# we're parsing because we only support sets right now. if ($is_flickr) { list($flickr_type, $ignore) = import_flickr_url_type($url); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign_by_ref("flickr_url_type", $flickr_type); if ($flickr_type != 'set') { $ok = 0; $GLOBALS['error']['invalid_flickr_type'] = 1; } } if (!$ok) { $GLOBALS['smarty']->display('page_upload3.txt'); exit; } # This is an upload from some random remote site # Please to make sure you are saying yes, ok? if (!post_isset('confirm')) { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('step', 'confirm'); $GLOBALS['smarty']->display('page_upload3.txt'); exit; } # Am I Google? if ($is_flickr) { # pass } else { if ($is_google) { if ($feed_url = google_get_mymaps_kml_feed($url)) { $url = $feed_url; } else { $GLOBALS['error']['no_feed_url'] = 1; $ok = 0; }
<?php include "include/init.php"; loadlib("api_keys"); loadlib("api_keys_utils"); features_ensure_enabled("api"); features_ensure_enabled("api_register_keys"); login_ensure_loggedin(); $crumb_key = 'api_key'; $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("crumb_key", $crumb_key); $step = 1; if (post_isset('done') && crumb_check($crumb_key)) { $ok = 1; $title = filter_strict(post_str("title")); $description = filter_strict(post_str("description")); $callback = filter_strict(post_str("callback")); $conf = post_str("confirm"); if ($ok && !$title) { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("error", "no_title"); $ok = 0; } else { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("title", $title); } if ($ok && !$description) { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("error", "no_description"); $ok = 0; } else { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("description", $description); } if ($ok && $callback) { if (!api_keys_utils_is_valid_callback($callback)) {
<?php include "include/init.php"; login_ensure_loggedin("/account/foursquare/sync/"); $crumb_key = "foursquare_sync"; $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("crumb_key", $crumb_key); # put this in a library? which one... $sync_states = array(0 => 'do not sync 4sq checkins', 1 => 'only sync recent 4sq checkins', 2 => 'sync all 4sq checkins past and future'); if (post_isset("done") && crumb_check($crumb_key)) { $ok = 1; if (!post_isset("sync")) { $update_error = "missing sync"; $ok = 0; } if ($ok) { $sync = post_int32("sync"); if (!isset($sync_states[$sync])) { $update_error = "invalid sync"; $ok = 0; } } if ($ok) { if ($sync != $GLOBALS['cfg']['user']['sync_foursquare']) { $update = array('sync_foursquare' => $sync); $ok = users_update_user($GLOBALS['cfg']['user'], $update); if ($ok) { $GLOBALS['cfg']['user'] = users_get_by_id($GLOBALS['cfg']['user']['id']); } else { $update_error = "db error"; } }
error_404(); } $reset_code = get_str('reset'); if (!$reset_code) { # seriously, go away... header("location: /"); exit; } $user = users_get_by_password_reset_code($reset_code); if (!$user) { $smarty->assign('error_nouser', 1); $smarty->display('page_reset.txt'); exit; } $smarty->assign('reset_code', $reset_code); if (post_isset('done')) { $new_password1 = post_str('new_password1'); $new_password2 = post_str('new_password2'); if (!$new_password1 || !$new_password2) { $smarty->assign('error_missing_password', 1); $smarty->display('page_reset.txt'); exit; } if ($new_password1 !== $new_password2) { $smarty->assign('error_password_mismatch', 1); $smarty->display('page_reset.txt'); exit; } if (!users_update_password($user, $new_password1)) { $smarty->assign('error_update_failed', 1); $smarty->display('page_reset.txt');
# http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6749.txt include "include/init.php"; features_ensure_enabled("api"); features_ensure_enabled("api_delegated_auth"); features_ensure_enabled("api_authenticate_self"); login_ensure_loggedin(); loadlib("api_keys"); loadlib("api_oauth2_access_tokens"); $crumb_key = 'access_token_authenticate_like_magic'; $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("crumb_key", $crumb_key); $perms_map = api_oauth2_access_tokens_permissions_map(); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign_by_ref("permissions", $perms_map); $ttl_map = api_oauth2_access_tokens_ttl_map(); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign_by_ref("ttl_map", $ttl_map); $step = 1; if (post_isset("done") && crumb_check($crumb_key)) { $ok = 1; $title = post_str("title"); $perms = post_str("perms"); $ttl = post_int32("ttl"); $conf = post_str("confirm"); if ($ok && !$title) { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("error", "no_title"); $ok = 0; } if ($ok && !api_oauth2_access_tokens_is_valid_permission($perms)) { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("error", "bad_perms"); $ok = 0; } # We're not going to worry about descriptions if ($ok) {
$key_row = api_keys_utils_get_from_url($key_more); $crumb_key = 'this_api_key'; $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("crumb_key", $crumb_key); $token_count = api_oauth2_access_tokens_count_for_key($key_row); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("token_count", $token_count); if (post_isset('delete') && crumb_check($crumb_key) && !$key_row['disabled']) { $conf = post_str("confirm"); if ($conf) { $rsp = api_keys_delete($key_row); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign_by_ref("delete_rsp", $rsp); } $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign_by_ref("key", $key_row); $GLOBALS['smarty']->display("page_api_key_delete.txt"); exit; } else { if (post_isset('done') && crumb_check($crumb_key) && !$key_row['disabled']) { $ok = 1; $update = array(); $title = filter_strict(post_str("title")); $description = filter_strict(post_str("description")); $callback = filter_strict(post_str("callback")); if ($ok && !$title) { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("error", "no_title"); $ok = 0; } if ($ok && !$description) { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("error", "no_description"); $ok = 0; } if ($ok && $callback) { if (!api_keys_utils_is_valid_callback($callback)) {
} } # # Okay, you buy? # if (!$ok) { $GLOBALS['error']['invalid_url'] = 1; $GLOBALS['error']['details'] = $error_details; $GLOBALS['smarty']->display('page_upload_by_url_form.txt'); exit; } # # Confirmation and/or remote fetching # $smarty->assign_by_ref('parsed_url', $parsed); $smarty->assign('url', $url); if (post_isset('confirm') && crumb_check($crumb_key)) { $label = filter_strict(post_str('label')); $private = post_str('private') ? 1 : 0; $dots_index_on = filter_strict(post_str('dots_index_on')); $more = array('label' => $label, 'mark_all_private' => $private, 'return_dots' => 0, 'dots_index_on' => $dots_index_on); if ($mime_type = post_str('mime_type')) { $more['assume_mime_type'] = $mime_type; } $rsp = import_import_uri($GLOBALS['cfg']['user'], $url, $more); $smarty->assign_by_ref('import', $rsp); } $import_formats = formats_valid_import_map('key by extension'); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign_by_ref("import_formats", $import_formats); $smarty->display("page_upload_by_url.txt"); exit;
$conf = post_str("confirm"); if ($conf) { $rsp = api_oauth2_access_tokens_delete($token_row); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign_by_ref("delete_rsp", $rsp); } $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign_by_ref("token", $token_row); $GLOBALS['smarty']->display("page_api_oauth2_token_delete.txt"); exit; } else { if (post_isset('done') && crumb_check($crumb_key)) { $perms = post_str("perms"); if (!api_oauth2_access_tokens_is_valid_permission($perms)) { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("error", "bad_perms"); } else { $update = array('perms' => $perms); if ($update_ttl = post_isset("update_ttl")) { $ttl = post_str("update_ttl"); $ttl = $ttl == '' ? -1 : intval($ttl); if ($ttl >= 0) { $update['expires'] = $ttl ? time() + $ttl : 0; } } $update_rsp = api_oauth2_access_tokens_update($token_row, $update); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign_by_ref("update_rsp", $update_rsp); if ($update_rsp['ok']) { $token_row = $update_rsp['token']; } } } else { } }