function RetrieveMainVacationRequests($filter = NULL) { $inputIsValid = TRUE; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Validate Input parameters //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($filter != NULL) { foreach ($filter as $key => $value) { if (strcmp($key, MAIN_VACATION_REQ_ID) == 0) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { error_log("Invalid MAIN_VACATION_REQ_ID of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveMainVacationRequests."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, MAIN_VACATION_EMP_ID) == 0) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { error_log("Invalid MAIN_VACATION_EMP_ID of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveMainVacationRequests."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, MAIN_VACATION_1ST_START) == 0) { if (!isValidDate($value)) { error_log("Invalid MAIN_VACATION_1ST_START of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveMainVacationRequests."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, MAIN_VACATION_1ST_END) == 0) { if (!isValidDate($value)) { error_log("Invalid MAIN_VACATION_1ST_END of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveMainVacationRequests."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, MAIN_VACATION_2ND_START) == 0) { if (!isValidDate($value)) { error_log("Invalid MAIN_VACATION_2ND_START of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveMainVacationRequests."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, MAIN_VACATION_2ND_END) == 0) { if (!isValidDate($value)) { error_log("Invalid MAIN_VACATION_2ND_END of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveMainVacationRequests."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { error_log("Unknown Filter " . $key . " passed to RetrieveMainVacationRequests."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } } } } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Only attempt to perform query in the database if the input parameters // are ok. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- $result = NULL; if ($inputIsValid) { $result = performSQLSelect(MAIN_VACATION_REQUEST_TABLE, $filter); } return $result; }
function RetrievePublicHolidays($filter = NULL) { $inputIsValid = TRUE; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Validate Input parameters //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($filter != NULL) { foreach ($filter as $key => $value) { if (strcmp($key, PUB_HOL_ID) == 0) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { error_log("Invalid PUB_HOL_ID of " . $value . " passed to RetrievePublicHolidays."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, PUB_HOL_NAME) == 0) { if (isNullOrEmptyString($value)) { error_log("Invalid PUB_HOL_NAME passed to " . "RetrievePublicHolidays."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, PUB_HOL_DATE_ID) == 0) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { error_log("Invalid PUB_HOL_DATE_ID of " . $value . " passed toRetrievePublicHolidays."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { error_log("Unknown Filter " . $key . " passed to " . "RetrievePublicHolidays."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Only attempt to perform query in the database if the input parameters // are ok. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- $result = NULL; if ($inputIsValid) { $result = performSQLSelect(PUBLIC_HOLIDAY_TABLE, $filter); } return $result; }
function RetrieveEmployees($filter = NULL) { $inputIsValid = TRUE; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Validate Input parameters //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($filter != NULL) { foreach ($filter as $key => $value) { if (strcmp($key, EMP_ID) == 0) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { error_log("Invalid EMP_ID of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveEmployees."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, EMP_NAME) == 0) { if (isNullOrEmptyString($value)) { error_log("Invalid EMP_NAME passed to RetrieveEmployees."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, EMP_EMAIL) == 0) { if (!filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { error_log("Invalid EMP_EMAIL of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveEmployees."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, EMP_PASSWORD) == 0) { if (isNullOrEmptyString($value)) { error_log("Invalid EMP_PASSWORD passed to RetrieveEmployees."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, EMP_DATEJOINED) == 0) { if (!isValidDate($value)) { error_log("Invalid EMP_DATEJOINED of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveEmployees."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, EMP_LEAVE_ENTITLEMENT) == 0) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { error_log("Invalid EMP_LEAVE_ENTITLEMENT of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveEmployees."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, EMP_MAIN_VACATION_REQ_ID) == 0) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { error_log("Invalid EMP_MAIN_VACATION_REQ_ID of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveEmployees."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, EMP_COMPANY_ROLE) == 0) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { error_log("Invalid EMP_COMPANY_ROLE of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveEmployees."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { error_log("Unknown Filter " . $key . " passed to RetrieveEmployees."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } } } } } } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Only attempt to perform query in the database if the input parameters // are ok. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $result = NULL; if ($inputIsValid) { $result = performSQLSelect(EMPLOYEE_TABLE, $filter); } return $result; }
function RetrieveCompanyRoles($filter = NULL) { $inputIsValid = TRUE; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Validate Input parameters //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($filter != NULL) { foreach ($filter as $key => $value) { if (strcmp($key, COMP_ROLE_ID) == 0) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { error_log("Invalid COMP_ROLE_ID of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveCompanyRoles."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, COMP_ROLE_NAME) == 0) { if (isNullOrEmptyString($value)) { error_log("Invalid COMP_ROLE_NAME of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveCompanyRoles."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, COMP_ROLE_MIN_STAFF) == 0) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { error_log("Invalid COMP_ROLE_MIN_STAFF of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveCompanyRoles."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { error_log("Unknown Filter " . $key . " passed to RetrieveCompanyRoles."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Only attempt to perform query in the database if the input parameters are // ok. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $result = NULL; if ($inputIsValid) { $result = performSQLSelect(COMPANY_ROLE_TABLE, $filter); } return $result; }
function RetrieveApprovedAbsenceBookings($filter = NULL) { $inputIsValid = TRUE; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Validate Input parameters //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($filter != NULL) { foreach ($filter as $key => $value) { if (strcmp($key, APPR_ABS_BOOKING_ID) == 0) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { error_log("Invalid APPR_ABS_BOOKING_ID of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveApprovedAbsenceBookings."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, APPR_ABS_EMPLOYEE_ID) == 0) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { error_log("Invalid APPR_ABS_EMPLOYEE_ID of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveApprovedAbsenceBookings."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, APPR_ABS_START_DATE) == 0) { if (!isValidDate($value)) { error_log("Invalid APPR_ABS_START_DATE of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveApprovedAbsenceBookings."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, APPR_ABS_END_DATE) == 0) { if (!isValidDate($value)) { error_log("Invalid APPR_ABS_END_DATE of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveApprovedAbsenceBookings."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, APPR_ABS_ABS_TYPE_ID) == 0) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { error_log("Invalid APPR_ABS_ABS_TYPE_ID of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveApprovedAbsenceBookings."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { error_log("Unknown Filter " . $key . " passed to " . "RetrieveApprovedAbsenceBookings."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } } } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Only attempt to perform query in the database if the input parameters are ok. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $result = NULL; if ($inputIsValid) { $result = performSQLSelect(APPROVED_ABSENCE_BOOKING_TABLE, $filter); } return $result; }
function RetrieveAdHocAbsenceRequests($filter = NULL) { $inputIsValid = TRUE; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Validate Input parameters //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($filter != NULL) { foreach ($filter as $key => $value) { if (strcmp($key, AD_HOC_REQ_ID) == 0) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { error_log("Invalid AdHocRequestID of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveAdHocAbsenceRequests."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, AD_HOC_EMP_ID) == 0) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { error_log("InvalidAD_HOC_EMP_ID of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveAdHocAbsenceRequests."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, AD_HOC_START) == 0) { if (!isValidDate($value)) { error_log("Invalid AD_HOC_START of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveAdHocAbsenceRequests."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, AD_HOC_END) == 0) { if (!isValidDate($value)) { error_log("Invalid AD_HOC_END of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveAdHocAbsenceRequests."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, AD_HOC_ABSENCE_TYPE_ID) == 0) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { error_log("Invalid AD_HOC_ABSENCE_TYPE_ID of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveAdHocAbsenceRequests."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { error_log("Unknown Filter " . $key . " passed to " . "RetrieveAdHocAbsenceRequests."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } } } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Only attempt to perform query in the database if the input parameters // are ok. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ $result = NULL; if ($inputIsValid) { $result = performSQLSelect(ADHOC_ABSENCE_REQUEST_TABLE, $filter); } return $result; }
function RetrieveDates($filter = NULL) { $inputIsValid = TRUE; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Validate Input parameters //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($filter != NULL) { foreach ($filter as $key => $value) { if (strcmp($key, DATE_TABLE_DATE_ID) == 0) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { printCallStackAndDie(); error_log("Invalid DATE_TABLE_DATE_ID of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveDates."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, DATE_TABLE_DATE) == 0) { if (!isValidDate($value)) { error_log("Invalid DATE_TABLE_DATE of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveDates."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, DATE_TABLE_PUBLIC_HOL_ID) == 0) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { error_log("Invalid DATE_TABLE_PUBLIC_HOL_ID of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveDates."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { error_log("Unknown Filter " . $key . " passed to RetrieveDates."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Only attempt to perform query in the database if the input parameters are ok. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $result = NULL; if ($inputIsValid) { $result = performSQLSelect(DATE_TABLE, $filter); } return $result; }
function RetrieveAbsenceTypes($filter = NULL) { $inputIsValid = TRUE; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Validate Input parameters //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($filter != NULL) { foreach ($filter as $key => $value) { if (strcmp($key, ABS_TYPE_ID) == 0) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { error_log("Invalid AbsenceTypeID of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveAbsenceTypes."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, ABS_TYPE_NAME) == 0) { if (isNullOrEmptyString($value)) { error_log("Invalid ABS_TYPE_NAME passed to RetrieveAbsenceTypes."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, ABS_TYPE_USES_LEAVE) == 0) { if ($value != 0 and $value != 1) { error_log("Invalid ABS_TYPE_USES_LEAVE of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveAbsenceTypes."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if (strcmp($key, ABS_TYPE_CAN_BE_DENIED) == 0) { if ($value != 0 and $value != 1) { error_log("Invalid ABS_TYPE_CAN BE DENIED of " . $value . " passed to RetrieveAbsenceTypes."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { error_log("Unknown Filter " . $key . " passed to RetrieveAbsenceTypes."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Only attempt to perform query in the database if the input parameters // are ok. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- $result = NULL; if ($inputIsValid) { $result = performSQLSelect(ABSENCE_TYPE_TABLE, $filter); } return $result; }