function compose($o)
     patchworkPath('zcache/', $o->zcacheDepth);
     $app = array();
     foreach ($GLOBALS['patchwork_path'] as $k => $v) {
         pStudio::isAuthApp($v) && ($app[$k] = $v);
     $o->apps = new loop_array($app, array($this, 'filterApp'));
     return $o;
 protected static function createConfiguration($dsn)
     $conf = new \Doctrine\ORM\Configuration();
     $cache = new $CONFIG['doctrine.cache']();
     return $conf;
 function compose($o)
     $db = patchworkPath('data/geodb.sqlite3');
     $db = new PDO("sqlite:{$db}");
     $sql = $this->get->q;
     $sql = '*' == $sql ? '' : lingua::getKeywords($sql);
     $sql = substr($db->quote($sql), 1, -1);
     switch ($a = substr($sql, 0, 3)) {
         case 'agi':
         case 'ayi':
             if ('os ' == substr($sql, 3, 3)) {
                 $sql = substr($sql, 5);
                 $sql = "search GLOB 'agios{$sql}*' OR search GLOB 'ayios{$sql}*'";
         case 'st ':
             $sql = 'saint ' . substr($sql, 3);
             $sql = '' === $sql ? 1 : "search GLOB '{$sql}*'";
     $sql = "SELECT city_id, city FROM city WHERE {$sql} ORDER BY rowid";
     $o->cities = new loop_city_($db, $sql, 15);
     return $o;
 static function loadClass($req)
     if (50300 <= PHP_VERSION_ID && PHP_VERSION_ID < 50303) {
         // Workaround
         isset($req[0]) && '\\' === $req[0] && ($req = substr($req, 1));
     $lc_req = strtolower(strtr($req, '\\', '_'));
     $amark = $GLOBALS["a�"];
     $GLOBALS["a�"] = false;
     $bmark = $GLOBALS["b�"];
     // Step 1 - Get basic info
     $i = strrpos($req, '__');
     $level = false !== $i ? substr($req, $i + 2) : false;
     $isTop = false === $level || '' !== trim($level, '0123456789');
     if ($isTop) {
         // Top class
         $top = $req;
         $lc_top = $lc_req;
         $level = PATCHWORK_PATH_LEVEL;
     } else {
         // Preprocessor renammed class
         $top = substr($req, 0, $i);
         $lc_top = substr($lc_req, 0, $i);
         $level = min(PATCHWORK_PATH_LEVEL, '00' === $level ? -1 : (int) $level);
     self::$preproc || (self::$preproc = 'patchwork_preprocessor' === $lc_top);
     // Step 2 - Get source file
     $src = '';
     if (($customSrc =& self::$prefix) && ($a = strlen($lc_top))) {
         // Look for a registered prefix autoloader
         $i = 0;
         $cache = array();
         do {
             $code = ord($lc_top[$i]);
             if (isset($customSrc[$code])) {
                 $customSrc =& $customSrc[$code];
                 isset($customSrc[-1]) && ($cache[] = $customSrc[-1]);
             } else {
         } while (++$i < $a);
         if ($cache) {
             do {
                 $src = array_pop($cache);
                 $src = $i < $a || !is_string($src) || function_exists($src) ? call_user_func($src, $top) : $src;
             } while (!$src && $cache);
     if ($customSrc = '' !== (string) $src) {
     } else {
         if ('_' !== substr($top, -1)) {
             $src = self::class2file($top);
             $src = trim($src, '/') === $src ? "class/{$src}.php" : '';
     $src && ($src = patchworkPath($src, $a, $level, 0));
     // Step 3 - Get parent class
     $src || ($a = -1);
     $isTop && ++$level;
     if ($level > $a) {
         do {
             $parent = $top . '__' . (0 <= --$level ? $level : '00');
         } while (!($parent_exists = self::exists($parent, false)) && $level > $a);
     } else {
         $parent = 0 <= $level ? $top . '__' . (0 < $level ? $level - 1 : '00') : false;
         $parent_exists = false;
     // Step 4 - Load class definition
     $cache = false;
     if ($src && !$parent_exists) {
         $cache = self::class2cache($top . '.php', $level);
         $current_pool = false;
         $parent_pool =& self::$pool;
         self::$pool =& $current_pool;
         if (!(file_exists($cache) && (self::$turbo || filemtime($cache) > filemtime($src)))) {
             if (self::$preproc) {
                 file_exists($cache) && unlink($cache);
                 copy($src, $cache);
             } else {
                 Patchwork_Preprocessor::execute($src, $cache, $level, $top, $isTop, false);
         $current_pool = array();
         try {
             // Force fatal errors to be always reported
             $src = error_reporting(error_reporting() | E_PARSE | E_ERROR | E_CORE_ERROR | E_COMPILE_ERROR);
         } catch (Exception $cache) {
             throw $cache;
         if ($parent && self::exists($req, false)) {
             $parent = false;
         if (false !== $parent_pool) {
             $parent_pool[$parent ? $parent : $req] = $cache;
     // Step 5 - Finalize class loading
     $code = '';
     if ($parent ? $code = self::exists($parent, true) : self::exists($req, false) && !isset($GLOBALS["c�"][$lc_req])) {
         if (false !== ($a = strrpos($req, '\\'))) {
             $ns = substr($req, 0, $a + 1);
             $req = substr($req, $a + 1);
             $parent = substr($parent, $a + 1);
             $lc_req = substr($lc_req, $a + 1);
             $lc_ns = strtolower(strtr($ns, '\\', '_'));
         } else {
             $ns = $lc_ns = '';
         if ($parent) {
             $code .= " {$req} extends {$parent}{}\$GLOBALS['c�']['{$lc_ns}{$lc_req}']=1;";
             $parent = strtolower($parent);
             if ($ns && function_exists('class_alias')) {
                 $code .= "\\class_alias('{$ns}{$req}','{$lc_ns}{$lc_req}');";
             if (isset(self::$abstracts[$lc_ns . $parent])) {
                 $code = 'abstract ' . $code;
                 self::$abstracts[$lc_ns . $lc_req] = 1;
         } else {
             $parent = $lc_req;
         if ($isTop && class_exists($ns . $parent, false)) {
             $a = "{$ns}{$parent}::i�";
             if (defined($a) ? $lc_req === constant($a) : method_exists($ns . $parent, '__init')) {
                 $code .= "{$parent}::__init();";
             $a = "{$ns}{$parent}::f�";
             if (defined($a) ? $lc_req === constant($a) : method_exists($ns . $parent, '__free')) {
                 $a = "\\Patchwork_ShutdownHandler::\$destructors[]='{$lc_ns}{$parent}';";
                 PHP_VERSION_ID < 50300 && ($a[0] = ' ');
                 $code .= $a;
         if ($ns) {
             $req = $ns . $req;
             $parent = $lc_ns . $parent;
             $lc_req = $lc_ns . $lc_req;
             $ns = substr($ns, 0, -1);
             $ns = "namespace {$ns};";
         if ($code) {
             eval($ns . $code);
     if (!self::$turbo || self::$preproc) {
         self::$preproc && (self::$preproc = 'patchwork_preprocessor' !== $lc_top);
     if (class_exists('Patchwork_Preprocessor', false) && Patchwork_Preprocessor::isRunning()) {
     if ($code && isset($GLOBALS["c�"][$parent])) {
         // Include class declaration in its closest parent
         $src = self::parseMarker($GLOBALS["c�"][$parent], "\$GLOBALS['c�']['{$parent}']=%marker%;");
         list($src, $marker, $a) = $src;
         if (false !== $a) {
             if (!$isTop) {
                 $i = (string) mt_rand(1, mt_getrandmax());
                 $GLOBALS["c�"][$parent] = $src . '*' . $i;
                 $code .= substr($marker, 0, strrpos($marker, '*') + 1) . $i . "';";
             $a = str_replace($marker, $code, $a);
             $cache === $src && $current_pool || self::write($a, $src);
     } else {
         $a = false;
     if ($cache) {
         if ($current_pool) {
             // Add an include directive of parent's code in the derivated class
             $code = '<?php ?' . '>';
             $a || ($a = file_get_contents($cache));
             if ('<?php ' != substr($a, 0, 6)) {
                 $a = '<?php ?' . '>' . $a;
             $a = explode("\n", $a, 2);
             isset($a[1]) || ($a[1] = '');
             $i = '/^' . preg_replace('/__[0-9]+$/', '', $lc_req) . '__[0-9]+$/i';
             foreach ($current_pool as $parent => $src) {
                 if ($req instanceof $parent && false === strpos($a[0], $src)) {
                     $code = substr($code, 0, -2) . (preg_match($i, $parent) ? 'include' : 'include_once') . " '{$src}';?" . ">";
             if ('<?php ?' . '>' !== $code) {
                 $a = substr($code, 0, -2) . substr($a[0], 6) . $a[1];
                 self::write($a, $cache);
         $cache = substr($cache, strlen(PATCHWORK_PROJECT_PATH) + 7, -11);
         if ($amark) {
             // Marker substitution
             list($src, $marker, $a) = self::parseMarker($amark, "\$a�=%marker%");
             if (false !== $a) {
                 if ($amark != $bmark) {
                     $GLOBALS["a�"] = $bmark;
                     $marker = "isset(\$c�['{$lc_req}'])||{$marker}";
                     $code = ".class_{$cache}.zcache.php";
                     $code = addslashes(PATCHWORK_PROJECT_PATH . $code);
                     $ns = empty($ns) ? '' : '\\';
                     $code = "isset(\$c�['{$lc_req}'])||{$ns}patchwork_include('{$code}')||1";
                 } else {
                     $marker = "\$e�=\$b�={$marker}";
                     $i = (string) mt_rand(1, mt_getrandmax());
                     $GLOBALS["a�"] = $GLOBALS["b�"] = $src . '*' . $i;
                     $i = substr($marker, 0, strrpos($marker, '*') + 1) . $i . "'";
                     $marker = "({$marker})&&\$d�&&";
                     $code = $customSrc ? "'{$cache}'" : $level + count($GLOBALS['patchwork_path']) - PATCHWORK_PATH_LEVEL;
                     $code = "\$c�['{$lc_req}']={$code}";
                     $code = "({$i})&&\$d�&&({$code})&&";
                 $a = str_replace($marker, $code, $a);
                 self::write($a, $src);
Beispiel #5
 protected function getToken()
     $token = patchworkPath($this->queueFolder) . $this->queueName . '.token';
     //XXX user right problem?
     file_exists($token) || file_put_contents($token, p::strongId());
     return trim(file_get_contents($token));
Beispiel #6
 function getPdoConnection()
     $db =& $this->getStatic('db');
     if ($db) {
         return $db;
     $q = $this->getQueueDefinition();
     $file = patchworkPath($q->folder) . $q->name . '.sqlite3';
     $sql = file_exists($file);
     $db = new PDO('sqlite:' . $file);
     if (!$sql) {
         foreach ($q->sql as $sql) {
     $db->def = $q;
     return $db;
 static function getProcessedPath($file, $lazy = false)
     if ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
         false !== strpos($file, '\\') && ($file = strtr($file, '\\', '/'));
     if (false !== strpos('.' . $file, './') || '\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR && ':' === substr($file, 1, 1)) {
         if ($f = realpath($file)) {
             $file = $f;
         $p = $GLOBALS['patchwork_path'];
         for ($i = PATCHWORK_PATH_LEVEL + 1; $i < count($GLOBALS['patchwork_path']); ++$i) {
             if (0 === strncmp($file, $p[$i], strlen($p[$i]))) {
                 $file = substr($file, strlen($p[$i]));
         if (count($GLOBALS['patchwork_path']) === $i) {
             return $f;
     $source = patchworkPath('class/' . $file, $level);
     if (false === $source) {
         return false;
     $cache = self::file2cache($file, $level);
     if (file_exists($cache) && (self::$turbo || filemtime($cache) > filemtime($source))) {
         return $cache;
     Preprocessor::execute($source, $cache, $level, false, true, $lazy);
     return $cache;
 static function __init()
     self::$db = new PDO('sqlite:' . patchworkPath('data/geodb.sqlite3'));
 static function readfile($file, $mime = true, $filename = true)
     $h = patchworkPath($file);
     if (!$h || !file_exists($h) || is_dir($h)) {
         user_error(__METHOD__ . "(..): invalid file ({$file})");
     $file = $h;
     if (true === $mime) {
         $mime = strtolower(strrchr($file, '.'));
         $mime = isset(self::$contentType[$mime]) ? self::$contentType[$mime] : false;
     $mime || ($mime = isset(p::$headers['content-type']) ? substr(p::$headers['content-type'], 14) : 'application/octet-stream');
     $mime = strtolower($mime);
     $head = 'HEAD' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
     $gzip = p::gzipAllowed($mime);
     $filter = $gzip || $head || !$CONFIG['xsendfile'] || in_array($mime, self::$ieSniffedTypes_edit) || in_array($mime, p::$ieSniffedTypes_download);
     header('Content-Type: ' . $mime);
     if ($filename) {
         $filename = basename(true === $filename ? $_SERVER['PATCHWORK_REQUEST'] : $filename);
         $size = false;
         if (!$filter) {
             // Force IE>=8 to respect attachment content disposition
             header('X-Download-Options: noopen');
         // It seems that IE assumes that filename is represented in its local system charset...
         // But we don't want to introduce "Vary: User-Agent" just because of this.
         if (('POST' === $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] || p::$private) && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') && !strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Opera') && preg_match('/[\\x80-\\xFF]/', $filename)) {
             if (stripos(p::$headers['content-type'], 'octet-stream') && preg_match('#(.*)(\\.[- -,/-~]+)$#D', $filename, $size)) {
                 // Don't search any rational here, it's IE...
                 header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . rawurlencode($size[1]) . str_replace('"', "''", $size[2]));
             } else {
                 $filename = Patchwork\Utf8::toAscii($filename);
         $size || header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . str_replace('"', "''", $filename) . '"');
         // If only RFC 2231 were in use... See
         //header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*=utf-8''" . rawurlencode($filename));
     } else {
         if (false !== strpos($mime, 'html')) {
             header('P3P: CP="' . $CONFIG['P3P'] . '"');
             header('X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block');
     $size = filesize($file);
     p::$ETag = $size . '-' . p::$LastModified . '-' . fileinode($file);
     p::$LastModified = filemtime($file);
     p::$binaryMode = true;
     class_exists('SESSION', false) && s::close();
     class_exists('adapter_DB', false) && \adapter_DB::__free();
     $gzip || ob_start();
     $filter && ob_start(array(__CLASS__, 'ob_filterOutput'), 32768);
     // Transform relative URLs to absolute ones
     if ($gzip) {
         if (0 === strncasecmp($mime, 'text/css', 8)) {
             self::$filterRx = "@([\\s:]url\\(\\s*[\"']?)(?![/\\\\#\"']|[^\\)\n\r:/\"']+?:)@i";
             ob_start(array(__CLASS__, 'filter'), 32768);
         } else {
             if (0 === strncasecmp($mime, 'text/html', 9) || 0 === strncasecmp($mime, 'text/x-component', 16)) {
                 self::$filterRx = "@(<[^<>]+?\\s(?:href|src)\\s*=\\s*[\"']?)(?![/\\\\#\"']|[^\n\r:/\"']+?:)@i";
                 ob_start(array(__CLASS__, 'filter'), 32768);
     if ($filter) {
         $h = fopen($file, 'rb');
         echo $starting_data = fread($h, 256);
         // For p::ob_filterOutput to fix IE
         if ($gzip) {
             if ($head) {
             $data = '';
             $starting_data = false;
         } else {
             $data = ob_get_clean();
             $size += strlen($data) - strlen($starting_data);
             $starting_data = $data == $starting_data;
     } else {
         $starting_data = true;
     if (!$head) {
         if ($starting_data && $CONFIG['xsendfile']) {
             header(sprintf($CONFIG['xsendfile'], $file));
         } else {
             if ($range = $starting_data && !$gzip) {
                 header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
                 $range = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']) ? p\HttpRange::negociate($size, p::$ETag, p::$LastModified) : false;
             } else {
                 header('Accept-Ranges: none');
             if ($range) {
                 p\HttpRange::sendChunks($range, $h, $mime, $size);
             } else {
                 $gzip || header('Content-Length: ' . $size);
                 echo $data;
                 feof($h) || fpassthru($h);
     $filter && fclose($h);
Beispiel #10
 function compose($o)
     $o->DATA = file_get_contents(patchworkPath('public/__/fckeditor/src/fckeditor.js'));
     return $o;
 protected function getSubpaths($dirpath, $low, $high)
     $paths = array();
     $depth = $high;
     $isTop = 1;
     do {
         if (!pStudio::isAuthApp($GLOBALS['patchwork_path'][PATCHWORK_PATH_LEVEL - $depth])) {
         if ('' !== $dirpath) {
             $path = patchworkPath($dirpath, $depth, $depth, 0);
         } else {
             if ($depth < 0) {
                 if (!pStudio::isAuthRead('class')) {
                 if (isset($paths['class'])) {
                 } else {
                     $paths['class'] = array('name' => 'class', 'isTop' => $isTop, 'isDir' => 1, 'ancestorsNb' => 0, 'depth' => $depth);
             } else {
                 $path = $GLOBALS['patchwork_path'][PATCHWORK_PATH_LEVEL - $depth];
         if (!$path || $depth < $low) {
         $h = @opendir($path);
         if (!$h) {
         while (false !== ($file = readdir($h))) {
             if ('.' !== $file && '..' !== $file) {
                 if (isset($paths[$file])) {
                 } else {
                     $isDir = is_dir($path . $file) - 0;
                     if (!pStudio::isAuthRead($dirpath . $file . ($isDir ? '/' : ''))) {
                     $paths[$file] = array('name' => $file, 'isTop' => $isTop, 'isDir' => $isDir, 'path' => $path . $file, 'ancestorsNb' => 0, 'depth' => $depth, 'appname' => pStudio::getAppname($depth), 'isApp' => $isDir && file_exists($path . $file . '/config.patchwork.php'));
         $isTop = 0;
     } while ($depth >= $low);
     usort($paths, array($this, 'pathCmp'));
     return $paths;
Beispiel #12
 protected function setPath()
     $this->path = patchworkPath('public/__/files/');
     $this->path && ($this->watch[] = 'public/files');