Beispiel #1
$consolidatedEndTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 59);
while ($hostData = $res->fetch_array()) {
    // Need to find last minute entered, and that's time after which we want to start working on consolidation
    $lastEntry = $db->fetchOne("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i') as `last_time` FROM `ping-summary` WHERE host_id = {$hostData['id']} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
    $consolidateStartTime = '2000-01-01 00:00';
    if (!empty($lastEntry)) {
        $consolidateStartTime = $lastEntry['last_time'];
    $q = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i') `minute` FROM `ping-result` WHERE host_id = {$hostData['id']} AND time > '{$consolidateStartTime}:59' AND time < '{$consolidatedEndTime}' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i') ORDER BY id ASC";
    $minutes = $db->query($q);
    while ($minute = $minutes->fetch_array()) {
        //        echo "\rWorking on {$hostData['description']} ({$hostData['id']}) at {$minute[0]}...";
        $q = "SELECT IFNULL(ping_ms, 1000) FROM `ping-result` WHERE host_id = {$hostData['id']} AND time BETWEEN '{$minute[0]}:00' AND '{$minute[0]}:59'";
        $ping = $db->fetchCol($q);
        $q = "INSERT INTO `ping-summary` (time, host_id, min, max, avg, perc50, perc80, perc90, perc95, perc98, percent_timeout) VALUES\n        ('{$minute[0]}:00', {$hostData['id']}, " . min($ping) . ", " . max($ping) . ", " . round(array_sum($ping) / count($ping), 1) . ", " . perc($ping, 50) . ", " . perc($ping, 80) . ", " . perc($ping, 90) . ", " . perc($ping, 95) . ", " . perc($ping, 98) . ", " . getTimeoutPercentage($ping) . ")";
        $q = "DELETE FROM `ping-result` WHERE host_id = {$hostData['id']} AND time BETWEEN '{$minute[0]}:00' AND '{$minute[0]}:59'";
    //    echo "\n";
function perc($sortedArray, $percentile)
    $idx = ceil($percentile * count($sortedArray) / 100) - 1;
    return $sortedArray[$idx];
function getTimeoutPercentage($ping)
    $values = array_count_values($ping);
    if (empty($values['1000.000'])) {
Beispiel #2
			<td class="lower">' . perc($actual['1v1']['defend'] - $theor['1v1']['defend']) . '</td>
			<td class="lower">' . perc($actual['2v1']['defend'] - $theor['2v1']['defend']) . '</td>
			<td class="lower">' . perc($actual['3v1']['defend'] - $theor['3v1']['defend']) . '</td>
			<th colspan="1" rowspan="3">2</th>
			<td>' . perc($actual['1v2']['attack'] - $theor['1v2']['attack']) . '</td>
			<td>' . perc($actual['2v2']['attack'] - $theor['2v2']['attack']) . '</td>
			<td>' . perc($actual['3v2']['attack'] - $theor['3v2']['attack']) . '</td>
		<tr class="alt">
			<td>' . perc($actual['1v2']['defend'] - $theor['1v2']['defend']) . '</td>
			<td>' . perc($actual['2v2']['defend'] - $theor['2v2']['defend']) . '</td>
			<td>' . perc($actual['3v2']['defend'] - $theor['3v2']['defend']) . '</td>
			<td> -- </td>
			<td>' . perc($actual['2v2']['both'] - $theor['2v2']['both']) . '</td>
			<td>' . perc($actual['3v2']['both'] - $theor['3v2']['both']) . '</td>
// TODO: possibly add game stats ???
echo get_header($meta);
echo get_item($contents, $hints, $meta['title']);
echo get_footer();