        echo ' ' . htmlspecialchars($create_user['email']);
$fieldset_data['elements'][] = array('title' => _l('Type/Department'), 'fields' => array(array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'ticket_type_id', 'value' => $ticket['ticket_type_id'], 'options' => module_ticket::get_types(), 'blank' => module_ticket::can_edit_tickets(), 'options_array_id' => 'name')));
if (class_exists('module_faq', false) && module_config::c('ticket_faq_link', 1) && module_faq::get_faq_products() > 0) {
    $fieldset_data['elements'][] = array('title' => _l('Product'), 'fields' => array(function () use($ticket, $ticket_id) {
        if (module_ticket::can_edit_tickets()) {
            echo print_select_box(module_faq::get_faq_products_rel(), 'faq_product_id', $ticket['faq_product_id']);
            _h('Use this to link a ticket to a product. Set products in Settings > FAQ. This allows you to have different FAQ items for different products. Users are shown the FAQ items before submitting a support ticket.');
        } else {
            echo friendly_key(module_faq::get_faq_products_rel(), $ticket['faq_product_id']);
        // show a button that does a jquery popup with the list of faq items and an option to create new one.
        //if(module_faq::can_i('edit','FAQ')){                                                                            echo ' ';
        echo popup_link('<a href="' . module_faq::link_open_list($ticket['faq_product_id']) . '">' . _l('FAQ') . '</a>', array('force' => true, 'width' => 1100, 'height' => 600));
if (module_config::c('ticket_support_accounts', 1) && module_ticket::get_accounts_rel()) {
    $fieldset_data['elements'][] = array('title' => _l('Account'), 'fields' => array(array('type' => module_ticket::can_edit_tickets() ? 'select' : 'html', 'name' => 'ticket_account_id', 'value' => module_ticket::can_edit_tickets() ? $ticket['ticket_account_id'] : friendly_key(module_ticket::get_accounts_rel(), $ticket['ticket_account_id']), 'options' => module_ticket::get_accounts_rel())));
$fieldset_data['elements'][] = array('title' => _l('Status'), 'fields' => array(array('type' => module_ticket::can_edit_tickets() ? 'select' : 'html', 'name' => 'status_id', 'value' => module_ticket::can_edit_tickets() ? $ticket['status_id'] : friendly_key(module_ticket::get_statuses(), $ticket['status_id']), 'options' => module_ticket::get_statuses())));
if (module_ticket::can_edit_tickets() || module_config::c('ticket_allow_priority_selection', 0)) {
    $priorities = module_ticket::get_ticket_priorities();
    if (!module_ticket::can_edit_tickets() && isset($priorities[_TICKET_PRIORITY_STATUS_ID]) && $ticket['priority'] != _TICKET_PRIORITY_STATUS_ID) {
    $fieldset_data['elements'][] = array('title' => _l('Priority'), 'fields' => array(array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'priority', 'value' => $ticket['priority'], 'blank' => false, 'options' => $priorities)));
$fieldset_data['extra_settings'] = array('owner_table' => 'ticket', 'owner_key' => 'ticket_id', 'owner_id' => $ticket['ticket_id'], 'layout' => 'table_row', 'allow_new' => module_extra::can_i('create', 'Tickets'), 'allow_edit' => module_extra::can_i('edit', 'Tickets'));
Beispiel #2
  * This is where all the magic happens.
  * We take a page name (ie: the name of the 'plugin_extra' block like 'customer') and the html_data for that page (or block, or single input element)
  * We check each of the input elements (there may be more than 1 in the html data!) to see if any of them are marked for encryption (see encrypt_field table)
  * @static
  * @param $page_name
  * @param $html_data
 public static function parse_html_input($page_name, $html_data, $edit = true)
     // find out what field names are encrypted against thie 'page_name'
     $fields = get_multiple('encrypt_field', array('page_name' => $page_name), 'field_name');
     // convert any of these encrypted fields into a ****** [lock] block.
     // first look for all text input fields (could also be date input fields!)
     if (preg_match_all('#<input[^>]*type="text"[^>]*>#imsU', $html_data, $matches)) {
         foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
             if (preg_match('#display\\s*:\\s*none#', $match)) {
             if (preg_match('#\\[new\\]#', $match)) {
             // find the id or the name of each element.
             $encrypt_field_id = false;
             $encrypt_field_name = '';
             if (preg_match('#id="([^"]*)"#', $match, $name_matches)) {
                 $encrypt_field_name = $name_matches[1];
             } else {
                 if (preg_match('#name="([^"]*)"#', $match, $name_matches)) {
                     $encrypt_field_name = $name_matches[1];
             if (isset($fields[$encrypt_field_name])) {
                 // this is an encryptable field!
                 $encrypt_field_id = $fields[$encrypt_field_name]['encrypt_field_id'];
             $existing_value = '';
             if (preg_match('#value="([^"]+)#', $match, $value_matches)) {
                 if (strpos($value_matches[1], 'encrypt:') === false) {
                     $existing_value = $value_matches[1];
             if ($encrypt_field_id) {
                 // find the "vlaue" of this input box.
                 // the value will be the id in the encrypt table.
                 // it should look something like this:
                 //    encrypt:123
                 $encrypt_id = 0;
                 // new value
                 $replace = '';
                 // what we are going to replace this with.
                 if (preg_match('#value="encrypt:([^"]*)"#', $match, $value_matches)) {
                     $encrypt_id = (int) $value_matches[1];
                     // remove the value from the input box and display our empty box on the page.
                     // rename our real box to a hidden input and give it an id so we can load our
                     // encrypt:123 value into it for submission.
                     $dummy_input = preg_replace('#value="[^"]+"#', 'value="*********"', $match);
                     $dummy_input = preg_replace('#id="[^"]+"#', '', $dummy_input);
                     $dummy_input = preg_replace('#name="[^"]+"#', 'name="nothing" disabled="disabled"', $dummy_input);
                     $replace .= $dummy_input;
                     // add our hidden input back so normal form submits work.
                     // give our hidden input an id that we can work with, so we can update it's value after saving.
                     $hidden_input = preg_replace('#id="[^"]+"#', '', $match);
                     $hidden_input = preg_replace('#type="text"#i', 'type="hidden" id="encrypt_hidden_' . $encrypt_field_id . '"', $hidden_input);
                     $replace .= $hidden_input;
                 } else {
                     // no encrypted value within this field yet.
                     // we leave the box as is, but give the user the option to encrypt whatever is in it.
                     //$dummy_input = preg_replace('#value="[^"]+"#','value=""',$match);
                     // remove any id from the box.
                     $dummy_input = preg_replace('#id="[^"]+"#', '', $match);
                     $dummy_input = preg_replace('#type="text"#i', 'type="text" id="encrypt_hidden_' . $encrypt_field_id . '"', $dummy_input);
                     $replace .= $dummy_input;
                 if (!$edit) {
                     $replace = '*********';
                 // put our hidden field in here.
                 if (self::can_i('view', 'Encrypts')) {
                     $link = link_generate(array('raw' => true, array('full' => true, 'text' => '<img src="' . full_link('includes/plugin_encrypt/images/' . (!$encrypt_id ? 'un' : '') . 'lock.png') . '" style="vertical-align:top;" border="0"> ', 'module' => 'encrypt', 'page' => 'encrypt_popup', 'arguments' => array('encrypt_id' => $encrypt_id, 'encrypt_field_id' => $encrypt_field_id, 'page_name' => $page_name, 'value' => base64_encode($existing_value), 'callback_id' => 'encrypt_hidden_' . $encrypt_field_id, 'editable' => $edit))));
                     $button = '<span class="encrypt_popup">' . popup_link($link, array('width' => 600, 'height' => 400, 'force' => true, 'hide_close' => true, 'title' => _l('Encryption'))) . '</span>';
                     $replace .= ' &nbsp; ' . $button;
                 $html_data = preg_replace('#' . preg_quote($match, '#') . '#msU', str_replace('$', '\\$', $replace), $html_data);
             } else {
                 if (self::can_i('create', 'Encrypts') && $edit) {
                     // no encrypt field for this one.
                     $element_id = '';
                     if (preg_match('#id="([^"]+)"#', $match, $id_matches)) {
                         $element_id = $id_matches[1];
                     // give them an option to encrypt this field.
                     $link = link_generate(array('raw' => true, array('full' => true, 'text' => '<img src="' . full_link('includes/plugin_encrypt/images/unlock.png') . '" style="vertical-align:top;" border="0"> ', 'module' => 'encrypt', 'page' => 'encrypt_popup', 'arguments' => array('encrypt_field_name' => $encrypt_field_name, 'page_name' => $page_name, 'value' => base64_encode($existing_value), 'callback_id' => $element_id, 'editable' => $edit))));
                     $button = '<span class="encrypt_create">' . popup_link($link, array('width' => 600, 'height' => 300, 'force' => true, 'hide_close' => false)) . '</span>';
                     $html_data = preg_replace('#' . preg_quote($match, '#') . '#msU', str_replace('$', '\\$', $match) . ' &nbsp; ' . $button, $html_data);
     // now all textareas:
     // now all select fields:
     return $html_data;