function get_user_info_by_id($uid) { $sql_pre = "SELECT `username` ,`password` FROM `user` WHERE `id` = ?i AND username = ?s LIMIT 1 "; $array = array('1', "haixiao"); $sql = prepare($sql_pre, $array); return get_line($sql); }
function get_master_info($username) { $sql_pre = "SELECT `username` , `password` FROM `yxy_master` WHERE `username` = ?s"; $array = array($username); $sql = prepare($sql_pre, $array); return get_line($sql); }
function freemed_basic_auth() { //----- Check for authentication $headers = getallheaders(); $authed = false; if (preg_match('/Basic/', $headers['Authorization'])) { // Parse headers $tmp = $headers['Authorization']; $tmp = preg_replace('/ /', '', $tmp); $tmp = preg_replace('/Basic/', '', $tmp); $auth = base64_decode(trim($tmp)); list($user, $pass) = explode(':', $auth); // Check for username/password $query = "SELECT username, userpassword, userrealphy, id FROM user " . "WHERE username='******' AND " . "userpassword=MD5('" . addslashes($pass) . "')"; $r = $GLOBALS['sql']->queryRow($query); if ($r['id']) { $authed = true; $GLOBALS['__freemed']['basic_auth_id'] = $r['id']; $GLOBALS['__freemed']['basic_auth_phy'] = $r['userrealphy']; } else { // Clear basic auth id $authed = false; $GLOBALS['__freemed']['basic_auth_id'] = 0; $GLOBALS['__freemed']['basic_auth_phy'] = 0; } } else { // Otherwise return fault for no authorization Header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"" . prepare(PACKAGENAME . " v" . VERSION . " vCalendar") . "\""); Header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"); die; } return $authed; }
/** * Retrieve all replies to a given thread */ private function fetchReplies($board, $thread_id) { $query = prepare("SELECT * FROM ``posts_{$board}`` WHERE `thread` = :id"); $query->bindValue(':id', $thread_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); return $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); }
/** * 过滤条件 * * @author boxcore * @date 2014-10-23 * @param array $configs 过滤条件 * @return string */ private function __getWhere($configs) { $where = 'WHERE TRUE '; if (isset($configs['need_push'])) { $where .= prepare('AND `need_push` = ?s ', array($configs['need_push'])); } if (isset($configs['url'])) { $where .= prepare('AND `url` = ?s ', array($configs['url'])); } if (isset($configs['task_list_id'])) { $where .= prepare('AND `task_list_id` = ?i ', array($configs['task_list_id'])); } if (isset($configs['type'])) { $where .= prepare('AND `type` = ?i ', array($configs['type'])); } if (isset($configs['start_goods_id'])) { $where .= prepare('AND `goods_id` >= ?i ', array($configs['start_goods_id'])); } if (isset($configs['price'])) { if ($configs['price']) { $where .= 'AND `price` > 0 '; } else { $where .= 'AND `price` = 0 '; } } if (isset($configs['date'])) { $where .= prepare('AND `created_time` >= ?s AND `created_time` <= ?s ', array($configs['date'] . " 00:00:00", $configs['date'] . " 23:59:59")); } return $where; }
function assignments() { prepare(); $request = new AssignmentsRequest(ActionType::GET); $response = $this->roots->assignments($request); return $response; }
function get_filecatname($catid) { $sql_pre = "SELECT `catname` FROM `yxy_filecat` WHERE `id` = ?i"; $array = array($catid); $sql = prepare($sql_pre, $array); return get_var($sql); }
function show_timeSheetItems($template_name) { global $date_to_view; $current_user =& singleton("current_user"); global $TPL; $query = prepare("SELECT * \n FROM timeSheetItem \n LEFT JOIN timeSheet ON timeSheetItem.timeSheetID = timeSheet.timeSheetID\n LEFT JOIN project ON timeSheet.projectID = project.projectID\n WHERE dateTimeSheetItem='%s'\n AND timeSheet.personID=%d", date("Y-m-d", $date_to_view), $current_user->get_id()); $db = new db_alloc(); $db->query($query); while ($db->next_record()) { $timeSheetItem = new timeSheetItem(); $timeSheetItem->read_db_record($db); $timeSheetItem->set_values(); if ($timeSheetItem->get_value("unit") == "Hour") { $TPL["daily_hours_total"] += $timeSheetItem->get_value("timeSheetItemDuration"); } $project = new project(); $project->read_db_record($db); $project->set_values(); if ($project->get_value("projectShortName")) { $TPL["item_description"] = $project->get_value("projectShortName"); } else { $TPL["item_description"] = $project->get_value("projectName"); } include_template($template_name); } }
function choose() { while (list($k, $v) = each($GLOBALS)) { global ${$k}; } $collectorid = getcollectorid("advalvas"); $query = "DELETE FROM station " . "WHERE collectorid='" . addslashes($collectorid) . "'"; $sql->query($query); $query = "DELETE FROM program"; $sql->query($query); print_header_open(); print_title("Choose Stations for " . $this->MODULE_NAME); print_header_close(); print "\n <FORM ACTION=\"" . page_name() . "\" METHOD=POST>\n <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"module\" VALUE=\"" . prepare($module) . "\">\n <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2>\n <TR BGCOLOR=\"#ccccff\">\n <TD><B>Original Name</B></TD>\n <TD><B>xawtv Name</B></TD>\n <TD><B>Channel</B></TD>\n </TR>\n "; while (list($name, $value) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) { if ($value == 1) { $suburl = "?NL&" . $name; $channel_name = preg_replace("/_/", " ", $name); $channel_name = preg_replace("/\\|/", "+", $channel_name); $query = $sql->insert_query("station", array("sname" => $this->transformName($channel_name), "collectorid" => $collectorid, "suburl" => $suburl, "rname" => $this->transformName($channel_name), "channel" => "0")); $result = $sql->query($query); $sid = $sql->last_record($result); print "\n\t\t\t\t<TR>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<TD>" . prepare($channel_name) . "</TD>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<TD>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=\"T" . htmlentities($sid) . "\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUE=\"" . prepare($channel_name) . "\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</TD>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<TD>" . html_form::text_widget("C" . htmlentities($sid)) . "</TD>\n\t\t\t\t</TR>\n\t\t\t\t"; } } print "</TABLE>\n"; print "<P><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=SUBMIT VALUE=\"Update\"></P>\n"; print "</FORM>\n"; print_page_close(); exit; }
function get_rate($projectID, $personID) { // Try to get the person's rate from the following sources: // project.defaultTimeSheetRate // person.defaultTimeSheetRate // == defaultTimeSheetRate // First check the project for a rate $project = new project($projectID); $row = array('rate' => $project->get_value("defaultTimeSheetRate"), 'unit' => $project->get_value("defaultTimeSheetRateUnitID")); if (imp($row['rate']) && $row['unit']) { return $row; } // Next check person, which is in global currency rather than project currency - conversion required $db = new db_alloc(); $q = prepare("SELECT defaultTimeSheetRate as rate, defaultTimeSheetRateUnitID as unit FROM person WHERE personID = %d", $personID); $db->query($q); $row = $db->row(); if (imp($row['rate']) && $row['unit']) { if ($project->get_value("currencyTypeID") != config::get_config_item("currency")) { $row['rate'] = exchangeRate::convert(config::get_config_item("currency"), $row["rate"], $project->get_value("currencyTypeID")); } return $row; } // Lowest priority: global $rate = config::get_config_item("defaultTimeSheetRate"); $unit = config::get_config_item("defaultTimeSheetUnit"); if (imp($rate) && $unit) { if (config::get_config_item("currency") && $project->get_value("currencyTypeID")) { $rate = exchangeRate::convert(config::get_config_item("currency"), $rate, $project->get_value("currencyTypeID")); } return array('rate' => $rate, 'unit' => $unit); } }
function show_overdue($template_name) { global $db; global $TPL; $current_user =& singleton("current_user"); $db = new db_alloc(); $temp = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")); $today = date("Y", $temp) . "-" . date("m", $temp) . "-" . date("d", $temp); $q = prepare("SELECT itemName,itemType,item.itemID,dateBorrowed,dateToBeReturned,loan.personID \n FROM loan,item \n WHERE dateToBeReturned < '%s' \n\t\t\t\t\t AND dateReturned = '0000-00-00' \n\t\t\t\t\t AND item.itemID = loan.itemID\n ", $today); if (!have_entity_perm("loan", PERM_READ, $current_user, false)) { $q .= prepare("AND loan.personID = %d", $current_user->get_id()); } $db->query($q); while ($db->next_record()) { $i++; $item = new item(); $loan = new loan(); $item->read_db_record($db); $loan->read_db_record($db); $item->set_values(); $loan->set_values(); $person = new person(); $person->set_id($loan->get_value("personID")); $person->select(); $TPL["person"] = $person->get_name(); $TPL["overdue"] = "<a href=\"" . $TPL["url_alloc_item"] . "itemID=" . $item->get_id() . "&return=true\">Overdue!</a>"; include_template($template_name); } }
public static function get_config_item_id($name = '') { $db = new db_alloc(); $db->query(prepare("SELECT configID FROM config WHERE name = '%s'", $name)); $db->next_record(); return $db->f('configID'); }
function show_expenseFormList($template_name) { global $db; global $TPL; global $transactionRepeat; $current_user =& singleton("current_user"); $db = new db_alloc(); $transactionRepeat = new transactionRepeat(); if (!$_GET["tfID"] && !$current_user->have_role("admin")) { $tfIDs = $current_user->get_tfIDs(); $tfIDs and $sql = prepare("WHERE tfID in (%s)", $tfIDs); } else { if ($_GET["tfID"]) { $sql = prepare("WHERE tfID = %d", $_GET["tfID"]); } } $db->query("select * FROM transactionRepeat " . $sql); while ($db->next_record()) { $i++; $transactionRepeat->read_db_record($db); $transactionRepeat->set_values(); $TPL["tfName"] = tf::get_name($transactionRepeat->get_value("tfID")); $TPL["fromTfName"] = tf::get_name($transactionRepeat->get_value("fromTfID")); include_template($template_name); } $TPL["tfID"] = $tfID; }
function unban($id) { $query = prepare("DELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `id` = :id"); $query->bindValue(':id', $id); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); modLog("Removed ban #{$id}"); }
public function action() { global $board; switch ($this->action) { case 'reject': error(isset($this->message) ? $this->message : 'Posting throttled by flood filter.'); case 'ban': if (!isset($this->reason)) { error('The ban action requires a reason.'); } $reason = $this->reason; if (isset($this->expires)) { $expires = time() + $this->expires; } else { $expires = 0; } // Ban indefinitely if (isset($this->reject)) { $reject = $this->reject; } else { $reject = true; } if (isset($this->all_boards)) { $all_boards = $this->all_boards; } else { $all_boards = false; } $query = prepare("INSERT INTO `bans` VALUES (NULL, :ip, :mod, :set, :expires, :reason, :board)"); $query->bindValue(':ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $query->bindValue(':mod', -1); $query->bindValue(':set', time()); if ($expires) { $query->bindValue(':expires', $expires); } else { $query->bindValue(':expires', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL); } if ($reason) { $query->bindValue(':reason', $reason); } else { $query->bindValue(':reason', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL); } if ($all_boards) { $query->bindValue(':board', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL); } else { $query->bindValue(':board', $board['uri']); } $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); if ($reject) { if (isset($this->message)) { error($message); } checkBan($board['uri']); exit; } break; default: error('Unknown filter action: ' . $this->action); } }
public function nextId($entidade) { $query = "SELECT max(id) FROM ? "; $stmt = prepare($query); $reg = mysql_fetch_array($this->doSQL($query)); $sequencial = $reg[$max] + 1; return $sequencial; }
function recipients_to_text($recip) { $query = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE " . "FIND_IN_SET(id, '" . addslashes($recip) . "')"; $res = $GLOBALS['sql']->queryAll($query); $a = array(); foreach ($res as $r) { $a[] = prepare($r['userdescrip']); } return join(', ', $a); }
protected function _getWhere($configs) { $where = 'WHERE TRUE '; if (!empty($configs['cid'])) { $where .= prepare('AND `list_id` = ?i ', array($configs['cid'])); } if (!empty($configs['date'])) { $where .= prepare('AND `created_time` >= ?s AND `created_time` <= ?s ', array($configs['date'] . ' 00:00:00', $configs['date'] . ' 23:59:59')); } return $where; }
function get_roles_array($level = "person") { $rows = array(); $db = new db_alloc(); $q = prepare("SELECT * FROM role WHERE roleLevel = '%s' ORDER BY roleSequence", $level); $db->query($q); while ($row = $db->row()) { $rows[$row["roleHandle"]] = $row["roleName"]; } return $rows; }
function sb_thread($b, $thread, $slugcheck = false) { global $config; $thread = (int) $thread; if ($thread < 1) { return false; } if (!preg_match('/^' . $config['board_regex'] . '$/u', $b)) { return false; } if (Cache::get("thread_exists_" . $b . "_" . $thread) == "no") { return false; } $query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT MAX(`id`) AS `max` FROM ``posts_%s``", $b)); if (!$query->execute()) { return false; } $s = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $max = $s['max']; if ($thread > $max) { return false; } $query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT `id` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `id` = :id AND `thread` IS NULL", $b)); $query->bindValue(':id', $thread); if (!$query->execute() || !$query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { Cache::set("thread_exists_" . $b . "_" . $thread, "no"); return false; } if ($slugcheck && $config['slugify']) { global $request; $link = link_for(array("id" => $thread), $slugcheck === 50, array("uri" => $b)); $link = "/" . $b . "/" . $config['dir']['res'] . $link; if ($link != $request) { header("Location: {$link}", true, 301); die; } } if ($slugcheck == 50) { // Should we really generate +50 page? Maybe there are not enough posts anyway global $request; $r = str_replace("+50", "", $request); $r = substr($r, 1); // Cut the slash if (file_exists($r)) { return false; } } if (!openBoard($b)) { return false; } buildThread($thread); return true; }
function apply_patch($f) { global $TPL; static $files; // Should never attempt to apply the same patch twice.. in case // there are function declarations in the .php patches. if ($files[$f]) { return; } $files[$f] = true; $db = new db_alloc(); $file = basename($f); $failed = false; $comments = array(); // This is an important patch that converts money from 120.34 to 12034. // We MUST ensure that the user has a currency set before applying this patch. if ($file == "patch-00188-alla.sql") { if (!config::get_config_item('currency')) { alloc_error("No default currency is set! Login to alloc (ignore any errors, you may need to manually change the url to config/config.php after logging in) go to Setup -> Finance and select a Main Currency. And then click the 'Update Transactions That Have No Currency' button. Then return here and apply this patch (patch-188). IT IS REALLY IMPORTANT THAT YOU FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS as the storage format for monetary amounts has changed.", true); } } // Try for sql file if (strtolower(substr($file, -4)) == ".sql") { list($sql, $comments) = parse_sql_file($f); foreach ($sql as $query) { if (!$db->query($query)) { #$TPL["message"][] = "<b style=\"color:red\">Error:</b> ".$f."<br>".$db->get_error(); $failed = true; alloc_error("<b style=\"color:red\">Error:</b> " . $f . "<br>" . $db->get_error()); } } if (!$failed) { $TPL["message_good"][] = "Successfully Applied: " . $f; } // Try for php file } else { if (strtolower(substr($file, -4)) == ".php") { $str = execute_php_file("../patches/" . $file); if ($str && !defined("FORCE_PATCH_SUCCEED_" . $file)) { #$TPL["message"][] = "<b style=\"color:red\">Error:</b> ".$f."<br>".$str; $failed = true; ob_end_clean(); alloc_error("<b style=\"color:red\">Error:</b> " . $f . "<br>" . $str); } else { $TPL["message_good"][] = "Successfully Applied: " . $f; } } } if (!$failed) { $q = prepare("INSERT INTO patchLog (patchName, patchDesc, patchDate) \n VALUES ('%s','%s','%s')", $file, implode(" ", $comments), date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); $db->query($q); } }
function fix_this_comment($r, $num, $from, $messageid) { global $db; global $alloc_from_addresses2; if ($r["commentEmailUIDORIG"] != $num) { unset($projectID); if ($r["commentMaster"] == "task" && $r["commentMasterID"]) { $q = prepare("select projectID from task where taskID = %d", $r["commentMasterID"]); $db->query($q); $task_row = $db->row(); $projectID = $task_row["projectID"]; } // Try figure out and populate the commentCreatedUser/commentCreatedUserClientContactID fields list($from_address, $from_name) = parse_email_address($from); $person = new person(); $personID = $person->find_by_email($from_address); $personID or $personID = $person->find_by_name($from_name); $sql = array(); $sql[] = prepare("commentEmailUID = '%s'", trim($num)); if ($personID) { $sql[] = prepare("commentCreatedUser = %d", $personID); $sql[] = "commentCreatedUserClientContactID = NULL"; } else { $sql[] = "commentCreatedUser = NULL"; $cc = new clientContact(); $clientContactID = $cc->find_by_email($from_address, $projectID); $clientContactID or $clientContactID = $cc->find_by_name($from_name, $projectID); $clientContactID and $sql[] = prepare("commentCreatedUserClientContactID = %d", $clientContactID); } $sql[] = prepare("commentCreatedUserText = '%s'", trim($from)); $sql[] = prepare("commentEmailMessageID = '%s'", trim($messageid)); if (!in_array($from_address, $alloc_from_addresses2)) { // don't update items that are from alloc $q = prepare("UPDATE comment SET " . implode(",", $sql) . " WHERE commentID = %d", $r["commentID"]); $db->query($q); printorlog("FIXED: " . $q . " (old uid: " . $r["commentEmailUIDORIG"] . ")", "blue"); } } else { // Try figure out and populate the commentCreatedUser/commentCreatedUserClientContactID fields list($from_address, $from_name) = parse_email_address($from); if (!in_array($from_address, $alloc_from_addresses2)) { // don't update items that are from alloc $sql = array(); $sql[] = prepare("commentEmailUID = '%s'", trim($num)); $sql[] = prepare("commentEmailMessageID = '%s'", trim($messageid)); $q = prepare("UPDATE comment SET " . implode(",", $sql) . " WHERE commentID = %d", $r["commentID"]); $db->query($q); printorlog("GOOD: " . $q, "green"); } } }
/** * 获取组装条件 * * @author boxcore * @date 2014-06-02 * @param array $configs [description] * @return [type] [description] */ private function __getWhere($configs = array()) { $where = ' WHERE 1=1 '; if (isset($configs['task_id']) && !empty($configs['task_id'])) { $where .= " AND `id`={$configs['task_id']} "; } if (isset($configs['task_ids']) && !empty($configs['task_ids'])) { $where .= " AND `id` IN( {$configs['task_ids']} ) "; } if (isset($configs['cat_id']) && !empty($configs['cat_id'])) { $where .= prepare(' AND `cat_id` = ?i ', array($configs['cat_id'])); } return $where; }
function get_parent_taskIDs($taskID) { $q = prepare("SELECT taskID,taskName,parentTaskID \n FROM task \n WHERE taskID = %d \n AND (taskID != parentTaskID OR parentTaskID IS NULL)", $taskID); $db = new db_alloc(); $db->query($q); while ($db->next_record()) { $rtn[$db->f("taskName")] = $db->f("taskID"); $arr = get_parent_taskIDs($db->f("parentTaskID")); if (is_array($arr)) { $rtn = array_merge($rtn, $arr); } } return $rtn; }
function max_posts_per_hour($post) { global $config, $board; if (!$config['hour_max_threads']) { return false; } if ($post['op']) { $query = prepare(sprintf('SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `thread` IS NULL AND FROM_UNIXTIME(`time`) > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR);', $board['uri'])); $query->bindValue(':ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); $r = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return $r['count'] > $config['hour_max_threads']; } }
function get_buy_cost($id = false) { $id or $id = $this->get_id(); $db = new db_alloc(); $q = prepare("SELECT amount, currencyTypeID, tax\n FROM productCost\n WHERE isPercentage != 1\n AND productID = %d\n AND productCostActive = true\n ", $id); $db->query($q); while ($row = $db->row()) { if ($row["tax"]) { list($amount_minus_tax, $amount_of_tax) = tax($row["amount"]); $row["amount"] = $amount_minus_tax; } $amount += exchangeRate::convert($row["currencyTypeID"], $row["amount"]); } return $amount; }
function hash_to_entity($hash = "") { global $db; if ($hash) { $q = prepare("select * from token WHERE tokenHash = '%s'", $hash); $row = $db->qr($q); if ($row["tokenEntity"] == "comment") { $q = prepare("SELECT commentMaster,commentMasterID FROM comment WHERE commentID = %d", $row["tokenEntityID"]); $r = $db->qr($q); return $r["commentMaster"] . $r["commentMasterID"]; } else { return $row["tokenEntity"] . $row["tokenEntityID"]; } } }
function show_tasks() { $current_user =& singleton("current_user"); global $tasks_date; list($ts_open, $ts_pending, $ts_closed) = task::get_task_status_in_set_sql(); $q = prepare("SELECT * \n FROM task \n WHERE (task.taskStatus NOT IN (" . $ts_closed . ") AND task.taskTypeID = 'Message') \n AND (personID = %d) \n ORDER BY priority\n ", $current_user->get_id()); $db = new db_alloc(); $db->query($q); while ($db->next_record()) { $task = new task(); $task->read_db_record($db); echo $br . $task->get_task_image() . $task->get_task_link(array("return" => "html")); $br = "<br>"; } }
function save() { // Just ensure multiple 0 entries cannot be saved. if ($this->get_value("commissionPercent") == 0) { $q = prepare("SELECT * FROM projectCommissionPerson WHERE projectID = %d AND commissionPercent = 0 AND projectCommissionPersonID != %d", $this->get_value("projectID"), $this->get_id()); $db = new db_alloc(); $db->query($q); if ($db->next_record()) { $fail = true; alloc_error("Only one Time Sheet Commission is allowed to be set to 0%"); } } if (!$fail) { parent::save(); } }
function get_skills() { global $TPL; global $skill_class; $skills = array("" => "Any Skill"); $query = "SELECT * FROM skill"; if ($skill_class != "") { $query .= prepare(" WHERE skillClass='%s'", $skill_class); } $query .= " ORDER BY skillClass,skillName"; $db = new db_alloc(); $db->query($query); while ($db->next_record()) { $skill = new skill(); $skill->read_db_record($db); $skills[$skill->get_id()] = sprintf("%s - %s", $skill->get_value('skillClass'), $skill->get_value('skillName')); } return $skills; }