Beispiel #1
 public static function error_notice($err)
     global $pp_plugin_page;
     $is_pp_plugin_page = !empty($pp_plugin_page) || isset($_REQUEST['page']) && 0 === strpos($_REQUEST['page'], 'pp-');
     switch ($err) {
         case 'multiple_pp':
             global $pagenow;
             if (is_admin() && 'plugins.php' == $pagenow && !strpos(urldecode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), 'deactivate')) {
                 $message = sprintf('<strong>Error:</strong> Multiple copies of %1$s activated. Only the copy in folder "%2$s" is functional.', 'Press Permit', PPC_FOLDER);
                 add_action('all_admin_notices', create_function('', 'echo \'<div id="message" class="error fade" style="color: black">' . $message . '</div>\';'));
         case 'rs_active':
             define('PP_DISABLE_QUERYFILTERS', true);
             $message = sprintf('<strong>Note:</strong> Press Permit is running in configuration only mode. Access filtering will not be applied until Role Scoper is deactivated.');
             $style = $is_pp_plugin_page ? 'margin-top:30px;color:black' : 'color:black';
             add_action('all_admin_notices', create_function('', 'echo \'<div id="message" class="error fade" style="' . $style . '">' . $message . '</div>\';'));
             define('PP_CONFIG_ONLY', true);
             define('PP_DISABLE_MENU_TWEAK', true);
             return false;
         case 'pp_legacy_active':
             ppc_notice('Press Permit Core 2 cannot operate with an older version of Press Permit active.');
         case 'old_php':
             ppc_notice('Sorry, Press Permit requires PHP 5.2 or higher. Please upgrade your server or deactivate Press Permit.');
     return true;
 public static function update_watch()
     global $pp_extensions;
     if (empty($_REQUEST['action']) || in_array($_REQUEST['action'], array('edit', 'trash', 'delete')) && empty($_REQUEST['action2'])) {
     $pp_update_info = pp_get_all_updates_info();
     $action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? sanitize_key($_REQUEST['action']) : '';
     if (-1 == $action || !$action) {
         $action = isset($_REQUEST['action2']) ? sanitize_key($_REQUEST['action2']) : '';
     if (isset($pp_extensions[$action])) {
         add_action("update-custom_{$action}", array('PP_UpdateWatch', 'plugin_update'));
     } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['pp_install']) && isset($pp_update_info[$action])) {
         add_action("update-custom_{$action}", array('PP_UpdateWatch', 'plugin_install'));
     } elseif (in_array($action, array('update-selected', 'do-plugin-upgrade')) && (!empty($_REQUEST['checked']) || !empty($_REQUEST['plugins']))) {
         $slug_by_basename = array();
         foreach ($pp_extensions as $slug => $ext) {
             $slug_by_basename[$ext->basename] = $slug;
         $arr_checked = isset($_REQUEST['checked']) ? (array) $_REQUEST['checked'] : (array) $_REQUEST['plugins'];
         $msg = sprintf(__('Bulk Update is not currently supported for Press Permit. Please use individual plugin update links in the %1$splugins list%2$s or %3$sPP Install tab%4$s instead.', 'pp'), '<a href="plugins.php?plugin_status=upgrade">', '</a>', '<a href="admin.php?page=pp-settings&pp-tab=install">', '</a>');
         $any_pp_updates = false;
         foreach ($arr_checked as $basename) {
             if (isset($slug_by_basename[$basename])) {
                 $any_pp_updates = true;
         // for now, just remove PP and extensions from bulk update
         $any_other_updates = false;
         foreach (array('checked', 'plugins') as $varname) {
             if (isset($_REQUEST[$varname])) {
                 if (is_array($_REQUEST[$varname])) {
                     $_REQUEST[$varname] = @array_diff($_REQUEST[$varname], array_keys($slug_by_basename));
                     $_POST[$varname] = @array_diff($_POST[$varname], array_keys($slug_by_basename));
                     if (count($_REQUEST[$varname])) {
                         $any_other_updates = true;
                 } else {
                     $arr_selected = explode(',', $_REQUEST[$varname]);
                     $arr_selected = @array_diff($arr_selected, array_keys($slug_by_basename));
                     if (count($arr_selected)) {
                         $any_other_updates = true;
                     $_REQUEST[$varname] = implode(',', $arr_selected);
                     $_POST[$varname] = implode(',', $arr_selected);
         if ($any_pp_updates && !$any_other_updates) {
Beispiel #3
 function activation_notice()
     $types_vals = get_option('pp_enabled_post_types');
     if (!is_array($types_vals)) {
         $txs_val = get_option('pp_enabled_taxonomies');
     if (!$this->type_usage_stored() && !is_network_admin()) {
         $url = admin_url('admin.php?page=pp-settings');
         ppc_notice(sprintf(__('Thanks for activating Press Permit Core. Please go to %1$sPermissions > Settings%2$s and indicate which Post Types and Taxonomies should be filtered.', 'pp'), '<a href="' . $url . '">', '</a>'), 'updated', false, true);