Beispiel #1
// ------------------- PREV/NEXT POST LINKS (SINGLE POST MODE) -------------------
item_prevnext_links(array('block_start' => '<li class="prevnext">', 'prev_start' => 'Previous Post:<br />', 'prev_end' => '<br /><br />', 'next_start' => 'Next Post:<br />', 'next_end' => '<br /><br />', 'block_end' => '</li>'));
// ------------------------- "Sidebar" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
// Display container contents:
skin_container(NT_('Sidebar'), array('block_start' => '<li class="$wi_class$">', 'block_end' => '</li>', 'block_title_start' => '<h2>', 'block_title_end' => '</h2>', 'list_start' => '<ul>', 'list_end' => '</ul>', 'item_start' => '<li>', 'item_end' => '</li>', 'group_start' => '<ul>', 'group_end' => '</ul>', 'notes_start' => '<div class="notes">', 'notes_end' => '</div>'));
// ----------------------------- END OF "Sidebar" CONTAINER -----------------------------

// Please help us promote b2evolution and leave this logo on your blog:
powered_by(array('block_start' => '<div class="powered_by">', 'block_end' => '</div>', 'img_url' => 'img/powered-by-b2evolution-138x39-895C46.gif', 'img_width' => 138, 'img_height' => 39));
</div> <!-- END RS DIV -->
</div> <!-- END CONTENT DIV -->

<!-- =================================== START OF FOOTER =================================== -->
<div class="pagefoot">
// Display container and contents:
skin_container(NT_("Footer"), array());
// Note: Double quotes have been used around "Footer" only for test purposes.
	<p class="center">
// Display footer text (text can be edited in Blog Settings):
$Blog->contact_link(array('before' => '', 'after' => ' &bull; ', 'text' => T_('Contact'), 'title' => T_('Send a message to the owner of this blog...')));
// Display a link to help page:
$Blog->help_link(array('before' => ' ', 'after' => ' ', 'text' => T_('Help')));

// Display additional credits:
// If you can add your own credits without removing the defaults, you'll be very cool :))
// Please leave this at the bottom of the page to make sure your blog gets listed on
credits(array('list_start' => '&bull;', 'list_end' => ' ', 'separator' => '&bull;', 'item_start' => ' ', 'item_end' => ' '));

// Please help us promote b2evolution and leave this logo on your blog:
powered_by(array('block_start' => '<div class="powered_by">', 'block_end' => '</div>', 'img_url' => '$rsc$img/powered-by-b2evolution-120t.gif', 'img_width' => 120, 'img_height' => 32));
	</div><!-- .col -->
</footer><!-- .row -->

</div><!-- .container -->

// ---------------------------- SITE FOOTER INCLUDED HERE ----------------------------
// If site footers are enabled, they will be included here:
// ------------------------------- END OF SITE FOOTER --------------------------------
// ------------------------- HTML FOOTER INCLUDED HERE --------------------------
Beispiel #3
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
$advert_count = ($this->countModules('advert1') > 0) + ($this->countModules('advert2') > 0) + ($this->countModules('advert3') > 0) + ($this->countModules('advert4') > 0) + ($this->countModules('advert5') > 0);
$advert_width = $advert_count > 0 ? 'advert' . floor(99 / $advert_count) : '';
$user_count = ($this->countModules('user1') > 0) + ($this->countModules('user2') > 0) + ($this->countModules('user3') > 0);
$user_width = $user_count > 0 ? 'user' . floor(99 / $user_count) : '';
$user2_count = ($this->countModules('user4') > 0) + ($this->countModules('user5') > 0) + ($this->countModules('user6') > 0);
$user2_width = $user2_count > 0 ? 'user' . floor(99 / $user2_count) : '';
$user3_count = ($this->countModules('user7') > 0) + ($this->countModules('user8') > 0) + ($this->countModules('user9') > 0);
$user3_width = $user3_count > 0 ? 'user' . floor(99 / $user3_count) : '';
$footer_count = ($this->countModules('footer1') > 0) + ($this->countModules('footer2') > 0) + ($this->countModules('footer3') > 0) + ($this->countModules('footer4') > 0) + ($this->countModules('footer5') > 0);
$footer_width = $footer_count > 0 ? 'footer' . floor(99 / $footer_count) : '';
function powered_by()
function getColumns($left, $right)
    if ($left && !$right) {
        $selectcolumns = "-left-col";
    if ($right && !$left) {
        $selectcolumns = "-right-col";
    if ($left && $right) {
        $selectcolumns = "-left-right";
    if (!$left && !$right) {
        $selectcolumns = "-no-col";
    return $selectcolumns;
echo '<a href="' . $Blog->gen_blogurl() . '?tempskin=_rss2"><img alt="rss" src="images/rss.png" /></a>, ';

// ------------------------- "Sidebar" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
// Display container contents:
skin_container(NT_('Sidebar'), array('block_start' => '<li class="$wi_class$">', 'block_end' => '</li>', 'block_title_start' => '<h2>', 'block_title_end' => '</h2>', 'list_start' => '<ul>', 'list_end' => '</ul>', 'item_start' => '<li>', 'item_end' => '</li>', 'group_start' => '<ul>', 'group_end' => '</ul>', 'notes_start' => '<div class="notes">', 'notes_end' => '</div>'));
// ----------------------------- END OF "Sidebar" CONTAINER -----------------------------

// Please help us promote b2evolution and leave this logo on your blog:
powered_by(array('block_start' => '<div class="powered_by">', 'block_end' => '</div>', 'img_url' => 'images/b2evo-tilqi-logo-trans.png', 'img_width' => 150, 'img_height' => 58));
    <div class="validators" align="center">
    <a href=""><img
        alt="Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional" height="31" width="88" /></a>
    <a href="">
        <img style="border:0;width:88px;height:31px"
            alt="Valid CSS!" />
// ------------------- PREV/NEXT POST LINKS (SINGLE POST MODE) -------------------
item_prevnext_links(array('block_start' => '<li class="prevnext">', 'prev_start' => 'Previous Post:<br />', 'prev_end' => '<br /><br />', 'next_start' => 'Next Post:<br />', 'next_end' => '<br /><br />', 'block_end' => '</li>'));
// ------------------------- "Sidebar" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
// Display container contents:
skin_container(NT_('Sidebar'), array('block_start' => '<li class="$wi_class$">', 'block_end' => '</li>', 'block_title_start' => '<h2>', 'block_title_end' => '</h2>', 'list_start' => '<ul>', 'list_end' => '</ul>', 'item_start' => '<li>', 'item_end' => '</li>', 'group_start' => '<ul>', 'group_end' => '</ul>', 'notes_start' => '<div class="notes">', 'notes_end' => '</div>'));
// ----------------------------- END OF "Sidebar" CONTAINER -----------------------------

// Please help us promote b2evolution and leave this logo on your blog:
powered_by(array('block_start' => '<div class="powered_by">', 'block_end' => '</div>', 'img_url' => '$rsc$img/b2evolution_button_classic.png', 'img_width' => 80, 'img_height' => 15));
	<p class="validation">
		<a href=""><img src="" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional" height="31" width="88" /></a>
</div> <!-- END RS DIV -->
</div> <!-- END CONTENT DIV -->

<!-- =================================== START OF FOOTER =================================== -->
<div class="pagefoot">
// Display container and contents:
skin_container(NT_("Footer"), array());
// Note: Double quotes have been used around "Footer" only for test purposes.
function layout_end()
$Blog->contact_link(array('before' => '', 'after' => ' &bull; ', 'text' => T_('Contact'), 'title' => T_('Send a message to the owner of this blog...')));
 Design by&#58; <a href="" title="Css dizayn">Emin &#214;zlem</a>&nbsp;(tilqicom)
// Display additional credits:
// If you can add your own credits without removing the defaults, you'll be very cool :))
// Please leave this at the bottom of the page to make sure your blog gets listed on
credits(array('list_start' => ' &bull; ' . T_('Credits') . ': ', 'list_end' => ' ', 'separator' => '|', 'item_start' => ' ', 'item_end' => ' '));
 b2eviant_skin 1.1 	</p>
        <br />
        <div class="shiny_bars">
        <li><a href=""><img src="img/footer/vxhtml.gif" alt="validxhtml" title="Valid Xhtml" /></a></li>
        <li><a href=""><img src="img/footer/vcss.gif" alt="validcss" title="Valid Css" /></a></li>
         <li><a href=""><img src="img/footer/vrss.gif" alt="validrss" title="Valid Feed" /></a></li>
powered_by(array('block_start' => '', 'block_end' => '', 'img_url' => '$rsc$img/b2evolution_button.png', 'img_width' => 80, 'img_height' => 15));
                         <li><a href="<?php 
"><img src="img/footer/allbrowsers.gif" alt="crossbrowser" title="cross-browser" /></a></li>
                                                  <li><a href="#"><img src="img/footer/anyres.gif" alt="anyres" title="any resolution, fluid" /></a></li>

 * For a quick explanation of b2evo 2.0 skins, please start here:
 * {@link}
 * This is meant to be included in a page template.
 * @package evoskins
 * @subpackage dediktation
if (!defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT')) {
    die('Please, do not access this page directly.');
<div id="sidebarwrapper">
<div id="sidebar">

// ------------------------- "Sidebar" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
// Display container contents:
skin_container(NT_('Sidebar'), array('block_start' => '<li class="$wi_class$">', 'block_end' => '</li>', 'block_title_start' => '<h2>', 'block_title_end' => '</h2>', 'list_start' => '<ul>', 'list_end' => '</ul>', 'item_start' => '<li>', 'item_end' => '</li>', 'group_start' => '<ul>', 'group_end' => '</ul>', 'notes_start' => '<div class="notes">', 'notes_end' => '</div>'));
// ----------------------------- END OF "Sidebar" CONTAINER -----------------------------

// Please help us promote b2evolution and leave this logo on your blog:
powered_by(array('block_start' => '<div class="powered_by">', 'block_end' => '</div>', 'img_url' => 'img/b2.gif', 'img_width' => 150, 'img_height' => 58));

 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2015 by Francois Planque - {@link}
 * @package htsrv
if (!defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT')) {
    die('Please, do not access this page directly.');

echo '<div class="form_footer_notes">' . sprintf(T_('Your IP address: %s'), $Hit->IP) . '<br />' . T_('You will have to accept cookies in order to log in.') . '</div>';
// Please help us promote b2evolution and leave this logo on your blog:
powered_by(array('block_start' => '<div class="center" style="margin:1em 1em .5ex">', 'block_end' => '</div>', 'img_url' => '$rsc$img/powered-by-b2evolution-120t.gif', 'img_width' => 120, 'img_height' => 32));

<p class="footer"><?php 
echo $app_footer_text;
<p class="footer"><?php 
echo $copyright_text;
