$i]) == "") {
                             $msg .= "Заполните, пожалуйста, поле `{$names[$i]}`.<br>";
                     } else {
                         $pcar = _post("carID");
                         if (($pcar == "0" || $pcar > 15 && $pcar < 24) && _post($vals[$i]) == "") {
                             $msg .= "Заполните, пожалуйста, поле `{$names[$i]}`.<br>";
                 if (_post("psw") != _post("psw2") && _post("psw")) {
                     $msg .= "Пароли не совпадают.";
                 if (!$msg) {
                     $updateInfo = array();
                     if (_post("login")) {
                         $updateInfo[] = "login = "******"login"));
                     if (_post("psw")) {
                         $updateInfo[] = "`password` = MD5(" . prepareVar(_post("psw")) . ")";
                     if (_post("firstname")) {
                         $updateInfo[] = "FirstName = " . prepareVar(_post("firstname"));
                     if (_post("lastname")) {
                         $updateInfo[] = "LastName = " . prepareVar(_post("lastname"));
                     if (_post("surname")) {
                         $updateInfo[] = "SurName = " . prepareVar(_post("surname"));
                     if (_post("email")) {
                         $updateInfo[] = "Email = " . prepareVar(_post("email"));
                     if (_post("sex")) {
                         $updateInfo[] = "sex = " . prepareVar(_post("sex"));
                     if (_post("phone")) {
                         $updateInfo[] = "phone = " . prepareVar(_post("phone"));
                     if (_post("region")) {
                         $updateInfo[] = "region = " . prepareVar(_post("region"));
                     if (_post("city")) {
                         $updateInfo[] = "city = " . prepareVar(_post("city"));
                     if (_post("address")) {
                         $updateInfo[] = "address = " . prepareVar(_post("address"));
                     if (_post("carID")) {
                         $updateInfo[] = "carID = " . prepareVar(_post("carID"));
                     if (_post("carType")) {
                         $updateInfo[] = "carType = " . prepareVar(_post("carType"));
                     if (_post("subscribe")) {
                         $updateInfo[] = "subscribe = " . prepareVar(_post("subscribe"));
                     if (count($updateInfo)) {
                         $q = "UPDATE pm_users SET\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . implode(",", $updateInfo) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE userID ='" . $authenticationMgr->getUserID() . "'";
                         //echo $q;
                         $qr = mysql_query($q);
                     if ($qr) {
                         $msg = $templatesMgr->getTemplate(-1, GetCfg("TemplatesPath") . "/Register/" . "regmsg.txt");
                         $subj = $templatesMgr->getTemplate(-1, GetCfg("TemplatesPath") . "/Register/" . "regmailsubj.txt");
                         $body = $templatesMgr->getTemplate(-1, GetCfg("TemplatesPath") . "/Register/" . "regmail.txt");
                         $body = str_replace("%login%", _post("login"), $body);
                         $body = str_replace("%psw%", _post("psw"), $body);
                         $body = str_replace("%firstname%", _post("firstname"), $body);
                         $body = str_replace("%lastname%", _post("lastname"), $body);
                         $body = str_replace("%carType%", _post("carType"), $body);
                         //mail(_post("email"), $subj, $body, "From:\r\n");
                         $mail = new PHPMailer();
                         // set mailer to use SMTP
                         $mail->Host = "localhost";
                         // specify main and backup server
                         $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
                         // turn on SMTP authentication
                         $mail->Username = "******";
                         // SMTP username
                         $mail->Password = "******";
                         // SMTP password
                         $mail->From = "*****@*****.**";
                         $mail->FromName = "";
                         $mail->WordWrap = 50;
                         // set word wrap to 50 characters
                         // set email format to HTML
                         $mail->Subject = $subj;
                         $mail->Body = $body;
                         if (!@$mail->Send()) {
                             trigger_error("Message could not be sent.Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo, PM_WARNING);
                         $doUpdate = 1;
                     } else {
                         $msg = mysql_error();
             } else {
                 $msg .= "Уже существует пользователь с логином `" . _post("login") . "`.<br>";
         } else {
             $msg .= "Заполните, пожалуйста, поле &amp;quot;Логин&amp;quot;.<br>";
     if ($doUpdate == 0) {
         //$js = $templatesMgr->getTemplate(-1, GetCfg("TemplatesPath") . "/Register/" . "reg.js");
         $form = $templatesMgr->getTemplate(-1, GetCfg("TemplatesPath") . "/Register/" . "profile.html");
         if ($msg) {
             $msg = "<div class=\"podbor\" style=\"color: red; text-align: center\">{$msg}<br><br></div>";
         $user = $this->getUserData($authenticationMgr->getUserID());
         $form = str_replace("%MSG%", $msg, $form);
         $form = str_replace("%login%", _post("login") ? _post("login") : $user['Login'], $form);
         $form = str_replace("%psw%", str_replace("\"", "&amp;quot;", _post("psw") ? _post("psw") : ""), $form);
         $form = str_replace("%psw2%", str_replace("\"", "&amp;quot;", _post("psw2") ? _post("psw2") : ""), $form);
         $form = str_replace("%firstname%", str_replace("\"", "&amp;quot;", _post("firstname") ? _post("firstname") : $user['FirstName']), $form);
         $form = str_replace("%lastname%", str_replace("\"", "&amp;quot;", _post("lastname") ? _post("lastname") : $user['LastName']), $form);
         $form = str_replace("%surname%", str_replace("\"", "&amp;quot;", _post("surname") ? _post("surname") : $user['SurName']), $form);
         $form = str_replace("%email%", str_replace("\"", "&amp;quot;", _post("email") ? _post("email") : $user['Email']), $form);
         $form = str_replace("%phone%", str_replace("\"", "&amp;quot;", _post("phone") ? _post("phone") : $user['phone']), $form);
         $form = str_replace("%address%", str_replace("\"", "&amp;quot;", _post("address") ? _post("address") : $user['address']), $form);
         $form = str_replace("%city%", str_replace("\"", "&amp;quot;", _post("city") ? _post("city") : $user['city']), $form);
         $form = str_replace("%carType%", str_replace("\"", "&amp;quot;", _post("carType") ? _post("carType") : $user['carType']), $form);
         $form = str_replace("%subscribe%", (_post("subscribe") ? _post("subscribe") : $user['subscribe']) == 1 ? "checked" : "", $form);
         if ((_post("sex") ? _post("sex") : $user['sex']) == 'm') {
             $male = "checked";
             $female = "";
         } else {
             $male = "";
             $female = "checked";
         $form = str_replace("%male%", $male, $form);
         $form = str_replace("%female%", $female, $form);
         $form = str_replace("%sel_" . $user['carID'] . "%", "selected=\"selected\"", $form);
         for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) {
             $form = str_replace("%sel_" . $i . "%", "", $form);
         return $form;
     } else {
         return $msg;
  * Вернет ID страницы из параметров URI
  * В функцию передается URI текущей страницы.
  * Возвращает ID страницы из базы. Судя по всему для дальнейшей идетнификации шаблона.
  * @param string $path
  * @return integer
 function getPageIDByPath($path)
     global $classErrorMessage;
     $pNumber = 1;
     if ($path == '/') {
         return $this->getDefaultPageID();
     } else {
         $path = rtrim($path, '/');
         $pathComponents = explode('/', $path);
         $parent = $this->getRootPageID();
         $cnt = count($pathComponents);
          * Begin debugging code
         //print $parent;
         //preg_match('/^pageID=(\d+)$/', $pathComponents[1], $match);
          * End debugging code
         for ($i = 1; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
             //print $parent;
             //we must skip page number in URL
             if ($i == $cnt - 1 && preg_match('/^page(\\d+)$/', $pathComponents[$i], $match)) {
                 $this->pageNumber[$parent] = $match[1];
             // пропускаем подкатегории каталога ссылок
             if (preg_match('/^item(\d+)$/', $pathComponents[$i], $match))
                 $this->itemPart[$parent] = $match[1];
             $v = prepareVar($pathComponents[$i]);
             //print $v;
             // пропускаем добавление ссылки
             if ($v == "'add'") {
                 $this->itemPart[$parent] = 'add';
             $q = 'SELECT `sID` FROM `pm_structure`
                       WHERE (`pms_sID`="' . $parent . '" AND `URLName`=' . $v . ') OR (`URLName`="" AND `sID`=' . $v . ') LIMIT 1';
             $qr = mysql_query($q);
             if (!$qr) {
                 trigger_error(mysql_error(), PM_FATAL);
             if (mysql_num_rows($qr) == 1) {
                 list($parent) = mysql_fetch_row($qr);
             } else {
                 $classErrorMessage = 'Couldn\'t find the specified URL - ' . $path . '<b>';
                 $parent = NULL;
         return $parent;